BlackStar had the confidence to ask out Tsubaki shortly after Soul and Maka started dating. Tsubaki began to feel comfortable around her boyfriend, so she decided to introduce him to her family.

"Now BlackStar, please act normal. Don't put on your loud act." She pleaded him while brushing off specs of dust on his shoulder. They were waiting outside her parent's house, expecting somebody to answer the door. Soon enough, her mother answered.

"Why hello! Is this the boy you've been talking about, Tsubaki?"

"Yes mother, this is BlackStar." She gestured toward him and he had on a very foolish smile that made Tsubaki want to slap herself for not trying hard enough. He held out a hand to her mother.

"Hey! Is it okay if I go out with your daughter?" He asked hopefully. Tsubaki sweat-dropped and glanced at her mother, not knowing how she would react. To her surprise, her mom put on a smile and shook his hand.

"Of course. I expect you to take care of her though. Or, it could be the other way around." She chuckled. "I think you'll be a fine boyfriend for Tsubaki. You're acting as yourself and that's good. You speak your mind. Now, is there anything else?"

"No, nothing reall-" Tsubaki was cut off by BlackStar.

"Can we eat something here?" He already had his foot at the edge of the door and his arm was halfway into the house. After moments of silence he took that as a yes and proceeded to the kitchen.

"He's sweet once you get to know him." Tsubaki said kindly.

Kid eventually got used to Liz's demanding ways and fell madly in love with her. He would do anything for her; buy her anything, give her anything. She felt like spoiled child, but enjoyed it nonetheless. They had their ups and downs, but they managed to resolve it.

Liz was walking with Kid at the mall, glancing at stores around her and seeing if she found anything that interested her. A few guys checked her out now and then, and Kid wasn't happy with it.

"Get the hell away and stop staring you stalker." He strictly told them. Liz just sighed.

After ten minutes, she found a store that she wanted to browse in. She tugged on her boyfriend's shirt then dragged him there.

"Hey, slow down! You'll stretch this!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you can buy another one. Look!"

She stopped and quickly searched through the clothes. Kid didn't want to be involved in these girly things so he was heading out.

"No, you're staying with me." His girlfriend told him. She found a cute dress that she thought would suit her, so she begged him to buy it. Giving her whatever she wanted, he obeyed her wish.

"I love you!" She told him while he gave the cashier a 50 dollar bill.

"I know." He sighed happily.

Patty ended up getting a job at the zoo and bumping into her lifetime mate. They got along very well and she couldn't have been happier.

Soul and Maka were at an amusement park celebrating their one-year anniversary. Well, this wasn't Maka's idea of 'romantic', but Soul said that she should give it a try.

"No no no not that one!" Maka refused Soul. He was pulling on her arm as if she were a statue and she stayed planted on the ground, bending down as she felt her weight lifting. She felt as if she were staring at the fate of her death. A roller coaster that was humongous was standing in front of her.

"Don't be a wimp, Maka. You're not gonna die by this! It's just to scare you. Once you get on, you'll see that there's nothing to worry about."

She finally gave up and let herself go. Soul didn't realize this so she ended up crashing into him because he was still pulling. Somehow they ended up in a hug and he wouldn't let her go.

"Now there's no way you're getting out of riding it." He stared down at her and smirked. All Maka could do was give off a weak smile and walk with him to the ride.

"Are you sure it's safe?" She quivered as she sat down in the car. He buckled her seat-belt then his.

"Of course, trust me." He grinned. The vehicle soon started moving and Maka screamed the second it did. Soul enjoyed every second of the look on her face and the roller coaster; so did Maka...secretly.

"Don't make me do that again." She clutched her stomach.

"We'll see." He laughed.

Thanks for reading everything, everybody XD You all are awesome! :D Seriously, thanks so much for supporting me until the very end. Less than 3. (Heart sign XD) Bye! :D
