An! So, I was bored, and sort of on a sugar rush. And so, I began thinking about this... No other reason but because I thought why not? So here you go! I realized just how dry and utterly boring my humor is... Sorry in advance!

Some will be funny (I guess if I actually manage to write something funny) others will be eh. Just random blarbs that need to get out my head.

If you feel like you could write better letters, feel free to PM me and I'll post it up here.


Dear Harry Potter Characters

by rose4u

Dear Mr. Potter,

Hi, you don't know me yet, but you will. Well, if this magic spell is working properly, this letter should have arrived four days before you receive your Hogwarts letter (You'll know of that later). Anyway, I am writing to warn you in advance.

Don't go. Unless, of course, you want to die.

No, I mean it. You'll literally die.



P.S. Watch out for bloody owls.