Uncharted: Memories

By Obrusnine

Last Edited: November 24th, 2012


21 Years after Seekers

"Come on Dad, you are not seriously bringing Uncle Tom in on this right?" Iria asked as they drove along with Nate in the driver's seat and her in the passengers.

"What's wrong with Uncle Tom?" Harry asked from the backseat.

"He's just so… boring and… serious." Iria replied.

"Hey, he has a good reason to be that way." Nate answered.

"Oh yes, your adventure stories again." She said.

"Hey, those are true stories!" Nate and Harry both said at once.

"Sure…" Iria said. "You can't prove it though right?"

"We do have tons of money you know!" He urged.

"You… could've won that on the stock market or something." Iria replied to her father.

"I've been using the stock market to make sure we stay rich. I swear that that money was one-hundred percent from my Dad." Nate said. His voice cracked a bit when he said the word. "He sacrificed everything for me in the end…"

"Sorry Dad." She replied solemnly. "It's just… pretty unbelievable."

"Don't I know it?" Nate asked himself more than anyone. As they crossed onto the street where Tom's house was, he had moved to the small town nearby their mansion, Nate suddenly spotted a familiar red shirt on the sidewalk. "No way…"

"What is it?" Harry asked. "Isn't that Aunt Chloe?"

"I think it is." Nate said as he pulled over and hopped out of the van.

"Nate, how are you?" She suddenly asked. "How could you leave us out on all the fun?"

"I didn't even know you guys were visiting." Nate said.

"Of course we are mate. We wouldn't miss Iria's 21st birthday!" Charlie said.

"Hey Uncle Charlie." Iria said hugging him. Charlie smiled a little and hugged her back.

"Hello there love." Charlie said. "We're going to have a great night, just you watch."

"Hopefully I remember it in the morning." She said.

"Unlikely." Charlie said.

"So how have you been doing Nate?" Chloe asked. "We just got back from Istanbul, you wouldn't believe the place we just… em… borrowed from."

"Oh, you are not telling me that you…?" Nate started to ask.

"Yes we did." Chloe said. "We robbed that same museum to get Iria's birthday present."

"That's insane." Nate said. "Any ancient Tibetan Ritual Daggers?"

"No, but we got something else." Chloe said. She made sure Iria wasn't looking then pulled out a small green lamp. It slightly slipped across her wedding ring but she held on.

"You are kidding." Nate said taking Marco Polo's lamp from her hands. "I broke this nearly twenty-five years ago. How is it back together? Is it a replica?"

"No it is not." Chloe said. "The museum used some extremely expensive technology to fuse the glass back together again without damaging the quality of the piece."

"Then you stole it right out from under their nose." Nate commented.

"Yes I did." She replied. "Never doubt me love, I'm the best getaway driver in the business."

"Why are you giving that to Iria though?" Nate asked.

"Well, you said she doubted the stories of our adventures." Chloe said. "I figured we'd give her some proof beyond what you have in your journals."

"I see."

Nate looked at his watch.

"Well, we better get going or we'll be late." He replied. "I want to make sure it's at exactly midnight."

"I'll drive." Chloe winked.

"Harry's the designated driver tonight." Nate replied.

"Ah damn it. Stupid American drunk driving laws." She answered putting on her best pouting face and heading up towards the porch with the lamp in her bag. Suddenly, Elena stepped out of Tom's front door.

"Nate…!" She started to say. Charlie looked over at him.

"Sounds like you're in a lot of trouble mate."

"Lay off Macduff." Nate said.

Elena walked up to him.

"How dare you try and leave me out of the fun like that?" She asked as she walked up to him. Nate slammed his palm into his own face.

"Ah crap, I forgot to tell you." Nate internally cursed his own stupidity. "At least you're here now."

"You're lucky I'm such a forgiving wife." She said kissing him.

"That you are." He replied. Tom came up.

"Alright there mates?" Tom asked looking over at Charlie.

"Of course we are." He said.

"Hey there kids." He said hugging Iria and Harry.

"We're not kids!" Iria complained. "I'm a few hours away from legal drinking age."

"Alright, sorry honey." Tom said.

"Uncle Tom, there was something I wanted to ask you about this reference to the SAS I found…" Harry said.

"I'd be happy to help out with that." Tom said. "Let me see."

Harry handed him his journal. Nate walked over and took it before Tom could look.

"What are you doing Dad?" Harry asked.

"Come on, it's about to be your sister's birthday. Later okay?" Nate said.

"Okay." Harry said taking back his journal and putting it away.

"Okay everybody, let's head to the bar." Nate said. He threw Harry the keys, and he caught them. "Elena, who's taking care of Timmy?"

"Don't worry about it." Elena said. "I asked Donnie's mom to do it."

"She and his Dad have always been so serious. I wouldn't imagine they would like the fun we're gonna have tonight." Nate said.

"That's what I was thinking." Elena said. "Now get in."

"Don't have to ask me twice." Nate said jumping into the backseat with her as everyone crowded in.

"We have to go pick up Donnie to." Iria said from the passenger's seat. "He turns twenty-one tomorrow to."

"I don't know, it's pretty crowded in here." Nate said.

"He's my fiancé Dad." Iria replied.

"Just tell him to drive himself."

"Fine then…"

She got out her phone and started to call him. They travelled for thirty minutes before arriving at the bar and everybody got out. Donnie walked up as he had arrived earlier than they did.

"Hey guys." Donnie said. He took the arm of his fiancé in his own.

"Hey there Donnie. So tonight's your night to?" Nate asked.

"You know my birthday Mr. Drake." Donnie replied.

"Hey, call me Dad. You're marrying my daughter." Nate replied grinning.

"Alright Dad."

"Now let's head inside and start having some fun." Chloe piped in walking past them and spreading her arms.

"Yea blokes." Charlie said following after her.

"That's what I'm talking about." Nate said.

They stepped inside and really started partying. Nate and Elena stayed sober for the next few hours so they could be that way when Iria's birthday came around, but everyone else got dead drunk. It was a karaoke bar, so they all had some songs, although everyone agreed that Tom was awful, to which he just scratched his head in response.

Eventually though, midnight started to close in and Nate stepped up to the bar.

"Hey, give me a bottle of beer for my daughter." He said.

"I'll need to see her ID sir." The bartender replied. He pulled out his wallet and pulled out a picture ID with her birthdate on it.

"She turns twenty-one in a few minutes." He said pointing at it. He nodded and gave Nate a bottle of beer. "Thanks."

He waited a few minutes and they all crowded at the table as the hour approached for Donnie and Iria's birthday. When they reached ten seconds they all started counting down. When they reached zero, they all said happy birthday very loudly. Nate handed Iria the bottle. She popped the cap off the bottle.

"Okay Dad, I have to say I'm not sure about this." Iria said biting her lip.

"No, come on. Drink, it's great." Charlie, drunk, said with slurred speech before drinking another bottle.

"Ah crap, screw it, here we go." She replied. She put the bottle on her mouth and started to drink. Almost immediately she put it downwards and spit it out… all over Charlie. "Oh god that's disgusting…"

"Thanks for spewing all over me love." Charlie said dripping a little. Everyone laughed.

"I am so sorry Uncle Charlie." She said giggling.

"Eh, don't worry about it love. Just aim somewhere else next time."

"Dad, this stuff is horrible." Iria said. She handed the bottle to Donnie and he took a drink and shrugged.

"It's not too bad." He said.

"Don't worry Iria; it'll grow on you I promise." Nate said. "I'm going to go get more."

That he did. He eventually convinced Iria to keep drinking, and while she still didn't like the taste, she started liking how she was feeling.

"Okay love, it's time for your first birthday present." Chloe said. She pulled out the green lamp and set it down on the table.

"What is that thing?" Iria asked taking another drink.

"That is Marco Polo's lamp." Nate said. "We cracked that thing open to find the map that led us to Borneo. So see, proof."

"Okay, I remember seeing this in your journals." Iria said. "But… how did you get it back?"

"Well, I and Charlie went on a little adventure to a certain museum. They reconstructed this piece." Chloe said grinning.

"This is stolen?" Iria said. She laughed. "That is so messed up. Thank you Aunt Chloe. Well, to Marco Polo."

Everyone raised their beers and drank. Harry in the meantime investigated the piece interested.

They spent hours there until everyone else but the Drake family was knocked out in the booth.

"Holy crap." Iria said giggling as she took another drink. She started to fall over but Nate held her up.

"Geez, even Tom. I didn't think he would end up that drunk…" Elena said. "Hey, why weren't we kicked out? This bar closed hours ago."

"I may… happen to own the bar…" Nate said drunkenly and laughed as he started to fall over but Iria held him up.

"You bought a bar Nate?" Elena asked.

"Yup… wanted Iria's birthday to be special."

"Well good job Dad, she isn't going to remember most of it and now I can't ask Uncle Tom about that reference." Harry said poking Tom's unconscious body.

"Don't be so serious son; you'll be able to ask him later." Nate said. "Hey, come on Iria, I wanna show you something. We'll be right back."

"We'll be waiting…" Harry said. "Don't take too long, I don't want to go outside to drag you two back to the bar to."

"That would be soooo funny!" Iria said. "Let's go forth Dad!"

She pointed into the air towards a wall.

"Iria honey, the door is that way." Elena said pointing towards it.

"Thanks for the advice Mom." Iria replied turning them in that direction.

"Full steam ahead!" Nate said and half-dragged Iria towards the door. When they were outside they turned right down the street.

"So Dad, what did you want to show me?" Iria asked. Nate pulled her into an alleyway.

"Okay, I didn't really want to show you anything." He said. "I want to see if you can still shoot like this."

He took his beer bottle and put it on a post.

"Dad, this is a really bad idea." Iria said laughing as he handed her the gun.

"Yup, not gonna stop me though." Nate said grinning.

"Okay… okay…" She replied readying the gun and taking aim at the bottle. She fired, but it was way off. "Man this is hard."

"Watch this." Nate said grabbing the gun. He covered his eyes and shot the bottle into pieces.

"What?" She asked unbelievably.

"Great parlor trick huh?" Nate asked. They both laughed as Iria set another bottle down and attempted to replicate his feat. She missed several times, until finally, the bottle broke.

"Ha! I did it!" She said handing Nate the now empty gun. He hugged her.

"That's my girl." He said. There were the sounds of approaching police sirens in the distance. "Oh shit, we better get back into the bar."

"I second that one." Iria said. He lifted her up into his arms and began walking with her. "I love you Dad."

"I love you to." He replied. She fell asleep in his arms as he carried her back into the bar. "That's my girl."