This is not mine, I have just translated it. During the process of translating this, I first translated it raw and then rewrote so it could be better understood, in the process of doing so something's have been added so if any of you also speak French and have read the original please don't freak out thinking that I have changed it. I tried my best to stay as close to the original that I possibly could. I any of you speak both French and English had would wish to help me I would be most appreciative, just message me the part you have translated and tell me where that part is :). please DO NOT follow this story, favorite this story, review this story or favorite me as an author or follow as me as an author, if you wish to do any of this please do it to the original story which is also on . Now please enjoy

Title: Beauty and the Beast

Chapter 3: Ice cream for two

Author: Alounet

Rating: T

Category: Romance/Friendship

Paring: Sebastian/ Chandler

Warning: It's cute, it's slash!

Disclaimer: All the characters in these chapters belong to RIB!

(Sorry I'm not going to do the notes, I have a lot of things going on and I only have time for translating the story, plus the notes are probably irrelevant by now. Sorry again.)

The two boys arrived early in the afternoon to the Lima public park. There were a lot of families already there, enjoying the sung, fresh air and relaxing during this summer holiday. Chandler bought hot dogs from a street bendor and gave one to Sebastian.

"I bet you've never tasted anything like this!" Chandler laughed, after handing this food to the brunet.

"A hot dog? Are you kidding, I used to loved these things when I was little." Sebastian said raising an eyebrow.

"Then eat!" The blond encouraged, looking at the Dalton boy with big blue eyes.

Sebastian pushed the offering toward the other boy.

" Could never eat this, I'll get fat, I wouldn't be able to eat anything for a week just to get my figure back." The taller one said, making a face at it.

"Come on, please!" The boy pleaded, looking at him like puss in boots from Sherk.

"How am I going to seduce the twinks of Lima if I can't fit into my super sexy skinny jeans?" Sebastian complained.

"Then you'll just have to get bigger pants. I can go with you and help you get new ones if you want." Chandler suggested, still trying to get him to eat the hot dog.

"Absolutely not. I wouldn't dream of going shopping with you" Sebastian retorted.

Chandler simply smiled, taking a bite of his hot dog. He pushed up his glasses as he waited for Sebastian to eat some of his. Practically forced, the Warbler reluctantly sunk his teeth into his hot dog.

"See! That wasn't so hard! I would get us some ice cream afterwards, but then I wouldn't have enough money for the bus." The blond explained as he chewed.

Sebastian was about to leave, but then noticed the boy adjusting his hot dog. It was really strange, Sebastian didn't really mind doing stuff with Chandler , why did he feel this way?

"I could take you, my car is parked next to the cafe" He said, looking away.

"Oh no, that's awfully nice, but I..."Chandler began.

"I'm not saying you have to," The brunet insisted, " I'm just stating a fact."

A sly smile blossomed on Chandler face, but he just continued to eat his hot dog. Sebastian sat down on a bench which Chandler joined him shortly. The two continued to eat, not saying anything at all. After what Sebastian said earlier that day, the blond had eased up on his never ending stream of words.

"What are you trying to suffocate yourself with your hot dog?" Sebastian asked, thinking maybe it was the food that was keeping him so quite.

"What?" The blond asked, not understanding what Sebastian was talking about.

"I've never seen you be so calmed, it's weirding me out." The brunet said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, it just that I know I have time now." Chandler responded.

"Time for what?" The Dalton boy asked, it was his turn to be confused.

"To talk to you." Chandler said.

"And what makes you think that?" Sebastian asked.

"I just know I have time." Chandler said, giving Sebastian a teasing smile.

Sebastian finished his food, and threw away his trash before standing up.

"Are you done? Can we go?" Sebastian asked, crossing his arms crossed his chest.

"Yes, and go?" Chandler said.

"Never mind." Sebastian muttered under his breath.

Sebastian made his way to the park as Chandler threw his trash away and ran up to catch up to the brunet. He followed the Dalton until they reached the ice cream shop.

"Choose." The brunet almost ordered as they entered into the shop.

"Oh, you don't have to..." Chandler stuttered.

" If you don't choose your going to find something else in your mouth instead of ice cream." Sebastian half threatened, but tried not to be too mean about it.

Chandler turned scarlet and mumbled, "Vanilla-chocolate."

Sebastian took out a five dollar bill and gave it to the cashier, ordering a vanilla-chocolate ice cream and a lemon sorbet for himself. They walked away, devouring their ice cream.

"What was it know...the first..." Chandler asked, hiding behind his glasses, not meeting the brunet's eyes as he asked the questions.

"The first time I slept with a guy?" Sebastian suggested, very comfortable with the subject.

"I'm sorry, it's just...I can't really talk about this to anyone...and I...I..." Chandler explained turing the bright shade of red.

"I know, shut up," Sebastian said it didn't sound mean and all more like humorous, "I'd love to tell you that it was perfect and that it was the most memorable experience in my life, but I'd be lying."

Chandler was surprised by this response, he hoped that maybe his response would make Sebastian feel better.

"What's done is done, I've learned not to live with regrets, but if I had a friend and if I had to give that person some advice..." Sebastian continued.

Chandler looked up at the brunet with large blue eyes.

"I would tell them not to rush anything and don't do anything the other person doesn't want to do." Sebastian said, looking into those eyes.

"But what if at first they want to, you it... and then when they're in front of you and they suddenly say they're not gay?" Chandler asked shyly.

"Nothing at all, you just send them home with their tail between their legs and you forget that dirty bastard." Sebastian growled, disgusted at the thought.

Sebastian contiuned to lick his ice cream while Chandler was lost in thought.

"I've never really been anyone's boyfriend. I'm not saying this because I'm unhappy, no, no. I'm just saying it because it's a fact, and something like that...I don't think it'll ever change." Chandler added after some thought.

"Stop your whining and bullcrap.." Sebastian hissed as he ate.

"But I..." Chandler tried to say ,but Sebastian cut him off.

"Hush I said. Who cares if you have a boyfriend or not, what you should have is confidence. Confidence helps give you charm, and charm makes people attracted to you and when people are attracted to you you'll find a guy. A guy that you'll write your own love story together with roses and all that crap. End of story" Sebastian said, moving his hands as he talked.

Sebastian then began to walk on, Chandler following behind, protesting, "That's easy for you to say Mr. Sebastian I can get anyone into my room Smythe."

It was the first time Sebastian had ever heard the blond talk this way. He looked to see the blond smile out of the corner of his eye.

"No bad Blondie." Sebastian snorted.

"Blondie? Why am I Blondie?" Chandler asked, adjusting his beanie.

"Because that's the best nickname I can come up with right now. It was either that or Microbe." The brunet explained, wearing a smirk on his face.

"I like Microbe." Chandler said, smiling up at the Dalton boy.

Sebastian finished his ice cream and ruffled Chandlers hair.

"I'll take you home, hurry up and finish your ice cream." Sebastian laughed as he watched the shorter one fix his hair.

"Okay." Chandler answered.

Chandler seemed to be disappointed that this day was over. He quickly finished his ice cream and the two boys left the park and made their way to the cafe when Sebastian was parked.

"What are you plans for tomorrow afternoon.? Not that I want to know everything that you do, you know, just curious, but if you're busy I would understand perfectly, after all your not obliged to share everything you do-" Chandler said, rambling as he usually did.

"You again!." Sebastian said, becoming slightly. "Get it the car before I change my mind and take you outside the city, kill you and bury to protect the nation of incessant flow of speech."

"Understood." Chandler said blushing and he got into the red car, which was a gift from Sebastian's father before he left for Europe.

While the brunet was about to get into the driver's side he saw a familiar figure on the other side of the street looking in his direction. It was Kurt Hummel, bags in his hands, accompanied by a blond boy. He looked curious. Sebastian said hello to him by giving him a sly smile before getting into his car and driving off.