If you haven't read my other story, please doe cause I would love to hear everybody's thoughts, good bad or random, and by the way the school here starts the first day of the year, and everything else is like normal school. .

Chapter 1

"Wait what, you can't mean." Lightning was at the GC office where lieutenant Amodar was breaking some news to her, "I'm sorry Lightning, but in order for you to get a promotion or even a bonus, you have to finish high school." Lightning was devastated she dropped out of high school her freshman years and hasn't rejoined in 3 years. "But sir, I dropped out three years ago, how they will accept me back."

"Corporal Farron, the military will deal with that, you just have to go back to Fantasy high school the principle Cosmos is an understanding principle, and your time studying will be paid time. And yes I understand that the kids your age are now seniors while you're going to be a freshman, but look at the bright side, you get paid and you get to spend some more time with your family. Now you will go to high school, or else you won't be able to pay for yourself and your sister." Lightning defeated saluted to her superior and left, but what she thought to regret will lead to something she would never forget.

2 weeks later when school begins-

Lightning was wearing the school uniform that was black and white suit and white slacks, Lightning refused to wear the female uniform and wore the male uniform. Her sister wore the same cloths but for females and instead of white her skirt was black. Lightning wore a white tie, and Serah a white ribbon. The ties and ribbons represent what year you are, White 1st year black and white sophomore, gray junior and black senior.

Eating breakfast with her sister, Serah was excited, "I'm glad we can go to school together, and it will be like a dream since we are in the same grade, I'll introduce you to my friends."

Lightning sighed, her only friends are seniors, and she only had two, Lightning hates school because everyone is so judgmental, and now that she will be the only 18 year old freshman wearing the opposite sexes uniform, she knows she will be the target of suck prejudism. As she and her sister left towards the school, Lightning had to admire the campus, it was large clean and seemed to be very private but the truth is it is a public school.

Serah led Lightning to the principal's office, she left and told her sister she would be with her friends in her class 2-B. Lightning sighed. She looked at Cosmos, who stood elegantly in the principle uniform of all white, looking much like a goddess.

"Ah my dear, Lightning is it, welcome to FHS, were our motto is raising the Light within the students for better harmony. As requested from the GC I will accept you into the school as a freshman, and lucky enough for you, the Class of 2-B has an extra seat for you, I hope you don't mind me putting you in the same class as your sister."

"No, not at all, in fact" Lightning got interrupted when the door opened to show a spiky blonde kid with blue eyes walk in, he wore the same uniform as Light but everything was refused color except for the tie.

"Ah you must be the transfer student from Final academy high. Cloud Strife was it."

Cloud strife nodded, FAH, was a private school for the rich kids who were rumored to be troubled kids.

"Ah yes well, ugh Cloud you will also be assigned to Class 2-B, With Lightning here."

Cloud looked at Lightning, Lightning was average height and Cloud was only 1 inch shorter than her, tall for a freshman. "Isn't she too old to be a freshman?" Cloud's voice was deep and emotionless.

Lightning immediately hated this guy's gut, "Trying to start a fight kid." Cosmos was going to say something but Cloud beet her to it. "My apologies, I didn't mean to insult I was just curious," keeping the same monotone voice.

'What is with this guy, speaking as if he is a dead man?' "Whatever," Lightning said as Cosmos chose to guide them to Class 2-B.

Mean while, Serah has entered the class and met up with her friends, "Hey guys what's up," Serah said. "Hey Serah," Yuna said, Serah sat next to Yuna, when Riku and Terra, sat around her, "Hey girls," Riku said and the others greeted her. Just as they started to get into the normal conversation about cloths and other girly stuff, Zidane "Hey girl's Riku looking sexy as usual." He tried to kiss her on the cheek when she easily punches him in the face.

"Not in your dreams Zidane," She said as the other boys went to the group, this included Tidus, Barts, and Vaan, "Hey Yuna, and girls." Tidus said as he kissed Yuna on the cheek. Zidane recovered and the group was now back to normal, talking about what they did in the summer until Zidane said, "Hey guys, I found out we got two new students to our class, one is a transfer and the other is military personal, one is a boy the other a girl." "Really now," Riku said interested and everyone turned to Zidane. "Yeah, the transfer had to repeat his freshman year, and not that was transferred out of his old school for reason's I could find out yet. The other dropped out three years ago but came back to finish High School, to get better payment as a soldier.

Barts was about to ask how did he know when their teacher, Wol, or warrior of light as he was known for when he attended the school, "All right class, calm down, I'll be your home room teacher, my name is Wol Galahad, you will call me MR. Galahad. Now I know this is the first day back from the summer break, but we have some knew students that will arrive shortly." As if on cue there was a knock on the door. As the door opened to show the principal, walk in, "Oh Mr. Galahad, her are your new students, please take care of them.

She walked out the door and Lightning went in first, and already the class started to whisper and Zidane whispered to the group, "I wonder why the girl is wearing the boy's uniform, and doesn't she look like Serah." Everyone nodded and Serah just sighed.

"All right class calm down, as we allow the students to introduce themselves. Miss would you intro duce yourself." Wol said.

Lightning written her name on the black board and turned to the class with her soldier face on and soldier tone, "My name is Lightning Farron, I am currently 18 years old and warning for those of you, don't mess with me or you will wake up in the nurses office….If you're lucky." Lightning was able to terrify half the class. "Lightning take a seat anywhere, there is an empty seat. Serah waved at her sister and pointed to the seat behind her, which was empty. "Lightning over here." Barts, Vaan, and Riku, were shaking their heads, because lightning managed to scare them.

"Ok, then Mr. Transfer come in." As Cloud walked in, Eye's closed, and instantly gave everyone the same tension Lightning did, he wrote his name on the black board.

"Name's Cloud Strife, nothing more, nothing less." He said and Serah immediately jumped out of her seat. "Cloud," Every one starred at her, "Do I…..Know you?" Cloud asked. Serah seemed to be hurt, as she sat back down, and then Cloud found himself in the only seat available behind Lightning.

"Hey do you know him," Lightning asked her sister, and everyone else in the group was shocked by the tone difference soldier to worried older sister.

"I do, but I don't think he remembers me, but don't you remember Lightning."

Lightning shook her head in confusion, "Guess he ain't the only one, Light, he was our very first friend, back when I was three he was four and you were six."