"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes." Jim Carrey

I've got a plan!" I announced to Stella at breakfast the next morning. Thankfully we were alone this morning so I didn't have to wait till the car to have a normal conversation.

"This ought to be good." Stella said sarcastically.

Stella only used her sarcastic voice on me when I was doing something stupid but this time my idea was brilliant.

"I'm gonna get me a fake boyfriend." I announced proudly.

Okay so hearing that come out of my mouth made me realize I did sound a bit stupid. Stella just raised an eyebrow and stared.

"Okay, it doesn't sound like much but if I can say I am dating someone then I don't look like a threat to the host club girls and they will leave me alone."

"And who is this someone you are supposed to be dating?" Stella asked.

"I don't know. I figured I could just make him up but now that I think about it I doubt anyone is going to believe me. I'm not the best liar and it's not exactly like guys are falling at me feet begging to date me."

"I'm sure there are plenty of guys who want to be your fake boyfriend." Stella tried to comfort me. It didn't exactly help though.

"Alright maybe I can make a deal with someone. I don't' have much to offer but I will do a favor for them and they be my boyfriend in name only just for a week or two." I said mainly trying to convince myself.

"That could work. Now who are you going to make this offer to? I have a few ideas of guys who I think would make a cute couple with you."

"No Stella, I don't want to be a cute couple. I want someone plain who doesn't catch attention or have any real interest in me. I would hate to be pretend dating a pervert."

"Alrighty then." Stella concluded as she rabbed her bag for school. "How about you just ask the first guy we run into at school."

"Fine. Random works perfectly." I nodded and joined her as we left for school.

About 30 minutes later we had arrived at school and entering the building we saw only girls. Stella and I surveyed the area for any guy but didn't see one.

"Darn it. Okay, let's keep looking on our way to class." I said and led the way.

We were on high alert for any random guy when one turned a corner and headed straight towards us. Stella pulled at my sleeve and I looked in horror at who my random victim was.

"No." I said firmly to Stella.

"You said the first guy we ran into and he would be able to fix your problem." Stella insisted with a hint of humor tied to her voice.

"Ugh, fine." I straightened up and put on a friendly smile as I went to great the familiar figure.

"Nekozawa!" I ambushed him with.

The familiar hooded figure stood stunned and just looked at me. Actually it was more of a glare but I chose to ignore that.

"Hey there old friend. Can we talk?" I approached cautiously.

"Traitor." He hissed and held up his creepy puppet.

"Okay maybe I deserved that. I did quit your club but I never really had a choice to be in in the first place. Anyways I have a favor to ask. Well not really a favor because I will do something in return so it's more of a deal."

He just stared so I took that as a a good sign to continue.

"Well I have been on the bad end of some rumors recently and to dispel them I need a boyfriend." I started.

"You need help with a love potion?" he asked eagerly.

"No! Wait…you can do that? Nevermind. I don't want to know after all. Anyways I need a fake boyfriend…in name only and I was wondering if you would be willing to just say you were my boyfriend. It would keep me out of a lot of trouble and I promise to return the favor." I pleaded.

"Okay." He said without a hint of emotion.

"Really?" I asked, kind of surprised he agreed with it myself.

"Yes. But you need to rejoin the Black Magic Club and attend meetings. We need to meet the minimum requirement for members to stay a club." He stated his conditions.

I paused for a second and considered it. I went through so much trouble to get out of that club but it did sound like he really needed another member. I was going to be the butt of different kinds of rumors after this but it's better to be the freak than the slut so why not.

"Okay we have a deal. I'm not into doing magic or anything but I will be there." I said.

I offered my hand to shake on our deal but instead of shaking my hand he put something in it and said, "Welcome back." Then he glided off with a creepy laugh.

I looked down at what was in my hand and it was an ugly looking voodoo doll. It had yellow string for hair and blue bottons for eyes. It was also wrapped in yellow fabric that kind of looked like a dress on it. I think the doll is supposed to be me. Worst gift ever.

I walked back to where Stella was waiting and she gave a timid, "How'd it go?"

"I got myself my first fake boyfriend." I said proudly and Stella gave a little clap and a laugh. I showed her the doll and said, "Who happens to have a voodoo doll of me. Kill me now."

Stella studies the doll and said, "Well that's kind of sweet….I think…"

"It's freaky, that's what it is. Now lets get to class so I can announce my social life is dead…" I sighed.

After class got out I decided I would swing by the Host Club before I went home to tell them that I fixed the rumor problem. By now about 1/3 of the school know that I was the weird new girl dating Nekozawa. Kyoya owes me for this since he is the only one who actually cares about the Host Clubs reputation and would probably kill me if that rumor affected sales.

Walking to the Host Club I noticed that the once evil death stares of the girls around me turned to curios and scared looks. It was a nice improvement.

When I got to the club I just let myself in instead of knocking this time. I was on a mission. Once I was inside I was greated with a "We're not open." From Kyoya and not a single glance.

"I'm back…" I said expectantly.

The Hosts who seemed busy in a meeting all turned at looked at me. Some greeted me with smiles and others not so much. Tamaki hid behind a sofa after learning his lesson the other day.

"Oh it's you." Kyoya said, only sparing a glance.

"I just wanted to let you know I fixed the rumor problem so you don't have to sue me or anything even though it was all his fault." I said pointing at Tamaki who ducked down further.

"How?" Haruhi said, being the only one who dared ask.

"I just told everyone I'm dating Nekozawa." I said nonchalantly.

Now all the Hosts decided to pay attention to me. Tamaki jumped up out of his hiding spot and yelled, "You sold your soul to the darkness! You poor baby!"

"No not exactly. And I'm not a baby!" I said defensively.

"Since when were you dating Nekozawa?" Hikaru said while Kaoru nodded to signal he also wanted to know.

"Since this morning." I said. "And we are not actually dating. We are just pretending to date until the rumors about me go away and in return I have to join his club."

"Are you going to be okay?" Honey asked, concerned for my safety. I gave his a small smile since he was nice enough to care.

"Yea. At least I am on his good side now. Oh, and I feel a lot better now that his creepy voodoo doll of me is in my hands and not his."

"Voodoo doll?" Tamaki shrunk back into hiding.

"Who knew you were into the dark and crazy types." The twins said in unison while shrugging.

"Ugh. I'm not. You guys owe me big time. I mean it." I sighed.

"How about a vacation?" Haruhi asked.

I stared at her not knowing what she was thinking. "Huh?"

"We are to stay at one of Kyoya's family's resort this weekend and we do owe you. It's all right since she already knows I'm a girl, right?" Haruhi offered.

I looked to Kyoya who just sighed and said, "She can come along if she wants to."

"It's free." Haruhi offered.

"I know I'm gonna regret this but my commoner background won't let me turn down a free vacation. I will go." I decided. A weekend with the Host Club huh? At least I won't get bored.