Hello Minna-san! This is the new story I'm making

As promised, I will try to post 3 chapters in one go :)

I hope you like it and Don't worry I will still continue

'Team Natsu's Love Story' after this.

Thank you for understanding!

Chapter 1: First test

Lucy's Pov***

Monday, May 10

It's a warm and happy day for the guild. Well for me, it's cold and dark, it really wasn't always like this. This all started after the Edolas incident. Every one in the guild started ignoring me, neglecting me and putting their attention to Lisanna, I know it's selfish but I'm starting to feel like a ghost.

"Mira-san! Can I please have a strawberry and vanilla milkshake?" I asked.

"Yes! Coming right up Lucy!...Here you go Lucy!" Mira placed my drink in front of me,

"Arigato..." I said then drank.

"Mira-san, can I talk to you for a bit?" I asked, but a white-haired female came in towards us,

"Mira-nee! I need your help with something" Lisanna blurted out.

"Sure, what is it?" Mira left me and went to her sister.

"Okay... might as well go to Cana" I finished my drink and walked up to her.

"Can-" but then again I got cut off, by the same girl,

"Cana! Let's go shopping!" Lisanna exclaimed.

What the heck? What's she trying to do? I thought to myself

I walked around the guild looking for someone to talk to.

How about Erza? I smiled hoping that someone would actually talk to me,as I started walking towards Erza, Lisanna, once again came to her before I did.

"Erza! Let's train!" She said.

"Sure Lisanna" Erza said.

This is fucking useless I face palmed myself I'm just gonna go home

*Time travelling...*

"TADAIMA!" I called out usually hoping someone would greet back.

"Hm? He's usually here at this time. He's probably on a mission, I didn't see him in the guild too." I said to myself.

Oh well...

I went to the bathroom, took a shower, ate some snacks and wrote a daily letter to my mom. After that, I went to bed. For some reason, I couldn't go to sleep, I kept thinking about that pink-haired idiot. I sighed. I've always loved him, ever since he brought me to Fairy Tail; he was the love of my life. I sighed once more, "If only you could love me back..." I whispered.

What the hell was I thinking? Him? Love back? Nah, he would never understand my true feelings,

I looked out to the window and stared out to see the bright moon along the stars.

"Beautiful..." then I drifted into a deep slumber.

*Cockadoodeldo! :)* Tuesday, May 11

*YAWNNNNN* "Good morning!" I greeted to myself.

I feel confident and happy today, I planned to tell Natsu about my feelings today.

After I put on my usual outfit and went straight to the guild,

I opened the guild's doors and greeted good morning to everyone but they didn't seem to notice so I went to the bar.

"Good morning Mira..." I smiled.

"Good morning Lucy!" She greeted back.

FINALLY SOMEONE TALKED TO ME! I cheered inside my head then I placed my head's weight on my fist then I looked away.

"What's wrong Lucy? You seem very sad..." Mira asked me.

"Oh it's nothing really, Uhm... Have you seen Natsu?" I asked

"He went on a mission with Gray and Happy, Why do you ask?"

"Well, I just want to say something very important to him, that's all" I said.

"Oh, okay" After that she continued wiping some wine glasses.

I was reading my book quietly waiting for Natsu but then I heard someone kick the door.

I turned around assuming it was Natsu but instead it was that white haired girl,

"Good morning everyone!" Lisanna happily greeted

Speak of the devil. I said to myself. Then resumed reading my book.

"Ah! Good Morning Lisanna!" Mira greeted cheerfully.

I bet they wont even talk to me, not even one bit. I'll just take a small job to pass the time I guess...

I went to the request board then just chose a quest randomly


A strong mage with cleaning skills

Reward: 1000 jewels

Location: The house nearest to the Magnolia station

"Mira! I'll take this job!" I gave Mira the paper,

"Okay Lucy!" Mira said.

"I'll be back in 2 hours!" I said then walked away.

"Take care Lucy!" Mira waved.


*after 2 hours*

"I'm back!" I said to Mira,

"Oh! Welcome home Lucy!" Mira greeted back.

"So, is Natsu here?" I asked her,

"Yeah, he's over there with Erza and Gray."

"Thanks!" I said the walked away, I walked over to where Natsu and the others were.

"Yo! Lucy, what's up?" Gray asked casually,

"Nothing much. How about you?"

"Nothing much too really." He responded. I didn't say hi to Erza because she was eating her favorite strawberry cake and I don't really want to disturb her so I just went and greeted Natsu.

"Hey Natsu," I said.

"Hey Lucy." He greeted back.

"Uhm... Natsu, can you come over to my house? I need to tell you something very important." I said,

"Sure..." Natsu grinned.

After a while, we talked and talked and talked for a whole day, I was happy and surprised because my friends actually talked to me and this might be the best day ever. Also because none of them never spoke about getting a mission.

"I'm going home!" I waved,

"Wait Lucy! You want me to come over right?" Natsu put up his palm in the air.


"So I'm coming with you then" He said then showed off his trademark grin

I blushed at that "Okay..." I said looking away so he won't notice my red face

*Walking Walking*

"Let's go upstairs" I told him.

"Natsu, wait here let me take a bath first then I'll tell you"

"Okay" He said.

I went to the bathroom then took a shower.


"Ughh... this is taking so long, I'm bored." I yawned,

I waited a little while longer but Lucy still isn't here.

I waited again, instead of Lucy telling me she's done her bath, I hear Happy's voice calling out my name.

"NATSU!" Happy yelled then went inside the house,

"Oh Happy! What brings you here?" I wondered.

"Lisanna's looking for you, go to her!" Happy said,

"Oh okay! You could've came earlier! Let's go!" then I ran off.


"Lisanna huh..." I forced myself to smile, even a little.

"Oh well..." then a tear found it's way out and slid down my cheeks.

I changed myself to my pj's, wrote a daily letter to my mom then just went to bed,

"There's still tomorrow..." then I closed my eyes.

*Here comes the sun...*

For the first time, I woke up feeling gloomy, usually I would wake being all noisy and happy but today, no...

I changed and went to the guild,

"Good morning" I yawned.

"Lucy..." Someone called for me,

I turned around and saw Natsu, Gray, Erza and Lisanna with a frown on their faces.

"We need to talk to you..." Natsu said,

"About what?"

"We're kicking you out of the team so Lisanna can join" Natsu said,

Before I could say anything Gray butted in.

"And if you take more solo missions, you could become stronger like us" He smiled.

"I agree with Gray..." Erza said.

"O-Okay, if that's what you guys want" I looked down,

"Then it's settled! Lisanna, you're officially part of Team Natsu!" they cheered.

"Let's go on a mission to celebrate" Erza added.

"What a great idea!" Natsu said,

"Yeah!" Gray pumped his fist in the air.

I watched them, I couldn't help but form more tears in my eyes but I refused to let them fall down,

"Let's go!" Natsu ran.

"Oi! Flame-brain wait up" Gray and Erza ran with him.

"See ya later, Weakling" Lisanna smirked wickedly at me, I flinched at that then

went to Mira.

"Lucy! Are you alright?" She asked very concerned about me,

A tear slipped down my cheek. "I'm okay, Mira."

"Lucy... I'm sorry" She said.

I suddenly looked up and said "No, its's okay Mira, really..." I said while tears continued falling down my cheeks but I tried to sound cheerful. I attempted a smile but failed.


"Mira, I'm going home..." I said then walked away.

First Chapter complete!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail and its characters but Hiro Mashima does :3

It's still the same rules, I have to make 13 chapters and stuff like that and yeah

I hope you liked my story and Let's play a game :D

I'm a dragon slayer and have I have a white cat.

Who is she?