The floorboards clanged loudly as the Stormtroopas raced above it. Luigi and all of the others inside held their breath, hoping that they wouldn't be found.

After what seemed like an eternity, they heard one say, "There's no one here."

Just then, Mario lifted up the cover he was under and looked outside.

Luigi gasped, "Why did you make these covers in the first place?"

The plumber replied, "I smuggle goods. These are nice for when the customs officers are looking for stuff. Place the goods in here, and they probably won't find them."

Obi-Wan added, "They left some things in here. It seems that they are convinced that the Star is theirs.

Inside a crate was several Stormtroopa uniforms, in addition to a pair of blasters. Mario and Luigi suited up, and exited.

Darth Koopa asked one of his officers, "Those Stormtroopas could use some practice walking. They look like they're struggling to walk in their armor."

As soon as the group entered a computer room, they jammed the doors shut. Luigi pushed a button on a control panel, and the display illuminated with a code.

"1119-234," Mario wondered. "I don't have a clue what that means. Anyone have a guess?"

Toadi noted, "That is probably a number of a cell; likely the one in which the Princess is being held."

"Birdo," he continued, "I will have to shut down the reactors to the tractor beam. Those two will save the Princess. After all, strength comes in numbers."

Luigi shrugged, "N-No way! How will we get past all of those guards and stuff?"

Birdo prodded Yoshi to analyze the data on the computer.

"The tractor beam is attached to the main reactor in seven locations," she noted. "All of them will need to be powered down in order for us to leave. If even one of them isn't we'll be stuck!"

Mario felt an idea pop into his head. He said, "Maybe we could take these handcuffs that we found in the Star and hook them onto Donkey Kong's hands. They'll think that he's a prisoner!"

Luigi grabbed them and approached him. The ape groaned at him violently.

He stammered, "Mario! M-Maybe you could put these on!"

He did so, and they grabbed Donkey Kong's arms. They left, and saw that Obi-Wan was also on his way. The three walked down the sleek hallways of the Death Koopa, which had a really nasty lighting pattern on the floor.

It took about 3 minutes to reach the block. Mario entered the code, and stepped inside the detention area.

A few officers looked at his and Luigi in a strange way. They asked, "What are we gonna do with this... thing?"

Luigi stated, "Place for detention in cell 1112-234."

As one of the koopas reached for the unlock button, Mario took his blaster from his holster and fired at him. The officer fell to the floor. The remaining officials ran to his aid, and both of them fired shots all around the room at whatever they could find, including security cameras.

Luigi ran down the block with the key in his hand, and opened Princess Peach's cell. The door opened, and he went in.

She asked, "What is it?"

He removed his helmet and screamed, "I'm one of those sent to rescue you! The one who sent me was Obi-Wan Toadi!"

Peach replied, "Obi-Wan Toadi?!"

Mario then stepped with her and ordered, "Come this way!"

Donkey Kong also followed.

Back in Darth Koopa's conference room, and alarm went off. "Cell Breach and emergency at cell block 1110!" it rang.

Koopa screamed, "The princess? Get all available Troopas down there this instant!"

Mario gasped as the troops flooded inside, almost with a little glee. As the sides exchanged fire, Mario yelled, "There's too many of them! There's no escape, either!"

Peach reached down and ripped off a vent cover.

"Into the garbage chute, flyboy!" she enforced.

Peach went down first, followed by Mario. But just as he went down, Luigi found that Donkey Kong didn't want to. He pushed hard, and slipped down into the dark, stinky depths of the Death Koopa's main garbage unit.