Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar!
After returning to Republic City from being at the South Pole for a short bit, both Mako and Korra learned that their new relationship was not without difficulties, as both suspected it would be filled with. With Korra being the Avatar and Mako being a new cop, they spent more and more time apart than together and at the end of the day, it was that much harder for the pair to see each other, to just be together like two kids their age always wanted to be.
It took months to find a balance between their lives together and their work. Neither of them wanted their jobs to interrupt the short, precious moments they had together, but seeing as how different things were always pulling them away from each other, it was seemingly impossible.
Countless fights and unofficial break ups occurred before they decided they were being naive and stupid – that they shouldn't be acting so immature with the time they had together. So, while it took a few years and tears, a balance was found and formed between the two, a mutual understanding that they needed to stay true to their jobs, but at the same time, also to each other.
Their balance simply shifted a bit for a growing family a few years later, a long while after they had been wed. Just like all the other challenges in their lives, they would find a way to safely accommodate their lives to a new baby without throwing their delicate balance off. It was all just a process, one they would face head on, together.
Author's Notes: Painfully short because I just don't have it in me to write today (day late DX). :P