Kurt was walking down the halls, past the numerous lockers, when suddenly he was shoved into a locker with a crash.

"Watch it queer!" Kurt looked up to see 2 huge guys in red Letterman jackets walking off, laughing.

Kurt had known who he was since he was 7, he'd known he was different from other boys, always wanting to have tea parties instead of playing rough games like football. He was proud of the fact he was different, unique but it was times like these that he wished that he was more normal...wished he fit in more...wished he was straight.
Kurt slowly picked himself off the ground from where he'd fallen, his whole left side aching from the impact, he knew there would be yet another bruise to go along with all the other ones he had collected from the many locker slams and dumpster dives.
Seeing as it was the last class of the day, Kurt decided to skip English, for the sole reason he just felt fed up with school, all including the majority of the students, teachers and whole waste of time of most classes.
He hopped into his car and began to drive home but then detoured on route to the Lima Bean, feeling the need for a strong coffee after the day he'd just had.

Kurt got home a little earlier than usual but it was okay because no one else was home, he presumed that Burt and Carole were working and Finn was either coming home or at football practice, so he decided to go take a long hot shower, they always helped him to de-stress. He went to hi room, undressed and went into the en-suit and set the shower to one of the warmest settings and got in, letting the warm water run over him.
When he got out, he wrapped a towel around his waist and went back into his room to get changed but Burt was sitting on his bed.

"Hey Kurt, what do you want for dinner?" Burt asked,

Kurt looked slightly relieved, not knowing what he'd expected.
The teen walked over to his drawers, picking out something to wear, with his back turned to his dad.
Kurt was about to respond when he heard a gasp, he turned around to see Burt coming over to him, placing a delicate hand on his arm,

"What the hell happened to your arm and back?"

"Shit" thought Kurt, he had forgotten all about the bruises on his back from the last few locker shoves, including the latest one, which had resulted inthe huge greeny-blue bruise that had formed on his left arm.

"Kurt, who did this to you?" Burt asked again, his warning tone told Kurt that he couldn't lie his way out of this if he tried.

"I...um...I got shoved into a locker, that's all!" Burt's face suddenly turned angry, so Kurt hastened to add, "Don't worry! It happens all the time!"

These words did nothing to Help the situation, in fact, it just made Burt more appalled .

"Why didn't you tell me anything before? I could have done something, heck, I'll do something right now! We are going to that school and we are sorting this out!"

Kurt quickly shook his head,

"No! Dad, they can just say it was an accident! Please dad? I'll sort it out tomorrow, okay?"

Burt looked at his son, thinking that he shouldn't have to sort anything out, he's just a kid, but the man agreed on one condition,

"You have to tell me if anymore of these "locker shoves! happen okay? Burt said, pulling Kurt into a hug.

After a moment Kurt whispered, "I promise."

The next morning Kurt was walking to school when Karofsky came out of nowhere and shoved him to the ground whilst saying,

"Hey , faggot, don't let me catch you round here again or else." Karofsky glared at Kurt for a minute before walking off.

Kurt was in a daze of what just happened, he heard a car coming but it didn't stop, then he saw a hand come out of nowhere, so Kurt looked up to see the most beautiful man he'd ever seen smiling down at him with a mixture of warmth and concern. Kurt gladly took it and got up off the ground which he had just realized he'd still been lying on, but he'd just gotten lost in the strangers gorgeous honey eyes. Then the Samaritan talked, his deep, velvet voice ringing through Kurt's ears.

"I'm Blaine."