"Bolin!" Mako cried out as he smacked his brother's hand away from his plate. Bolin laughed loudly, reaching back again to steal a dumpling off the Firebender's plate.
The boys started fighting each other with their utensils over the table, bickering about who knows what. Asami, sitting next to her boyfriend, quickly grabbed Mako's arm to sabotage him. Bolin snagged more food, smiling victoriously.
Korra tried to smile along from her place next to Bolin, but her head felt heavy against her hand. She laughed along with her friends, but there was a nagging deep in her chest.
Korra was bored.
After she had confronted Amon at Avatar Aang Memorial Island, Korra had returned to the Temple with more fear than ever before. Except the next day a news article quickly found itself to her home. Amon was dead. After leaving the Island, Amon had captured Councilman Tarrlok, and their remains were found next to the shell of a boat.
The Equalists hadn't been too happy about that, but over the last few months their rallies and attacks had all but disappeared. A few showed up every now and again, but Korra and her friends were quick to end them.
The four of them had decided, back when Amon was confirmed dead, to join up as a team. Bolin had exuberantly declared them the new Team Avatar, and Mako and Asami had been quick to agree.
Watching Mako and Asami together, Korra wrote off her crush as immature. It still hurt, but she gave Mako up. She didn't want anything to come between them, especially since their friendship was so new, so she kept her feelings to herself.
After meditating for a few weeks, she found herself gaining access to the Spirit World. And a week later, she was able to Airbend for the first time.
While in the Spirit World, Korra had asked Avatar Aang why she was suddenly able to Airbend. He told her she had been selfless, and that was all she had needed to succeed.
Without knowing it, Mako had helped her overcome her bending block.
She never told her friends this fact, instead telling them that her meditation had paid off.
But now, with very few threats in Republic City, Korra felt like there was nothing for her in the city. Sure she had her team, and Tenzin and his family, but without someone to fight, Korra felt useless.
And that made her feel bored.
"Korra, are you alright?" Bolin asked, shoving her shoulder with his.
Korra mentally shook her head and smiled at her best friend. "I'm fine, Bo." She looked back down at her place, and her eyes widened at her empty plate. "Did you…?"
Bolin laughed, throwing his arm around her shoulder. "I'm a growing boy!" he said loudly.
"Hey we can get you some more." Mako said, glaring at his brother.
Korra shook her head. "Nah, I'm really not that hungry."
"You haven't eaten anything the last few times we've gone out."
Her eyes narrowed. "I'm eating more at the Air Temple."
Bolin squeezed his arm tighter around her shoulders. "But they don't serve meat there. And you love meat."
"Maybe I'm becoming a vegetarian." Korra shot back, wiggling her way from under his arm.
Asami held up her hands, smiling. "Let's go to my place and hang out. I can ask some of the cooks to make you some meat, Korra."
Korra joined in on the laughter then, her slight anger quickly disappearing. Asami placed some Yuans down on the table as everyone filed out of the booth. They exited Narook's into the streets, running to the opposite sidewalk as they dodged the Satomobiles.
Mako and Asami walked hand in hand in front of Korra and Bolin, who swung their hands together to mock the couple. When Mako swung his arm around Asami's shoulder and kissed her temple, Bolin went into a loud monologue about how perfect Korra was before dipping her into a small pile of snow.
Korra was still laughing with Bolin as she bent the water from her clothes. Mako raised his eyebrow at them, but neither of them said anything.
Asami drove them back to her house in her personal Satomobile, throwing the keys to one of her assistants after she killed the engine.
"Oh, can you tell the head cook to make some food? With meat?" Asami called over her shoulder.
The man nodded, "Weren't you just out to eat, Miss Sato?"
"Yes, but the Avatar wants some more food." The man's eyes widened, but he quickly jogged back to the house.
Bolin laughed. "That's something I could get used to," he said easily, throwing a big grin at the young heiress.
The three friends followed Asami through the maze of rooms until they reached one of the recreation rooms where they hung out most of the time. Bolin started doing impersonations, ignoring his brother's glare.
"Avatar Korra!" A squeaky voice suddenly yelled as a figure burst through the door. "I was told I could find Avatar Korra here."
"I'm here," the young girl said, trying to bring herself up to her full height to look powerful. It didn't really work with Mako standing so close to her. In fact, all of her friends had come to surround her.
Korra quickly recognized the person as Tarrlok's assistant. Well, at least they were before Tarrlok's death.
"A wire came for you, Avatar Korra. It's from the United Forces." The assistant said, handing Korra a piece of paper before leaving.
"Iroh?" Korra asked herself, a smile spreading along her lips. "It's from Iroh!" She yelled, whirling on her heel and throwing her arms around Mako. He was stiff for a few seconds, but as soon as he returned her embrace, she jumped out of it, sitting down on one of the couches.
Bolin sat next to her, peering at the paper over her shoulder. "Whose Iroh?"
"The Fire Lord's son," Korra murmured, her eyes scanning the sheet. "He sometimes tags along with the United Forces. He wants to be the General of it someday. But he's only eighteen right now. He must have been on the ship when he sent it."
Mako leaned over the back of the couch. "How do you know him?"
"His grandfather trained me in Firebending."
"Zuko?" Asami asked.
"Yeah." Korra reread the letter again, her smile only growing larger. "Yes!"
Korra jumped up from where she was sitting and started dancing around the room, ignoring the questioning gazes from her friends.
"Korra," Bolin said, laughing. He stood up, gripping her shoulders to get her to stop moving, but she kept bouncing in place. "What did the letter say?"
"He's returned to the Fire Nation! And he invited us to go visit him!" Korra said, grinning.
"Us?" Asami repeated, her eyebrows furrowing. "Why wouldn't he just invite you?"
Korra shrugged. "He must have heard about us on the radio and through the newspaper. It's not like we're invisible in the world." She turned to face her friends, a huge grin on her face. "What do you say, guys? Vacation at the Fire Nation?"
"I don't know," Mako said, glancing quickly at his brother. Korra was sure the Firebender was nervous about leaving the only home the brother's had ever had. Especially because they technically had no ties here, there was nothing linking the brothers anywhere.
They had no parents, and their home was above the arena. They could leave if they wanted to, but who was to say anything would be waiting for them when they got back?
"Aw, come on, Mako!" Korra said, grabbing his hands. "It'll be good to get away from the stress of the city. Don't you want to go a few days without an Equalist threat?"
His eyes flickered to their joined hands and then back to her face, which had her lips turning into their signature pout, and sighed. "Okay, I'm in."
"Yes!" Korra cried, turning her attention to Bolin. "What about you, Bolin?"
He met her smile easily. "You know I can never say no to you, Kor."
"Sure," the young heiress said immediately. "I could go for a vacation. My father has me working on some new Satomobile prototypes. I'm in the garage for hours. The Fire Nation sounds lovely."
Korra smiled at her friends. "It's agreed then. We'll leave tomorrow!" The Avatar grabbed her parka and quickly ran out of the room, already planning what to pack.
"Wait, tomorrow?" Mako cried behind her. Korra simply laughed.
"Are you sure you have everything packed? Do you know how long you're staying? Do not neglect your training-"
"Tenzin, stop!" Korra said, smiling at her Airbending Master. He had been grilling her for the past few minutes as they stood in front of Oogi.
His four children were there, (Pema had given birth to a baby boy a few weeks ago), and Pema was carrying the baby.
Mako, Asami, and Bolin were walking up the steps. Bolin and Mako each had a small duffle thrown over their shoulders, and Mako was carrying one of Asami's three suitcases. Korra looked down at the bag she was bringing. She wouldn't need much.
"In answer to your questions, Tenzin," Korra said, her smile still on her face. "Yes, I have everything packed. No, I don't know how long we'll be staying. And yes, of course I won't forget about my training."
Tenzin's stern expression softened as he smiled at her. "I mean it, Korra. You're still a fledgling Airbender. Don't forget about your training exercises."
As her friends reached the Sky Bison, Korra threw her arms around Tenzin in a huge hug. He chuckled as he hugged her back. The Avatar gathered Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo in one big hug, and then embraced Pema before kissing Rohan on the forehead.
"Thank you all," Korra said. "I'll see you soon."
She airbent herself onto the saddle, and Mako handed her all of their luggage. She strapped it down at the back of Oogi's saddle before telling her friends to climb into the saddle from Oogi's tail.
Korra took her place at the front of the Sky Bison, giving the Airbending family one last wave before calling out, "Yip yip!" to get Oogi airborne.
"This," Bolin said breathlessly, "Is the coolest thing ever!"
"If by cool you mean terrifying!" Asami said, clutching Mako's arm. He was sitting against the back of the saddle, his arms crossed. Korra rolled her eyes. Stoic as always.
Oogi flew quickly through the sky, and Korra guessed from the map Tenzin had given her that they would arrive to the Fire Nation that night.
"Have you ever been to the Fire Nation, Korra?" Mako asked after a few hours of silence.
Korra shook her head. "Before Republic City, I'd never left the compound. Zuko and Iroh came to visit me." Korra laughed lightly. "My father did not react well to having a teenage boy near me all the time."
"But you were trained by Zuko! He's like, the greatest Firebender ever!"
"Yeah," Korra said, throwing a grin over her shoulder towards her friend. "By the time they left after a few months, Iroh couldn't beat me in a spar anymore."
It had been dark for hours by the time Korra and her friends saw the Fire Nation Palace.
After Avatar Aang ended the war, and the new species of Sky Bison were discovered, stables were put up all over the world to accommodate any Airbenders or Acolytes. There was one a few feet away from the entrance to the Palace, and Korra expertly maneuvered Oogi to the stable.
She jumped down from her post, hands on her hips as she watched Mako and Bolin unpack the luggage.
"You'd never be able to tell that that was my first time ever flying a Sky Bison," she said, grinning at her accomplishment.
Her friends all looked at her with wide eyes. "That was the first time you've ever flown a Sky Bison?" Asami repeated, her features drawn out in worry.
"Yeah! And nothing happened to us!" Korra said.
"Avatar, could that really be you?" A voice said from behind Korra.
She turned around, her hands still on her hips, but her face lit up when she registered whom it was in front of her. "Iroh!" she called out, throwing herself into his embrace. He spun her easily, matching her large grin, as they broke apart.
She ruffled her hair. "It's good to see you too, Avatar."
"Iroh," Korra said, pulling the boy forward by his wrist. "These are my friends, Mako, Bolin, and Asami. Or, Team Avatar, when you include me," she gave him a cocky grin, and he rolled his eyes at her.
"It's an honor to meet you all," the Crown Prince said. He wasn't dressed in the usual robes though, and he didn't have the topknot in his hair. Oh yeah, Korra remembered, he never liked those robes.
"Pleasure," Asami said. Mako and Bolin shook his hand after he bowed at the heiress.
Iroh smiled at her. "I've heard wonderful things about Future Industries. I hope you get those new motorbike prototypes working soon."
Asami's smile molded into an expression of disbelief. "How did you know about that?"
"I have contacts all over the world through my family. I know secrets of your business that you may not know," Iroh said, winking at her. "Now, allow me to show you to your rooms."
A few of the Palace's servants took their luggage and began trailing behind the group as Iroh led them through the Palace.
"You'll have to excuse the restlessness." Iroh said quickly, gesturing to the servants sprinting through the hallways. "There's a small dispute in the Earth Kingdom, and my mother and grandfather are disagreeing about how to handle it."
"Don't worry about it," Korra said easily, swinging their hands between them.
He grinned down at her. "Alright. Well you will all be staying on the second floor, in a few of the guest rooms." He said as he led them up a winding set of stairs. They came to a narrow hallway with open doors on each side. "You will find your luggage in your respective rooms, but if you do not like your room, you are welcome to move to any of the others."
"Where do you sleep?" Korra asked, pulling her parka over her head. It was hot in the Fire Nation.
Iroh pointed towards the ceiling. "Fourth floor. Across from my mother and down the hall from my grandfather. It isn't the greatest thing in the world."
"Thank you for letting us stay with you," Mako said as he turned into one of the rooms.
Iroh took Asami's outstretched hand and kissed the back of it. "I hope you all enjoy your stay," he said as Bolin and Asami went to their respective rooms.
Korra laughed, slinging her parka over her shoulder. "You know she's dating Mako?"
"The stoic, brooding one." Korra said, smirking as recognition lit his eyes.
He laughed quietly with her. "I know. I saw the way he wrapped his arm around her shoulders after we spoke near Oogi. You'd have to be blind not to see that."
Korra smiled at him. "You have no idea how great this is. I was so bored in Republic City without any kind of job to do, and now I'm here! It's almost like a dream. Thank you for inviting us."
"Of course," Iroh said, pulling her into a hug. "Anything for a second chance at hanging out with you." He and Zuko had left the compound six months early after getting a dire message from their Palace.
The Avatar suddenly yawned, using her fist to block her mouth. "I'll see you in the morning, okay?"
He ruffled her hair again. "Sure thing, kid."
She pushed his hand away and pouted. "Stop that. And stop calling me 'kid'. You're not even a year older than me."
"I'm still older, Avatar." He said, spreading his arms to their full length.
"Loser!" Korra coughed into her hand, flashing an innocent smile at him.
"Just for that," Iroh said, his smile morphing into a smirk, "I'll make sure you and your friends get a nice, early, wake up call tomorrow."
"No, Iroh!" Korra whined, but he merely laughed as he dashed away through the hallway. "Jerk," she muttered with a smile.
Korra poked her head into the room in front of her and was relieved to find her things in there. She was way too tired to go room hunting in a foreign palace. She quickly changed into her night things, pulled her hair bands out, and settled into the giant bed in the room.
Her mind wandered back to Republic City for a moment, but her worry quickly melted away when she remembered that Lin and Tenzin were still there to squash any minor problems. Korra fell asleep easily, already dreading the early wake up call.
A/N: What have you done? :O You've finally pressured me into writing a Korroh fic. Okay, so a few things I should mention, especially if you're coming from my fic Unknowing. Or just a few things in general.
1. Iroh is Lu Ten (Unknowing). I just changed his name to avoid doing a crossover.
2. He is 18, and currently training to be the General of the United Forces
3. He has the same personality as my Lu Ten, so this Iroh is going to be very, very OOC from the actual show.
4. Yes, Amon is dead. Yes, Korra can airbend.
This takes place right after Episode 4, so Korra's feelings for Mako weren't full-blown love. A little crush that she let go of in order to maintain her friendships.
You guys probably don't realize how much I love you. I had never dreamt of shipping Korroh, (Or Korruten), but you guys broke me down. I still don't ship it, but I'm willing to write it for you. You also don't know how weird it is to not be writing for your OTP.
Well, let me know what you think so far.(: