A/N Okay, I'll keep this short. Please r & r. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Phineas and Ferb

Phineas's POV

Why did this have to happen? Just why? Why does everything in life turn out like this? Where am I going right now? More importantly, why will I say if when I see her? If I- I mean- when I do! Oh gosh. Why can't things be normal?


"That's awesome Isabella! I'd love to, let me ask!"

"Mom! Isabella's going camping and invited me, can I go?" I asked excitedly, hoping she'd say yes. Then I realized I literally told her nothing about the trip.

"They rented a cabin at the campsite by our house. It's for three days, starting tomorrow. So, can I go?"

She looked off into the distance, as if deep in thought.

"I don't knew hun, you're a bit old to spending the night at Isabella's, let alone go on a camping trip with her."

What does she mean by that? I'm 12. We're best friends! She saw my confusion and shook her head.

"You know what, I really don't want to have this conversation right now. Fine! You can go!"


"Thanks mom!" I shout, after frantically running upstairs.

"Yeah Isabella, I can come."

"Phineas, I know, you've been on the phone the whole time. That's great though!"

"Yeah. Anyways, I can't talk right now. See you in a bit?"

"'Course! Bye."


End of Flashback

What happened to that? That was great. Why'd everything have to change?


Okay, I think I have everything packed. Clothes. Emergency toolbox. Phone. Etc. Okay, all ready. I walk downstairs to say final goodbyes.

Okay, a bit too emotional. Poor mom, she cried the whole time. Why though? I'm only going to be gone for two night. She kept gasping, "miss you so much" and "all grown up" and stuff. Anyways, I finally step out and walk to Isabella's house.

End of Flashback

Ugh. Where is she? I'm starting to get worried. But seriously, why everything have to get so… what's the word?