Emerald: This is one idea that would not leave me alone! It also doesn't help that I was rewatching all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the characters from Pirates of the Caribbean or Inuyasha! I only own the plot. They each belong to their respective creators and I do not make any money or get any type of reward from writing this. This is purely for my own pleasure and mine alone.

WARNING: This is a spoiler for Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest! So if you have not seen that movie, consider yourselves warned. Also, there will be cursing if you are against it, this is your warning.

Pairing: Kagome X Jack

Summary: Jack meets Kagome when he goes to visit Tia Dalma, little does he know, that meeting Kagome was not what the fates had planned for him. How will this meeting turn Jack's world and the rest of the story around? Will Jack's choices be different now that Kagome is beside him? What of Tia Dalma?

Kagome tried to keep her eyes shut as she heard banging, why was Tia making so much noise when she was trying to sleep?

Unable to go back to sleep she got up from the bed. She had gone to sleep in her regular clothes: black cargo pants with silver chains running crisscross around her legs and a black corset top with blue strings running crisscross down her middle. She slipped on her black leather, steel-toed, custom-made, ankle boots, tucking her pants inside and grabbed her effects.

Running a hand through her hair to untangle it some, she tied her blue bandana around her head. She took the braided lock of her hair, that had a blue ribbon entwined in it, and attached a pink jewel to the ribbon in the middle. (AN: You know how you braid a really small section of your hair that is in the front and then put beads and strings in it? That's what Kagome did and attached the jewel at the end of the string.)

She grabbed the rest of her things and made her way out of the room and in to a room full of…pirates? What the hell?

"Ah! I didn't know anyone else was here," a tall, handsome pirate said as he spotted her. She noticed that he slipped a ring inside his pocket, the ring looked like one of Tia's.

She could tell he was well built; he wore a bandana that held back his dreadlocks, some had beads on them, he wore a long sleeved white shirt, loose pants and brown boots. Overall he had a roguishly handsome appearance that strangely appealed to her.

She noticed there were three others with him, an old man, two dirty typical looking pirates, and one other handsome lad that was standing beside the table.

"Neither did I," Kagome commented, "I'd put that ring back if I were you."

"What ring? I don't see no ring," he said while turning his head as if looking for said ring.

Kagome raised an eyebrow, "The ring in your pocket."

The tall, handsome pirate looked startled but quickly placed the ring back where it was and smiled like nothing was going on. She would bet that he was the captain; out of the whole bunch he looked like the most… powerful. Though the lad closest to the table wasn't far behind, he would make a good captain one day.

"Tia?" She questioned as Tia came back in to the room holding a jar.

"Oh, you are awake," Tia commented, she then turned to Jack, "Davy Jones cannot make port. He cannot step on land but once every ten years. Land is where you are safe. So you shall carry land with you."

She held the jar out to Jack who took it. He examined it and looked up at Tia, "Dirt... This is a jar of dirt."

"You were banging around to find a jar of dirt? That's why-" Kagome was interrupted as a yawn forced it's way out of her.

"Yes," Tia replied as if it was obvious.

"Is the jar of dirt going to help?" Jack asked.

Tia tilted her head, "If you don't want it, give it back."

"N-No," Jack said, gripping the jar of dirt tighter.

"Then it helps." Tia then turned to Kagome, "Jack Sparrow has landed himself in a pinch with Davy Jones. Perhaps you could help him?"

Kagome tilted her head, "Jack Sparrow, eh?"

She turned her head towards him, "I heard about what Davy Jones gave you. Tell me, do you have the Black Spot?"

Piercing blue eyes bore in to Jack's chocolate brown ones.

"How do you know about that?" Jack questioned, keeping his eyes on the beautiful woman in front of him, she was about half a head taller than Elizabeth, coming up to just a bit above his nose, her raven hair flowed down to the middle of her back, the top of her head was covered in a blue bandana that led to her bangs that peeked out underneath it, over her eyes that were surrounded by thick full lashes. She had a long braid on the left side of her hair that was entwined with a blue ribbon and at the end of the ribbon was a pink jewel.

"I know many things Jack Sparrow, but I only know what you gained from him, not what you owe him in return. You did not answer my question, do you have the Black Spot?"

Jack held out his left hand that was left unwrapped. Kagome stepped closer and closed her eyes; she held Jack's hand in her right hand and pressed her left hand, palm down, on to the spot.

Their hands glowed green for a few seconds, then her eyes snapped open, Jack noticed her eyes, once a sapphire blue now swirled with green energy, the green in her eyes slowly grew bigger until her eyes were now an emerald green color with no sign of the previous blue.

Kagome removed her hand and with it, a murky black substance filled with insects followed.

Tia opened a jar, she had gotten an empty one ready as she had saw their hands glowing. Kagome held her hand over the jar and the murky liquid along with the slimy insects trickled in it.

Everyone's eyes, except for Tia's, widened at the display.

Jack was shocked as he looked at his hand; the Black Spot was still there but was smaller than before.

When Jack looked back in to her eyes, he saw that they had returned to their original sapphire blue.

Kagome took his hand and examined the hand that held the black spot and frowned, "Hmm. It should have been gone, obviously the payment is too big to remove completely, but it will hold until you find a solution, well, if you find a solution."

Jack was still as recognition dawned on him, "I know who you are."

Kagome gave a crooked smirk, "So you do. Tell me, who am I?"

Emerald: So, this is the prologue. Tell me if it sounds at least a little interesting or totally boring. R&R!