A/N Okay, here it is. The ending. Enjoy! And review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb.

And that is why she's missing. I looked all over our room and the bathroom. I couldn't find her. I looked in her grandparent's room, very silently and that, but no Isabella. I'm starting to get worried. I would normally wake them up to help me look for her, but I don't want her own grandparents all scared because of a simple misunderstanding that caused her to- OH MY GOSH, she ran away. Either she's really good at hiding or- no, she wouldn't have went outside, would she have? Oh no! Oh no, this is bad! This is really bad! I have to go find her! I must! I quickly grabbed a raincoat and an umbrella, and ran out.

Okay, two things. First off, the umbrella was a stupid idea. It broke after three seconds of being outside. Second, I think I know where she is. I just know it. It cheesy, but albeit, it makes sense. She knows how to get there and back easily. And she knows that I'd come just in case. Iknow it must be it. It must be the secret spot.

But wait, that's almost a 20 minute walk, and it's super dark out. I barely paid attention to where we were going. If it weren't so dark, I'd be able to find it more easily. Well, either way, it's my only hope. I just wish the storm eases down a bit, for both our sakes.

Okay, it's been about 45 minutes. The rain literally got heavier. The lighting and thunder happened more often, and it's even darker. But I think I'm finally close!

I know she won't respond, but I try anyways.

"Isabella! You here?" I shout.

I listen closely, and as expected hear nothing. Wait. I just heard coughing. I know I did. Yes! YES! It sounded like Isabella too.


Cough. Again. It must be her. I keep walking. I vaguely am able to recognize the rock and trees, and lake. Then I look to the ground. I see Isabella, huddled up next to the rock.

"Isabella." I whisper.

She nods ever so slightly. She was shivering.

"I'm sorry Phineas-" she says.

I shake my head, as if saying not to worry.

She nods her's though. Then she starts whispering quietly.

"No, it's all my fault. I caused our friendship to get all awkward, and I caused you to come out in the rain and-"

"Isabella, stop!" I say. I grab her hand and help her to her feet. She looks freezing and weak-ish. I support her against myself nonetheless. Then I take off my jacket and wrap it around her. In her haste to get out of the cabin, she grabbed absolutely nothing. I pulled her into a huge bear hug, for two reasons. One being the simple fact she's freezing, the other being that I've desperately wanted to for a while now. She smiles a bit, but pushes herself off of me. I'm confused at first, but then I realize what's happening. First of all, she still feels guilty. Secondly, she thinks I'm taking pity on her or something. But I'm not. And in want to prove it.

"By the way, there's something I wanted to tell you." I say. She seems confused and mutters, "wha-?".

I cut her off though.

I leaned in, and kissed her. She didn't do anything at first. But she finally joined in.

"Oh Phineas-" she began. Then I realized something. I've only been out for about an hour. She's been out for so much longer. Somewhere between an hour and a half to two hours. I was freezing so much that I wanted to huddle up into a ball. How's Isabella doing? Oh, that answers that. She just fell over. That's fantastic isn't it?

Oh, you know what. I know what I have to do. I pick her up, bridal style, and run back to the cabin. It usually would have taken longer. But hey, I was really afraid for Isabella. I got back in 5 minutes flat. I would usually be more proud of myself, but I didn't have time to be proud of myself. I grabbed as many blankets as I could find, and wrapped Isabella up. Then I put her back in the bed. I guess after a few hours I fell asleep, because I woke up next to her. She was ready up. She was cuddling by me. But she only seemed to be in a half-awake mode. I gently stirred. Eventually we got up, but we took our time. We both warmed up and completely recovered from last night, the shock of it and all.

A few days later…

We had talked more. We talked about our feelings. I revealed my newly found, but old, ones. Just as she has revealed her much older ones. We have officially gotten together. My family had all said they knew it would happen. When we told them, I'm pretty sure I saw Candace giving Ferb a 20 dollar bill under the table. Wow. Usually, I'd be a bit upset, but I'm too happy to be. Far too happy. Isabella and I were officially together. What could be better? Nothing I think.

Yeah, we'll be together for a long time. We'll be together and happy, forever. Forever and ever. In fact, this story became our kids' favorite