This story was a totally random thought that I fell in love with. I am starting yet another story -sigh-What can I say I'm a teenage girl with no life and to many ideas. Warning this story contains yaoi (boys love) so if you don't like don't read.

Walk With Me?

Chapter 1. Mishap at a Coffee Shop

I glanced out the window at the bustling crowd warily as I took small sips from my hot chocolate. I enjoyed the smells of coffee and pastries around me and leaned my elbow on the small table. I had been coming to this same shop for quite some time, it was a place I could think and eat over sized muffins that were packed with little cocoa pieces of heaven.

I smirked to myself before taking a bite of said muffin. I watched people move across the shop. Some bustling about grabbing their cups and rushing off to work, some sitting with their dates smiling sweetly, while a few sat alone enjoying the solitude. Much like myself. I let my hands fall from the pastry and fingered the rim of my cup in thought. Life was finally starting to look up for me but I still couldn't help but to feel an emptiness in my chest. It was as if something were missing. Like I had put together a thousand piece puzzle only to find one lost.

It frustrated me beyond belief to not be able to decipher what I lacked in my life. Sure my apartment was a piece of shit, and my job at a clothing store wasn't great, not to mention my girlfriend bitched me out over every tiny thing. So basically I had the average life of a 20 year old right?

Considering what I had come out of to get here I should be grateful. My hand slid down the right side of my face tracing the large scar that continued beneath my leather vest. Painful memories danced across my eyelids but I angrily shooed them away. I wasn't in the mood to relive the past. I could do that when I was asleep and unable to control the nightmares.

Returning my attention back to the half eaten muffin I shoved the rest of it into my mouth in ungraceful bites. I washed it down with the rest of my hot chocolate before throwing my mess into a near by trash can. I brushed past the chattering people and swung the door open to exit.

Before I could stop the door it knocked right into the head of a slim figure with his face buried in a black psp. He was pushed backwards and all I saw was a flash of bright red hair as he fell down the stairs leading to the door.

I rushed out to help him. "Argh... I'm sorry," I said as I approached him. He was sprawled across the steps in a rather comical position and I would have laughed if I didn't see the blood trickling from his face. He groaned before sitting up so I could get a full glimpse at him.

He had fiery red hair that hung into his face brushing over goggle covered eyes. His smooth and pallid complexion making his slender lips appear pinker. He sported a black and white striped shirt covered by a furry vest. His dark washed jeans had large holes in the knees and I took notice of his abused converse.

I helped him to his feet before I examined his bloodied nose. "Dammit you're bleeding," I cursed.

He merely grunted in response and began looking around spotting his shattered gaming system. He frowned at the cracked screen. I followed his gaze muttered more apologies. "I'll replace it," I promised although I wasn't sure where I would muster the money from.

"No need," He grumbled pulling an identical psp from his pocket.

I raised a blonde eyebrow at him. What was the need of carrying around two of the same game systems?

He began to walk off but I caught his arm. "Wait your nose is bleeding. At least let me clean you up."

He brought his fingers to his nose and brushed them across it. He cringed away from the pain and glared at his bloody finger tips. Honestly he seemed more concerned about returning to his game than tending to his wound. "Alright if you insist."

I walked him into the coffee shop and into the bathroom where I immediately began wetting paper towels. I turned towards him and bean wiping at the blood that was decorating his upper lip. Slowly and carefully I cleared away the blood so I was able to see what damage I had caused.

"Well I got you pretty bad but its not broken," I informed him, letting out a breath of relief.

He nodded and held out his hand out to me. "Thanks. I'm Matt."

I gazed at the pale hand that was outstretched before me. Hesitantly I grasped it and gave it a strong shake. "Well its the least I could do after slamming a door into your face. I'm Mello."

He smiled gently and I felt something strange pass through me at the sight. "Its nice to meet you Mello."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I had just hit this guy in the face with a door and broke his psp and yet he didn't even seem annoyed. I know I would be cursing like a sailor and maybe throwing a few punches. You don't hit me in the face with a door and get away with it. But weirdly enough he seemed uninterested. I almost laughed at the oddness of the whole situation.

"Nice meeting you too," I said still scrutinizing him.

He grabbed the bloody towel from my hand and threw it away along with the ones covering the sink. I glanced at where his hand had brushed over mine confused at the tingles that I had felt. What the hell?

"See you around," He said before pulling his game out and brushing past me.

I heard the door swing shut and I turned towards the sink still confused. Matt. He seemed to be quite the eccentric character but I couldn't help but hope to see him again. I frowned at my thoughts. I couldn't even start to place a finger on what I felt of the whole encounter. Not understanding my own emotions I walked through the bathroom doors and out the coffee shop into the streets.

Alright well here is chappy number 1. Yes its super short but I like where I left it. Leave it to Matt to go wandering into opening doors. (Face palm). Anyway what do you think? Worth continuing? I love to know what you are thinking so make sure to review.