Boarding school with Clare and Eli.

Here's the next chapter! Did you enjoy the last one? I hope so. Don't forget to check out my other story! I also got a few comments about my spelling, I always check my chapter twice before I upload it, but I understand that their are still some mistakes in it. I really do try to make as little mistakes as possible but I'm dutch, so English isn't my first language. If you see mistakes I would like it if you put in your revier what I did wrong so I can learn from it.

Now let's get started!

Enjoy :)

Clare's POV

I turned around and looked at the small figures of trees. Unlike last night, I could now distinguish the trees from their surface. The forest was no longer a dark place, no longer a place where the trees and everything around them melted into the darkness.
The sun was trying to work himself up into the sky, with that, enlighting the whole forest with a soft, red, orangish glow. With the sun behing the trees, I could see every little detail. The small birds who gently hopped from branch to branch. The soft waving of the trees. It was breathtaking. How could I ever been scared of something so beautiful? Something so mesmerizing? Like the woods wanted to show me that they weren't scary at all.
With a sigh of satisfaction I turned around to look at the road for me. The road who would lead us to the familiar. To home. Things that you know are domestic, give you the feeling of safety. But sometimes, things that are unfamiliar, unknown, are what you need. You just need to let your fear go.