Thanks alot for the reviews :)

Although, what I ironically enjoyed is the questionare that I asked. No one answered them. well some people did. So I did eenie- minie- miny- moe and the result was Laxus. Chapter starts with Lisanna's POV!

Sorry if Laxus is OOC here.

Let's start with the special chapter!

*-SPECIAL CHAPTER: The one who will make me realize..-*

A few weeks had passed since the incident that I made. It was still fresh on my mind. I kept on thinking about it day and night. I regret everything. I wish I can go back in time and replace all my mistakes. Everyone wanted that and it was impossible.

When I almost killed Natsu back there and Lucy protected him... Sense knocked in to me again... After I left them, I decided to break the deal with Kuro, who is now in jail after we seperated and I don't really know the reason why.

I can't go back to my home. I was afraid everyone would shun at me. I miss my home so much... Fairy Tail. All I can do is watch Fairy Tail from afar. It pained me so much. Heck! For that reason made me want to go back to Edolas and start another life there!

I walked and walked and found the spot where I would usually loiter at. In front of Fairy Tail's gate. I would always stare at the door and would always daydream about Natsu bringing me back in there with love-filled, wide and open arms

But I already know that wouldn't happen since he has Lucy now... How did I know? I can just see it from his eyes already, when he came to the warehouse with that wide, angry eyes. It looked like he was going to kill someone or exchange his own life just for Lucy.

I'm not feeling jealous or anything like that... It's just that its so painful to let go of someone. When I try to forgot about us, the opposite would always come. I would sometimes think to myself that I should be the one beside him. Just like Justin Bieber's song, That should be me...

I sniffed and wiped away the tears in my eyes. I want to come back...

"Lisanna?" I flinched and turned around with wide eyes as soon as the deep masculine voice called out. When I did, I saw a large blonde

"L-Laxus!" I stuttered. I didn't know what to say... I didn't now what to do...

"Lisanna! You're back! The whole gui-" I backed and looked away and tears started to flood my eyes again. I can't come back... I'm too ashamed of myself to be facing the guild...

I then ran, as fast as possible.

"O-Oi! Lisanna!" I heard him reach out for me "Wait!"

I ran into a nearby park thats facing lake and I bumped into a random guy

"Oi! Watch it will ya'! I'm tryin' to eat ma food!" He yelled at me

"G-Gomenasai!" I squeaked

"People who disturb me from eating shall be punished..." He whispered while placing his arm up in the air, ready to attack me.

I squeezed my eyes as tight and when he was about to attack me...

"OI! Don't you dare think of smacking her!" I opened my eyes and looked to the side

"L-Laxus! Why are you-" I suddenly got cut off

"Lisanna, stay there. I'll take care of this" He said

"Who do you think you are, eh?! Tough guy! Come at me" The random guy said

Laxus 'tsk'-ed. Poor little guy...

In a blink of an eye, Laxus was already in front of the guy

Uh-oh... BOOM!

"Arghh!" Laxus punched him and the guy screeched in pain

"Never try to hurt our nakamas, you don't know our power when you hurt them..." Laxus muttered

"I won't attack them! Just please don't hurt me!" He ran away, cowardly

Laxus sighed and turned to me

"Hey... You okay?" He went forward and kneeled down beside me.

"I-I'm fine" I stuttered

"It's getting cold. We should go to the guil-" I stopped him "I can't do that..." I said

"Why not? Mirajane and the others are looking for you!" I saw him cork an eyebrow up at my answer

"I'm too ashamed of facing them. Especially in front of Natsu and Lucy. They'll probably hate me for sure" I said

"But Lisanna! Fairy Tail isn't like that. You should know that by now" He said, looking at me straight in the eye

"They will. After of what I had done to them" I protested "You should know about what I had done, you should've heard what I did Natsu and Lucy in the guild" I continued

"I k-know... I did hear. But still! Fairy Tail isn't like that. Even I'm not mad at you! We love our nakamas... We fight for them, we protect them... We love them. We treat each other like our very own family. And famillies don't hate each other" Laxus said softly. "In fact, to tell you the truth, they miss you! Especially Mira and Elfman. Lucy nor did Natsu said anything bad about you! Almost everyday the both of them are looking for you! In other words, they forgave you already. They don't hold any grudge at you... " He continued in the same soft voice.

I widened my eyes at his words. I-I don't know what to say... Is he telling the truth?...

I opened my mouth, trying to find the right words to say

"I-I uhh.." I stuttered

"So what do you say? Do you have the guts to come back now?" He asked, in a hoping voice

I gulped silently to myself






"I-I'll come back" I lowered my head, my bangs covering my eyes

"That's the spirit!" Laxus yelled and cold breeze suddenly ran through us and I shivered.

"Here... I think you're cold" I looked up to him and saw him giving his large coat while looking away with a pink shade on his cheeks

That's so cute of him... The grandson of Fairy Tail's master, the son of Raven Tail's master and the s-class lightning dragon slayer blushing.

"Thank you" I said as I took the coat from his hands and placed it around me. I felt a blush spread across my cheeks also

His coat is so warm... He's so warm!

"Shall we get going?" He smiled warmly at me

"Let's go" I smiled back


He opened the doors for me but he went ahead. I hid behind him and I looked around the guild. I saw Natsu, Lucy, Mira-nee and Elf-niichan crying and sulking at the bar

I widened my eyes. Did they actually.. miss me?

"Everyone!" He yelled and he turned to Mirajane and the others who were around her

He turned to me and he whispered, "Come on... Don't be scared"

I gulped and came out in front of him

I heard Mira-nee gasp "L-Lisanna..." She ran outside the counter with Elf-niichan

"You're back!" She ran up to me and hugged me along with Elf-niichan

I felt Mira-nee's tears run down to my shoulder

"We've missed you so much..." She said and I hugged her back too, but I didn't say any word. She let go of me and I looked up to Natsu and Lucy who were coming up to us

"Lisanna, welcom home" They smiled at me as I started tearing up.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." My knees turned jello. When I was about to kneel down, Natsu cuaght me

"Hey... Look, past is past. Right now is the present. Forget about all the bad things that happend to us. All that matters now is that you're back" He smiled at me

"I'm sorry..." Natsu gave me a warm BUT friendly hug and I returned it


We quickly broke the hug and saw Lucy and Laxus with jealous eyes

"Gomen ne LUSHEEEE! Forgive me!" I saw Natsu stood up and went to hug his girlfriend protectively

I stared at them for a while

"Lisanna! I missed you! Especially when Natsu and Lucy are on their dates! I needed someone! I was alone!" Happy sulked in my arms

"Don't worry! I'll be there for you!" I said cheerfully

"Can we play house again like before?" He asked

"Sure!" I smiled

"But who's going to be the dad?" He frowned. I blushed and leaned to his ear

"Don't worry about that! I can just ask Laxus to be the dad" I whispered

Happy gasped so loudly that everyone in the guild heard

"You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiike Lax-" My eyes turned into wide plates and I grabbed his mouth. Telling him to shut the heck up

"HAHAHAHAH! YOU FUNNY CAT!" I laughed awkwardly. I glared at Happy

"Try to say that I like Laxus in front of the whole guild and I will literally pull your gaddamn whiskers off" I threatened

"Aye!" He walked off casually

*Cough* "So Lisanna," I turned around and saw Laxus

"I know I know. You were right" I sighed in defeat and smiled at him as he smiled back

"Right! H-Here's your coat!" I blushed removing the coat off me but he leaned closer to me and grabbed my hand

"You can return that later..." He whispered and leaned more closer to me

S-Shit.. I know were this is going...

I gulped and leaned closer too, closing my eyes.

When our faces were centimeters apart, we heard a loud a scream

We cracked opened our eyes and quickly backed away from each other

"M-MIRA! L-LUCY! I can explain!" Laxus yelled panickly. I stayed quiet and I was blushing like a cherry

"NO YOU DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN! WE'LL JUST LEAVE YOU ALONE!" Lucy said as she dragged my sister away

I saw Laxus facepalm himself

"That was little embarrassing..." He said

"I kno-" I got surprised when he went closer to me and kissed my forehead ever so gently and so warmly

"We'll continue that kiss later" he then ran off and I smiled

Thank you Laxus... You were the one who made me realize all this...

The end! Hope you like it!

Now that I'm done this special chapter, I will continue on with the kinky part ;)