As Big Mac wheeled me down for my scan, I found it so incredibly awkward. Dylan just stared at me as I went past, as did Noel, Nick, Lenny, and Dixie. Dixie walked over to my bed.
"You alright love?" She asked me, concerned. I smiled at her.
"Im fine." I said, wanting her to stop worrying. That face made me want to hug her! She was so caring towards everyone.
"What happened?"
"Im just sick." I told her and she looked at me funny. "And I got knocked out by a drunk, and passed out in the staff room."
"Oh bless ya!" She said to me and hugged me. I winced as she did so. "So where are you off to?"
"To have a CT scan." I said glumly, wishing it would come back clear.
"Well, I hope all goes well love." She said to me, patting me on the shoulder. I realised it was quite sore; probably from hitting the floor when the drunk guy hit me.
The scanner was horrible. I had to lay there for what seemed to be forever while that huge circular machine wurred around me. It didn't help me headache at all, but I knew it would be worth it in the long run. I continued to lay there and think about my day.
So I come to work, sick, and didn't go home when I should have. I just should have gone home when I was told to, because otherwise I wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't have been hit by a drunk, and I wouldn't have passed out infront of two of my collegues. And I wouldn't be sat here having a CT scan to check and see if my head is alright!
They pulled me out of the CT scan a while later to my relief, and I sighed with happiness. Tom greeted me as they put me back on the trolley and he helped Big Mac wheel me back down and into a cubicle.
"Do you know the results yet?" I asked Tom.
"Oh Sam." He shook his head. "You know that it takes at least half an hour for them to go through the scan and give you the results."
"Oh yeah." I said, leaning back against the bed. I exhaled and wiped my forehead, and Tom took a seat next to me.
"Thanks for everything today." I said, sitting up to him. I had only just realised how good looking he actually was.
"Its absolutely fine." He smiled at me. Now that was a smile...
"You shouldn't be running around looking after me." I shook my head at him, and my eyes began to water reliving the events in my head.
"Hey hey. Don't cry." He said, putting his hand under my chin and lifting my head to see into his eyes. It was there and then that we felt a connection.
"Sorry." I said, wiping the tears away. "Just fed up of being ill."
"Everyone gets fed up with being ill." He said, still looking into my eyes, and I leaned over the side of the bed to get closer to him. He did the same until out faces were centimeters away.
"Oh my god." I said, loving this. I really liked him, but I think I scared him. He pulled away.
"Sorry sorry. Took that a bit too far." He said, blushing.
"No no. I.. liked it." I said, also blushing, and slowly he returned to his original position.
We got so close that our noses were touching, but then someone had to ruin the moment and walk straight in.
"Oh. Sorry!" Zoe said, leaving the room again.
"No Zoe its fine." I sighed. We were so close to kissing then, and I was mentally kicking Zoe out of the room.
"I have your CT results." She said, raising her eyebrow at me whenever Tom wasn't looking.
"How did you get them so fast?" I asked.
"I work here and I was extremely concerned about a great friend." She said, and I thanked her.
"Its no problem." She smirked at me, still looking at the both of us. "Well you will be happy to know that it came back clear."
"Thank god." Tom said, and then Zoe looked at him. He coughed and looked away from her.
"Great." I smiled, genuinely happy that I didn't have any permanent damage. "So I can go?"
"We would like to keep you in for observation."
"Im discharging myself." So I find myself injured when I could have avoided it, and now I was declining medical treatment.
"Are you sure you want to?" Tom asked.
"Yes. Im fine." I said, and they had heard that too much today already.
"Right, well I will go and get the discharge forms..." Zoe said, and watching us as she left.
"Where were we?" I asked Tom, and he smiled. He leaned in to me and I leaned into him. I touched my lips to his and we gasped at the contact. We deepened the kiss and before I knew it, he had pulled away. "What?" I asked him, already missing the contact.
"I can hear Zoe." He said, and sure enough, you could hear her heels clipping along the floor.
"Oh." I said, and layed back down on the bed.
"I will take you home if you want. My shift is just about to finish."
"That would be great." I smiled at him, and Zoe opened the curtain. I could tell by her face that she was disappointed that she didn't catch us doing anything.
"Here you go." She said, giving them to me. I signed them and handed them back to her. "You are free to go."
"Nick has organised for you to stay off work the rest of this week." She explained to me and I groaned. "Everyone was worried about you when they saw you."
"I know. I could see it on all of their faces." I told her. "Do I have to stay off work for a whole week?"
"Nick suggests that you do." Zoe said. "But I don't see why you can't come in if you are feeling better."
"Good." I said. "I will do that."
"If you are sure." Zoe said.
"Thanks Zoe." I said.
"My pleasure." She replied and left the room, and me and Tom kissed again. I could officially say that I had moved away from mine and Dylans relationship, even though we were still legally married...
"Lets get you home." Tom said, helping me off of the bed where he steadied me as I swayed. He hugged me and I gratefully hugged him back. He took hold of my hand and we walked out to the reception area. The looks on my collegues faces were the funniest thing I had seen in a long while. But then I saw Dylan. He looked hurt. But there wasn't anything I could do. I had moved on from my relationship with him and he had to accept that now, even though the breakup was my fault.
We walked out of the ED together, and he took me home.