A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait! Happy new year! Hope you enjoy ^.^

Ch.6: Halloween Ball

That next morning, I had woken up to Draco's arms circled around my waist on the couch. I couldn't believe how incredibly warm he was. I snuggled closer to him, not wanting to get cold if I inched away. Draco moaned in his sleep as I had gotten closer to him. I then noticed how a green and red blanket covered us. The colors of it had made me think of Christmas mornings, and how our friendship, or whatever we had, was like; an exciting surprise.

'Draco must have conjured it before he had fallen asleep last night. Last night...' My eyes snapped open in shock. 'Oh Godric! I flew on a broom last night!' my mind had screamed.

Draco started to stir in his sleep; he was starting to wake up. I twirled in his arms, to face him. "Good morning," he rumbled, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning," I smiled up at him.

"That was the best sleep I've had in a long time," he had admitted.

"I guess we found a way to cure your fear," I smirked at him, knowing exactly what he would say to it.

"I wouldn't mind getting used to this," he agreed winking back at me, which caused me to giggle.

"Well, we should probably get up; other students will be down soon," I told him, as I stood up from the couch. "I'll see you later," I was just about to turn to leave the common room, but Draco had gotten hold of my wrist.

"Wait," he paused for a moment. "The Halloween Ball is next week... What will you be going as?" he questioned.

"It's a surprise," I answered him mysteriously.

He nodded as he thought it over. "I'll keep a look out for you," he notified me. He grinned as he released his grasp on me.

The week had past by in a blur. Between classes and being busy with decorating the great hall, I had just enough time to stress about my costume. It was something very bold, which I wasn't accustomed to. I had an urge to go out and buy a new costume. But I decided not to. For once, I just wanted to stand out from the crowd. I wanted to feel sexy. And the costume which I had picked out, was the best suited for the requirements.

The night of Hallows eve had finally arrived. Classes were cancelled for the day, to let the students prepare for the eventful night. I slipped into my emerald fitted dress. It fell just above mid thigh. If I bent down, then surely my black panties would have shown. I slid my fingers into black formal gloves, which reached right above my elbows. I pulled my black fishnets up my long slender legs, just below my dress, and slid my feet into black heeled boots. I then placed my black rimmed, green bunny ears on top of my head, and fixed my nicely tamed curls. I slid one last coat of pink lipstick on, before I left my dorm to meet Ginny in the common room.

"Bloody Hell! Hermoine, is that you?" Ginny practically yelled. She was dressed up as a lady bug. Her black spotted red dress fell just above her knees, where her red stockings lied.

I nodded. I looked down to the ground for a moment, then back up to her. "How do I look?" I asked her, insecure.

"You look smashing! And your Cleavage! Where did that come from?" she asked in awe, at what I managed to hide so well.

I shook my head in dismay, yet, satisfaction, at her out burst. "C'mon, let's go," I looped my arm around Ginny's, and pulled her out of the dorm.

The great hall was beautifully decorated, and the music was booming. It wasn't long, until there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a Prince Charming. His black top hat covered his hair. A black mask with a couple green swirls on it, was placed around his eyes.

A slow song started in the background, as other couples moved to the dance floor. "May I have this dance?" the masked man asked.

"I would love to dance," I answered him, with a smile.

He took me to the dance floor. Right in the middle of it. As we started to dance, the lyrics of the song sunk into me.

Don't break my heart before I give it to you

Don't tell me no before I ask you to

Don't say it doesn't fit before you try it on

there's too much to lose to be wrong

and it feels like there's something here

but I wanna see it before it disappears

and if there something real between me and you

well are we both open to

All these possibilities

so many little possibilities

right in front of us

close enough to touch

and far enough to have some time to see

All these possibilities

whoa these possibilities

are written in the stars

we are who we are baby

and I can't help but think that possibly

there's possibilities

Our eyes locked on each other's. It was as if he was looking straight into my soul; we all know the saying about eyes and the soul. He had these amazing blue eyes with silver swirls in them. 'Could it be...?' I wondered. I was so entranced in the song and dancing, that it was like the rest of the world slipped away from the two of us.

Don't give me hope if there's nothing to this

Don't let me in if your not there

what I'm feeling doesn't happen everyday

so baby please play me fair

and it feels like there's something more

than those crazy little crushes I've felt before

when you move in close I can feel the rush

and now we're so close we can touch

All these possibilities

so many little possibilities

right in front of us

close enough to touch

and far enough to have some time to see

All these possibilities

whoa these possibilities

are written in the stars

we are who we are baby

and I can't help but think that possibly

there's possibilities.

When the music slowed to a stop, we were only mere inches away from each other. I could feel his minty breath on my flushed face.

"Granger," he rumbled out. There was something different in his eyes, it looked like it could have been lust. "Can I..." he trailed off, as his eyes slid down to my lips.

I absentmindedly licked my lips, in anticipation. "Yes," I answered his unfinished question for permission.

As he bent down, I stretched up on my toes. As our lips connected with one another, it felt as though lightning struck. I felt a buzz go through my veins. It left me feeling tingles throughout my body. "Draco," I murmured against his lips.

With that one simple word, he stopped the kiss. "I have to go," he told me, before bolting out of the great hall.

I followed after my masked prince charming. I knew it was Draco. But I had no idea why he would leave me right in the middle of the dance floor, without an explanation. As I got to the doors, I looked right and left. But I couldn't see anybody. "Draco...?" I sadly asked the empty hall. I sighed, and returned back to the ball.