
My life felt like it was straight out of a fairytale. The kind where a poor girl finds out she is actually the daughter of a millionaire and gets to live in a beautiful mansion. That pretty much sums it up. The only problem is that I'm not the princess. The true princess was my sister.

Before I tell you my story I should probably tell you my name. Well my full name is Charlotte Woods but almost everyone call me Lottie. I personally hate the name Charlotte. It's not a bad name it's just really not me. Unlike my not matching name my sister's name is perfect for her. Her name is Estelle but anyone who is friends with her typically calls her Stella.

My sister and I are fraternal twins. Most people don't believe that because we are so different even though our faces are practically the same. While I was pretty my sister was beautiful. When I worked my butt off to get a B on a test, my sister got an A without even studying. I was pretty much a tomboy who always got into fights and didn't know when to shut up. My sister was soft spoken and girly, she knew her manners and was so kind to the point that it sort of made me mad at times. But, that's just how it was.

I still loved my sister and despite to constant comparisons I was happy to be me. I didn't have to worry such as things such as appearances since I would throw on an old baggy t-shirt and some jeans and I would be out the door in minutes instead of taking an hour to do my hair and make-up like my sister did. I also never had to worry about rejecting boys at school every day like my sister does. I don't even have time to be jealous though because I have my own plans.

While my sister spent every day being the school's princess I spent most of my time on the streets dancing. That's right; my obsession was hip hop dancing. While my sister had learned ballet and ballroom dancing I became enamored with the edgy fast paced side of dance. I spent most of my time out dancing than out partying and dating. I don't intend to brag but I'm pretty good if I don't say so myself.

Anyways you should probably know that in my family there is only my sister and I plus mom and dad. Well, we found out that he is not our actual dad but he still did raise us so therefor he is still dad. My sister and I got along well enough and although my parents showed clear favoritism towards my sister I can tell they still love me. I really didn't think much would ever change about our family till that one night.

Now in order to tell you the story I should probably start from the beginning. Now the true fairytale follows a girl named Estelle who suddenly gets rich and marries her prince but that's not what this story is about. This story is about me. It's about how my-not-princess-like-self tried to find my own happy ending. It's a lot easier said than done, but let's get started shall we?