Greetings fellow readers of Fanfiction. So this is my first attempt at writing a story so don't expect anything fancy. I don't really know where I got this idea but when I got it I was like why not turn it into a story and here we are. Also, please feel free to suggest improvements for my writing, or for my story, or for the economic crisis, for anything really it will help me a lot. On a side-note, I want to make it clear that I'm not going to be one of those people who is like if you guys don't give me X reviews, then I'm not going to update. But I do want to know if someone is actually reading my story so if I could just get 1 review between updates I'd really appreciate it :-D Anyways enough of my rambling, On with the show…

Disclaimer: I own none of the things you see on TV that also happen to be in this story.


"Hey mom, was that the last box?" I said.

"Yes Taylor, that was the last box." my mother said with a grumble. She's usually very sweet and she really is a good person but there are times when she gives me that "you better get out of my face child before I whoop your sorry behind" look.

"Finally," I yelled in excitement, "Is there anything else you want me to do mom?"

"No mijito, you've helped enough for now, why don't you go outside and try make new friends." My mom said with a smile.

"Mom, you know I don't make friends easy, besides I'm tired and my first day of school at Deg-ra-ssi is tomorrow. It can wait till then."

"Ok fine but then you need to go upstairs and start unpacking and get your stuff ready for school tomorrow."

God I hate when she does that, "Yes mom." I said sadly as I walked up to my room and got ready for the morning.

"ahhhhhhhh" I yawned as I woke up, jeez I hate mornings.

I decided go take a shower, I did want to make a good first impression so I got up early so I had plenty of time. While in the shower I decided to try and evaluate my situation. Let's see, I'm a gay teenage guy who's a bit antisocial and will undoubtedly figure out a way to screw up my perfectly clean rep by somehow outing myself to everyone. On top of that I'm new and Latino so I know I won't blend in with anyone. Well I guess it's time to hit the ground and as my mom would say, and start running.

My mom pulled up to the parking lot and I was on my way out, 'Mijito wait," I close the door and got back in.

She starts, "Now Taylor, I know that this is a new place and deep down you're afraid, but I just want you to know that you are a Garcia. And as a Garcia you will always have your family…"

"Then why is Dad not here?"

"Now Taylor, you know I don't blame you for what happened."

"But it was my fault, if I didn't come out he wouldn't have left us." I was on the verge of tears now. What a great way to start my day.

"Ok, I'm sorry but this is a new start, forget about the past and make some new friends, ok?"

"I'll try, but no promises." I said sarcastically with a smile on my face.

I closed the door and walked up to the front doors and whispered to myself, "This is my new beginning, might as well make the most of it." I stepped in and was greeted with a very excited girl.

"Hi, my name is Tori, who are you?"

"I'm Taylor, I'm new, umm could you tell me where the office is I need to pick up my schedule?"

"Sure, just follow me." I quickly noticed a bunch of people walking around and before I knew it we were at the principal's office.

"Here we are," said Tori, "I hope to see you around" she said as she walked away.

"Hello, how can I help you?" said a nice lady who was wearing way too much eye shadow.

"Umm, I'm Taylor Garcia. I'm new. I was looking for Mr. Simpson." I said nervously.

"Ok, so Mr. Simpson is actually quite busy, you didn't hear it from me but our student body president just got busted for embarrassing the visiting hockey team at a welcome rally in there, so here is a printout of your schedule and give me a second" She handed me a slip of paper and looked out the door way and grabbed somebody.

"Ok dear, this is Campbell Saunders and he is going to show you around, ok?" she said with another creepy yet comforting smile.

I looked up from my schedule and, saying that I embarrassed myself was an understatement, my mouth literally fell open as I stared at him.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" he said with an adorable smile.

I quickly composed myself and apologized, "Oh sorry, I just kind of zoned out there for a sec, I'm Ta-taylor, It's nice to meet you." I extended my hand to him.

"Well it's umm nice to meet you to Taylor, my name is Campbell but you can just call me Cam."

"All right well where are we off to?"

"Huh? Oh right, let me see your schedule…. Umhum, Ok well we have like three classes together so at least you won't go through your first day alone."

I was silently thanking God right now. "That's great."

"Oh and would you look at that, your locker is right here next to mine." Even better I said to myself in my head.

"So first period we have French 1, then you have AP Bio and AP European History, then we have English and Art after lunch, and you'll finish your day with Honors Pre-cal. Dang your pretty smart huh?"

"A little, I was top of class at my old school." Suddenly, a bell echoed through the halls as I closed my locker.

"Cool, I've well we should probably get to class, wouldn't want to be late on your first day."

"Ok let's go." This is definitely going to be an interesting year.