Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Bones or Smallville just the one I made up for this story, Please don't sue... ;)

Interior, The Castle, Hallways

Green Arrow is crawling around the top of the large duct system that runs throughout the inside of the structure. He sees a couple squads making their way through the hallways. He decides he's going to grab one of them, get some information from him. He sees one of the guys straggling a bit jogging to catch up to the rest of the group. 'This is an easy decision...' he thinks to himself. The one squad starts to move before the guy can fully catch up.

Just as they round a corner, Ollie takes the opportunity. He hooks a line to one of the fixtures and repels down, landing in a dark corner near the soldier. Arrow grabs him, with one hand over the soldiers mouth and the other around his shoulders, pulling him into the corner. The soldier immediately spins to get out of the hold. Once free, he turns to his assailant, and lays a nasty right hook on him knocking him on his ass. He looks down, shocked to see some dude in, what looks to him to be, a green leather hoodie, shades, with a quiver on his back. The shock only lasts a moment, though, as the green hooded man quickly sweeps the soldier's feet out from under him.

As the soldier falls, Arrow is getting back to his feet. The soldier now realizes that he is going to have to take this costumed freak a little more seriously. Realizing he needs to get outside ASAP, he brings his foot up to plant it in this guys groin. Arrow easily dodges the attack and positions himself to bring his foot down on this man's chest to pin him. This soldier rolls out of the way and is immediately on his feet again.

He takes a fighting stance and swings at Green Arrow, only to miss as he dodges the blow. But behind that blow was another coming up, towards Ollie's chin. Arrow didn't see it in time and was knocked against the wall. This soldier, now realizing he has the upper hand, grabs the cuffs off his belt and slaps one on Ollie's left wrist. Before he could get the other one, Arrow took out his bow and gut punched his target. The soldier doubles over in pain as he backs against the wall.

Ollie is now pushing his bow up against the man's throat. He takes out a stunner arrow and holds the tip close to this man. He gets a stern look on his face, he's tired of dealing with this, it was supposed to be simple get in and out with Booth and worry about the rest later, "WHERE ARE THEY?!" The soldier responds, even through the voice scrambler, he sounds confused, "Where's who?" Arrow isn't in the mood for games, "Agent Booth and General Lane! What cells are they in?" This man is no longer going to take this crap. He brings his knee up and goes right for Ollie's jewels.

Direct hit. Arrow stumbles back. This soldier takes the arrow from his hand and points it at Ollie, "And, who the hell are you?" Ollie straightens himself up. The soldier takes advantage of his assailants condition and grabs both his wrists, slapping the other cuff on behind a pipe, restraining him. He looks over the vigilante and asks again, "I said, 'Who the hell ARE you?' This time try answering the question and I might let you go." Ollie realizes that this person, based on the way he handles himself, isn't your typical run of the mill grunt. Arrow starts to work a small tool out of back of his belt, as he does he decides to try to distract the man in black while he picks at the locks on the cuffs. "I'm the one that's going to take you down. And this time for good!" The soldier looks at his captive, "And just how do you think you're going to do that when you're the one chained to the pipe?"

Ollie is not having as much luck picking the cuffs as he thought he would. But he does notice that there is something moving in the shadows behind the soldier. He sees two points on the top of the shadowy figures head and realizes who it is. He decides to stall the soldier instead as the Batman slowly creeps up on his captor. "You know it looks like we got off on the wrong foot here, I'm the Green Arrow." The soldier cocks his head to the side at the mention of the name, "That weirdo vigilante from Metropolis with a Robin Hood complex?" God, Ollie hates the Robin Hood jokes, "Yes, I am the protector of Metropolis." The soldier continues his interrogation, "Protector? You know how many warrants there are for your arrest? For B&E, assault and battery, and grand theft? I could get a nice chunk of change for turning you in."

Just then Batman gets behind the soldier as a smile creeps across Ollie's face. Rather than knocking him out, like he thought the Bat would do, He sees his black gloved hand reach for the top of the soldier's mask, and pulls it off. To Ollie's surprise, it was Agent Booth.

Booth immediately turns around and is now face to face with Batman, both seem equally built, and both ready for a fight if need be. Arrow, upon realizing who he just attacked, speaks up, "Agent Booth! We came here to get you out!" Booth whips back around to face Arrow, "And why should I believe you?" Arrow stops for a moment, he impulsively tries to go for a pouch on his belt, momentarily forgetting he was cuffed, "Ugh... okay if you could, there is a small earpiece in the pouch on my right side, grab it and put it in your ear, tap it and say 'Booth to Watchtower'." Booth looks at Arrow quizzically, he goes for the pouch and finds the earpiece, he sticks it in his ear. He hesitates for a moment before trying to use the device, "Booth to Watchtower..." He was startled to hear a voice come back, "Watchtower here, please hold Agent Booth, someone here has been anxious to talk to you!"

Kent Farm, Kansas

Bones hears Chloe reply to Booth, and immediately runs over to her. Chloe hands her an earpiece, and transfers the call to it. Brennan immediately puts it in her ear, "Booth?! You're alive!" Booth replies, "Are you okay Bones? How's Christine?" Bones, just happy to hear her lover and protector once again, "We're fine Booth," She sees Lois doing her broadcast, "Is General Lane with you?" Over the earpiece they hear Batman reply, "He isn't with us, I have not yet been able to locate him." Bones is just relieved that they were able to find Booth, but part of her heart is still heavy as she thinks of what Lois is going through. Having dealt with a father with a secret life, herself, she knows the ache of not knowing what kind of danger he may be in.

The Castle, Interior

Seely has some questions about his current predicament, but he realizes that they can wait for later. Booth readies his weapon, looks at the men that were there to liberate him, then speaks into his new communicator, "I love you Bones, I'll be home soon." She replies, "I love you too Booth, be careful." He replies, "I will Bones, give Christine a hug and kiss for me." With that he closes the comm line and turns to his would be liberators, "We need to find General Lane and get out of here." Batman replies, "I searched the cells and the only person I came across was the guard you left behind. The cell that was supposed to contain Lane was empty." Booth looks around as he ponders that for a moment, "Well we need to get moving then." He turns back around to find that Batman has disappeared, leaving him and Arrow to find their way out.

The Castle, Courtyard

Clark has rejoined the fray only this time he knows that Booth has been secured so he can open up a bit more. He starts targeting all the weapons turrets along the wall with his heat vision, taking them out one by one. J'onn is helping him out by taking out the soldiers that are running the turrets. As more of the soldiers are taken down the Flash has been tasked with removing them from the facility so they can destroy it once this operation has completed. Clark taps his comm piece, "Superman to Manhunter." J'onn replies, "Manhunter here." Superman, still worried about his father-in-law, "See if you can locate General Lane, we need to make sure he's safe before we demolish this place." The Martian simply replies, "Roger." as he phases himself and flies into the facility.

Booth is on his way home, and what happened to Gen. Lane? Stay Tuned!

A/N: Sorry so late on this chapter, I am going to try to get more up as time goes on but wanted to at least update the story before the year was up.