Before we begin, a few notes. First of all, in this fic, Britney is a lesbian. I know in the show she's bi, but it'll just make my story way more complicated, hopefully you'll see why. Sorry if that upsets you :P
I don't own anything, please let me know what you think in the comments! :)

Andrew Baine was normal. Andrew Baine was the son of Walter and Dianna Baine, brother of Cooper Baine. His soulmate's name, Pieretta Britnigh, was etched into his right palm, precisely where it should be.
But it was all a lie.
Blaine Anderson and Britney Pierce had been born with names written across their left palms. Immediately, their prestigious families had paid millions to change their identities and have the offending soulmate's names removed. The Anderson and Pierce fathers had bumped into each other at the agency and decided to tattoo each other's child's new name on their own child's right palm. And in this way, Andrew Baine and Pieretta Britnigh became soulmates.

Andrew and Pieretta were thirteen when it happened.
Cooper and 'Etta's sister Bonnie were babysitting Andrew and Pieretta, who were sitting at the coffee table, busily doing homework. Or at least, Andy was. 'Etta had made a paper plane out of her homework. Andy would do 'Etta's homework later, seeing that her parents expected straight As from her, a standard the poor girl could never achieve.
Cooper and Bonnie entered the room, carrying a bowl of popcorn. Andrew leapt to his feet, grabbing 'Etta's hand and pulling her to the center of the room. They stood facing Bonnie and Cooper, expressions serious.
"Woah, what's goin on guys?" Coop laughed. Andy looked at the floor, his eyes glistening with tears. 'Etta squeezed his hand.
"It's okay Andy," she whispered. Cooper and Bonnie exchanged a glance. Was this it? The moment they had hoped would happen since the moment their siblings had been dragged into surgery at the ripe age of one month old.
"Andrew," Cooper said bitterly, praying it was the last time he would have to use the wretched name.
"What's going on?" Bonnie murmured, reaching out to grasp her young sister's hand.
"W-we don't like each other," Andy whispered. 'Etta nodded solemnly, rubbing her friend's hand. Bonnie and Cooper smiled s glancing at each other again.
"I-I like boys," Andy sobbed. Pieretta let go of her sister's hand to twirl her blonde hair.
"And I like girls," she stated.
"We tried Coop!" Andrew clawed at his eyes, wiping away tears.
"We made out," 'Etta shrugged. Cooper's eyes widened, holding back laughter.
"It was so gross!" Andy cried.
"Guys, sit down," Bonnie beamed. She had been waiting for this moment since her and Cooper had first met. The two had glared disgustedly at each other for nearly an hour until Bonnie burst.
"She will never love your brother!" she had snarled. "You and your stupid parents can't control love!" Cooper had stared at her, shocked. After he assured her he agreed completely, the two had decided that if their sibling ever came to them and told them they were gay or that they didn't love their "soulmate", they would tell them. They recorded their real names and real soulmates in two small black notebooks that they kept underneath their mattresses. They had made two so if either of them lost theirs, or if their parents discovered it, they had a second copy.
"You two have done nothing wrong," Cooper insisted, pulling down the tearful teens.
"But we're soulmates!" Andy protested. 'Etta nodded in agreement. Bonnie groaned. She was sick of the lie. The lie that they had told them for so many years.
"No, you're not!" she chuckled without humor. Both kids looked extremely confused, drying their eyes hurriedly.
"What? But our names-" Andy stuttered.
"Squirt, there are some people in this world, including Mom and Dad, who don't believe it's right for people to love people who are the same gender as them," Cooper began. The room fell silent, Andy and 'Etta listening with hopeful ears.
"Lamb," Bonnie continued, using the name she had given her sister before anybody had even noticed the name on her skin. "You were born with a girl name on your left palm,"
'Etta's eyes sparkled with excitement and she let out a happy giggle.
"And you had a boy name on your left palm," Cooper smiled at his little brother, admiring the glow of joy in Andy's eyes.
"But why do we have each others names then?" he asked, his brow creasing. Bonnie frowned, bile rising in her throat as Cooper responded.
"Your parents removed your soulmates' names from your left hands and changed your names so that your soulmates couldn't find you. Then, they met and decided to tattoo your guys' fake names on your guys right hands, so you guys would have normal soulmates," he explained, putting air quotes around "normal". 'Etta and Andy looked concerned.
"Why would they do that?" 'Etta began to cry again, covering her mouth with a quaking hand.
"Because they don't understand how amazing you two are," Bonnie rubbed her sister's arm, a tear dripping down her cheek. Cooper nodded, taking his sibling's hand.
"What are our real names?" Andy asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
"Your name is Blaine Anderson," Cooper sighed.
"And yours is Britney Pierce," Bonnie revealed.
"Who are our soulmates?" 'Etta sputtered through her sobs.
"Santana Lopez is yours," Bonnie recited. Although they had written all the supposedly desolate names had haunted both siblings names everyday they had watched their sibling's struggle.
"And yours is Kurt Hummel," Cooper smiled, giving Andy's hand a squeeze.
"He sounds amazing," Andrew beamed. He bounced a little, murmuring under his breath.
"Kurt Hummel, Kurt Hummel,"
"Geez kid, your swooning just from his name," Coop teased, leaning back onto the dark blue couch.
"I'm going to love Santana more than anything," Pieretta squealed happily. Bonnie grinned with pride, enveloping her sister in a huge hug. Cooper glanced at the clock.
"The parents are going to be home soon," he reminded the room, bringing them to silence. Bonnie held 'Etta's shoulders, staring into her eyes.
"Now guys, you can't tell them you now," she warned. Andrew jumped to his feet.
"No way!" he burst. 'Etta looked horrified, leaping to her feet to back her friend up.
"Guys," Cooper interjected. "There isn't anything you guys can do. It's illegal to date someone who isn't written on your hand,"
The teens paled.
"What?" Andy choked, knees weakening.
"Yah," Bonnie's voice came out tired and soft.
"So if we meet out real soulmate..." Pieretta's voice trailed off as her eyes filled with tears once more.
"We don't know, Lamb," Bonnie confessed. Cooper and her had discussed it before. When their last names had changed, their soulmates had been notified that they should search for a different last name due to "family issues". They were given legal passes to use if they were ever approached by an officer while on a date. Their siblings would simply be stuck. The punishment for illegal dating depended on the severity, the punishment for a holding hands being a few months of jail and the punishment for sleeping together being death. Very rarely did anyone cheat or sleep around, which politicians claimed improved society. Bonnie believed the law was specifically put in place so those who had their soulmate's name removed when they were children, couldn't find happiness.
"I'm so sorry, squirt," Cooper felt tears sting his eyes and his voice shook. "I promise that if you meet him, I will do everything I can to make it so you two can be together,"
"What do you mean 'if'?" 'Etta asked, confused. She had always been told that all soulmates met. She had also been told how lucky she was to have met Andy when he was so young. Anger boiled in her normally peaceful stomach as she thought about all the lies she had been told. Sure, she wasn't as bright as some kids, but she didn't deserve this!
"Your soulmate connection, the thing that makes you and your soulmate meet, is cut off when you remove their name," Bonnie whispered. Andy started crying again.
"It's not impossible!" Coop rushed to pacify his hysterical brother.
"Just hard," Bonnie finished, stroking 'Etta's hair.
"Well, I'm going to meet him!" Andy raced to the computer in the corner, grabbing the mouse. His older brother set a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back.
"Bud, there won't be any info," he pulled him into a hug, patting his thick curly locks. "They made it impossible to look people up a few years ago; too many people were finding their soulmates too young and not by chance,"
Andrew let out a whimper, sobbing into his brother's chest.
"Andy-" Cooper sighed instinctively. The boy threw himself out of his brother's grasp, shaking with fury.
"No!" he screamed. "While they're around, fine, but when we are alone, my name is Blaine Anderson!"
He was met with a room full of wide, tearful eyes. 'Etta nodded in agreement.
"Me too," she murmured.
Cooper and Bonnie nodded, swelling with pride. The elder Anderson strode forward, cuffing his brother's should with a smile.
"Welcome back Blaine,"

Wow. Okay so I know this might be really confusing so of you have any questions about laws or what happened, feel free to ask in the reviews! Next chapter will go forward quite a bit. I'm still debating how far in the future but we will definitely be seeing what Santana and Kurt are up to! Also, just to let you know, although this will have more Britana than I normally do other couples, it will mostly be Klaine! :) PLEASE let me know what you think! Klisses and Klugs to all!