Hi everyone. This is not an update, unfortunately.

First of all, I AM SO HAPPY THAT WE'RE CANON, YOU GUYS! I have shipped Sasuke and Sakura ever since Wave Country and to see my number one pairing together after all these years is such a good feeling. When I first heard about chapter 699 and 700, I couldn't believe it. I figured that it was one of those 'desperate fans seeking Sasusaku' moments so I ignored it because the false alarms before were disheartening. Then I saw the chapters. I couldn't stop smiling for days. I got the boost of inspiration I needed to crank out a chapter of 'Phone Calls.' Then school happened and other interests in writing became a priority. I had finished half of the chapter and before I could get back to it, my brother tells me that my computer that I had saved my stories to needed an upgrade. A completely new hard drive would delete my stories and I would have to start over. I moved all my files and totally forgot that I had saved the new chapter to the old hard drive and it was deleted.

I WAS PISSED. I went back to my writing as usual and have been trying to remember what I wrote verbatim. It was easier to put up my new stories because I had started those after the hard drive fiasco.

But enough about my rant. I hope to finish 'Phone Calls' soon after my quarter is finished. There's still a few weeks left. I decided to let you guys know that I'm not giving up on this. I didn't give up on Sasusaku during all the problems and plot of the manga. I'm not gonna do it now! I hope you all still want to read this. It's coming to an end soon, but there are loose ends that need to be tied. And I'll be adding a new character XD

I'll be back soon!