Snow Day
The TARDIS materialized with its usual groaning-wheezing sounds. Two heads stick out, inspecting the area. They are stunned to see a snow; an endless carpet of pristine white.
"Brr! It's cold here!" Harry said, as he ducked back inside the TARDIS.
"Of course it's cold, Harry! There snow of the ground!" Sarah Jane said, as she put on her coat. Then she grinned; snow meant snowballs, and snowballs meant snowball fights!
"What're you thinking, Sarah? You've got a sneaky look on your face." Harry said, knowing that something was up when Sarah smiled like that.
"Harry, how would you like to pull a fast one on the Doctor?" Sarah Jane asked, with mischief in her voice and eyes. Harry looked blankly at her for a moment, then grinned, finally understanding what she wanted to do.
"When?" Harry asked, feeling like a mischievous schoolboy (and grinning like one, too).
"No time like the present!" Sarah Jane replied, careful to keep her voice down, since the Doctor was taking one of his catnaps and was a very light sleeper. With that, the two exited the TARDIS and started making snowballs, in preparation for when the Doctor would emerge.
"Well! That was a refreshing nap! Harry? Sarah Jane? Where are you?" the Doctor asked, as he exited his room and took a look around. The two humans were nowhere to be seen. For a moment, both of his hearts stopped beating. Did they somehow slip from the TARDIS into the time-stream? Or were they captured by whatever lay outside of the TARDIS? Without taking notice of any of the scanners that were designed to look outside, the Doctor decided to go out and see if the latter was true. He was not expecting what happened next. Something round, cold, and white landed with a sound 'splat' right in his face! For a few seconds, he was too shocked to say anything, then he heard some snickering from Sarah Jane and Harry. Then he didn't know whether to be relieved or furious. How dare they worry him like that!
"SARAH JANE! HARRY SULLIVAN!!" the Doctor bellowed, getting yelps from his two companions.
"It was her idea! She thought of the snowballs, not me!" Harry objected, before getting a snowball right in his mouth.
"What the…………..?!" Harry spluttered, as Sarah Jane burst into laughter.
"You're next, Sarah!" the Doctor shouted, taking off after Sarah. With a yell, Sarah took off, trying to elude the Time Lord's well-aimed snowballs and throwing a couple in his direction as she ran. The Doctor was quite a sight to behold; tall, imposing, and with a melting snowball sliding down his coat and with a couple of his own in hand. By the time all was said and done, they were soggy, tired, and eager for a rest.
"That was great fun!" Sarah Jane said, as she entered the TARDIS, with two equally tired males behind her.
"Yes. Most fun I've had in centuries! You snowball fight well, Sarah Jane!" the Doctor teased, as he slung his soggy coat into a corner and Harry did the same.
"Thank you, Doctor!" Sarah Jane said, still smiling as she settled into a chair and enjoyed the heat the TARDIS always emitted when it was cold outside.
"Do you have any tea aboard, Doctor?" Harry asked, as he settled into another chair.
"But of course! I'm not as stupid as you, Harry!" the Doctor said, then disappeared into another part of the TARDIS before Harry could gather his wits to say anything in rebuke. Sarah Jane only laughed and watched as Harry's face took on an insulted expression.
"Hey, Doctor!" Sarah Jane called.
"Yes, Sarah?" the Doctor replied, his voice echoing somewhat in the next room.
"Let's do the same thing tomorrow! I look forward to facing you again in a snowball fight!" Sarah Jane said, getting a laugh from the Doctor.
"All right! I look forward to it!" the Doctor said, while a look of dread crossed Harry's features. For some reason, he had the feeling that he was going to be outnumbered in the next battle……………