Chapter 11

"So he's just gonna stay like that?" Stiles ask standing next to her, his eyes never leaving the figure of Jackson Whittemore in front.

"He's monitored in here, so if there's any signs of him waking or transitioning into the Kanima, we'll know." she explained and Stiles rand a hand throw his short buzz cut,

"I dunno about this Bee," he said and turned to face her, "isn't this dangerous? or illegal?"

"It's not going to be for long and besides, what were you two going to do that wouldn't be illegal?" she questioned and stared at the sleeping Jackson. The girls had cleaned and set him up her fathers lab. Lennox made sure that though he was being detained, he would be comfy, so she ensured he was on the travel bed. Right now he was sedated, but if needed there were chains. Snake or not, he wouldn't be able to escape. No one would. Kirby unconsciously rubbed her wrists as she looked at them before shaking her head, completely missing what Stiles had said

"Hey, are you alright?" Stiles asked and she nodded with a smile,

"I'm fine, lets go talk, Allison should be here by now." she took a final once over of the room before turning to leave, but Stiles grabbed her hand,

"Hey, Kirby," he said and she turned to face him with a smile that barely even touched her eyes, "I know you've had this amazing make over that covers a lot of things that have changed about you, but I can still tell when you're not happy. Hell, it killed me seeing when you weren't happy before you left, but I understand: There are just some things you can't say," her face fell at his mention of noticing her emotions, but he was fumbling with his words like classic Stiles and she couldn't help but allow herself a real smile, "but I'm here and- what? did I say something stupid?" she bit her lip and shook her head before she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him, "Was not expecting this if I'm honest." he laughed as he held her close,

"We need a night where we eat junk and play video games with Scott." she said and pulled away and he had a grin on his face,

"Now I'm definitely down with that, but you're hosting this time," he said and she chuckled, "I can only bet what Amy-Lee can set us up with!"

"You have no idea bro." she grinned as they made their way into the lounge where Kate was handing Allison a glass of water.

"So basically... We need to help Jackson resolve his issue to then become an actual werewolf?" Scott asked and Kate nodded,

"A thousand hours of therapy, I could have told you that." Stiles commented and Lennox had to chuckle before silencing herself from the looks she received from her team.

"It could be his parents," Allison suggested and Amy-Lee was tapping away at her tablet, "His real parents." Kirby felt her brows knot together as her head tilted to the side, Stiles then asked what was going through her head:

"Does anyone actually know what happened to them?" he looked between his two friends and her and they all shrugged,

"Maybe I can find something in his records..." Amy-Lee muttered to herself before readjusting her glasses.

"Until then, we work together on this alright?" Kate asked and the boys nodded, Allison off in thought, "Everything okay there Allison?"

"I'm trying to think of a way to let you guys know if I find anything out from my family..." she queried and Kate smiled before she pulled out two small devices out from her jacket pocket and placed them in front of Scott and Allison,

"Our numbers are all logged there, but be careful what you two send because Amy is automatically BCC'd in an e-mail on her tablet." she explained and Allison flushed a little at the comment. Kirby grinned and settled into the sofa, wrapping an arm around her knee letting the other dangle off the side,

"But at least it's a safe form for you two to communicate, right?" Kirby asked and Allison's lips pursed,

"How can I be sure they can't read anything or hack into it?" she asked and Amy-Lee paused her tapping on the tablet, "They track basically every form of device and social media to know if I'm talking to Scott..."

"Easy, it's DNA and password activated." she said before she was fully focussed on her tablet, Allison nodded as if she knew what was, her eyes betraying her with the evident confusion. Mind you, Scott's face was the priceless picture of 'What is this Charlie's Angels? You can actually get both?'

"She means," Lennox spoke up noticing the confused faces, "If someone other than you were to pick it up, it would ask for a password and it can be 'one two three four' for example, but then they still won't be able to unlock it because they don't have your finger prints." she smiled and Allison's brows flew up as she stared at the little device in her hands,

"It's purely texting based too, working on a wifi that Amy set up as soon as she got in the house." Kate wrapped her arm around Amy's shoulders and the most she got from doing that was Amy smiling, her cheeks red,

"You guys better get going, we have school tomorrow," Kirby dropped her knee and stood up to stretch, "I'll see you guys first thing."

Kirby flopped on her bed as soon as she got home from school that day. Nightmare doesn't really cover it. Allison's freaking mum was a substitute teacher and at some point during the day she had been called in by Gerard for a 'friendly' chat. Apparently he did the same to Allison when it came to the fingers on the neck to check the pulse. The only difference was she answered the questions with a steady pulse until he asked what she knew about Derek Hale. He noted a skip of her heart and she did was she thought was best, call him on the bull shit for pulling that stunt. The slime ball just threw his hands up in defence and apologising before letting her go. Kirby knew better than to let this slide what with the extra camera's around the building. How the hell is she going to be able to sneak off campus now?

She groaned upon hearing a knock on the door and rolled to her front and burying her face in her pillows, "Kirby, Kate wants a quick training session to see how the cut is healing," Lennox explained and Kirby groaned once more, "Come on, girl I know you've had a shit day."

She pulled herself off her bed, "Shit doesn't cover it," she muttered as she pulled out a change of clothes, "I wanna go for a swim." she pouted and Lennox laughed,

"Well, because of how that has healed I think you can get away with it, if I injected a mild dose of the treatment?" she suggested and Kirby paused a second, considering it, "Want me to ask Kate?" Kirby's head bobbed fast and Lennox laughed, "Aite, be down there in five bitch face."

"Love you too sweet cheeks!" Kirby grinned as she changed, checking her phone beforehand, a text from Stiles asking about Jackson. She gave a quick reply saying he was still asleep and a text had been sent to his parents after Amy studied his previous texts. She then threw it to her bed before making her way back downstairs to find Kate stretching.

"Lennox is going to give you a dose of the treatment and we're going to spar through it." she explained and Kirby's brows flew up, her eyes wide as saucers and the hairs on her spine rising,

"W-what?" she stuttered and Kate handed the tablet to the blonde and Kirby scanned it quickly before her hands began to shake, the grip on the tablet tightening a great deal. It was an order signed by her father, her grandmother and the 'General'.

"He did quite a lot to get those signatures," Kate commented taking the tablet back and putting it on the side, "not that I agree with this, but we all go through it and I'm going to warn you Kirby: It's going to be difficult. You've received quite a lot in the past twenty four hours, this next dose is going to set off a reaction throughout your body. We're going to give you five minutes before you have to get up."

"But-" Kirby tried to object but Kate shook her head,

"I'm sorry Bee, I have film it as evidence. The scientists need to study it." and then speak of the devil: Amy-Lee was walking down with the tablet in her arms, a guilty look ruining her normally lovely features.

"Everything's ready." she whispered, avoiding to look at Kirby and Kate nodded before moving out the way and placing a stall in the middle of the hard mats.

Kirby felt her heart racing as the fear began to set in. This was so much different when it came to sparring with her dad, that was just her defending herself then. She saw Lennox walk in with the tray and she took it as the hint to go sit on the stall. Once sat, she closed her eyes and used the only technique she knew worked: Focus on running.

"Okay, recording." Amy-Lee stated and Kirby released a deep breath, her senses around her taking control as she heard Lennox make her way over. She felt her friend nearing on the matt from the slight decline it caused the stall and she tried to picture the smell of the earth as she ran through the reserve. The way it would smell after it had rained. The smell of mud with autumn leaves on the ground as she weaved through the trees. The way the wind would blow past her, teasing her hair loose from the bun so she had strands stick to her face and neck when she would pause.

"Kirby you have five minutes, use this to focus yourself," Kate ordered and as soon as she said it, did she feel the effects of the treatment run through her veins. Burning as it ran from her arm to the tips of her fingers and over to the other arm, making it's gradual way down her body, but it seemed to focus on her cut as the sudden sensation of feeling her erratic pulse pounded from it. Her head was feeling heavy and she gripped the edges of the stall as she took deep breaths.

'Through the nose and out the mouth. Inhale and then exhale. Clear the fog. Fight the effects of the treatment.'

She remained like this and the girls watched her carefully. The way she lost colour in her skin and a sweat broke on her forehead. Lennox nudged Amy-Lee in concern, but the smaller agent just shook her head with her concerned features going back to the machines that were scanning Kirby's body. The rate that her heart was beating was borderline dangerous, as if she was suddenly dosed with adrenaline and her body was going into shock.

"Five minutes are up Kirby." Kate then stated and the two girls shared a look before looking to Kate. Five minutes was not enough time.

"Hang on." Kirby muttered, but Kate sighed, her eyes glancing at a camera. Her lips pursed before she shook her head,

"I'm sorry Kirby. Now... stand up." she ordered, but Kirby remained sat on the stall, still working on her breathing. The Multi-toned blonde's head shook before she lowered to the ground, kicking the stall from under Kirby. She watched as cold grey eyes snapped to her. The blonde was fast to plant her hands on the mat and flip herself away, the stall hitting the wall with a loud smash.

Kirby's figure lowered, legs parting, a hand on the mat as the empty face stared at Kate like a porcelain doll from her childhood. Kate felt her brows furrow before she pushed herself in Kirby's direction, but every move she made the smaller blonde deflected. She tried again with faking to the left, but Kirby caught the fake and took Kate by her right wrist and pulling her over her shoulder. Kate grunted as she landed on her back awkwardly. She lifted her legs and swung all her weight into them as she jumped up, swinging round to watch Kirby already in position to defend. The blank face just watching her with Steely grey eyes.

She felt a frustration bubble up inside her as Kirby had managed to avoid a hit yet again but retaliated with her hand pushing against her chest. The force of the hit winded Kate, her feet stumbling back. She didn't see the way Kirby's eyes flashed in concern for a millisecond before the calculating look was back.

Lennox had to look away from the fight, her gaze focusing on Amy's tablet. Kate's heart rate was rising, whereas Kirby's was gradually beating at a steady pace. Her brows knotted together as she looked to the couple and noted the small blades Kate had pulled out, "Amy..." she nudged and saw Amy's head bob in response,

"You should see this Len." Amy pulled up an image on her tablet for Lennox to see. It was a close up image on Kirby's eyes and Lennox felt her head tilt to the side. For her, eyes were eyes and seeing emotion in just the eyes was rubbish, but something in her gut told her that something was very wrong here.

The two ducked as a blade flew over the top and landed in a wooden post of the wall. Amy pulled up the live stream of the fight, so they wouldn't have to risk their heads again, and it looked like Kirby had disarmed Kate, taken the blade and managed to slice her arm.

Kirby flipped back to avoid Kate and landed in a low crouch, blade at the ready to through before she just fell. Kate remained still, staring at the sight in front of her and the girls had slowly made their way up to stand. It was as the smaller blonde was readying herself to throw the blade did something happen: her skin grew pale her eyes changing from the steel they had been most of the fight to the fearful Kirby. Kate took this opportunity to manoeuvre herself towards Kirby at a speed to disarm the conflicted blonde.

Kirby shook her head before looking to see Kate just centimetres from her when the steel returned and the blade cut into Kate's thigh as she lowered, sliding between the elder's legs. It wasn't long till she was on her feet, an arm grabbing Kate's in a way so she wouldn't be able to move them, Kirby had distanced herself enough so Kate was leaning back and the only thing stopping her from falling to the ground was Kirby holding her up. The blade however was digging into Kate's throat.

Green eyes went wide as she looked to the camera in mild panic, "Kirby..." she tried to say before she felt the blade cut the skin.

"Kirby!" Lennox called out and the blade was dropped to floor, the two bodies following it soon after. Kate rolled out the way and jumped back, blade now in her hand. It was then she noticed that Kirby had completely passed out.

"How long?" Kate asked through her heavy breaths, but got no response, when she arched round, she noticed the girls just standing there, fear in their eyes, "guys?"

"F-from receiving the dosage, including the five minutes, t-twenty minutes." Amy almost muttered. Kate nodded and gave the brunette the thumbs up for the recording to stop.

"Kat, that was insane," Lennox spoke up as the elder agent picked Kirby up, but she never said anything, "She looked like she was about to kill you!"

"I know," Kate whispered and she made her way to the stairs, "She would have too."

Kirby was only out for an hour. When she woke up, she couldn't help but frown seeing an unfamiliar ceiling. The fluorescent lighting was dim, but enough to have her squinting as she tried to cover her eyes with her hand, a headache setting in. Her hand only went to far before it was restrained by a cool metal.

"What the...?" her voice croaked as she tried to move the other, but the same thing happened. Her head moved to the side and she saw Jackson fast asleep on a mattress. Her brows furrowed as it sunk in: She was in her fathers lab.

"Kirby, I need you to relax," a deep voice spoke softly through the speakers, a voice that sent shivers down her spine in dread: Her father, "We're just running some tests."

"Why am I cuffed?" her voice barely a whisper and she tried to sit up, but there was a heavy strap over her chest, "Why am I restrained?" her voice shook and she tried to look down as herself, figuring out a way to escape.

"Kirby, control yourself." her father ordered and she had to clench her jaw at the sound of the its coolness. He was in his scientist frame of mind. He was nearly always in his scientist frame of mind. She will probably never be his daughter any more...

"Are you here?" she asked as she continued to struggle,


And then there was a weird click. Her body froze, the only thing she could hear was her ragged breathing, the chains moving against the metal table and Jackson's steady breathing. Her eyes fluttered closed as she tried to focus on easing her growing panic. Why was she here?

"Girls?" she whispered, feeling a tear slide down her face and into her hair. She continued breathing, calming herself down and focusing on trying to hear past the room; her wrists still pulling against the metal that was restricting her arms from moving further than three inches from the metal surface of the table.

"What do you mean you don't know?" she heard his static voice say, he was speaking to them through speakers... She would sigh in relief if it wasn't for the deep set panic that was settling within her.

"I mean, she spends a lot of time outside the house the away from us Mr. Williams." Kate replied, but Kirby recognized the tone. She was pissed off.

"And you don't track her?"

"Of course we don't, she will know if we're near."

"You overestimate my girl, Turner."

"You underestimate her, sir," Kirby felt her brows knot together in confusion, "Kirby has the agility and reaction time of us three put together and strength wise? When she is in the focus of the fight-"

"I saw Miss Turner," Kirby's father cut her off, "The evidence is on your neck."

"Then you can see what the treatment is doing to her!" Kate's voice was rising, concern lacing it.

"The treatment is doing exactly what it should be doing Miss Turner," he commented, "and from the sounds of it, spending time with the girls has affected you."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, Kathleen, we're upping your dosage by 0.5 mg's to once a week instead of every two weeks," Kirby could practically feel the way that Kate's face fell, "It's a shame Kathleen, you were showing such potential."

"Yes sir."

Kirby could hear the way Amy was tapping furiously on a keyboard, which was new for her, Amy hasn't needed a keyboard in a while. As she extended her hearing further she could hear Lennox on the phone:

"I know Freddie," she sighed, "I miss you too, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be here for. Things... things have gotten complicated."

"Complicated? Babe what's going on?" she could hear Freddie through the phone, this was new considering she was trying to find out which room Lennox was in. Chances are Lennox was in her room, which wasn't that far considering.

"It's Kirby... there's something weird going on with her and the treatment. I-I can't describe it like Amy could, but... they think Kirby's fighting it and the Treatment is fighting her."

"It's fighting her?" he was incredulous,

"I know..."

"How can it- you know what? When Edgar gave you the bite, It fought the bite... I don't think It can surprise me anymore..."


She tried to distract her hearing away from Lennox's conversation. Lennox spoke to Freddie near off every night if they could. Kate should have not allowed this, Freddie being a distraction from the mission at hand, but she didn't...

There were a lot of things that Kate allowed when Kirby truly thought about it. For a while, Kirby thought that when it came to grounding Kate, it was in fights and making decisions, but maybe... it was a lot more. Now that her father knows... how long till he knows everything?

"Are you sure you don't want a ride hon?" Kate asked her and Kirby slowly nodded, her eyes never leaving the bandages on Kate's neck and arm, they were the only visible ones. She didn't want to think about the one of her thigh...

"After what just happened Kate? I think we all need some time alone." and she knew it hit Kate hard. Kate's jaw had tightened significantly, her eyes watering only marginally and her whole figure had tensed a great deal.

"Okay. Keep us posted." and with that she closed the door. Kirby sighed, turning her back on her house and making her way down the path of her house. She felt the need to look back at the house, the feeling of it being a home fading fast. What actually happened to her earlier felt like a harsh reality check. They weren't in this for fun, nothing about this was fun. There were consequences to their actions. Horrible consequences. The consequences of her actions are on her wrists...

As she made it to the end of her street she saw the black Camaro drive up, the lights off. She bit her bottom lip and looked back on the street. They didn't follow her. There was a sigh of relief before she climbed in and saw the way Derek waited for a reason for her sudden text, but she shook her head. Belt on, flats off and she brought her knees up, just staring ahead as he switched the lights on and drove.

It was silent between the two and she knew that if she didn't say anything soon, he would just stop the car to ask her straight. She understood as to why he was confused.

Can you pick me up please?

What's wrong? -D

Can you?

I'll be at the end of your street in ten minutes. -D

Thank you.

"Kirby?" she heard him say and she sighed, letting her legs drop as she sat normally,

"I don't know." she whispered as she felt her eyes water. Derek had sighed as he pulled up to the old Hale Mansion. Her brows furrowed as she turned to face him. He just took his belt off and got out the car, making his way to the house, but not before turning to her and motioning for her to follow.

The blonde did so, hesitantly, but she still slipped her flats on, took her seat belt off and got out the warmth of the Camaro. The house was dark, practically falling apart and the smell of rotting wood and earth filled her senses. She wrapped her arms around herself feeling the chill of this place.

Her eyes scanned round the area, she imagined it all looked beautiful before. There were many scuffles in this building in the past months. She noted bullet holes, even claw marks in the wood. Her eyes scanned to a corner of a doorway, it looks black. Taking the few steps closer and crouching down, she allowed a finger to trace it, of course it was dry, but it was also flaking... she recognized the substance... Almost as if it was a black blood. The reaction of a Lycans blood with wolves bane maybe?

Slowly the blonde stood and looked back to Derek with a concerned curiosity, "You... stayed here?" she asked, her voice quiet. He slowly nodded before turning around and walking into a room. She followed, her eyes taking in the new room. There was an old sofa, few broken chairs and... "Books?"

"What's left of them anyway," he explained and pulled a sheet off the sofa, "Still working through them." he sat on the sofa, relaxing back and motioned for her to sit. Her grey eyes averted back to the books, ignoring the fact that him leaning back cause his shirt to stretch and lift a little.

"Where are you storing the ones that are readable?" she slowly made her way over to them, curious she stroked the spine of one, revealing a novel. Was that Jane Austin?

"Somewhere safe." he spoke up and she looked back to him before nodding, she crossed her arms and leaned against that wall, careful of the books,

"I'm sorry," she finally said and then shook her head, feeling embarrassed, "I shouldn't have messaged you..."

"Well something was obviously wrong, it seemed important." he was calm, but she knew he was worried about her. Who wasn't these days?

"I needed to get out and usually when that happens, I run into you," she began and looked to see he was leaning forward, resting on his elbows and watching her carefully, "I supposed... I don't know, seeing you sometimes makes me feel human." he watched at the way her eyes seemed to glaze over, her head tilting to the side as she tried to understand why she felt like that.

"Something happened..." he figured and she nodded, eyes focusing before she looked down at a patch of wood that seemed different from the others, "What happened?" she heard as he took made his way towards her, his steps echoing against the wood before she saw he was standing in front of her. Her mouth fell as she silently stuttered before she had to look away from him in general, biting down on her bottom lip, her eyes closing, "Kirby," she felt his hands on her, one on her arm and the other sliding along her jaw, gently moving her face to look at him, "Look at me." he requested and when she opened her eyes, she saw it again... the genuine concern, but this time it struck her as she noticed a difference: he cared for her. He didn't want to, but he did. She could see the conflict in his eyes and she could understand.

She licked her dry lips before she nodded, taking a deep breath, "Things are... turning sour at the house." she stated and she saw the way his brows had furrowed a little before he finally understood.

"You've had another dose." he took a step back, but he kept his hands on her shoulders now.

"And I had to fight Kate once it had started... working," she began, he quickly scanned her, but didn't see much, mainly because she hadn't much skin showing, even her wrists were hidden, "I was... I was defending myself from her," her eyes began to water as it slowly sunk in, "She could barely get a chance to hit me, so then she brought out her blades," her focus had settled on his shoulder her mind going back to it, "I didn't know what was going on, but I was just... seeing her moves before she reacted and... I coul- I could have killed her..." a tear fell, "I almost killed her..." another tear fell as her face dropped, "I wouldn't have thought twice about it... I was there with the knife cutting into her neck..." The blood from her face drained, her heart rate speeding up rapidly which was affecting her breathing and she began to hyperventilate, "She was scared and I didn't care... It happened so fast that I-Oh my God!"

He watched as she slowly fell apart before he pulled her in as her legs buckled from beneath her, no longer having control as she tried to curl up. The next thing she knew, she was crying on his lap, on the floor. She struggled to breathe as she shook her head in denial.

Derek held her as she sobbed into him, the sound of her muttering coherent sentences about almost killing Kate occasionally making it through. He wasn't sure what to do other than just hold the girl in his arms as she slowly fell apart. He recognized the look in her eyes, it was very similar to the time he first met her...