"Whens your birthday?" she asked.

"27th October 1995, why?" he asked confused.

She sighed before replying
"Mine too." Cato paused for a second before he carried on.

"Eleventh County, Aber-" he was cut off.

"Abernathy General Hospital? Yeah me too."

And then there was an awkward pause that lasted for a little less than a minute while Cato flashed back to every weird moment he had ever shared with Cash.
The sudden need to rekindle her friendship with Clove ever since Cato joined the family,
the fact that she always told silver to stay away from Cato,
and the importance she gave Cato when she introduced him to her step mother.

He hated to admit it but they did look alike, icy blue eyes, wavy blonde hair and incredible teeth.
He also remembered telling Peeta she was hot at a party a while ago, which was another thing they had in common,
though Cato almost puked then and there at the thought of it.

To come to think of it, it wasn't impossible.
Cato knew that as soon as he was born his parents left him outside a church.
When Cato was fourteen he researched and found out that his mother was a Madeline Court but he couldn't find out anything about his father.
He found out that his mother had passed away, he couldn't find out why.
Now he remembers Peeta telling him that Cash's mom died after giving birth, Peeta told him more about them but he couldn't remember.
He travelled from foster home to foster home ever since.

"Do you need a place to stay for the night?" Cash asked looking at him with great sympathy.
He nodded and the two got into Cash's car and she began driving.

"What happened? Why did your-" he paused.

"Our father give me up but not you?" he asked haunted by the new discovery.

This was tragic, how could anyone possibly pick between his or her children like that.

"Well, um, our mom, Madeline, she was a nurse, and after she died our dad didn't make enough money for two kids.
It was a random pick, that's what my father told me in a letter he wrote. I had no idea about you up until then. He intended for me to receive it after he died, who knew that would have been that soon huh?" she laughed sadly

"Our dad, he got a job as an extra in one of Michaela's music videos, that's how they met. You know you might think because she's famous she doesn't have time for us, but she does, she really is great." she sighed.

"Why didn't he just give me up for adoption? Why the church?" Cato asked.

"He said he couldn't do the whole adoption thing, watching someone else love your baby because you cant, he said it was too painful."
She sighed turning into one of the lanes.

"So Michaela and her husband know about me?" he asked.

"Yeah, they told me to tell you a while ago, but you seemed happy and I didn't want to bust that for you," she smiled.

"Thank you," he gave her a sincere warm smile you rarely get from Cato.

She nodded smiling back.

The two turned in to the large house and parked in the driveway.

"The room is up the stairs and to the left, I'll just tell my mom you're staying here." She said locking the main door behind her. He nodded.

"Where are Gloss and Silver?" he asked making his way up the stairs.

"Gloss is in his room and Silver is, well trust me, you don't want to know." She sighed.

Silver was currently in a boarding school for pregnant teens, it really was a blessing to have her out of the house.
Michaela told her to come back when she had given the baby up and was ready to stop being such a screw up.
Honestly, everyone hoped that would take a really long time.

Cato made his way up the stairs and into the guest bedroom.
It was plain white with cream bed sheets, covers and curtains.
He changed into his pyjamas and brushed his teeth before tucking into the bed.

"Goodnight," Cash whispered as she opened the door slightly to reveal only her face.

"Night," he smiled.

And in that moment he had could feel the sudden bond, the connection they had after spending nine months together in the same womb.
He knew that if anyone ever hurt her or broke her heart that he'd hunt them down.
And if she ever needed someone to help her or if she needed someone to listen to her or wipe her tears when she cried, he'd be there.
He was her brother, and not only was it his now newfound responsibility, but it was his newfound aspiration to keep her safe.

She smiled and shut the door.

Cato closed his eyes and he knew that eventually, this would all work itself out.

He woke up the next morning took a quick shower and changed into a pair of clothes.
He grabbed his backpack and ran down the stairs.

"Cato, good to see you again," Michaela smiled at him pointing at a chair.

"You too," he smiled nervously. He couldn't ask for an autograph, not now.
He literally had to bite his lip to stop himself from asking her.

"Hey Gloss," he waved at Gloss who waved back and began eating his pancakes.

"Eat up," she said putting a couple on his plate.

He gobbled them up and followed Cash and Gloss out the door.

"Would you guys mind taking me to school?" he asked awkwardly.

"Not at all Cato, we're family remember?" she laughed at the cliché movie line as he smiled and got into the car.

When they reached the gates of Sage Hill High, Cato let his glance fly onto a short girl with puffy green eyes wearing grey sweatpants and a hoodie.
He jumped out of the car and ran straight towards her.
She turned around disturbed by the loud footsteps making their way to her and she was greeted with an abrupt yet sweet kiss.

"I missed you," he spoke as he broke away.

"Trust me, I miss you more," she sniffed and smiled softly.

The two walked into the school hand in hand.
Cato waited for lunch to tell Clove everything he found out last night.

"That bitch? Are you kidding me?" Clove was being selfish and she knew it. "

I'm sorry, but how could you be related to that?" she emphasized on a couple of words.

"Clove, she's not that bad of a person!" he attempted arguing.

"She slept with my crush!" she yelled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm glad you have family, I really am! Its just-" she was cut off.

"I get it, its alright," he replied pulling her in for a hug.

The two walked back to class like any ordinary couple, like nothing was wrong.

The group met up in the parking lot after school to discuss the football game.
The entire group was ecstatic when they heard about Clove and Cato and were in complete shock when he told them about Cash.
Everyone was going to be at the game tonight.

"Come on Cato, we've got practice!" Finn yelled as the group began heading in their own directions.

Cato ran towards the locker room right after giving Clove a goodbye kiss.

"Come on Clove! We have to go practice!" Glimmer yelled at her from the field.

"God, save me." Clove sighed and Madge and Jo laughed.

"Go on, we'll see you out there," Jackie smiled before Clove walked off.

The game started in an hour and a half and it was against the Newport Prep Cheetahs.
Clove sat in the chair as Glimmer did her hair and makeup.

"Sit still!" Glimmer scolded her. Clove huffed.

"Clove, can I talk to you?" Cash asks as she steps into the girls locker room.

"I have nothing to say to you," Clove turns around in her spinning chair.

"Please," she begged.

Clove groaned before getting up and following her out to the corridor.

"Cato told you?" she asked. Clove nodded.

"Look, I'm sorry we fell out, you were my best friend in the whole world and-" she was cut off.

"Stop, just stop. We didn't fall out you hurt me. So don't come to me with all this bullshit." Clove said coldly as she turned around.

"I didn't do it," Cash said softly. Clove stopped walking.

"I didn't- I didn't sleep with him!" she said a little louder this time. Clove turned around.

"Silver came up to me one day and told me she had done it with this sixteen year old, she was thirteen at the time.
Then she started nagging me. Picking me, telling me I was a loser and a loner and that nobody thought I was pretty.
She said that I should just die because no one would even bother saving me. You know what Silvers like, she got to you too once, didn't she?" Cash paused.

"But this was so much worse! It was just constant and I couldn't get away from her because she lived with me.
She'd tell me I was ugly and that my mother was too that's why when she died my father almost instantly got married to her mother." She said softly.

"So Gloss and him used to have sleepovers all the time. So I told her that- I told her we did it, and then it spun out of control.
I told him to cover for me incase anyone asked him. You knew him better than me; he was nice guy so he complied.
I knew you'd liked him for a really long time but I couldn't take her anymore, I'm so sorry Clove." She looked morbidly sad.

"Why were you always so nice to her outside of your house?" Clove asked.

"She said she'd tell Michaela that I was bullying her, and because she was her mother that she'd take her side.
But I know now that she would never favor Silver over me."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because Silver is pregnant and staying at at some kind of all-girl boarding school, it's a really religious school and has curfews at seven and no Internet or television for more than an hour." Cash laughed.
Clove laughed too slightly.

"Silvers going to have a baby? Shit, that is not going to end well," Clove laughed. "Yeah, but she's giving it up, the one thing in the world that is forced to love her and she's giving it up" She sighed.
"Worst part is that its Aarons and he bailed on her." Cash sighed.

Clove couldn't help but smirk at the guilty pleasure she felt bubbling in the pits of her stomach.

"Don't worry, I was pretty happy too," she laughed.

Clove gave her a long sincere smile before she went back into the locker room.

Clove changed into her uniform tied her hair in a high pony and let Glimmer finish with her makeup.

"Two minutes guys," Glimmer clapped as she cheerleaders assembled in a line and followed her out to the field.

All the fans roared as the Sage Hill Wolves ran onto the field.
Clove beamed at Cato as he winked at her.
Effie was watching in the sidelines but didn't notice this discrete encounter.
Clove rolled her eyes through the entire sluttish dance she was forced to participate in while Cato watched smirking from the field.
The whistle soon blew and the game began.


(ps: Long reviews really make my day!:D)