I do not own, written as an R.P with Andraste Straton

Harry sits in the dungeons sobbing, hidden away in a corner "I'm an idiot; he hates me, so why do I love him... why... I love him so much it hurts... my friends don't approve and they hate me too but I can't not love him... even if he doesn't love me..."

Severus saw the sobbing boy and sighed, he'd be breaking his promise to himself and Lily if he didn't go and help him. He crouched down beside Harry. "Potter, what ails you?"

He sniffs "I can't cope anymore professor" he tries to hold back his tears " he hates me, he'd never even be friends with me... and... and I can't explain to him and make him unhappy, it would kill me..."

Severus, in an odd and rare show of affection pulled Harry close. "Who are you blubbering about, Potter?"

He sniffs "d...Draco" he sobs quietly "my... my mate" he adds on the end. Snape sighed, this could not end well. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's probably just attraction, Draco is half veela, and it's one of their characteristics."

He looks up at him "he's veela?" he smiles slightly "then its fine... he has to like me back... unless his mate is another... but that's rare for your mate's mate not to be you" he babbles a little and wipes his eyes. Severus rolled his eyes. "Have you considered talking to him? I wouldn't advise touching him, veela are rather...sensitive to their mates."

"I was too scared... I didn't want him to reject me and anyway I can't get close to him without someone pushing me away or hexing me"

"I could arrange something." Snape said, smirking. "Detention, Potter, for being out of bed after hours."

he looks down "what now sir?" he says quietly not seeing the smirk "I was only out so I could come down here and feel closer to him"

Snape rolled his eyes. "And Mr Malfoy turned in his essay far too late; I think a detem too."

"oh," he gasps a little and blushes "I understand now" he says quietly then smiles up at him "thank you sir" he grins. Severus stood up and brushed himself off. "Off to bed now. Tomorrow 6 'o' clock sharp."

He nods "thank you sir" he smiles and closes his eyes briefly "goodnight Draco" he says quietly and turns towards the dark corner and after nodding the professor runs into it, reappearing inside Gryffindor tower.

Draco sat in the tention, scrubbing out cauldrons, and sorting out ingredients. Harry walks in "sorry I'm late sir... I have a note..." he trails of when he notices only Draco is there

"No need to call me, Sir..." Draco chuckled.

"I thought the professor was here dr... Malfoy" he says quietly and shrugs "guess I'm scrubbing cauldrons then"

"Nope, you're sorting out intestines depending on length." Draco gestured to the pot beside him and sighed. he sighs "great...well I'm not getting intestine gunk on my robes" he pulls them off so he's in his shirt and trousers and folds them on a nearby desk and starts to sort the intestines out forgetting he had short sleeves on and that his elven marks were now visible to the blonde. Draco looked over at the patterns on Harry's arms and shifted away slightly. That couldn't be right; Harry couldn't be an elf...elves hunted veela, for their hair, their feathers...their blood sometimes. His eyes were wide and scared and his wings wanted to burst out. He turns and sees the look on his face "are you ok Dra... Malfoy?" he moves forward a little not realising it was him he was scared of. Draco backed up a little, almost against the wall. "Please don't come any closer." Draco begged. He steps back and throws his wand on the floor "I'll stay here, just please tell me what's the matter, let me help... please" he starts to get upset seeing him terrified but not being able to help

"You're an elf..." He said quietly, as if that would explain everything.

"And... "He stands confused for a second "oh merlin no... I would never hurt you Draco... never... you have to believe that" he forgets to correct himself Draco cocked his head to the side and his momentary confusion allowed his wings to pop out, tearing his shirt off and spreading wide either side of him. He gasps a little "beautiful" he breaths staring at the boy in front of him "I don't deserve you... you deserve better than me" he drops to the floor. Draco curls his wings around him, trying to cover himself up. He walks forward warily and touched Harry's shoulder, immediately gasping and backing away again he looks up at him smiling "you touched me... and it wasn't with hate..." he grins "but no, you deserve better than me, your perfect and I'm..." he looks down "broken"

Draco had felt the bond pulse when he touched Harry, the veela marking on the side of his neck pulsed and he knew there was no way out now. "Oh Merlin..."

He looks up at him, his elven marks on his arms pulsing in time with the mark on Draco's neck "I knew it you don't want me..." he starts to hyperventilate... "Oh... you don't want me... but how could you you're so perfect... I'm not... I'm broken"

"How are you broken?" Draco asked, touching the mark on his neck and then stroking down Harry's marks. "And who said I don't want you?"

He purrs a little "my uncle... he... he beat me... I'm weak... unworthy... how could you want me" he leans closer to the blond. Draco chuckles at the purr. "Oh Harry, you - you're not going to harvest me...are you?" Draco asked, tensing his wings defensively.

"No... Never... I could never hurt you... it's been killing me to pretend I don't love you..." he looks up at him

"I had no clue we were bonded..." Draco said quietly.

"I knew... I was too scared you would reject me... I v'e known since the start of the year... the only thing that kept me sane while he beat me was knowing if I stayed alive I could be with you" he says quietly not looking up

"You are never going back there!" Draco hissed, pulling Harry into his embrace and wrapping his wings tight around then, only vaguely aware that he was half naked. he grins and leans against his bare chest purring happily and letting his glamour fade and his elf side show, his hair darker, eyes brighter, ears and teeth pointed and he grows a little, still shorter than Draco but enough to make his shirt tear and fall to the floor. Draco chuckled and nuzzled into his hair, gasping as he sees Harry's unique markings transfer onto his chest where Harry's arm is touching him. They fade almost to nothingness and glow a faint green when he touches them. "You're beautiful, Harry."

He blushes and looks up at him "you think so?" he purrs even more "even with my scars?" he nuzzles against his chest. Draco nodded. "You are beautiful. My father beat me too. Because I'm not a dominant veela, you see how my wings curve at the top? It means that I need a mate who will control me to an extent."

harry nods "ok, I can do whatever you need love" he smiles into draco's chest still purring as the professor walks in "right you've been here for an hour I trust you have sorted..." Snape trails off as he see them talking together inside Draco's wings. Draco smiled up at his godfather and shooed him off with a flick of his hand over the top of his wing. "I just need you to give me rule in a way...submissives have a lack of self-control."

The professor walks out not wanting to interrupt them "I can do that..." he smiles up at him "but err... when you say submissive... how submissive... I mean like... arm... for... mating..?" he finishes quietly, taking into Draco's chest. Draco nodded, "If you want me to y'know top, I will..." Draco said smiling and kissing Harry's cheek. He blushes and nods "thank you Draco" he smiles a little and leans up to kiss him softly on the lips. Draco kisses him back and pulls him closer. He grins against his lips still purring a little

"I really love that noise." Draco growled, closing his eyes and positioning Harry so that he was straddling Draco's lap. He purrs louder and wraps his legs around Draco's waist before kissing down his neck and over his veela mark, flicking his tongue over the sensitive skin when he reaches it. Draco's eyes bulge and he lets out a cry of pleasure, panting hard. "Oh...Harry..." He breathes, grabbing Harry's hair. He repeats the action, purring loudly before the professor storms in "you are NOT mating in my classroom" he shouts at the pair still hidden in Draco's wings. Draco snarled, baring his teeth, his eyes going almost white as Severus threatened the end of Draco's pleasure. He takes a step back from them "I'm not splitting you up but you can't mate in my classroom..." he says slowly harry leans up and whispers in Draco's ear "its best if we move anyway, go somewhere we can't be disturbed" he licks the outside of his ear softly. Draco whined and whimpered, getting up and keeping his wings around himself, hiding his partial nakedness. He kisses him softly and grabs his robes and their bags before leaning up and whispering in his ear again "let me pick you up and I can take us somewhere we can be alone"

Draco cocks his head to the side. "But I can fly, sweetheart."

"yes, I know love but I can move through shadow I can take us across the castle in seconds" he strokes his cheek "and I don't want to wait long to be in your arms again"

Draco burst out laughing. "Of all the people I could have mated with and I get a shadow elf...Merlin our kids will be fucked up."

He blushes "sorry..." he says quietly looking down "w...wait... kids..." he stutters as the professor walks closer "I thought you were leaving..."

Draco pulled Harry from the room. "Yes. Kids. Not now of course, but...it can happen."

He nods "ok... now come on love I want to be alone with you" he pulls him into the shadows and they reappear outside the room of requirement, he quickly crates the door and pulls Draco inside

Draco grins and wraps his arms and wings around Harry, pulling him as close as humanly possible. "Merlin, Harry, I need you."

He purrs loudly "good, I don't want to wait" he starts kissing his neck again making sure to lick at his veela mark. Draco's hands snake down to Harry's ass and he holds him close by the hips, groaning at the pressure. He moans a little and wraps his legs around Draco's hips as he starts moving his kisses across his collarbone. Draco supports Harry's weight and backs them against the wall, nuzzling at Harry's neck. He bucks against the blonde a little and whimpers loudly at the sensation

"Merlin, Harry..." He sighed, tilting his head back. He purrs loudly and shifts a little, wrapping his arms around Draco's back and kissing his nipples before starting to suck at them. Draco makes a high pitched whine and pulls him closer, stroking his hair and breathing shallowly. He grins against his chest and continues to suck at them as he grinds his hips against Draco's again. Draco reached between them and started palming at his own cock. "Mmm, Harry, yes, baby..." He whimpered. He moans against his chest and bucks against Draco's hand his cock bulging in his pants as starts sucking the other nipple. Draco shook his head, the pleasure getting too much. "Har-ry...We gotta...we've got to stop...oh Merlin...too good..."

"No..." he growls "more..." he keeps grinding against him and sucking on his nipple "more Draco... we can't stop... too good"

Draco shook his head. "I can't...hold on..." He moaned, bucking forwards, his wings outstretched and quivering.

"then don't" he growls and leans up to suck on his neck over his veela mark his hand wrapping in the blonde's hair. Draco threw his head back with a feral cry that was almost birdlike he came in his pants, shaking and sinking to the floor. He falls on top of him as he cries out, feeling Draco's pleasure through to bond and immediately comes in his pants and then lies against the blonde's chest purring. Draco laid his head back against the wall and breathed hard, trying to calm himself. "Harry...that was..."

"Amazing" he finishes quietly, still purring as he trails a hand over Draco's chest. Draco took a deep breath and sighed, "Can we stay in the same dorm tonight?"

He kisses him softly "we can stay here tonight if you want"

Draco smiled, "Well, we could..."

He smiles back and leans up to kiss him deeply. Draco kisses him tiredly and walks over to the bed, stripping down until he was naked. He strips and follows him over still purring before climbing onto the bed

"Mmm, do you ever stop purring? It's beautiful..." Draco sighed. He blushes "only when I'm not happy, and I'll always be happy around you"

"Your friends will not be happy about this." Draco sighed.

"They weren't happy with me already..." he shrugs "but I have you now I don't care"

"Why, who could possibly be annoyed with you!"

"Because shadow elves aren't light creatures... "He looks down

"Obviously." Draco laughed. "But there is no one further onto the side of light than you."

"But apparently because I'm shadow elf I'm no longer light"

Draco shook his head. "And yet I am supposed to be one of the purest creatures on the planet"

"I know" he chuckles a little "but I suppose that's how it works"

"Mm-hmm and you have just dirtied the purest creature on the planet." Draco chided gently. He blushes "oh... I doubt you were that pure..." he chuckles

"I was!" Draco said affronted.

"I was joking love, sorry" he looks down

"It's okay, sweetheart, so was I." Draco laughed, shaking his head. He bushes again "oh... sorry" he leans back against his chest. Draco held him close. "I love you."

"I love you too" he twists around and kisses him softly. Draco kissed him back, "I should probably tell mother"

"About me?" he clarifies blushing a little

"No, that I had bacon for breakfast." Draco said sarcastically.

"Sorry, it's just I've never been anything to tell your parents about..."

"Well, perhaps I'll tell her not to tell Father...he won't be too impressed."

"I'm sorry, I wish I was someone your family wouldn't mind being your mate" he says quietly

"Harry, Mother will be over the moon. Father hates me anyway."

He smiles "really? How could he hate you? How could anyone?"

"Oh you'd be surprised what he finds..."

"Tell me... please?" he asks twisting around to look at him

"He hates that I'm gay, that I'm a submissive, that I'm a half breed, that I'm me."

He pulls him close "it's ok, you have me, and your mother... if he can't accept you for who you are then he doesn't deserve you as a son"

Draco laughed. "It's okay, it doesn't hurt me. Nice to know how much of a sappy git you are though,"

He blushes and kisses him softly "you still love me though" he giggles a little

"Yeah, I do." Draco chuckled. He leans up and kisses him again but deeper, shifting so they are closer together. Draco shifted his thighs between Harry's and smiled, pressing them together. He purrs loudly and moans a little grinning back.

"You're just so hot." He said quietly. He blushes madly and starts purring louder

"Do you make any other noises?"

He blushes more "well you can try make me moan" he chuckles

"Mm, I think I already did that, didn't I?"

He grins "want to do it again then?" he kisses him deeply. Draco rolled his eyes. "Elves...insatiable sexual appetites..."

He blushes "only for you" he starts kissing his neck "and we both know you enjoy it"

"Yes, yes, I know, but I'm tired." Draco sighed.

"Ok love, sorry" he pulls off and curls up next to him

"No, no, don't be sorry, I'm yours after all, I just have a long recovery time, my bad..."

"It's ok, I can wait" he smirks a little and leans up to kiss him softly. Draco kissed him back gently and stroked his hair. "You're so lovely."

He blushes again "not as lovely as you are" he purrs and leans into his touch

"Mm, that's a lie. At least your powers are useful..."

"So are yours... "He argues "you can... you can fly"

"I can fly...yeah, I guess..."

"See, that's useful" he smiles

"But being able to disappear and reappear everywhere, that's cool."

"So is having wings... that's cooler"

"It really isn't. It hurts when I lay on them!"

"aww... don't lie on them then" he jokes. Draco laughed and got up, stretching his wings out and then bending them back. "Sorry, they were getting stiff."

He chuckles "its ok... I don't mind" he moves closer and strokes the feathers "there beautiful"

"Mm, they're sensitive." Draco said, "Feels good when you touch them though."

He smiles and strokes them again "good I which way?" he smirks

"Good as in...It gets me horny if you hit the right spots." Draco smirked. He grins and moves behind him and keeps stroking his wings

"No, no the spot is around the fr-ohh!" Draco moaned arching his back and ruffling the feathers on his wings.

"I think I found it" he grins and kisses the back of his neck and moving his fingers back over the spot. Draco whimpered and felt his knees shake. "OH...Harry there...there harder...oh faster...no wait...slower, deeper...oh Merlin yes!"

He moves out from behind him "nah-ah your turn to please me love" he smirks "not fair if I have to do all the work"

Draco almost fell to his knees and then smirked and did actually fall to his knees, licking his lips. His eyes widen and he bites his lip, already panting a little from Draco's pleasure felt through the bond

"Well go on, I'm not doing everything." Draco said, sitting on his calves and opening his mouth. He moves forwards and stands up on the bed in front of him and moving his hips forwards and putting the tip against his lips. The blonde smirks and moves his head forwards and sucks on the tip softly, eliciting a moan from the elf's mouth.

"Merlin… your amazing Draco" he pants and wraps his fingers in his white blonde hair. The blonde's only response is to suck harder and move is lips further down, causing harry to moan again and buck into his mouth. Draco moans around his lover's cock and then whimpers when harry pulls out.

"Please harry, why did you stop?" he says quietly

"I want you to take me dray… please, I want to mate with you properly" he begs and lies on his back. Draco spreads his legs and keels between them before bending down to lick at his hole, making harry whimper and squirm.

"please dray, just take me…" he cries out and spreads his legs as the blonde summons a jar of lube and spreads some on his hard shaft and a little over Harry's clenching and unclenching hole before slowly pushing in making the green eyed elf moan loudly.

"Oh… harry… merlin you're tight" he moans as he starts to move inside him slowly reaching up to hold his shoulders and lean down to suck at his nipples. The green eyes in front of him close in pleasure and his mouth opens with gasping pants as he starts to speed up and move deeper inside his mate, his wings beating slowly behind him.

He starts to get faster and moves down to kiss him deeply and passionately as he starts to get close, he attempts to tell his lover, only managing to gasp" soo.. Good… close… soon" through the pleasure.

"Yes dray… I'm… I'm gonna… come..." he cries out the last word, covering his and his mate's chests. He clenches around Draco's length causing the blonde veela to cry out and fill his mate with his seed before collapsing onto harry.

They lie there for a few minutes, in wings embrace, before harry sighs and speaks up "that was amazing, love" he blushes "but we forgot protection"