"I am really going to miss her" Annie says, waving at a little girl sitting in a car making its way out of the driveway and through the gates of the house. "Yeah, me too" Clove Stated joining Annie at the window sill, waving at the tanned girl who smiled and waved back as the car slowly drove through the gates and onto the streets of the quaint little neighbourhood.

"I cannot believe that after all these years of staying in this house telling us how much of a bitch her mother was, Rue is actually going back to her!" Peeta exclaimed as he opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice.

"Well, apparently she is out of rehab now and has been sober for quite a while." Annie replied. Peeta nodded in response as he sat on the kitchen counter drinking the juice directly from the carton.

"Yuck Peeta! All of us have to drink from that!" Clove says disgusted, snatching the carton from Peeta's hand.

"Speaking of rehab, Annie how's your dad?" Clove asked sitting next to Peeta on the counter while Peeta tried to grab the carton back from Clove, leading to him almost falling of the counter.

"Don't know, don't care" Annie replied bluntly, and finally decided to move herself from the window sill when Rue's car was completely out of sight.

Clove nodded not wanting to dwell on this topic of conversation because she knew how Annie felt about her parents, especially her father.

"So guess what Effie told me?" Annie said with a sudden change of tone and a huge grin plastered on her oh-so-perfect face.

Peeta and Clove just shrugged. "She said that there was a new guy moving in!" Annie exclaimed jumping onto the counter in between the other two.

Clove couldn't help but think that this wasn't going to end well. She, Peeta, Annie and Rue had been living in the same house since she was 11. They were practically siblings. And it wasn't going to be easy to adjust to a new house mate.

"A guy? Finally! I've been living with chicks since I was nine!" Peeta said relieved. Clove didn't have much of a reaction, she really didn't care. "I am going to go get some more orange juice from the super market since Peeta has completely contaminated this one" Clove said holding up the carton, giving a Peeta a sarcastic smile. Peeta returned the sarcasm and snatched the carton from her. "We all know how grouchy little Clover gets without her orange juice to cheer her up every morning!" Annie said in really stupid voice. Peeta chuckled while Clove just rolled her eyes and walked off.

She then headed for the door and towards the long driveway. She got into her blue convertible and drove through the huge metal gate. Clove's father was the CEO of te biggest bank in Newport , he made good money, and after he and her mother died the money was given to Clove. Though she never had any siblings, Annie and Peeta were just as good. Though everyday as she drove out of the trinket household, the metal sign right outside the gates mounted on a stone wall reading 'Trinket's Foster Care' reminded her that they weren't her siblings, and that she would never have any, but the thought didn't bug her for long. It was getting late and Effie told her to be back for dinner today. Effie wasn't a mother to her, she was more of a stern guardian, but this didn't bother her either. She had exactly what she always wanted, a family.

After Clove got the juice and some other groceries she needed, she drove back towards her house, but found herself stuck in the middle of a traffic jam. Effie was going to kill her if she was late. She liked punctuality, which was something Clove wasn't very fond of. She was honking and cussing at the driver in front of her even though he had nothing to do with the jam. Her shouting was interrupted by a vibration coming from her phone lying on the passengers seat.

"Tell Effie I'm stuck in traffic" she responded as soon as she picked up.

"Yeah, yeah I will but hurry up!" She replied almost whispering.

"Yeah I will, why?" She asked. She could see the cars in front of her were starting to move.

"You'll see" Annie said playfully.

Clove immediately put down her cell phone and drove towards the house. It was always 'the house' to Clove never 'home'.

In a few minutes she pulled up in the driveway and entered the house with her grocery bag. She put the bag down on the kitchen counter and walked towards the dining room. The trinket house was huge! But so were most of the houses near the coast of Newport. The house had seven rooms, two guest rooms, a huge kitchen, a living room, a dining room, a home theather, a pool, and an enormous garden. Annie said that Effie used to be married to the wealthiest man in new port, but he died a few months after they got married.

"Hey Effie I'm sorry I was stuck up in a tr-" she started as she walked into the dining room.

It was only after she started that she spotted an unknown person sitting across Peeta on the dining table. "Clover, this is Cato Reed he's the new child taking Rue's room. Cato, this is Clover Shay." Effie said cutting into her steak.