Ed felt his panic rise as his fruitless search for his friend continued. High and low he had searched and still no sign of Double D anywhere.

"Double D!" He shouted, peering behind the fence.

"Double D!" He called reaching around in the dumpster.

"DOOOOOUBBLLLEE DDDDDDDDD!" He screamed, running frantically around. No sign of him anywhere. No No NO! What if the monsters had him! What if he had been captured by the witches!

He stopped at the thought, heart pounding. They would kill him! They would eat him alive! Poor Double D…

Ed loved him. He didn't want anything to happen to him.

Sniffling, he rubbed at his eyes, hanging his head. He had promised to protect his friend and look what had happened! In his excitement to take lead, he had lost him. Ed had even ignored his cries for them to wait in his excitement to get to Spookiville. He hung his head lower.

"Come on Lumpy, I think I hear him!" Eddy elbowed him in the side impatiently.

That caught Ed's attention. "Where Eddy! Where!"

The boy pointed, eyes squinting. "He's over there, see?"

Ed stood on tiptoe, staring intently in the direction of Eddy's finger. Sure enough, there was Double D, perfectly safe without a scratch on him! Ed had never felt like hugging Eddy more than he did now. But that would have to wait; Ed needed to make sure Edd was alright.

He heard Eddy grumbling as they got closer.

"Stupid Sock Head…who's that he's with? …is that NAZZ! Little weasel."

Nazz? Was that really…


Oh no...

Ed cried out as he took a step towards Edd.

Medusa! How did the witches enlist her help! This was bad, really bad. Medusa was incredibly powerful. And there Double D stood, wrapped up helplessly in her coils. He seemed paralyzed as she leaned towards him, hissing and squeaking excitedly. Had he already been turned to stone?

"RELEASE HIM!" He cried, spatula sword at ready. With a wild cry he charged and knocked the monster away from his friend.

"YOU'LL NEVER HARM DOUBLE D MEDUSA!" He growled, stabbing her side. She growled back at him, clawing frantically at the air. The snakes hissed violently at him, snapping as he tried to attack their dark mistress.

Ed fought courageously, dodging the many snakes before they attacked. He could do this! He could destroy her! He lifted his sword, then froze...

Her eyes sought his, changing in size and color. She was trying to paralyze him like she was doing to Double D!

"DON'T LOOK INTO HER EYES LEST YOU TURN TO STONE!" Too late she had caught him in her stare and he felt his body stiffen. He couldn't move, couldn't fight.

She shrieked with laughter, jabbing at him with sharpened nails. He felt helpless.


Ed glanced over, eyes widening. Double D was running towards him, an incredibly annoyed and angry look on his face. How brave, Ed smiled, trying to save me from danger. His smile disappeared as Medusa shrieked again, slithering to meet his tiny friend. He skid to a stop, trembling as she intercepted his attempt to save Ed.

Double D didn't stand a chance! Especially since the Vampiressessess had taken his laser. She would turn him to stone just as she had done to Ed. She must have already caught him in her gaze because sure enough, Double D had frozen, a nervous grin etched on his face as Medusa slid closer.

"NOOOO!" He shouted. He had to get out! He had to save him! He struggled against the hard rock, flexing his muscles and rocking from side to side. He could hear Double D speaking now, stammering as he tried to back away from the barbaric beast. With a heave, Ed cracked through the rock, breaking free from his stony prison.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The snake woman whipped around, roaring angrily. Her eyes began to again change.

He knew how to battle her, but it would be hard. He had to temporarily blind himself. With a gulp, he readied his sword and reached into his pocket.

He grabbed two clothespins, sealing his eyes shut as he snapped them on. Now was the time to listen carefully. Medusa was to his right, he could hear her breathing. He had to stop her before she turned her attention back to Double D.

He ran as fast as he could, slamming into the side of a building. Dizzily he spun around then ran along the side of the building until he felt the edges of the weapon he had been looking for. A cement mixer! Time to give Medusa a taste of her own medicine.

He hoisted it high over his head, galloping back towards her. There was a shriek as he slammed it over her. He spun the thing with a flourish, relishing her anguished cries. That's what you get for trying to hurt my friend horrid fiend!

He was about to step away when the handle caught from behind and sent him flying. He landed with a thump, the clothespins snapping off and restoring his sight. He had landed directly in front of Double D. Oh how heroic, he thought irritated. He jumped to his feet blushing as his beard flutter to the ground. Time to save face,

"VENOMOUS VIXEN OF MASONRY! Lothar has spoken." He chuckled, picking up his beard and strolling heroically away before tripping over a wagon.

Double D was not impressed.

"ED! What has gotten into you!" Ed opened his mouth to reply before he heard a groaning arise from the mixer.

Medusa wasn't dead? That wasn't good! He had to get everyone out of here before she awoke and broke free!

But what could go fast enough? His gaze landed on the wagon he had tripped over. AHA! A perfect mode of transportation! He could take his friends to safety before Medusa came after them again.

"We shall take this chariot," He declared, jumping in and grabbing Double D. He gave a mighty heave and his little wagon took off. He snatched Eddy and drew him in as well.


Double D clung to him, screaming as they flew down the streets. Ed grabbed his hand, reassuring himself that he was still there before taking a right. They raced towards the grass, tripping and plowing into an abandoned car.

The hard plastic was unforgiving on his forehead. With a groan, he lifted himself up. Panic raised in his heart as he realized that Double D wasn't by his side.

There was a long silence as he worked his way towards the seats.

"Double D." He whispered frantically. Had he lost him again!

The seat began to wiggle, squeaking as a hand ripped through. Ed watched anxiously. Come one Double D...Please...

There was a grunting noise and a sudden pop as his friend pushed himself from beneath the seats. He glared at Ed angrily.

"THAT'S IT MISTER, I'VE HAD ABOUT ENOU…" Ed tackled him before he could continue, tears welling in his eyes. He gripped the smaller tightly, sniffling, before he burst into sobs.

He felt Double D freeze before the smaller hesitatingly putting his arms around his waist.

"E-ed…are you alright?"

"OH DOUBLE D! I ALMOST LOST YOU!" He sobbed. He felt so ashamed. How close he had come to losing his little friend. All because he had been so caught up in taking charge!

"Ed? I'm fine, really, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just worried for your well being and you seem so…" This only served to make Ed sob harder.

"I almost lost you to the monster Double D! She could have killed you! Or taken you to the witches! I'm so sorry! So Sorry!"

Double D blinked, obviously confused, before gently brushing the tears off Ed's face.

"It's okay Ed. Really, I'm alright. See?" He spread his arms, grinning cheerfully.

Ed sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. His beard fluttered off onto the ground, but he didn't care. Double D was safe. That's all that mattered. right?

But he knew that wasn't right. Poor Double D had almost been killed.

"I love you Double D. I love you a whole lot, and I almost lost you! I don't want to lose you to the vicious monsters." He began crying again.

Double D's eyes widened, his face turning a bright red. His mouth hung open in a perfect 'O' of shock.

Ed didn't blame him. How could he even say such a thing when he had let that evil snake woman take him away.

"I don't blame you if you don't want to be near me Double D. I'm a bad protecterer." He hung his head, sniffling, then looked up.

Edd's eyes had softened considerably, and he was smiling gently at him.

"Oh Ed." He whispered consolingly. Taking Ed's hands, he patted his face gingerly.

"I love you too."

Huh? He loved Ed? Even after he had almost been killed?

"You...you don't h-hate me Double D?"

Double D shook his head.

"Of course not. I could never hate you you lovable oaf."

Ed blinked, startled, as Edd placed his hands on Ed's shoulders. His face was still a bright red, but he was smiling at him shyly. There was no anger, no hate, just love. A lot of it.

"But...what if the monsters take you away again? What if they get you."

Double D grinned that sweet gap toothed grin, giggling.

"Well I guess that means you'll have to come rescue me doesn't it?"

Ed beamed at him, nodding eagerly. This made Edd smile more. He gently patted his head before poking the end of his nose.

"No matter what happens tonight, no matter what consequences your actions cause us, I will always love you Ed. No matter what."

Ed snuffed, taking Edd into his arms and kissing the top of his head.

"And I'll protect you from the monsters Double D. No matter what." He responded, smiling happily.

Double D chuckled.

"I know you will Ed."

Aisheyru: T.T I am so fricken proud of this chapter. So freaking proud. Many thanks to my wonderful amazing fantabulous friend, Sweetums, for reviewing and reading this story. -gives her cookies- There are still a couple chapters to go, though I'm wondering if I should just end it right here. Hmmmmmmmmm... Guess I'll have to see where I'm going with this. :D