Hey everyone, Long time no see. Hope you guys have had an awesome two months. I'm really sorry for not updating, I'm sure that most of you have already forgotten about my story and I don't hate you guys, I know that I should have said something but I didn't and I apologize. Anyways I just wanted to let you know now that my updates will be very spaced out since I have such an enormous workload right now with my classes and applying to college and everything, but I promise to write whenever I can. Before I continue, I don't really know a lot of the members of the hockey team other Cam, Dallas, Luke, and Owen, so I didn't really use names. Hope I can update soon…

Disclaimer: Still do not own anything in the story that is not made up.


"Hey leave the poor guy alone. He didn't do anything to you guys so pick on someone you're own size." said a rather commanding voice.

"Owen? Of all people, why would you defend him even after knowing that he's gay?" Dallas questioned.

"Because," Owen said, "You guys are such ignorant assholes that you couldn't possibly understand anybody but yourselves. You can't see past the fact that Campbell is with a guy right now, and even I don't like it as much as you guys, it's still his business, not yours. Unlike you, I see our star player and I think you guys should stay out of his business."

"Wow…" Luke began, "I can't believe how soft you've become. You are allowing an act against God himself and…"

"Stop." Another member of the hockey team said.

"He's right. Cam is better than all of us and the way he swings shouldn't really matter to us." Said yet another member.

"I can't believe this shit." Luke yelled.

"Luke calm down." Dallas commanded.

"No, I refuse to be on the same team as someone like him," said Luke as he pointed to Cam, "It's either me or Cam."

Silence echoed throughout the room. No one made a sound, no one moved a muscle.

"Luke, no one is forcing you to leave. If you want to go, there's the door." Owen said as he opened the door for Luke.
"Fine, you guys want to go against God and go to hell, fine by me. You guys deserve it. I'll get my vengeance Saunders." Luke hissed as he left.

"And what about you?" Owen asked Dallas.

"Ok look, Luke was the really homophobic one and after your speech… I realized that you were right, and I really shouldn't care about Cam's personal stuff. Cam, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me for being such an asshole. Are we cool man?"

"Yeah man, we're cool." I said as we shook hands. I can't believe that the hockey team is actually taking my side over Luke's. Taylor and my mom were right after all.

"Alright guys, let's get out there and practice! Move, move, move!" Dallas yelled as practice begun.


The doorbell rung. I jumped up because I was still worried about Cam. I had no idea how the hockey would react to him standing up for himself. Even though I was proud of him of course, I still knew that the hockey team was a group of some of the most homophobic people I knew, especially Luke Baker.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"It's us." I heard Maya say through the door as I unlocked it and let her and Tristan in.

"Hey guys, what brings you guys here?"

"Well, Cam told me about his decision to stand up against the hockey team. So I knew you would worry and I told Tristan so we could give you moral support." Maya said.

"So when Maya told me, I came up with the brilliant idea to have my older brother Owen help Cam in case something went wrong since you know he's on the hockey team." Tristan said.

"Ok I guess that makes me feel a little better. But Tristan, I didn't know your brother was on the hockey team. I didn't even know you had a brother."

"Yeah I do, and even though Owen was a huge homophobic prick, he really has warmed up to be a more accepting person and he was more than happy to help Cam out."

"That's great. So what do you guys want to do now?"

"Let's just hang out til Cam finishes practice, then we'll see what we can do?" Maya suggested.

"Okay." I said

"Fine by me."

I kept pacing back in forth in front of Maya and Tristan.

"Will you relax already?" Maya said rhetorically as we waited outside of the gym.

"I'm sorry okay, I just can't shake this feeling in the back of my head." I said.

"Look I'm sure everything is fine and any minute now Owen and Campbell are going to walk out that door just fine." Tristan said as he motioned toward the door.

"Okay, I'll try calm down and relax."

"Why don't we talk about something else to help take your mind off things... like how you think you did on the AP Bio test today?" asked Maya.

"Pssh that test was way too easy honestly I felt almost insulted by how easy it was. How do you think you did?"

"Well... I'm pretty sure I failed but that's cause I don't understand a single word that comes out of Mr. Gronam's mouth."

"You know if you're struggling I could always tutor you."

"I know but I feel like you have enough on your plate already and I don't want to cause you anymore stress than you already have." Maya said

"Yeah Taylor, Maya has a point. You've already got a lot on you're plate with all your schoolwork, your clubs, your boyfriend. Honestly I don't know how you can work so hard and not have a mental breakdown or something." Tristan said.

"I know, but I helps keep me busy and focused so I think that it helps."

"I still think you're crazy." Tristan said.

"Thanks Tristan, that really boosted my self-esteem." I said sarcastically.

"Just doing my job Taylor."



"Alright great practice guys keep up the good work." said our coach,"Unfortunately, I regret to inform you guys that with the loss of Luke Baker, we are short a player for our next game and we will be unable to participate."

A series of grunts in disappointment followed. Aww man, I just get back on the team and everyone that matters accepts me and now this happens. This is just great.

"Alright settle down, we can still participate if we can find another player, not necessarily someone whose good at hockey, but someone who can skate well. Surely, one of you has to know someone. If any of you can think of anyone let me now by next Friday, otherwise we'll have to forfeit our spot in the tourney." said our coach as he left.

"Great so now we can't even play." "I know, just when we get our star player back." said two guys on the hockey team.

I decided to speak up, "Hey Dallas, Owen, can I talk to you guys for a minute?"

"Yeah man." "Sure."

"Okay so I think I know someone that can replace Luke but its a little out there." They both motioned for me to go on.

"Ok so the other day I took Taylor out to the ice rink to show him how to ice skate and it turns out that he already knew how to skate and is actually really really good at it..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on one second. Are you trying to convince me to let your boyfriend on this team?" Dallas asked.

"Umm well sort of but I swear this is just me coming up with a possible solution." I responded.

"I don't know Cam. I mean the team accepted you because they somewhat know you but I think bringing Taylor in here would be pushing it a little don't you think?" Owen added.

"I know but could you just think about it. If we can't find anyone else by Friday, then would you allow it? Try thinking about it as your last resort?"

"Alright, if we can't find anyone we'll let Taylor join but try to really think about it Cam, I mean I don't want to be judgmental but Taylor just doesn't seem like the hockey type if you know what I mean." Dallas said.

"I know but if you really got to know Taylor then you would know that he's more than capable of doing this."

"Alright, alright, we better go it's getting late." Owen said.

Taylor POV

"I still don't get it." Tristan said.

"Hello! What part did you not understand? It's just the binomial theorem, it's not that complicated." I exclaimed.

"Actually it really is." Maya interjected.

"No it isn't, it's really simple all you got to..." suddenly the door I was leaning on pushed open and I fell onto the floor.

"Ohhh, so all I have to do is fall and then I'll get it." Tristan said.

"Aww man, sorry Taylor, I didn't know you were leaning against the door." Cam said.

"No, it's fine, it's not a big deal. So how did practice go?" I asked.

"It was great actually. Umm Tristan, you're brother said that he would be out front waiting for you." Cam said.

"Oh Ok, We'll see you guys later then. Let's go Maya." Tristan said.

"Alright, bye guys." Maya said as she left with Tristan.

"Bye!" Cam and I yelled.

"Thanks for waiting for me by the way. I hope you didn't worry about me too much." Cam said.

I laughed nervously, " Me worried, please I was perfectly fine."

"Alright so ready to go." Cam said as he put his arm around me."

"Yup, just make sure to keep some distance." I said as I pulled his arm off me.

"Oh come on, I don't smell that bad."

"Just take a shower before you touch me again."

" Fine, but can you at least help me with some of my stuff."

"Of course."

"Awesome." He said as he grabbed my hand and we headed to my house

"Okay so you can go take a shower, and I can start cooking something since my mom won't be home til late at night." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Suddenly I felt Cam wrap his arms around my waist from behind and felt him whisper into my ear, "You know I'd rather have you join me in the shower."

I pushed him off, "Don't be such a horn dog. I already told you that I don't want to have sex yet."

"Hey, I never said we had to have sex. I just wanted to share a shower, you know conserve water."

"Yeah better luck next time." I said as I turned around.

"Oh come on," He said as he grabbed my hand, "Are you sure I can't convince you."

"I don't know Cam, I mean we do still have to talk about what happened the other day."

"Yeah and we can talk about it later..." he leaned in and kissed me. Yeah, I lost all willpower to fight him after that.

We started to make out passionately until we ended up on the couch with him on top of me. He started to run his hands down my sides and I flinched.

As we pulled apart Cam asks, "You know I love you, just the way you are, right?"

"Of course I do." I say hesitantly.

"Then why are you still starving yourself?"

I just look away in shame. It was true, the last couple days I had been purging because I started to feel like I was putting on weight again and I wanted to make sure that Cam wouldn't think I was overweight or anything.

"I want to say that I understand your problem Taylor, but I really don't. I don't understand why you would want to change yourself."

I started tearing up, "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to give you a reason to leave me."

"How could I ever leave you? Why on Earth would I want to leave the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me?" He asked me

"Because you could easily find someone better than me. I can't understand why would you want to be with someone who as many problems as me?"

"Look at me," He commanded as he caressed my face and pointed it to his, "I fell in love with you. I don't care why, and I don't care if I could do better than you, which is impossible by the way, because I want you and only you."

I kissed him this time as passionately as I could, "How about that shower then?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He said.

He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to the bathroom where he pulled me in for a kiss again.

"You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"I know but I want to now."

He kissed me again and I started to pull at his t-shirt which quickly ended up on the bathroom floor. At that point I pulled away and started to get the water running. Once I felt it was about the right temperature I turned around to see Cam completely naked and froze. He steeped in front of me and kissed me as he began unbuttoning my shirt. When he began sliding it off I whimpered and raised my shoulders.

He whispered into my ear, "You don't have to feel self-conscious right now. I think that you look amazing just the way you are." and then he resumed kissing me.

Once he stripped me of the rest of my clothing we started walking backward until he pulled me into the shower. He put me under the water and in front of him as he reached for the shampoo and started putting it in my hair. I felt kind of awkward that I wasn't doing anything for him but he said that he would let me do him next. After we finished soaping each other, he put his arms around me as we let the water run down our bodies. I could feel his firm chest against my back and I felt so comfortable with my body for once. I turned around and kissed him again. It felt amazing, my lips moving against his made me feel almost like we were one and the same. I then dropped to my knees.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Don't worry about it, think of this as a thank you for making me feel great today."

"Taylor you don't have to..." He moaned as I grabbed his member and licked the head. I flicked my tongue along his head getting the little bead of pre cum that came out of his slit. I looked up and knew he was loving every second of this from his face. His hand made its was to the back of my head to push me further down on him.

I thought I tortured him enough so I opened my mouth and let him in. I started to take in more and more until my nose touched the light brown cleanly trimmed pubic hair that he had.

I was now starting to get hard as well so I started to jack myself off with one hand and and I used my other hand to play with his hole. I read somewhere online that this supposed to really turn guys on or something so I thought why not.

I felt Cam's balls start to tighten up as well as the muscles around his hole and I started to bob faster and faster until he seemed really close. I pulled off and started to jack him off. Seconds later Cam let out a moan as came all over my face which caused me to cum all over the shower floor.

I stood up and washed the cum off my face and I felt him lean against me, "Wow, that was amazing."

"Really cause that was my first time ever giving a blowjob so I wasn't 100%sure on what I was doing."

"Oh come on, there was no way that was your first time."
"Well believe it honey because it was."

"Alright, we better get out and back into our clothes." Cam suggested.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Yeah, so that happened. Anyways hope that wasn't too confusing for you guys, honestly I'm trying my best to update but I have so much work to do that I can't even promise to update every week. So if for whatever reason I decide to cancel the story, which probably won't happen, I'll put up a note so if I haven't said anything, it means I'm still working on it. Hopefully, I'll be done with college apps by the end of November so I won't have as much to do and I'll have more time, but until then... So please review and if you guys have any advice or any ideas or requests I encourage to leave me a message/review. Thanks guys, hope you guys have a good week/month/year/etc.