AnimeRoxx: Well, I have sorta lost the inspiration for the other stories of mine so I am going to try and wrap them up as best as I can. But, while I try and think of a way to wrap them up, please enjoy this
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the ideas in this story.
I strolled through the school hallway clutching my song book/journal tightly to my chest with my head angled down as I tried not to bring unnecessary attention to myself.
I am known by the popular kids as the Goodie-two shoes of the school. I am the one everyone goes to if they want help on their homework. I get straight A's in my classes, but never raise my hand in class, even if I know the answer.
I quickly put in the combination on my locker and got my books for first and second hour, then shut it. As I was getting ready to head to class, a hand fell on my shoulder. I tensed as I looked up to see who it was. Riker. Part of R5, the popular group. No one really knows where the name came from, but it just stuck.
"Where do you think you are going?" he smirked at me as the rest of R5, Rydel, Ratliff, Rocky, and Austin, laughed behind him.
"T-to class." I stuttered out.
"Really? Who in their right mind wants to go to class fifteen minutes early?" Rydel, the only girl in the group, asked.
"Well, Rydel, she is the Nerd of the school." Ratliff pointed out.
"That's right. Geeky Ally has to be early for everything and anything below an A is unacceptable!" Austin threw in.
"It's amazing you even have one real friend. Everyone else just uses you for their own good." Rocky said causing the others to laugh and tears to prick in the corner of my eyes.
"That's n-not true. I h-have plenty of f-friends." I protested and tried not to cry in front of them.
"Oh yea? Name five friends that you talk to other than helping them with homework." Ratliff said.
"Um, T-Trish, and um, Dez…" I said and trailed off because really, that was all the people I socialized with.
After a few seconds of silence, the members of R5 burst out laughing.
"So just two friends?" Riker said. "How pathetic."
I couldn't fight back the tears anymore. They started rolling down my face. I turned quickly and darted off down the hall.
"Haha, that was fun!" Rydel laughed, causing the rest of the members to join in with her. Then, they all went their separate ways to class.
"Ally, are you okay?" Trish asked me later that day at lunch.
I had been quiet since first hour, barely uttering a word and my eyes looked a little red.
"I'm fine, Trish. Really." I tried to reassure her. It didn't work. You didn't have to be a genius to know I was lying.
"Ally…" Trish began.
"Just drop it, okay? I don't want to talk about it." I said to which Trish just sighed.
After a few minutes, I stood up. "I'm not hungry. I'm going to go to the music room. I'll see you in class."
"Feel better, Ally." the Latino called out.
I sat down at the piano in the empty music room and glanced at the clock. There was still thirty minutes left of their lunch period. I sighed and thought of a song to sing that would describe how I was feeling. (Fix You by Coldplay)
When you try your best, but you don't succeed And the tears come streaming down your face Lights will guide you home And high up above or down below Lights will guide you home Tears stream down on your face Tears stream down on your face Lights will guide you home
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And I...
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And I...
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
As I was singing, I failed to notice another person enter the music room and move closer to me.
"Wow. That was great!"
I jumped up from the piano bench and whipped around to see none other than…
"Austin?" to say I was shocked was an understatement.
"'Sup?" he asked casually with a nod of his head.
I tensed as I remembered this morning. "What d-do you w-want?" I stuttered as my eyes started to well with tears again.
Austin looked confused for a moment. Then it dawned on him. "Oh, this morning! Were you really upset about that?"
Despite the tears in my eyes, I couldn't help but get angry. "What do you mean was I really upset by that? You guys were making fun of me!"
"It wasn't anything really serious." Austin shrugged.
What bothered me the most was that I could tell that Austin actually believed it was harmless behavior. I softened my tone. "Well, Austin. When you make someone cry, someone you don't even know, you have gone too far."
"We made you cry?" Austin actually looked a little guilty.
"No, I was sweating from my eyes." I replied sarcastically.
He just rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry. Really. But that is just how we have to act. If we don't, we get kicked out by the other members."
I sat back down on the piano bench and Austin sat on the other end of it. "Why do you even want to be in that stupid group? They are all just high school bullies."
"Well, they just so happen to be my cousins and brother." He said a little defensively.
"They're your family? Ohmigosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that they aren't the nicest people in school, and they always pick on people, and make them cry, and I didn't mean to offend you or-" I was cut off by Austin's laugh.
"It's alright, Ally." He said. I could see amusement radiating in his eyes. "Even though they are my family, I admit, they can be a bit unreasonable."
I smiled, glad that he was being civil with me, and not mean like he was earlier.
"So," Austin started, "You are a pretty great singer. I haven't heard that song before."
I blushed at his compliment. "T-Thanks. And that is probably because I wrote it."
He looked at amazed. "Really? Why don't you publish it and become famous?"
"Weeeeeelllll," I drug out the word, "it's not that easy. I have a terrible case of stage fright."
"You shouldn't. You're great!" Austin exclaimed.
"Thanks." I said.
"Anytime." He smiled at me causing me to blush and look away.
"Um, well lunch is about over. So, uh, I'll talk to you later, maybe?" I asked hesitatingly.
"I don't mean to sound rude, but if the rest of R5 sees me hanging out with you…" he trailed off.
"So, you are going to go right back to being mean to me?" I asked and glared at him.
"Around R5 and anyone that would tell them otherwise, yes. But we can still talk privately and hang out." Austin said. "As long as you don't say a thing to anyone from R5."
I smiled. "Sure. Just can you at least try to be nice to your new friend?"
"Who said you were my new friend?" He said, but was smiling. I giggled. "Sure, but don't take anything personally."
"I'll try not to. Bye, Austin." I said.
"See ya later, Ally-gator." He said and winked at me causing me to blush and laugh.
"Hey, Ally." Trish said to me after school that same day.
"Hi, Trish." I happily answered.
She looked relieved. She is probably happy I am not in an upset mood like I was earlier.
"I see that going to the music room at lunch helped." She said.
"Yea. I feel a lot better now." I said as we walked to Sonic Boom, my family store in the mall.
"Well, I have to go to work. I got a job at the balloon stand. Mom said if I keep this job for at least a week, then she will buy me a new phone. See ya in two hours!" Trish said and left.
I laughed at Trish's enthusiasm as she headed off to her job. That girl has a hard time keeping a job for a day, let alone seven.
"Hi Dad." I said as I entered the store.
"Hey, Ally. Could you restock the violins then get more guitar picks from the storage closet?" he asked.
"Sure thing," I said.
"Thanks, Als. I'll be up in my office," He said.
"Alright. I will call you if I need anything."
Restocking the violins took no only about thirty minutes. Just as I got inside the storage closet to get the picks, I heard someone.
"Hello?" the voice called. It sounded oddly familiar. "I want to buy something."
"Just a second!" I called out and grabbed the box of guitar picks and walked up to the counter where a familiar blonde haired boy stood.
"Austin?" I asked just to be sure.
He whipped around. "Ally!" he said while smiling. "What are you doing here?"
Was he serious? "Uh, I work here. Hence the name tag and the box of supplies in my hands."
He scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, right."
He looked so cute when he was embarrassed. Wait, what? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I smiled at him. "So what is it that you wanted to buy?"
"Huh? Oh yea! A new guitar pick." Austin answered.
"Do you want a regular one, or an engraved one?"
"How much is an engraved one?" he asked.
"A dollar twenty-five." I answered him.
"Engraved. With A&A on one side and R5 on the other." He suggested.
"What's A&A?" I asked.
"Austin and Ally!" He exclaimed happily. "You are my only real friend aside from R5. Everyone else is just scared of us and does what we say."
"Well, you could always hang out with Trish, Dez, and I. But Dez is on up north for his great-grandfather's funeral right now." I suggested. "Privately, of course." I added on.
"I'm not sure, but thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind." He said.
"So, what color do you want the pick?" I asked.
"You choose." He said. "I don't care what color it is."
"Well, how about…yellow?" I asked.
"Perfect. That's my favorite color, you know."
"Mine's red." I said back. "Just wait a few minutes and your pick will be done."
He nodded, and I got to work on his pick trying to be as neat as possible. Five minutes later, I was finished.
"Done." I looked up, and Austin wasn't there. "Austin?"
I heard a noise from upstairs. In my practice room, to be exact. I rushed to the door and flipped the sign to closed and ran upstairs.
"Austin! Didn't you see the stay out sign? This is my private practice room!" I yelled, not angrily but annoyed, at him.
"You have your own practice room?" he asked. He ran over and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my piano and setting me on the bench. He sat down right next to me. "Let's write a song!"
"I have to get back to work, Austin." I said getting up.
He got up too, and gave me the cutest puppy-dog face ever.
"I guess I can get my dad to run the store." I gave in.
"Yes!" He cheered. "Now, hurry."
There's no way I could make it without you
Do it without you
Be here without you.
Austin and I just finished writing our first song together. Sure it was only a minute and some odd seconds long, but it's our first one. And it only took a little over an hour.
"This song is great!" Austin exclaimed. "There's no way I could make it without you." He sang.
I laughed. "I'm sure you could."
He leaned over and gave me a hug. "I really am sorry about earlier." He apologized yet again.
I had stiffened when he started the hug, but now I relaxed into it and hugged him back. "I have told you a million times. It's alright."
"Well, what do we have here?"
Austin and I broke away from our hug and whipped our head to the door to see Trish standing there.
"Trish! What are you doing here?" I asked getting off the bench and going to the door with Austin tailing behind me.
"I said I would see you in two hours." I looked at my phone. It had indeed been two hours since we parted. "The better question is what are you doing in here with him?"
"Um, n-nothing really. Just-" Austin cut me off before I could ramble.
"We just wrote a song." He answered truthfully.
"I'm supposed to believe that you, Austin Moon, a member of R5, was writing a song with Ally Dawson, my best friend who happens to have stage fright so bad, she won't even sing in front of me?" she asked him.
Austin nodded his head. Trish looked at me. I grabbed a chunk of my hair and started chewing on it. I slowly nodded my head. She looked sad. I had to explain.
"He heard me singing at lunch, and he cheered me up. So I have already sang in front of him. And he kinda made me write a song with him." I explained.
"Hey! It's not my fault you can't resist my puppy dog face." Austin said grinning.
At this, Trish laughed. "She has always been a sucker for the puppy dog face!" Trish exclaimed causing me to blush.
"But Trish," I said, "we can't tell the rest of R5 about our friendship. He isn't supposed to be friends with us."
"Well that's stupid. Why don't you just leave the group?" she asked.
"It's my cousins and brother." He replied. "I kinda don't have a choice."
"Oh I see." said Trish understandingly.
"Well, I gotta go. Bye Trish." Austin said as he waved to Trish, and then turned to me. "See ya later, Ally-gator." He joked as he gave me a hug, which I returned.
"Bye, Austin. Here's your pick." I handed it to him as he pulled away.
"Thanks." He said then walked out the door.
Trish was smirking. "What?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing." She replied secretively.
"Ally!" Dez shouted the next day at lunch as he rushed up to me and crushed me in a massive bear hug.
"Dez." I laughed. "You're back early."
Dez released me as he said, "Yea. They moved it forward so we wouldn't have to miss as many days of school."
We made our way to the cafeteria and met up with Trish. After going through the line we were on our way back to our table when I tripped over something, or more specifically a foot. My tray fell on the floor, all my food luckily staying on it, and I started falling to the side.
"Aaahhh!" I squealed in fear of face planting on the floor and closed my eyes.
Instead of the rock hard floor, I crashed into a warm body. I looked up into the eyes of Austin. He winked and sent me a quick smile before glaring at me. He pushed me, lightly but I stumbled back for show.
"Watch where you are going, nerd." He yelled at me. "You are lucky your food didn't get on me, or you would get far worse than a shove." He sneered. He winked so fast I wondered if I was just imagining it, spun on his heel, and stalked off to his table.
I bent down and grabbed my tray, keeping my head down with my hair spilling around my face so no one could see my smile, then headed to my table where Trish and Dez were waiting for me to return, Trish smirking and Dez looking worried.
"Ally, are you alright? I was going to do something, but Trish dragged me over here." Dez asked.
I looked up at him, and he looked confused because I was smiling.
"It's alright Dez. I'm glad you didn't do anything. Austin and I are friends now, secretly." I said as I played with the food on my plate.
"Why secretly?" he asked, and I explained everything to him.
"But I have to go now. We are meeting in the music room." I said as I got up.
"Alright, see you after school." Trish said.
"Bye Ally." Dez said, and with that, I left for the music room.
Austin was already in the music room when I arrived. He looked up as I walked in and grinned.
"Hey Ally! I wasn't sure if you were going to come or not. You weren't offended, were you?" he looked worried.
"Hey, and no. I saw you smile and you barely pushed me." I said as I took a seat on the piano bench next to him.
"Great. I saw you walking towards where the foot was, and obviously I couldn't yell out for you to look out, so I took a little detour and walked a little faster so you would fall into me." He explained.
I blushed as he said this, but still kept my eyes locked on his. "Thanks. I really didn't want my face to meet the floor today."
Austin grinned and answered, "Anytime." He then wrapped his arms around me and I didn't hesitate to hug him back.
The hug only lasted a few seconds. After we pulled apart, we sat in a couple seconds of comfortable silence.
"So, Austin. Since it is Friday, I am having my weekly movie night with Dez and Trish. Do you wanna come?" I asked.
"It depends on what time it starts." He answered.
"We usually go to the movie store at seven and pick out a movie or two, then we head back to my house and watch the movie while eating some popcorn. You stay the night too." I said.
"Yea. I'll come. I'll walk up to the movie store and be up there at about seven twenty. Don't leave without me."
I smiled at him, and the bell rang.
"See ya tonight, Austin! You'll have fun, I promise. You can bring food or candy if you want." I said as I stood up.
"Alright. Later, Ally-gator." Austin responded, gave me a quick hug, and went to his next class.
My heart was fluttering fast in my chest and my cheeks were stained pink. Why am I acting like this? Is my old crush on Austin from seventh grade coming back?
"So Austin is coming to the movie night?" Trish asked.
Dez, Trish, and I just arrived at the movie store. Dad was waiting in the car for us to get done picking the movie. I was walking a few steps behind Dez and Trish, but close enough to have a conversation with them.
"Yea. My dad said it was-AAAHHH!" I screamed as something covered my eyes.
I hear familiar laughter, then I could see again. I whipped around to face…
"Austin! What do you think you are doing? You could have given me a heart attack. I thought someone was trying to hurt me, or worse kidnap me. Why do you think this is so funny?" I demanded as I got closer to him and jabbed him in his chest with my finger.
He managed to stifle his laughter, but his eyes were still filled with amusement. "What?" he asked innocently. "I was just trying to have some fun. You should have seen your face." He started laughing again.
I crossed my arms and pouted. "It's not funny!"
Austin wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry, Ally-gator. It was a joke." He put one hand on my chin and tilted my face towards his. "Forgive me?"
I smiled. "Of course." I uncrossed my arms and returned his hug. As I pulled away, I lightly punched his arm. "But don't do it again!"
"Yes ma'am." Austin mock saluted me causing me to roll my eyes.
"Come on, guys. We need to pick out the movies!" Trish complained but she was smiling. Next to her, Dez was smiling too.
"Come on, Ally! There's this movie I have seen previews for but my brother didn't want to see it, so I couldn't get it." Austin said excitedly as he grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me along behind him as he sprinted right past Trish and Dez into the store.
I heard Dez and Trish laughing as we went past them and Trish mutter, "Well, someone is excited."
"Come on, Ally. Please." Austin whined. "It looks really funny."
We were currently on our way to the check-out line and Austin wanted the last movie to be 21 Jump Street. Trish and Dez were waiting just outside the doors for us.
"Why do you want that to be our last movie? I have heard disgusting things about that movie." I wasn't really sure it was appropriate.
"Allllllllyyyyyyy…" He whined which caused me to smile. "Please. You can just not watch the gross parts."
I made the mistake of looking at him. He had on the cutest puppy dog face I have ever seen. I felt my resolve crumble, and I sighed giving in. "I guess."
"Yay!" He exclaimed happily as he picked me up and spun me around.
I wrapped my arms around his neck in fear of falling on the ground. When he set me down, he did something I didn't expect. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I felt a blush cover my whole face. He quickly pulled away, and his face was pink too.
"Uh, sorry. I was a bit too excited. Um, sorry…" he trailed off.
I looked up at him and gave him a shy smile, my blush still visible on my cheeks. "It's alright." He smiles in return. "Kisses on the cheek can be a friendly gesture. I mean, they do it in France, don't they?"
"Yea, you're right." He grabs my hand and pulls me to the check-out lady. "Now let's hurry up before Trish and Dez kill us for taking too long."
I laugh and give the lady our movies: 21 Jump Street, What Happens in Vegas, and Bridge to Terrabithia (A/N I have no clue how that is spelled). "Dez probably won't mind. Trish, on the other hand, might cause World War 3. Never make her mad." I tell Austin.
"Okay. Mental note: Never cross Trish. Got it!" He replied.
"That will be $19.75" the cashier says.
Before I can get my money from my purse, Austin hands her a twenty. "What are you doing?" I ask.
"Think of it as an: I'm sorry for all that we have put you through." He replies as he gets his change and the movies and sends me a genuine smile.
"Thanks, Austin. But you don't have to."
"I know. I want to."
"So which movie first?" Dez asks shoveling popcorn in his mouth.
"How about Bridge to Terrabithia? So we can get the sad movie out of the way?" I suggest.
"Sounds good." Austin replies and Trish nods.
"Awesome-sauce!" Dez exclaims and puts in the movie.
Trish is laying down on the floor because she insists that it is more comfortable laying down and easier to see the T.V., while Dez sits on one side of the couch, me in the middle, and Austin on the other side. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on them.
Not even ten minutes into the movie, Dez and Austin are out of popcorn. Dez just puts his bowl down and stares intently at the T.V. I shouldn't have expected the same from Austin. About fifteen minutes later, I reach into my bowl, and it barely has any popcorn left. I look at Dez, but he is focused on the T.V. I shift my gaze to Austin, he is smirking.
"Austin," I lean closer to him and whisper angrily. "Where is my popcorn?"
He looks at me innocently and replies, "Your popcorn? What makes you think I have it?"
"Austin…" I say warningly.
"Can I have it?"
"No. I gave you more to start with already! I want mine."
"Fine." He grumbled and grabbed his bowl, filled with my popcorn, from the table beside him.
I grinned at him. "Thanks."
He just smiled back, and we returned to the movie.
When the girl died from the rope breaking, I was in tears. I was trying to cry as quietly as possible so no one would look at me.
I felt breath on my left ear and heard, "Don't cry. It's just a movie. They are just fine." in a soothing voice.
I turn to Austin. "I know. It's really sad though." I say as more tears run down my face.
Austin puts one arm around my shoulder and rubs my arm up and down. He leans down, only hesitating about a second, and gives me a peck on the cheek, then he pulls me against his shoulder to muffle my cries. A couple minutes later, I pull away.
"Thanks, Austin." I say.
"Anytime, Ally-gator." He replies and smiles genuinely at me and pulls me in for a hug.
A couple hours later, we finished What Happens in Vegas, which had us all laughing really hard, and started 21 Jump Street.
I was bored, but Austin and Trish seemed to be enjoying it, so I didn't say anything. I felt my eyes get heavy, and my head started to lean to the left. My cheek landed on something warm, but slightly damp. I took a deep breath in through my nose. It smelled like a fresh summer breeze. I felt weight go across my upper back and a hand rest on my shoulder. I fell asleep with one thought on my mind. Austin…
I felt the sun shining on my face, which isn't normal. The blinds on my windows are closed. Then, I realize my pillow is warmer and a little harder than normal. And it is moving up and down. Everything from last night comes back to me, and I snap my eyes open.
Sometime throughout the night, we shifted to where we were laying on the couch, me on the inside with my head on Austin's chest. Austin had his arms wrapped loosely around my waist. I lifted my head and looked at his face. He looked so peaceful and innocent while he slept. He turned his head to the side and muttered something in his sleep.
Is he awake? I study his face and listen to his breathing. Nope, he is still asleep. He said my name in his sleep? Why? There isn't anything that special about me.
As I was contemplating these thoughts, I didn't realize his eyes had fluttered open, and he was looking me in the eyes. I'm deep in thought for about thirty seconds staring at him before I realize he woke up. When I do though, my face turns bright red and he chuckles.
"Uh, sorry. I w-was deep in t-thought. I d-didn't mean to stare. I, um, sorry." I said and buried my face in his chest to hide my embarrassment.
He laughed and rubbed my back. "It's alright. I was staring too, and I wasn't deep in thought." He paused. "Er, that sounded weirder than I thought it would."
I looked up at him and laughed, as a light blush covered my cheeks. "Come on. Let's go get breakfast!"
"Can you make pancakes?" was his excited reply.
"I'll see what I can do."
An hour later, 9:35 am, I had about thirty pancakes stacked on a plate. Trish and Dez finally decide to show their faces.
"Geez, Ally. Enough pancakes?" Trish asked.
"More like not enough." Austin grumbled.
I shot him a glare. "This is more than enough. I won't eat more than two, Trish and Dez no more than five. That leaves eighteen for you!"
"Uh, right. Sorry. I usually eat more, but I bet the taste will make up for it!" he said.
"You usually eat more than eighteen, and you still look ho-skinny. You still are skinny." I correct myself, but the smirk on his face tells me that he knows what I was going to say.
"Oh come on, Ally. Just say it. You know I look hot!"
I blush. "Whatever. Just eat your pancakes!"
Everyone laughs.
When we all finish eating, Austin surprisingly second being done, his phone rings. He holds up his finger to his mouth to tell us to be quiet.
"Hey Riker!" he answers. "I'm getting ready to leave Ross's house." He pauses. "Yea, I'll be home soon. I'm going to walk." Another short pause. "Okay. See ya in a few." He hangs up. "Sorry, guys. I gotta go." He walks up to me and gives me a hug. I quickly return it. "See ya on Monday, Ally-gator!" He walks to the door. "Bye Trish, Dez." And he is gone.
"Start talking Ally." Trish said once he leaves.
"What?" I say honestly confused.
"You know what. You and Austin."
"There really isn't anything."
"We saw the whole movie store thing, how he comforted you last night, and how you guys slept on the couch. That isn't nothing."
I blush. "We are just friends. They can kiss each other on the cheek."
"He had a crush on you in 7th grade. Did you know?" Dez put in.
I blushed a deeper shade of red. "Really?"
"Yea. Why?" he asked.
"Um, n-no reason. Let's go to the mall!" I say trying to change the subject.
It's now Monday morning and I walk into school. As soon as I enter, R5 is there. For some reason Austin has a baseball hat on covering his face.
"We actually arrived at school before the nerd. Wow. Why are you so happy this morning?" Riker.
My smile slowly slipped off my face.
"Nothing interesting could happen in her life. She only has two friends and a father. She doesn't even have a mother." Rydel.
"I'd kill myself too if I had you as a daughter." Rocky.
Tears started flowing down my face. "My m-mon didn't k-kill herself."
"Oh did your daddy lie to you?" Riker.
I reach up and wipe my eyes. I quickly look at Austin with a hurt expression. He looked sad and angry, but I couldn't see his eyes. I look back down and quietly whisper, "No. She had cancer."
Riker was getting ready to say something else, but he was shoved to the side. I looked at who pushed him and was surprised to find out that it was Austin.
"Riker, enough." He said.
Riker was surprised but quickly turned angry when he saw who it was. He pushed Austin and his hat fell to the ground, revealing a horrible black eye.
"Ohmigosh, Austin! What happened to you?" I ask momentarily forgetting the rest of R5. I pull him by his arm to me and look at his face with concern.
"Why don't you tell her Austin? This is what happens when you break the rules. I was curious where he went on Friday. I never heard of this Ross guy he was talking about. So I followed him. And guess what I saw?" Riker sneered.
I gasped and turned back to Austin. "This is my fault?" My eyes got watery again. "I'm so sorry! I didn't want you to get hurt." I start backing away from him. "I'm sorry." A couple tears went down my face. I turned and ran.
"Ally, wait!" I heard Austin yell. "Let me go." And then I hear pounding feet behind me.
"This is it Austin. You are out!" Ratliff and Riker yell out.
I wait until I am a good distance from the rest of R5 to slow down to a stop. Austin slowed too. I turned to Austin.
"I'm so sorry! If I would have known-" Austin cut me off.
"It's alright. I'm finally out of the group. And I had a great time. I'd do it all over again and suffer the same consequences." He pulls me in for a hug. It is a good thing this hallway is empty because his statement causes me to tear up again.
We embrace for a couple of seconds before he pulls away. "Do you mind if I meet with you before lunch and if I eat with you guys?"
"Not at all. Just come to my locker." I smile at him.
His face displays an emotion I can't name and his eyes fall to my lips for a few seconds before returning to my eyes. He starts to lean forward and his eyes flutter closed. My heart starts racing, but I close my eyes and lean forward too. Our lips meet halfway. I wasn't expecting the shock that went through me and fireworks that went off in my head. I felt every cliché in the book just from our lips pressing together. His tongue brushes my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I grant it. I don't really know what to do, so I just mimic his actions and our tongues are in a battle for dominance, which he wins. We slowly pull away.
"Wow." is all I say as I stare into his eyes.
"You don't know how long I have wanted to do that." He says as he rests his forehead against mine.
"Me too." I say then blush. "I have liked you since 7th grade. I'm glad you were my first kiss."
"I'm glad I was yours too. And you were mine." He says.
"Yea. The girlfriends were just for show. I never liked any of them. And I have liked you since 7th grade too."
I smile. "So what are we?"
"Well, you still like me, right?" I blush but still nod. "And I like you. So would you like to be my girlfriend, Ally?"
I grin. "Yes, I would love to."
He grins to and leans down to give me one more peck. "Let's get to class." I nod in agreement, and we walk hand in hand to class.
A/N: So there it is. I was planning on leaving it at this, but if you guys want, I will continue it. And if I do continue it, the rest of the story will be in chapter 2. So it will take a while. I don't want to leave you guys waiting on a cliff hanger. So, it is your choice. End here or more? And if you want more, what do you want in it? I will try and add it all, but no promises. I do know that if I continue it, then it will start on the same day right before lunch. And I will make it long, at least what I consider long. Just be patient. REVIEW :D