Chapter 3
"Shut the hell up." I grumble moodily under my breath as the loud chirping from some half-nocturnal, early bird catches in my ears. The morning sun is softly filtering through the tent and I can hear pans clanking together noisily outside by the fireplace. Someone is up and talking quietly over there, the whispers carrying through the place.
Suddenly I freeze. While I was asleep last night, I have turned over once and my wide eyes are still glued to the wall in front of me. That's all I could hear. The soft breathing that should be right next to me isn't audible, so I spin around quickly just to find the sleeping bag next to me unoccupied.
I stumble out of the tent cursing like a sailor and almost falling flat on my face as my left foot catches on one of the strings that are holding the whole thing in place.
There are two things I notice immediately as I stand out there. First is the kid just sitting all chatting and laughing with Andrea around the fire looking over to me with big concerned eyes. Second is I forgot to zip up my trousers in the heat of the moment and they are about half the way down to my knees by now. I must look fucking hilarious since they both would probably burst out laughing, but instead they just giggle under their breath to not make any racket. The Asian might as well let the blonde chick braid his hair at this point.
I pull my pants up, doing it with as much dignity as I still have left and stalk over to the pair. "You little shit." The growl is way under my breath, a little shaky maybe, but still threatening none the less. "What do ya think you are doin' out here?"
"I couldn't sleep anymore." He answers and that is probably all I'll get, so I settle an angry glare on him. "Um…I'm sorry?"
"Oh you better be!" I hiss heatedly right into his ear and if my sight ain't gone bad yet, he is shaking like a leaf. "Get ya ass back to bed." In another situation it would have come out as suggestion, but this time it's a clear command and he gets it. Glenn stands up and walks over to the tent, me right behind him.
Andrea gives us some kind of funny face the whole time.
I zip the entrance after I get in after him.
If this is the only price I have to pay for letting him so close to me, it would be alright. I get closer to him until we almost breathe the same air. His deer-brown eyes gaze up to mine and they seem to be gleaming in the low light.
"Don't do that ever again, chink." His shoulder tense up at the nickname. For a moment I think he is angry, because of the redness of his cheeks, but then I notice once more that he's gulping in air like someone who was close to drowning a minute ago. Maybe he's just nervous or maybe…
My hand finds his forehead and his eyes flutter shut with a relieved sigh passing from his lips almost like an afterthought. The kid is practically burning up. His skin is flushed and his shirt is so wet from sweat that I hadn't noticed it in the beginning.
"You gonna be the fucking death of me…" I whisper and touch our foreheads together. Yeah, like I thought, he's going crazy with fever. I make a move to get up and fetch him some water, but he grabs my arm to stop me.
"Where are you going?" He croaks with his cracking voice and puts on a face like someone just killed his puppy. I half-kneel, half-stand and don't know what I'm supposed to do now since I have no real pool of experience with sick people. Expect for Merle, but his case is different since he's just plainly sick in the head due to his heavy drug overuse.
"What? Getting all attached to me now?" Okay, it sounded like some kind of messed up insult even to myself, but he doesn't seem to mind all that much since the hand on my elbow slips down to my hand to take hold of mine. I think about pulling away till the kid speaks up again.
"Possibly…" He whispers back and we both still as his words sink in.
The clanking of the pans and the birds outside seems louder than before. It always sounds like a commotion is going on out there by the sound of voices sounding on top of each other. I can hear Merle's voice clear as day. He is arguing about something like always.
"I don't think you wanna go there, kid." I distance from him further and pick at a dirty spot on the bottom of my sleeping bag. The earth is clinging to it and I think about actually washing it, but then it would have to dry out again and that in return would me one night without a sleeping bag.
What the fuck am I even thinking about!?
"You fought your own brother for me…That's gotta count for something, right?"
It feels like static coursing through me as he says it. The Asian didn't sound too full of himself most of the time even when he brought back massive amounts of supplies that made everyone gasp and gape or when he had one of those brilliant ideas of his, but this doesn't come close to unsure or guarded.
The way his eyes widen lets me guess that he didn't want to let it slip quite with such ease, but I sooth him by just throwing him to the ground less violent than I would have if I were angry or he simply healthy.
The pressure on his lips gets him gasping right as I touch him. His hands catch in the fabric of my shirt and he spreads his legs to make space for me as if we actually had some kind of practiced ease going on.
We break apart and breathe the same air since we are practically glued together. Glenn's face is flushed, but I can't really be certain why. Our eyes lock once more and without having to say anything we understand that we have mutual needs to take care of.
We kiss again and it gets intense, all teeth and sucking and biting. He is arching up to me desperately trying to get his ever heating body to cool down, but tough luck there, short round.
We ground together and the friction of denim against denim seems to kill him since he moans out loudly. I shut him up with my tongue once again and pull his shirt over his head while he goes for mine at the same moment.
It really feels like we have done this a million times, but to be truthful it really was a onetime thing a few days ago. There hadn't been longing glances or lasting touches up to then. Hell, we talked only a handful of times before he just appeared in my tent all flushed and with hooded eyed.
But that hadn't stopped me from doing what I'm doing now, mind you. My body pressing down on top of his, pinning and covering him up like a human blanket. He lies beneath me as if that's the best place he has ever been and shit that thought sure got me going.
I was nothing like my brother or father after all; not the stereotypical homophobic redneck. The contrast to the male side of my family is as clear as day since yeah, I'm about to fuck a chink right through the floor of the tent any moment now and nothing short of a walker attack would stop me from doing it.
"Daryl, you are killing me." The kid gasps out and buries his face in the side of my neck, trying to stifle all the little noises pouring out of him like water out of a damned fountain. He may be delirious or dehydrated, but I'll think about that when I've finished up with the matter at hand.
I worm my well-worn fingers down to his jeans, going directly to his zipper. The noise is startling loud if not even appalling, but I choose to ignore it. He moans out loudly when I grip hold of him for the first time. So loud in fact, I have to cover his mouth with my free hand.
I neglect myself for some time, only paying attention to him and the whimpering noises, the hot breath against my palm. However, my patience is practically torn to pieces when his tongue begins to lap at the fleshy part of my hand like he's some kind of starved sex-kitten.
Suddenly he grips hold of my belt and tucks it loose. The button is opened and the zipper unzipped and without missing another beat Glenn begins to pleasure me. I feel the tremble in his fingers even through his put up front of confidence.
I take hold of his hands, pinning them above his head. He looks startled until I begin to stroke the both of us with a steady rhythm. The inside of the tent grows hotter by the minute and I can feel relief approaching.
In favor to be able to lean onto my arm and over on top of the chink, I release his hands. The rhythm and breaths shared between us quickens. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. I can feel the tips of his fingers dig into my upper arms and the pain turns me on even further.
"Daryl…" He gasps out almost silently. His dark eyes are finally looking alert again, looking alive and without having to think about it further, I lean down and press my lips into his waiting ones.
The kid is a biter and I'll be damned to hell, I don't care about the fact that he could be infected or that there may be traces of what we did left on me. The only think I care about is his groaning while I grasp our dicks together in a firm and simply move.
The sound of my name is what sets me off finally.
After that the black-haired guy lies next to me, completely spend. His face is pressed into the plane of flesh between my neck and shoulder and he is curled up into me like some sort of cat. One of my hands is resting on the small of his back while the other arm is locked underneath my head.
I really mind don't staying like this forever, but if someone ever suggested that we were cuddling, I would get up just to hunt them down.
His fever finally broke a few hours later.