Hai people! This is my first Fairytail fiction, and they have totally no powers okay? Zero, zip, nada. I'm doing in a Fairy Tail School type of story, and major couple? GrayLu! I love them to the absolute core! Okay. Enough Graylu-ing here. Few things I want to say.

This will be an American style type of school. Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors.
I apologise if I get messed up, because I'm not from America.
Another thing is that, I'm not so sure about the terms they call each other in Japan, like –san, -sama, -chan, -san, -kun, and –dono. I will check on it so I don't screw up or anything, but just in case I did, please tell me. I'm also not gonna put tons of Japanese words here, just simple ones. And in which case, the other couples are NaLi, Jerza, Gale, MiraFrieed, and Lyuvia. If you do not support any of these couples, you can choose to click the back button and not read the story. But bear in mind that the main couple is GrayLu.

Alright, on with da story!

Disclaimer: Yours truly does not own anything that has to do with FT, and it I did, there would definitely be Graylu moments in every single episode.


"What the hell am I going to wear?" Lucy Heartphilla groaned in frustration. Today was the second day of school after the summer vacation, and yesterday she wore a super kawaii OOTD (Outfit Of The Day), which consists of a cute baby pink halter dress designed by the great and famous Courtney Wazie, just for Lucy. The price of the dress reached up to thousands, and to a normal person, it was WOW! To the Heartphillas, a few mere thousands were nothing, and furthermore, the dress was definitely worth it. Obviously the dress was not enough; Lucy had worn a pair of white ballet flats to go along, and tons and tons of white bangles. Just thinking about it made her wince in pain. The bangles were freaking heavy. Her poor wrists… But never mind. It was worth it. The looks on the girls' faces of Elite 2, they were priceless. Especially Juvia's. I should have brought a camera. Lucy thought smugly, while massaging her left wrist. But what she wore also came with disadvantages. "Lucy-sama is so kawaii!" and boy-crazed fans followed her everywhere, wolf-whistling and shouting out pickup lines to her, earning dirty looks from both Loki and Natsu. They were just so, lame. Lucy rolled her eyes up to heaven just at the thought

That was yesterday, and to day she could bet that Juvia would be wearing something super awesome to make up for yesterday, and Lucy simply needed to match up. She discarded a purple top and black skirt on her bed, and sighed. What to wear?


Juvia Lockser was not having the time of her life. After seeing that stupid blonde Heartphilla strode into Fairy Tail High yesterday, Juvia knew she had something to make up for today. She had heard people whisper, "Why is Juvia-sama not wearing something as nice as Lucy-sama's? After all, they are the official competition in Elite 1 and 2."

Clad in her bra and panties, she walked into another room. It was actually a walk-in closet made up of racks and racks of clothes, shoes and accessories. Pacing up and down, she strode towards her tops section. A load of clothes stared back at her. Wore that a few months ago, can't wear in that now. Juvia mused as she face-palmed. Since when was it that hard to decide on an outfit? She needed to wear something unforgettable; something that would make the blonde Heartphilla stare at her like Juvia stupidly did so yesterday. Wait and see, Heartphilla…

An hour later…

Lucy and Loki Heartphilla glared at the people on the left side of the main gate. This was the meeting place of Elite 1s. What right did they have to be here?

Of course, you might be thinking. Who dare steal the meeting place from the great Elite 1? Well, it was none other than Elite 2. MiraJane Strauss, Elfman Strauss, and Lisanna Strauss, along with Lyon Bastier and Ultear Bastier, simply glared back at Lucy. This place wasn't hers, what right did she have to stare at them with those accusing eyes? In which case you were wondering, why with all the same surnames? Obviously, they were families. Loki Heartphilla was a junior in Fairy Tail High, whereas his sister, Lucy, was a sophomore. The two of them belonged to Elite 1, along six other people.

Mira Strauss, the eldest in the Strauss family, was also a junior, like Loki. Unlike Loki, she belonged to Elite 2 with her other siblings, Elfman and Lisanna. The two of them were sophomores, and twins. Ultear Bastier was a senior, and Lyon was a sophomore. Both were also in Elite 2.

"LUCYYYYYYYYYYYY!" An annoying voice called out from the near distance. Natsu Dragneel. He was a loud, obnoxious boy with weird pink…ahem… salmon hair, and onyx eyes. He, without a doubt, belonged to Elite 1, and was a sophomore. Other than that, he had a very obvious crush on Lucy Heartphilla, although she only treats him like a good friend. This, of cause, Loki made sure it was made clear to Natsu, and if he ever forces Lucy for an answer, thou shalt face the wrath of Loki. In which case, Loki was so ever protective of his dear sister.

"Nani?" Lucy tossed her hair and looked at Natsu.

"Nothing, just calling out to let you know I'm here." He said matter of factly. "Anyhow, what are they doing here?" He pointed to the five people waiting at the left side of the main gate.

"No idea, they were here when we came." Loki answered. He tapped his watch impatiently. Where were the rest?

The exchange was seen by Elite 2, and they all snorted in laughter at the stupid pink-headed idiot. All except for Lisanna. She looked at them and wished that she was in Elite 1. She didn't say this to a single soul; the Elite 2 members will kill her. They would throw her out of the group and made a hundred-percent sure that everyone would ostracize her. The unspoken rule was there, you were strictly not allowed to like anyone from Elite 1, and vice versa. On the very first day of their sophomore year, when Lisanna and Elfman arrived, Mira whisked them towards her gang, the said Elite 2, and announced to them that they had been accepted in Elite 2. Lisanna wasn't able to reject. Who would be so stupid to deny a chance to join the Elites?

"Nepotism", the others called, but who dare defied who the Elites had chosen? In freshman year, the Elites will observe whoever that was cool enough for them, and immediately try and bring them to their Elites when they were in sophomore year. Four of them were chosen in each group, two boys and two girls. As Fairy Tail High was a private and prestigious school, everyone there was rich. There were only the rich… and the richer.

Just then, a blue Mercedes beeped loudly and everyone that heard in turned their heads to that direction. Out walked sophomore Juvia Lockser, with an OOTD that was ultra-shocking, and it definitely could match up to, or even better, than what Lucy wore the day before. What with a, white tank top, matched with a jean jacket, and black shorts, with fishnet stockings and black boots tailored perfectly to sit over them, Juvia Lockser looked super sexy. She had decided to go light on accessories. A pair of white hoop earrings and a matching circlet necklace complimented the outfit.

"Kill. Me. Now." Lucy closed her mouth that had been hanging open like some fool. Her oversized off-shoulder white top, with the red letterings LOVE ME, tainted on the shirt, and a super short red shorts, and white sandals was nothing compared to that. She certainly didn't expect that coming.

She quickly looked away and narrowed her eyes. Lucy had figured that no outfit from Juvia that could have beaten hers, unless it was a Courtney Wazie's, or from another top-of-the-charts fashion designer. What she didn't think about was that Juvia was using her sexy appeal...

Obviously, it was working, with some brave boys shouting out," Juvia-sama, you look sexy!" as they walked past the front gate into the school building. Like yesterday, Juvia had caught the attention of almost every boy that was in her sight. Juvia was lapping up all the attention, nodding her head vigorously and laughing as she walked up to join Elite 2. Now the only guys that were not present were Laxus Dreyar, Senior, and Frieed Justine, Junior and Mira's crush.

Lyon eyes shot wide open. Juvia was super-hot.

"Hey bro, you better wipe that blood of your nose," Ultear teased.

"What? Where?" Lyon quickly swiped at his nose, although he felt nothing.

The Elite 2 members laughed at him. Gullible Lyon! He blushed a deep red as Juvia approached them.

"Nice outfit, Juvia!" Mira complimented. "You totally owned that blonde."

YDS(You Don't Say), Juvia smirked and glanced at their direction.

"She's dressed like a prostitute, don't mind her." Erza Scarlett commented as she suddenly appeared with Jellal Fernades. They both of them were seniors, and they had a huge crush on one another. Although stupidly enough, everyone knew except for them. Now the only three that had not arrived was Cana Alberone, junior, Levy McGarden, sophomore and Gajeel Redfox, a sophomore too. Living near each other, they were probably walking here together so they could chat.

"Knock it off, won't you?" Lucy replied. She definitely had not expected Juvia to wear something like that; Lucy had the utmost confidence that the Courtney Wazie dress she wore was irreplaceable.

"Finally…there they are! Hey Cana! Gajeel! Levy!" Natsu yelled, waving his hand frantically. His pink…sorry…er…salmon hair bobbed up and down and it wasn't very hard to not notice him.

The trio quickened their pace to join the group. Exchanges were given and the eight of them chattered nosily as they walked into Fairy Tail High. They were one of the eight most popular people, out of sixteen, in the school, emitting stares from everyone as they walked down the hallway towards their lockers, which obviously, was together. Surrounding their lockers was a group of crazed-fans. Girl fans of Natsu, Gajeel, Loki and Jellal. The four of them were ranked in top ten: WHO IS YOUR HEARTHROB? and they were in the first eight. Loki, being number one, had the most fans. He rolled his eyes at the stupid poll they had at the beginning of the year. The results were as followed. Obviously, all of Elite 1 and 2 were inside the top 10. Top 8 actually:

Loki Heartphilla

Jellal Fernades

Lyon Bastier

Laxus Dreyar

Frieed Justine

Natsu Dragneel

Gajeel Redfox

Elfman Strauss

Obviously, there was also a ridiculous one for the girls: WHO YOU WOULD WANT AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND? And there was no question about who was in Top 8:

MiraJane Strauss

Ultear Bastier

Erza Scarlet

Lucy Heartphilla

Cana Alberone

Juvia Strauss

Lisanna Strauss

Levy McGarden

The irony thing was that, the poll was actually supposed to help see which group was more popular, but there was a problem. Elite 1 and 2 both equaled, with the boys from Elite 1 and the girls from Elite 2 in the same position, and vice versa. No percentages were given, and the fact that they were actually the same popularity percentages made each Elite hated each other more.




Countless shrieks from crazed boy and girl fans could be heard from all the way at the front of the school building where Elite 2 was. They eight of them rolled their eyes up to heaven, how loud and annoying were the Elite 1's fans? Luckily, their f-




Nowhere to be seen was what they planned to say. But walking down the hallways in a group of eight, four boys and four girls, they were obviously noticeable. One had to scream out a certain name from the group, and either the whole group, or the people of the age in the group as them, was definitely there. One simply did not see a certain Elite alone, it was simply not possible.


"Heartphilla, McGarden, Dragneel, and Redfox. It's a pleasure to finally see you on time. What a rare occurrence." Gildarts, the homeroom teacher of class S1, lifted an eyebrow as the four sophomores stepped into homeroom.

"Aye Gildarts-sensei." Natsu nodded as the four of them headed to the back of the classroom to their assigned seats… or so they claimed. Everyone knew that they personally threatened the staff to put them in all the same classes together…well, it was tradition. It was also the damn tradition that both students from Elite 1 and 2 were placed in the same classes. Being the best out of the best, in academics, looks, etc., they were placed in the best class.

Juvia, Lisanna, Lyon and Elfman, assigned at the other back corner watched them as they four sat into their seats. In every class, the seats were of 9x4, nine in row, and four in column. Every seat was filled, except for the middle one in the last row. It was the invisible line between the two "territories", regardless of which sort of classroom it was. The middle chair was always, always untaken.

"Alright class, today we have a new transfer student here, his name is Gray Fullbuster, and I hope everyone will be friendly with him." Gildarts waved his hands at the door, beckoning a guy to come in. On the cue, a boy with, clad in a polo purple shirt and jeans walked in, with both thumbs each in his jeans pockets, and his other four fingers resting outside the pockets. He had raven black hair, and dark black eyes. He flashed a cocky smile at the class, and opened his mouth to speak, showing his ultra-white teeth, every girl in class sighed dreamily. And when I mean every, I mean every.

"Hey what's up? I'm a transfer student from Blue Pegasus, and I'm about to make every single girl here fall in love with me." He winked and some of the girls screamed.

Lucy jaw hit rock bottom. Sure, this Fullbuster was a total eye candy, but he was overly egoistic, and unbelievably cocky. That I-am-the-best-and-I-know-it attitude of his was something Lucy hated. She glared at the desk and folded her arms. Hate at first sight would certainly be an appropriate phrase here.

Juvia sighed dreamily once more, head lying on her hands and staring into some faraway space, she was probably fantasizing about that drop-dead gorgeous boy that just came into class. She had a slight smile on her face and her heart wouldn't stop going TA-THUMP! This would be what we call, Juvia in her love-at-first-sight stage.

"Right Gray, why don't you seat in between Lockser and Heartphilla?" Gildarts pointed to the empty seat beside Lucy and Juvia, or the invisible line. Gray shrugged, and approached the seat that was in between two gorgeous girls. One was a bluenette, and the other a blonde. Both had a die for hour-glass figure, and good looks. But boy were their expressions weird. The blonde one had her face pinched into a glare, and the other had a happy faraway look in her eyes.

"Hello, Juvia is glad to meet Fullbuster-san." Juvia snapped out of her thoughts and acknowledged the boy sitting beside him. She was staring at him, and you could almost see hearts in her eyes.

"Just call me Gray, alright?" The boy nodded at her. Already my charms are working…she seem's nice…how about the other one? Then he turned his head to the blonde.

"And you are…?"

"Not interested to know you, so you don't have to know me, you pervert." Lucy deadpanned and stared straight ahead, completely treating him like thin air.

Gray was amused, usually every single girl fawned over him, but this girl was different… She seemed like a challenge. And one thing Gray love, was challenges. Wait. Did she just call him a pervert?

"What made you think I'm a pervert?" Gray was undaunted and continued pestering the blonde.

"Well, for starters, you're not wearing any shirt!"



Sapphi99: So this marks the very first chapter of FTA, A Hate/Love Relationship.
Natsu: Remember! It's SALMON!
Happy: Why am I not in it? T.T
Sapphi: Coz you're a talking cat!
Happy: Um… so?
Sapphi: You really are one stupid cat!
Lucy: Obviously, he is Happy.
Gray: The forever stupid cat.
Natsu: What did you just call my cat you popsicle!
Gray: Wanna fight, flame-brain?
Erza: Erhum… Is this a fight?
Gray&Natsu: No! We are BFFS!
Sapphi: Just get on with it!
Mira: I'll do it! Sapphi99 apologises for any mistakes, or OOC-ness made. You can correct her with a review. She begs for a review, and I think that she must at least have 10 reviews for a continuation.
Sapphi: Um… you said that last part, I didn't. But it would be nice to know that people like my story! Review please!