Welcome to my current major project. I've been working like a nut on this. Please enjoy! R & R
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, as much as I wish I did
He runs through the dense park. He has to get away from his pursuer. Unfortunately, he isn't fast enough. Stumbling over the roots of the trees, he crashes to the ground. He unintentionally lets out a cry of pain.
"You try to escape from me?" the pursuer asks, voice heavily accented.
Something cold and metallic presses against his head.
No, no, no, he thinks miserably. I'm sorry, my brothers. I wasn't strong enough. Please, please escape.
A smile finds its way across the face of the wielder of the gun. A finger slowly pulls the trigger.
The hand holding the gun drops to the side of the weilder. The killer bends down beside the dead male.
"No more misery for you. I hope you're finally happy." The tone of the voice is mournful. The muderer mourns the former misery of the victim.