This is not mine, I have just translated it. During the process of translating this, I first translated it raw and then rewrote so it could be better understood, in the process of doing so something's have been added so if any of you also speak French and have read the original please don't freak out thinking that I have changed it. I tried my best to stay as close to the original that I possibly could. I any of you speak both French and English had would wish to help me I would be most appreciative, just message me the part you have translated and tell me where that part is :). please DO NOT follow this story, favorite this story, review this story or favorite me as an author or follow as me as an author, if you wish to do any of this please do it to the original story which is also on . Now please enjoy
Title: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 1: A boy named Chandler
Author: Alounet
Rating: T
Category: Romance/Friendship
Pairing: Sebastian/Chandler
Warnings: it's cute, it's slash!
Disclaimer: The characters in these chapters belong to RIB!
Notes: While waiting to see the next and final episode of Glee, season 3 I asked Soniania if she had a prompt for me to keep me busy...obviously, she had one! (Meanwhile I saw she posted her newest creation "Flash", I advise you to go read it!)
Anyway, her challenge was to write him a Sebastian/Chandler fic and include a specific sentence...The problem was I started to write, and write..until I realized that the more I wrote the more the story became even more interesting it needed more chapters! And so this is what it's become...enjoy reading and please review!
For the first time in 17 years, Sebastian Smythe wasn't going to spend his summer holidays in Europe or any other exotic location in the world. No, his father had decided to go alone this time - with his new girlfriend- his father convinced that Sebastian would rather spend his time working to own his own money and learning things about life.
At first the brunet laughed, but soon he stopped, his mood souring when he realized that his father was dead serious.
The school year then ended, he watched as many of his classmate went off to spend their own summer holidays. He wanted to say goodbye to everyone, it was not that he was sad to see them go, after all they would meet again in September anyway. Moreover, even though Sebastian was popular and surrounded by people almost all the time, he didn't have any real friends.
It was the first morning of summer vacation, Sebastian didn't drag himself out of bed until ten o'clock, he got up and went to a nice cafe a few blocks from his house. He had gone there one night and met some boys, and in the back room they had a lot CDs and other things related to music. As a lover of music and the leader of the Warblers, this was the perfect place for him.
He had just entered the cafe and already his day had turned badly, very badly. His phone in his left pocket buzzed, he reach in and pulled it out to see who it was that had sent him a text massage, The brunet, however, didn't notice a young man who had walked in front of him, they crashed into each other violently.
Sebastian stood still, motionless on both legs, the other boy was not so fortunate , who ,unbalanced, stumbled and spilled hot chocolate on the Warbler's shoes.
"Oh! I'm really, really sorry," The young man with glasses apologized immediately "I wasn't looking where I was walking, This is all my fault, my Mom always said that I should wear a second pair of glasses to help me see when I walk. Looks like my mom was right, but I really am sorry."
Sebastian didn't know what annoyed him more; the fact that his shoes were ruined because of this moron or that the idiot that had fallen on the floor was talking wilding and didn't seem to be stopping at anytime soon?
" I could lend you a pair of shoes, but I don't have my gym bag with me, which makes sense sense I'm not in school or sports anymore because I'm on vacation and..."
"Stop!" Sebastian yelled, some clients looking at them, "Could you just stop for a second and stop talking!"
The boy was immediately silent, picking up the cup he had dropped and stood up facing the brunet, although Sebastian was much taller than he was. The blond put his glasses back on, pushing them up properly, then looked up into the brunet's eyes.
"I'm sorry..." The boy said
"Stop saying that! All you're talking about is making me tired, I shouldn't be tired before eleven." the taller boy growled.
Sebastian passed by the blond, looking at him with disgust, but even so the boy called out to him and asked, "'re not Sebastian Smythe are you? The leader of the Warblers?"
interested in how this strange knew who he was, Sebastian turned to face him again. the brunet looked closer at the boy in front of him; glasses, untidy blond hair, looks that could scare. It could not have been one of the boys he had met before. he definitely didn't not know this boy.
"Maybe, do I know you?" Sebastian asked.
"No, of course not. How could you? I'm Chandler. Chandler Kiehl" The boy introduced himself.
Chandler held out his hand to the other young man. Sebastian acting as if nothing had happened and Chandler continued.
"I'm a big fan of music, which is why I come to this cafe, the back room is great, they have an a lot of impressive..."
They boy had begun talking again not really saying anything and not stopping.
" Is it possible to take out you're batteries?" Sebastian asked annoyed with the boy's constant talking.
"Batteries?" Chandler inquired before it hit him, "Oh, excuse me. Everyone says I talk a lot."
"Really? I wonder why anyone would tell you that!" The warbler retorted with sarcasm.
"Anyway," Chandler said, "I saw you at Regionals facing the New Directions. You were good, really good even."
Sebastian loved it when people complimented him and inflated his ego, even though the one who was a moron who seemed to be from a different dimension.
"I've always been good, next year, I'll lead them to Nationals." The brunet said confident.
"I'm sure," Chandler replied with a silly smile on his face. "I should buy you coffee! As an apology for the shoes I mean, I have... damaged them a little and..."
" No, I don't need a gremlin like you offering me coffee, it would make you think that I have some sort of a interest in you and I defiantly am not in anyway." Sebastian spat out.
Chandler gave the young man a surprised look and asked him, "How did you know I was gay?"
Sebastian wanted to just laugh, the boy just scream 'gay'.
"The face that you're all by yourself is a slight indication. it's like say "Hey, look, I'm gay and desperate."
"I'm not desperate," The blond said defending himself, his smile falling, the same smile that had been on his face since they started this conversation.
Sebastian scolded himself right after he said those words. Ever since the incident with Dave Karofsky and the words that had hurt the teen so much that he had attempted suicide, Sebastian had promised to be nicer to people wither they were physically attractive or not, so he tried to make up for it, "Being desperate isn't all that bad. Have you ever watched Desperate Housewives?"
" I love that series!" The young man chirped becoming engrossed in this conversation."I cried so much during the last episode...I did the personality test to figure out which Housewife I was, The one I'm closest to is Susan by 68%. Can you believe that?"
"Only 68%" Sebastian wondered to himself, "I'd say 100%."
"Which character are you?" Chandler asked excited.
Sebastian found it strange to be standing here in the middle of the cafe, talking to a complete stranger who he wasn't even interested in. He replied anyway, "Gaby, I'm a bitch, I'm sexy, I'm selfish, I'm materialistic, and I accept that."
"I love Gabrielle," Chandler said, "but that's not all she is, sure she has many flaws, but for her family and friends she is ready for anything, even to sacrifice herself and she's funny"
Sebastian was silent for many seconds. The words that blond said to him stuck in his head. No one would ever suspect it, but he had a "nice" side to him, although he would never show it to anyone.
"I'm sure I annoy you and you'd rather be doing anything besides argue with me. I'm still really sorry about your shoes" Chandler said giving him a small wave and began to walking toward the backroom, Sebastian watched the blond go as he himself walked towards the counter.
He ordered a cappuccino and asked the waitress to bring him a hot chocolate as well. He didn't know why he did this, but it seemed to be the best thing he could do and so he did it without thinking.
Two drinks in hand he proceeded to walk to the backroom. He saw Chandler who was listening to music. Sebastian approached him and quickly placed the hot chocolate in front in front of the boy , or rather on the small table were brochures were spread out.
Chandle immediately took off the head phones, watched as a hot chocolate was placed in front and as Sebastian walked away. His mouth was wide open, the blond couldn't say anything, not understanding what this small gesture meant.
The boy grabbed his hot chocolate and followed the brunet to the pop-rock section.
"I...thank you for the chocolate, but you shouldn't have...Why?" The blond asked confused.
"Don't make me regret buying it for you,' The brunet replied irritated as he checked out a different CD, "After all it was my fault you dropped it."
"Maybe it's you who is intrested in me?" Chandler said laughing, he was not serious because he knew it was impossible.
Sebastian however took it literally, replying, "The day that happens is they day you'll see me dressed as a Pokemon!"
"I love Pokemon!" Chandler chirped, beginning his long rant, "But only the first five season of the anime were any good, the moment they decided to change the heroines in each story arc I was done with it and there are so many Pokemon now that even I have trouble remembering all their names..."
Unable to shut him up, Sebastian grabbed the first headphones that he could find and put them on. Rock music replaced the voice of the annoying blond. The Warbler was finally free. How could such a crazy kid exist? The brunet closed his eyes and let himself be carried away by the music, completely forgetting about the blond. After a few minutes, he put the head phone back where he had found it and then saw Chandler busy texting on his phone.
"No way, you actually have a Silent mode?" Sebastian asked in unbelief.
"It's my little sister, she wants to know if I can bring her something. it's kind of sad being of vacation, leaving all of her friends and she has to stay home...with my mom and dad working all summer." Chandler explained.
The boy was incredible, he was here telling Sebastian all about his private life and family and Sebastian had never even asked him.
" I should probably go back home to her. She's only 10, she can fend for herself, but I'm always so worried about her..." The blond continued to explaine.
"Don't hold back on my account." Sebastian said.
Chandler smiled again, extending a hand to the brunet, "Maybe next time Sebastian?"
"Next time could you not ruin my shoes?" The brunet replied wryly, shaking the hand that was extended to him.
little did Sebastian know, he had just agreed - by the handshake- to the beginning of a strange relationship with an even stranger boy.