Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran but I do own my OCs. Also this has slightly graphic scenes so take caution. Prepare yourselves!
Also decided to give you guys a extra long chapter to make up for my stupidly long absence.
Bold =English
Italics = Thoughts
The night seemed darker. The thunder louder.
The moon gone.
Claudia leaned against the smooth brick wall, her breathing slightly ragged and beginning to feel slightly dizzy. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and squeezed her hands, then opened her eyes into the night. The redhead had Ryuu hidden behind some of the bushes beside her as she didn't want him to get hurt. Also if she would need help, he'd be able to jump out.
For some reason, she couldn't understand why she was feeling weak… or why she felt wet. In the dark of the night, she patted her stomach and back and felt it damp with something. At first she thought it had been just sweat but now she wasn't so sure but she couldn't see anything on her hand due to how dark it was. She peered down and cursed herself for wearing black. Whatever the substance was, she could feel it trail down her leg as she stood.
With a sigh, Claudia pushed it to the back of her mind. She needed to protect her friends until help arrived. She needed to get them out. It was quick and light, but she felt a soft brush against her leg and with a small breath, she looked back and crouched.
"I don't think this is a good idea…" Ryuu whispered.
"Me neither but what other option do we have?" Claudia replied.
Ryuu shook his head and looked up. The night was ominous, the male could just feel it. He sighed softly, took hold of Claudia's hand and squeezed it tightly.
"Promise me you'll be safe and come back." he whispered.
Claudia went to brush his worries off. "Ryuu-"
"Promise me," he interrupted sternly, "please, just promise me."
"Okay, I promise." Claudia replied once she heard the plea in his voice. A moment after, she felt the hand holding hers loosen enough for her to walk away.
Ryuu from behind watched as she disappeared. He watched intently before closing his fists, but scrunched up his face when he felt something sticky on one of his hands; Ryuu peered down to his hands and noticed very faintly in the dark that there was some form of liquid on his hand, the hand that had held Claudia's.
Curiously, he lifted that hand to his nose and sniffed before frowning from the strong copper smell. He looked to Claudia before back down at his hand and then back to his friend as she quickly fought down the several men. It took him a moment to realise it due to his frazzled mind, but when he looked down at his hand and saw that there was a small hint of dark red glowing on his hands as the moon peaked briefly from behind the clouds, he couldn't deny what the substance was on his hands.
Ryuu frantically looked up and slowly stood. Claudia had just finished hitting the last man, and stood huffing surrounded by wounded and unconscious men. The male quickly made his way to her, barely catching hold of her as she almost lost her footing turning around.
He hadn't noticed it before but there was a strong smell of copper coming up from her, and now it was more distinct. Carefully, Ryuu guided them to hiding.
"Claudia, I think you're bleeding from somewhere." he whispered as he leaned her against the wall.
"That's the least of my worries Ryuu." Claudia replied quietly, breathing ragged and light headed.
The male sighed with frustration and looked around for any other men while Claudia caught her breath. Other times, Claudia had been certain she'd survive anything however it seemed that tonight wasn't the case. She felt weak and the dizziness was officially starting to kick in. She felt nauseous from just fighting and her head was pounding. She gripped onto Ryuu to stop herself from fainting, squeezing his arm tightly to keep herself upright.
"Ryuu," she breathed, knowing that if the liquid she felt on her back was infact blood, she wouldn't be able to keep up with tonight… however she would still try, "go back inside and hide with Cole and Haru."
The male raised his brow and took hold of her shoulder with his unoccupied hand. "You're bleeding and you want me to go hide? Leaving you in this state? Like hell I would do that."
Claudia closed her eyes as another wave of nausea coursed through her, and she rested her head on his shoulder briefly. She was in no state to fight but she had to.
She needed to get her friends out of this.
"Please," she pleaded, "I don't want you to get caught up in my mess, I don't care if you're my best friend or not, you don't belong in this fight," she lifted her head and despite the darkness found his eyes, "You won't be hurt or killed because of one of my mistakes."
"No, listen to me," Claudia interrupted and quickly glanced to the side as she heard faint voices, "I'll be fine, a little bleeding didn't hurt anyone. It'll clot anyway. Now, I want you to take the other two and hide somewhere, anywhere, it doesn't matter. I need to make sure that you guys don't get hurt because of something we did. I don't know what I would do if I knew you got hurt because of me, so I want you safe okay? I promised I would come back to you safely and I don't break any of my promises." she ran a hand into his hair and softly kissed his cheek. "I love you," she whispered before pushing him away gently, "now promise me that you'll listen to me."
Ryuu sighed and looked away, blinking away tears from his eyes before nodding. "Fine," he stubbornly agreed and tightly hugged her, "you better keep your promise though." he said as he backed away.
"I will."
Ryuu turned around and slipped through the window. Claudia pursed her lips together and let herself slid down the wall to the ground. The voices were getting louder but Claudia knew it would take some time before they found their way to the backyard, specifically to where they were hidden.
Claudia stayed there, breathing slowly to calm her pounding head and hoping she'd stay concealed. A few minutes had passed before she felt rustling beside her and turned to her left, noticing faintly a female figure kneel beside her.
"Hey." she whispered.
"Yo," Stephanie greeted back, "they're safe in hiding."
Claudia nodded and turned to look around the yard as Stephanie continued whispering to her. "The guys gave up on the door and it became quiet inside...I think they've gone outside."
"I think so too," Claudia replied back, "I heard voices before."
Stephanie glanced to the redhead and furrowed her brows slightly, "Will you be okay? Ryuu mentioned you were bleeding from somewhere."
Claudia smiled slightly despite her friend not being able to see it, "I'll be fine," she lied, "It'll clot and stop bleeding anyway so stop worrying about it. It's probably nothing anyway, just a scratch."
Stephanie sighed at the response and shook her head, "Whatever you say…" she replied as she stood.
Claudia knew very well that she wouldn't be fine but she needed to survive the night, or at least until help arrived. She carefully stood as well, placing a hand on the wall to support her. Slowly the two made their way around the house to a safer hiding spot.
"Did you hear that?" Claudia asked suddenly.
Stephanie turned around and glanced at Claudia, brow raised in question. The bodies of the men lay still on the stone beneath them, and the two didn't worry about them waking up. The redhead quickly looked around before whispering again.
"I swear I heard something."
"It was probably nothing but we'll be extra careful just in case."
Claudia pursed her lips together but trudged along behind Stephanie anyway. It was an odd feeling of being watched which was only extenuated by the eerie and stormy night. She knew at some point the men would show themselves.
The night wasn't safe tonight.
Just as the redhead sighed she heard the rustling from behind her. With a small push against Stephanie's back, she began running, not tempted to take any chances. She didn't care if she was dizzy or nauseous, she would run if her gut told her to run then she would run. The blond surprised by the push turned to look behind her to glance a Claudia, however turned back around and began to fully run when she saw people behind them.
Feet slapping against the cold ground, the two weaved their way through the bushes. Heart beating in their chests, Stephanie turned to the left once she reached the corner, however Claudia turned right, not registering that the blond had turned the other way and continued her way into the garden. It wasn't until they stopped they realised that the other wasn't with them.
Stephanie gasped as she was pulled back by her hair and slammed against the brick wall. With her head pinned to the wall and hands behind her back; gun scattered away from her and hair in her eyes, her attacker bent down and grinned at her.
"Let's have some fun shall we?"
Claudia on the other hand had pressed herself up against a tree as her pursuers ran past her. With a fearful heart she could just faintly see Stephanie being hit unconscious. Closing her eyes for a brief moment to calm her nerves, she turned to face the house.
Other times she had been certain she'd survive anything, but not tonight. She felt an enormous wave of nausea from just running and her head was pounding as she breathed rapidly. Claudia gripped onto the trunk to stop herself from fainting, however felt her vision darkening. She leaned onto the trunk for support as pain shot through her.
Not a moment later, she heard a crunch behind her.
"I'm screwed," Claudia whispered to herself, "totally and utterly screwed."
Claudia attempted to run, but her clothes snagged on a branch. She tripped and painfully fell to the ground. It was then she blanked out.
The night seemed to drag along, and Kyoya couldn't help but think he wasn't going to make it. They were stuck in unforeseen traffic, later having found out that there had been an accident earlier on in the evening and they were cleaning up the aftermath. The teen sank into his seat, tempted to run the rest of the way just to make it in time.
His heart was pounding in his chest, finger playing with the flip feature of his phone just to keep his restlessness at bay. Biting his lip, he turned to Tachibana.
"How much longer must we wait?" He couldn't keep the urgency out of his voice.
"Not much longer sir," the man replied, "it seems to be clearing up now."
"You said that ten minutes ago." Kyoya responded.
"Well it actually is now sir; it looks like we will leave very soon."
Kyoya sighed and turned to look out of the window, eyes narrowed from frustration.
"I think I see some light." Cole muttered as he and Haruka made their way through the maze like hallway. Somehow they had managed to go underground and were now most likely in the basement under the house. The house had been empty, as if it had been abandoned and they hadn't seen anyone, not even the guards.
"Do you mean that crack over there?" Haruka asked as the gestured to thin horizontal line of light.
Cole nodded and shone the torch from his phone near the door. Haruka shivered. The basement was creepy as it was and creaking sounds wasn't helping him either. The male watched as Cole carefully stepped his way to the door, and swore he could hear creaking behind him. The raven head took a deep breath and turned around, shrieking as he jumped back.
Cole instantly turned around and shone the torch on Haruka. He had also lifted the gun to the air, pointing it just away from Haruka out of instinct.
"Guys! What are you trying to do? Kill me?!" Ryuu whisper shouted.
"Oh thank goodness! it's just Ryuu." Haruka sighed in relief.
Ryuu emerged from shadows covered in dust and remnants of cobwebs. Cole simply sighed in relief and dropped the gun. Ryuu weaved his way to the two.
"Anyways, do you where we are?" Cole asked.
Ryuu looked around and took in the familiar room. "The basement," he replied, "Claudia and I would hide down here when we were little from time to time."
"For fun or did you have a reason?" Haruka asked with a raised brow.
"For fun," Ryuu replied before taking in their shocked faces, "yes yes I know, we were weird kids."
"I don't think weird describes you two…" Cole commented as he turned around to inspect the door again.
"I think disturbing fits more." Haruka responded with a quiet laugh as Ryuu rolled his eyes, replying with a small 'whatever'.
Cole blinked as he heard talking coming closer. He stood still and motioned the other two to quieten down so he could hear better. The strawberry blond leaned over so he could just see out of the crack between the wall and the door, eyes widening slightly before he carefully moved back.
"There's people outside," he whispered, "and they're moving towards the door. Where do we hide?"
With his heart beating in his chest, Ryuu took a step back and looked around until he found a large stack of boxes. "Behind those?" he asked.
"It's better than nothing." Haruka commented and the three quickly ran to the large stack.
When they got there, they discovered what seemed to be a large crate and once they all were behind it, they found that there was enough shadow covering them that they wouldn't be noticed even with the light turned on. Just as Haruka bent down, the door slammed open. The boys being just barely able to peek over the edge without been seen, flinched as the light was turned on and a female body with blond hair thrown into the room.
Just as they predicted, there was enough shadow to cover them and they were able to see everything, as long as they were careful. Ryuu pursed his lips as he realised who the body belonged to. He glanced to the other two and noticed that they too had realised who it was as well.
Several men filed into the room, all wearing sickening grins and gripping onto some sort of weapon. One of them came forward and harshly kicked the body over, revealing the face to the three males in hiding.
"Steph…" Ryuu whispered in shock.
Haruka reached for Cole's hand, his mouth going dry from the thought of his friend getting hurt in front of him. The male flinched when Stephanie was kicked again, closing his eyes in an attempt to hide from reality however, he could still hear the painful crunch of shoe to bone and the soft plea of pain. He hated not being able to do anything. Cole, despite wanting to run to her and kick butt stayed rooted to his spot. He too hated not doing anything but he knew they'd be outnumbered, and they would probably be killed on the spot as well.
The other men surrounded Stephanie bent down and sneered at her. Stephanie opened her eyes, drawing back slightly she saw the other men surrounding. Her vision was hazy, and everything just seems blurry. Her stomach sank as she noticed the evil grin on men, and could wish that Claudia was with her at the moment. She wouldn't dare speak because she knew that if she did, they would use her words against her. Her heart pounded in a chest, most of the other times she knew what would happen but this time it wasn't the case, she wouldn't admit it out loud but she was scared. Stephanie's fate rested on the hands of these men.
All she could replay in her head was her brother falling to the ground, blood splattering and eyes rolling back into his head. Was that her fate as well? She watched as the ringleader bent down to her face.
" I bet you know what's going to happen to you," he laughed, "there's no escape now, you are done for, there's no one coming for you, no one to save you, you're dead meat. We will do the same did to our boss" he said, brushing his coat of dust while he spoke his long monologue, "you will suffer the same way he did" the ringleader continued, "we will make you pay…" and with that, the man kicked her hard in the stomach.
Stephanie recoiled from the kick and moaned in pain. Ryuu closed his eyes and turned away. He couldn't bear to watch his friend being hurt nor could he watch his friend on the verge of being killed, the male could only pray that help would arrive.
Stephanie felt yet another kick to her ribs, and bit her lip as she heard a crack. Closing her eyes, she tried to lift herself up, failing as her arms gave away and she fell limply to the floor. As she was lifted and tied to the nearest post, she could only guess that they had broken on of her ribs and maybe caused some internal bleeding. She thought back to her brother, his last words to her. She then thought of the comfort she had received from her friends, Claudia's family and unexpectedly the Host Club. The girl sighed before looking up from her tied post with a reawakened sense of strength; if they were here right now, she would play strong for them even if she felt like falling in pain and with a slight shift in her shoulders, she looked the ringleader head on, ignoring the pain in her ribs and sneered.
"Try your best you bastard," she said in a low, icy voice, "but remember, karma is a bitch."
The ringleader growled and picked up a plank of timber from the floor. Cole looked down, joining Ryuu and Haruka in not watching anymore, and cringed as he heard an agonising scream.
Stephanie huffed, breathing slowly becoming more difficult due to the pain. As her back hit the wall, she released another painful cry, slowly sliding down to meet the floor. Her resolve had started strong but now it had weakened. Bolts of pain shot through her as she was lifted, wishing that the men would be careful as they carelessly walked out of the basement with her.
As the door such behind them, and a few moments passed before Ryuu, Haruka and Cole slowly crept out from their hiding spot. All wore grim expressions.
"What do we do?" Haruka asked quietly.
"We'll stay here and hide it out," Ryuu answered hesitantly, "we can't really do much until Kyoya arrives…"
Haruka shook his head and placed his hands around himself, "It's like we're sitting ducks, I don't like it."
"I don't either but we can't really do much like Ryuu said." Cole responded as he wrapped his arm around his boyfriend, "...Mon dieu..." he mumbled to himself.
Ryuu sighed softly before sliding down to the ground, "We'll be safe as long as we hide behind the boxes." he whispered, "and hopefully nothing happens to them."
Haruka and Cole nodded in agreement and slid back down to the boxes. Only thing they could do was wait afterall.
Stephanie groaned as she was slammed down against the tile floor. Struggling to lift herself, she gasped as a foot came down hard on her back, pressing her to the cold floor, the pain intensifying. The room was dark but it had a slight smell of chlorine, Stephanie cringed slightly as the smell invaded her senses.
With her limited vision, she assumed that she was next to the swimming pool. Stephanie wheezed as two men grabbed an arm each and brought it behind her back, and not a moment later felt rope being tied around her wrists. The pressure was finally lifted from her back, however when she tried to move her legs, Stephanie found that they had been bound together as well. Her rapidly beating heart sank to her stomach as she was lifted and thrown onto her back, eyes shutting closed as pain shot through her.
"You will suffer the same fate that boss did," one of them spoke, "today you will know what it is like to feel true fear and pain. Both you and your friend will."
Stephanie watched helplessly as that same man drew out a small pocket knife, and sighed quietly as he walked towards her. Today she would die. Stephanie closed her eyes and turned her head to the side.
This would be fine.
Her being killed would bring peace to those whose innocent lives she had taken.
With this acceptance Stephanie held in her wails as the knife pierced through the skin of her abdomen. Her face scrunched up despite her not wanting it too, and the moment the blade was pulled out was when the burning began. Tears escaped her eyes, as her breathing slowed.
A sort of numbness spread across her body.
This time, the bad guys had won.
A small yelp passed through her lips as she was lifted into the air, her feet barely touching the ground as she was held in place by two men. She looked up as the man brought the knife and slashed it across her stomach, gashing it with multiple lines of various depths.
Stephanie was then welcomed by cold water, enveloping around her like a cocoon and sucking the life from her. She heard booming laughter from the surface. The restraints prevented her from struggling and swimming, she had no choice but to sink. Holding whatever breath was left, she watched as she sunk lower into the deep red pool.
She was suffocating, she wanted to breath. She wanted to taste air again, but couldn't. Stephanie tried shaking her body but froze and opened her mouth as pain trekked through her chest. Water flowing in through her mouth and nostrils, the pressure increasing within her. She couldn't breath anymore.
Her back touched the floor.
Then, everything went blank.
Marco had just pulled into the driveway and gotten out of his car when he noticed a rather large truck with a gold emblem drive in. Quickly ducking down, he watched as it pulled up and several men rush out, all in black uniform and armed with machinery. Narrowing his eyes, another car came into view and a familiar figure stepped out.
"Saburo," he whispered to himself, "what's he doing here?"
Marco quietly stood, not afraid of the armed men. He walked forward and placed a hand on his hips. Kyoya immediately noticed him and narrowed his eyes.
"What are you doing here?" the teen asked, tensing his jaw as he recognised the older man.
"Why else would I be here?" Marco replied, "To help of course. It seems that these are your men...just who are you exactly?"
Kyoya tensed his shoulders and pushed up his glasses, remembering the false name that Claudia had used to introduce him.
"My name is Saburo," Kyoya said, hoping that his men would catch onto the pseudonym, which they did, "that's all you need to know. I believe we're here for the same reasons."
Marco smirked but accepted the answer either way with a small nod. He turned and looked to the front door which had been broken into. He turned around and faced the door. "Have half of your men come with me into the house, you go with the rest and look outside." Marco ordered as he walked up the steps, pulling out his gun. Kyoya nodded to his men and half of them followed the man inside. The teen sighed softly and instructed his men to search outside, with the teen following them with his guards.
Inside the house the guards lay on the floor, some unconscious and some maybe dead. Marco bit his lip as he ventured further in, being followed by several others gave him comfort as he gestured to the men to split up. It was a few minutes but they informed him that there were no enemy men inside. With a small sigh, he instructed some to stay inside and continue looking for any victims before walking out to meet Kyoya with two men.
Outside, Kyoya followed his men around the corner of the large building, his heart hammering in his chest as he clutched the hand gun Tachibana had given him so to his body. He was beginning to lose hope, the fear of not finding his friends in time rising slowly with the depths of his mind.
"There's no one inside," he heard someone say and turned slightly to see Marco approach him, "but they'll looking anyway."
Kyoya nodded and turned back around, noticing his men walking towards a smaller building with its lights on. A small bubble of hope appeared within Kyoya as they walked towards it, Marco running ahead when they burst through the door while his guards kept him back.
The moment it was safe enough for him, the teen immediately ran in and only saw red water.
When Claudia opened her eyes again, she found herself cold and tied against a pole. Lifting her head, she squinted as bright lights blinded her but luckily soon adjusted to the light lux and weakly looked around, not really registering her surroundings. Her limbs felt like metal as she tried to move her legs up but failed.
"Ah, I see you've finally woken up."
Claudia looked up and found herself staring up to the ring leader, the same man who had attacked Haruka. The redhead recoiled as he kicked her. Regaining her breath, she looked down and noticed for the first time how much blood had pooled around her.
"Hmm...should I do a quick death or draw it out?" he wondered out loud, before smiling wickedly, "a quick one," he answered himself, "just like how you treated my older brother."
He bent down and ran a finger along her jaw, smiling with dark intent. He clicked his fingers as he stood and gestured to Claudia. Three men appeared around her, two of them grabbing hold of her arms and the third untying her from the pole. She was lifted to her feet and turned to face the leader, her hands still stayed bound..
The man smiled and pulled out his knife. Claudia looked down, noticing a small pool of blood where she had been and more smeared in front of her. As she looked up again, the lights turned off but the long rectangle in the middle of the room stayed illuminated. She knew she was going to be killed but she wouldn't be going down without a fight; despite being so weak she couldn't keep her head up, Claudia struggled feebly against the men, vision darkening again.
The leader laughed and grabbed her by her hair, pulling her up to his height. "I will avenge for my brother, you can trust my word on that." she heard him sneered before nodding to his men who untied her hands.
He then forced Claudia to walk, blindly stopping her at the edge. The redhead furrowed her brow confused before realisation struck as her as her vision sharpened slightly, noticing the water in the pool for the first time. They stayed that way, the leader speaking about his avenge while Claudia's eyes zeroed in on a figure on the bottom of the pool floor. She could faintly make out long hair and gasped quietly, realising that it might be Stephanie. The leader had just finished his speech before pushing her in.
Claudia remembered just in time to take a breath as she was engulfed into the water, which turned red as her blood mixed into it, turning it murky and hard to see through. Forgetting about the figure at the bottom, she weakly she swam upwards, confused to why the would push her in without restraints. The redhead gasped as she broke through the surface of the water, hands coming on to hold the ledge, heaving for air.
She looked around and noticed the leader and other men leaning against the wall, laughing quietly and enjoying themselves as she struggled. Claudia felt her grip loosen as another wave of nausea hit her and she glanced down, noticing how red the water had become, how much blood she had lost in the span of a hour. Closing her eyes briefly to catch her breath, she felt something brush against her leg.
In her almost delusional state, she immediately thought of evil water spirits that wanted her soul.
"Please, no..."
It happened again, what felt like a hand grab around her ankle, eyes widening from rising panic Claudia kicked her legs in an attempt to loosen its grips. Just as she heard faint yelling and the doors of the pool slam open, she was dragged under.
It was quiet.
Everything was red.
Twisting around, she managed to kick off the hand and turn away, trying to swim back up to the surface with the limited air she had managed to gulp. Claudia reached her hand up, almost touching the surface before hands grabbed her leg and pulled her back down into the depths of the water. Still struggling weakly, the redhead squirmed as arms circled around her, trapping her.
A hand came up and covered her mouth and nose.
'No! I want to live!' she thought to herself.
Pushing her head from side to side in an attempt of loosening the hand, Claudia found herself sinking deeper into darkness. The pressure in her chest from no air was increasing so quickly, Claudia was sure she would pass out.
However she refused to let herself succumb to death as she quickly began running out of air.
She still had so much to do.
So much to say.
Claudia, with new found strength from adrenaline and will to live pushed her head back in an attempt to headbutt her attacker, and internally smiled victoriously as she heard a hard clunk. Pushing the pain in her head to the back of her mind, she repeated the action a few time, and fought her way out of the diver's arms. Twisting slightly through the murky, she kicked him his head, catching the pipe that connected to his mask and pulling it out of his slot, effectively cutting his oxygen supply. With another kick, she managed to hit his head and knock him down. As she turned back around, she managed the last of her energy to quickly swim to the surface, gasping loudly as she broke through.
Whatever remaining energy she had left disappeared the moment she laid her hand against the ledge. She didn't notice nor cared for the several men holding down the enemy gang and taking them away, nor did she notice their guns or black uniform. She swung her arm up and over the edge of the pool, bringing the other up before attempting to pull herself out, failing as her arms slipped from their grip.
She didn't notice a tall figure run to her, weaving his way around the officers, stopping just before her. With the ringing in her ears, she didn't hear him call her name. Feeling herself slipping back down into the red stained water, she only looked up when a gun clattered near her, the figure kneel down and grab onto her hands.
"...Steph…I th-think..." her voice sounded so raspy as she whispered to no one in particular,
Staring into onyx eyes that looked so familiar, Claudia felt tears burn her eyes as she was pulled up and out of the water, letting the hot liquid slide down her cheeks. Clutching to his now wet shirt, she let herself fall against his chest as he barked orders to retrieve the resting figure in the pool.
"...in p-pool. D-Diver...try to k-kill..." she murmured softly, feeling extremely cold.
"Hush. You're safe now... we'll get you to hospital and get you treated. Just breath and listen to my voice" he spoke gently as he circled his arms around her in an embrace, softly placing a light kiss on the top of her head. Behind her, she could faintly hear yelling and splashing of water.
Claudia slowly closed her eyes and relaxed against the soothing voice. She felt herself be carefully put into the recovery position after a small gasp, felt a large cloth be placed over her chest before a hand took hers and squeezed gently.
"Squeeze my hand if you can hear me." he said and Claudia weakly pressed her hand to his in an attempt to squeeze. He barked more orders, "Hurry up! Bring me a first aid kit or foil blanket! She's going into shock!" before whispering to her, pleading with her, "Stay with me, Listen to my voice. You need to stay with me Claudia!"
Regardless of his pleading voice, she felt herself slip into unconsciousness.
It's been a while ugh? Sorry for such a long wait! At least school is over for me, I AM FINALLY FREE! Which means I can focus on this story without any guilt and hopefully update on a regular basis. Actually, I didn't want to finish this chapter because it just made me so emotional...It was also so hard because it just wasn't turning out the way I wanted it too so I decided to take a break for a while as well. BUT now I'm back, fresh with new ideas and character development!
Who do you guys think the person who helped Claudia is? Let me know!
I tried my best to make the chapter as realistic as I could, especially the scenes with the girls as they were the main focus of the chapter. In the next one, I'll fully explain the notes, certain medical conditions and all the other notes I had for this chapter, either through the doctors or in this section. All will be explained. Everything is linked to something, in some what or another. This enemy gang is the same one that appeared in the flashback/nightmare Claudia had in chapter 22 for those wondering.
Also I want to try and upload two chapters per week, but I'm sure I should get at least one up on sundays or mondays, just depends on how much I can write. Thanks for all the support and patiently waiting for me!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Until next time, farewell!