People, you can kill me later. I just need to take an itty-bitty, teensy-weensy, baby-sized break from my other story.

Anyways, I know there are a bajillion and one fics out there with the whole "Shuffle iPod" idea, but I don't really care. And if you do, then you shouldn't be reading this. Oh, and also, there won't be any slash in this.

Disclaimer: I don't own TobyMac, his songs, or Marvel.


by TobyMac

Wide awake in the middle of your nightmare

You saw it coming but it hit you out of nowhere

And there's always scars

When you fall that far

We lose our way

We get back up again

It's never too late to get back up again

One day, you gonna shine again

You may be knocked down

But not out forever

Lose our way

We get back up again

So get up, get up

You gonna shine again

It's never too late to get back up again

You may be knocked down

But not out forever

Steve was thrown against a building, his head hitting the bricks with a sharp crack. He collapsed onto the ground, pain throbbing in his skull.

He hated robots.

Why did it always have to be robots?

He stumbled to his feet, shaking his head to clear it as he faced his attacker again. He ignored the colorful dots crowding his vision and reached an arm back to grab his shield.

He clutched nothing but air.


Steve barely had time to wonder where it was before a metal arm slammed into him, throwing him back into the building's wall. This time his back took the brunt of the impact, but Steve was pretty sure he had still heard a cracking noise. Shifting slightly, he winced in pain. At least one of his ribs was broken.

Using the wall to support himself, he slowly staggered to his feet again.

The robot almost looked surprised. "Why do you not give up?" it asked in an automated voice.

Steve pondered that question even as he began swaying on his feet. In all honesty, he'd forgotten that giving up was even an option. It was clear that he was completely outmatched, and the fact that he didn't have his shield just made it worse.

But Captain America didn't quit anything – be it chess with Bruce, an argument with Tony, or a losing fight with a robot.

"Because I'm not done yet," Steve stated simply, wiping the back of his hand against his mouth and smearing the blood on his chin.

The machine drew back an arm, and Steve readied himself for the jump he was about to make.

As the robot's fist came hurtling toward him, Steve heaved his battered body into the air and landed on the metallic arm. Before his opponent had time to realize what was happening, Steve punched a hole in the machine's head, revealing sparking wires.

The robot came to a grinding halt, its body falling in slow-motion toward the pavement.

Steve balanced precariously on the robot and managed to remain in a standing position when it hit the ground.

Then Steve did a very un-Captain America thing. "Ha," he said to the smoldering metal heap. "I told you."