I never thought I could make one for this story. I so so love this storybut I never thought I could write another for this one. Here this goes. You want to know the trivia for this, I tagged it at the bottom. Hope you like it! I don't know if it is as great as the first one. But still this is unique in itself and that was unique in instead of posting it as a new story, i thought this would fit in this story well.
Now, go ahead and enjoy!
Chapter-2 While I miss you
"Speed up, Daddy. You're too slow…" the little pink- haired girl whined as she pulled onto her father's hair tighter. She was now sitting on his shoulders as he ran around their little apartment. He ran even faster but soon slowed down. For the first time in his life was the dragon slayer TIRED! He never thought babysitting his own daughter could be SO TIRING. Well, it would be tiring if it's only his daughter. Before he got married to his beloved mate, he babysat the children of his own guildmates. It was never like this…. It's his daughter, after all, always so restless like him. That would just be an understatement…. She was even more restless than him.
"Daddy! Why did you slow down? I know you don't like me, right?" She pouted, crossing her arms against her chest. Alligator tears appeared at the corners of her eyes. As soon as he smelt salt, he ran wild, carrying his daughter. She immediately giggled as she saw her father so frantic. Drained out of physical strength, he put his daughter down on the floor as he sat on the floor, squatting his legs so he could breathe some air.
"Let us play something Daddy…. Did you become tired? Is it because of me? I'm very bad daughter, right, Daddy?" she said, tears rolling in her eyes. Natsu looked at his daughter wide eyed. He hated it. He hated when either she or their daughter used to cry. He felt like killing everyone responsible for that. He immediately, knelt on his knees and gave the little girl a hug, striking her pink hair with his hand. This considerably calmed his daughter down.
"No, my sweetie…. Don't cry… You know how much daddy hates it when you cry…. You're my little angel right? And my angel would never cry, will she?" he said. The girl pulled back from his father to see if he was serious about it. And she indeed got the answer. He was grinning at her to calm her down.
She immediately wiped her tears with the back of her little hands and returned his grin.
"You're right, Daddy. Your angel will never cry. It's a promise but except sometimes though!" she said. Both of them burst into laughter as soon as she finished her statement. Their laughs echoed in their little home.
"And one more important thing….. Daddy will always love his sweet little angel, no matter what. So never doubt his love for you okay? Even playfully," he said, ruffling her hair.
"I'm sorry, daddy. I didn't mean that…. I just... I just wanted to play with you more…. You don't usually stay at home right? So, I would never get the chance to play with you more," she reasoned. He just patted her head, grinning assuring that everything was fine and that he loves her so much.
"So, now can we play?" she asked with sparkling eyes.
"I just wonder how your mom deals with you every day…. You're way too restless for me," he sighed at his daughter's restlessness.
"Just as the way she deals with you," she said before running off.
"Why you-"he muttered before he ran after his daughter to catch her. And the game began….
But amidst all this, where is the dragon slayer's beloved wife, Lucy? And why in the world did she leave her destructive family with their sweet little home?
"Why do I have to be here?" the blonde thought as she peeped out of the window of her best friend's room, lost in her own thoughts. She was worried how the house would be left, by the time she returned home. She was quite worried if anything would at all be left. But what she was worried the most was if her beloved daughter and her best loved man would be safe and sound. She knew they would be. After all, Natsu is there to take care of their daughter in her absence. But every since, she was born, Lucy has never left her alone for a second and leaving her alone for a day, even if it was with her beloved husband, was making her worried. It felt as if her heart pounded. She could practically hear her heart beat. Leaving Natsu and also Emi was quite heartbreaking….
"Lu-chan, How is Emi? I haven't seen her in a while now.." her best friend asked, unknown to the fact that her friend was already drowned in the sea of worries and thoughts.
"Lu-chan! Lu-chan! Are you here?" she asked and repeated. Finally, she threw some water on her face, making her best friend snap out of her thoughts.
"Huh? What? Why?" she stuttered.
"I was asking how is Emerald," she said. A slight red formed on her cheeks due to embarrassment.
"Oh, she's fine…" she mumbled.
"You worried about her? Come on, Lu-chan… She's with Natsu… You can't be worried about your own daughter when she is with your husband and that too the one who is the most powerful among all the mages of Fiore. I bet no one will dare eye your daughter when he is even in a diameter of 1 mile away from her," the bookworm assured.
"But still…. I've never left her alone since the day she was born….. You cannot expect me not to worry…." She said, sounding even more worried. Levy understood. She thought it would feel like a change if she was away from her house and duties for a while but it seemed to be of no use. Her mind wandered around her home no matter where she was.
Their little hide and seek game was now done. Both father and daughter now lie on the couch panting, similar smiles adorning their faces.
"I'm tired of these games, Emi. What do you say? Want to learn some new techniques?" he asked, all fired up.
"No, daddy! Remember mommy said no magical training in home! Auntie Erza is better than mommy when they're angry. I don't want to see an angry mommy…. Besides, I don't like mommy when she's angry. Don't you think she's super cute when she's smiling?" she asked her father, tugging her father's shirt as she placed herself on her lap.
He slightly blushed at his daughter's comment.
"Hey, Emi, why don't you sleep? Mommy even told me to make you sleep before she returns. You really don't want to make her angry now don't you? You don't like an angry mommy," he replied, trying to change the topic.
"But I cannot sleep without hearing a story from Mommy. I cannot sleep without mommy. I want to hear a story daddy. Can you tell me one? Please…. Please.. please…" she pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
Now, now… Natsu and story-telling? One can never think of such a combination…. But for his daughter, he has to do it…. Tell her a story…. But what?
"You know something, Lu-chan…. You changed a lot ever since you got together with Natsu…. And after Emi was born, it became even more different….. Not that you are avoiding us or something of that sort…. But it always seems as if it's not you who we are talking with unless Natsu or Emi is around…. It's practically they're stealing you from us," she said with a little pout.
Lucy giggled at her friend's reaction but understood what she meant. Ever since their confession, she was never herself when he was not around. And since Emi was born, there was no way you could experience the Lucy Heartphilia her friends had known. She was so overprotective of her daughter. Even if it was only for a second she was away, she would be frantically searching all over the surrounding places until she could find her daughter. It's true- She was so attached to him and to her daughter such that while she missed them, she missed herself too…..
"I… I… I…" she just couldn't tell her friend how she felt without them around. It was…. It felt so lonely without them that even in crowd, she felt alone…. Her feelings were not something that could be expressed in words…
She felt a warm hand on her shoulder, pat.
"It's okay, Lu-chan… You don't have to tell… I'm just…. I just want you to be yourself, even when they're not around you… I know you love more than this world…. But still you have this world to love…. And other people in this world who love you, may be not as much as them though but still they love you," she said, assuring that she would always be there for her.
"Thank you, Levy-chan, but can I …. Can I?" Lucy hesitated.
"Of course you can. Or else Natsu will come running after my life for keeping you to myself for an entire day. Soon, Emi will join the run. "Auntie Levy, how can you keep mommy to yourself?" she'll shout on me," Levy said, imitating Emi's voice when she's angry. This made Lucy laugh.
"Besides, it's already dark outside. Shall I walk you to your apartment?" Levy offered.
"No thanks, Levy-chan. I can do it by myself. Anyways, no one is going to even eye me if they value their life you see," she said.
Both friends burst into laughter. Giving her friend a good bye hug, she left for her home.
"I don't know any story, sweetie. Only mommy can tell you one…."
"But I don't want to make mommy angry, daddy. I want to sleep before she comes home," she said as she pouted, "It's so boring without mommy. She's only out for a day and I already miss her. Do you even miss her when she's on missions, daddy?" the little girl said, looking up to meet her father's onyx eyes with her's own. She somehow smelt something salty but he just smiled at her.
"Now that reminds me of a story. Don't you want to listen to it?" he asked.
The little girl's ears perked up. She just loved to hear them. She heard a lot from her mom. Every night a new story and the blonde had to come up with one, every night, in order not to disappoint her daughter. You cannot obviously refuse the most adorable little girl in the world…
"Tell me, daddy. It would be great! I know it," she said, excitedly, "But it doesn't have any fights right?" she said the last part with a little fear in her voice.
"Nah, it won't have any fights, I guess but it all happens in a war," he said, sounding scary.
The little girl clenched onto his shirt tighter, tears rolling in her eyes already.
"Okay, okay, I'll not talk of the war going on but you might have heard of the first part from your mommy already," he said.
"You mean this is the Princess Lucy and Prince Natsu story?" she asked, her eyes beaming with joy. That had been her favourite so far. How she loved that story and to hear more about it made her feel overjoyed. He just nodded, surprised at her amusement.
"So, this goes like this. After Prince Natsu and Princess Lucy got married, one day there was a big war. Two kingdoms, namely uhm…. Uh….Fairytail and Phantom kingdoms had a fierce war. Prince Natsu was an ally of the Fairytail kingdom. So, he decided to help them in the battle…
"My prince, why do you have to leave?" the princess asked with teary eyes," he said as he sighed, closing his eyes. He could feel his own tears surfacing at the thought of it.
"Continue, daddy! It's so good," she jumped with joy. It was sad but it was good.
" "I have to leave, princess. Fairytail is waiting for me. Being their ally, I've got to help them," the prince replied sternly. He didn't want to but still…" he sighed again.
The little girl was taken aback by the prince's reply. She never thought that the prince could ever talk to the princess this way. How could he talk so rudely to her? That isn't fair.
"The prince is so rude, daddy," the girl said, sulking. Her eyebrows knitted together depicting a annoying expression on her face.
"You better don't jump to conclusions. Then, listen:
"But, my prince, I cannot live without you for a second…. Please take me with you, my prince. I cannot bear the pain of separation from you," the prince bowed her head, tears, flying out from her eyes.
The prince came close to the princess and placed his palm on her cheek. She sniffled and cried but did not look up. He forced her to look into his eyes which were as equally teary as her. She stopped crying the moment she saw his teary eyes…
"Princess, I'd rather want you in this castle than have you in the battle ground…. I can die for you but I can't live if something happens to you…. So, please respect my wish…. Please, stay in the castle… for me…." He said, his voice cracking up.
"I will," she said with a determined look on her face," But promise me, you'd come back. Then, I will stay back," she said, tears still rolled in her eyes.
"I will, I promise," he said as he left her alone, for the battle," Natsu said, trying hard not to let his tears surface his eyes.
"It's so sad, daddy" the little girl cried, as she rested her chest on her father's chest. She wanted to be protected, from all kind of pain. She didn't want to have such a kind of pain.
"Should I continue? You seem so sad already…." He asked. He didn't want to continue the story. Thinking about it made him all teary. He didn't' know when he'd break into tears.
"What are you saying? This is such a good story…. Please continue… I want to know what happened in the end…." She said, still holding the tears her little onyx eyes had been holding back for quite some time. He sighed. He now has to continue it….
"It was a fierce battle. So many people died, soldiers were killed, and property was destroyed on both sides-"
"No! Daddy! No fights! You know how scared I am of them, please," the girl whined.
"Okay, okay! Now where were we" he said as he giggled. She was just like Lucy when it came to fights. But she never backed down in any battle even if it's a friendly one.
"It has been nine days since the battle started. The battle was called off for the day and the soldiers were resting in the camps. Prince Natsu was on short walk into the kingdom of Fairytail. Suddenly a shop caught his attention. It seemed to be a small and crooked shop with the banner reading "Communicate with your loved ones…. With help of Madame Loisel". He immediately stepped in. An old lady was sitting inside, on a chair. She had a lacrima ball placed on the table.
"How may I help you, dear Sir? You don't seem to be one among the lower class people," the old lady said.
He just bowed his head as he answered, "I want to see my wife once. It's already been nine days since I left her alone in my castle. I want to know how she is,"
"Please take your seat, your wish will be granted," the old lady said.
The prince took a seat as the old lady moved her hands as if invoking something. He was concentrating on lacrima ball. At first, he could only see clouds of dust but then as the clouds seemed to subside, he saw someone with blonde hair, sleeping on the desk. As it became clearer, he could see his beloved wife sleeping on the desk. Tears surfaced his eyes as he saw her. She was sleeping so peacefully. He actually wanted to leave for his city immediately. But then, the war?
Amidst this confusion, he saw a paper that was fluttering due to the wind, similar to the last time….
"Can you show me what is written in this paper she's holding?" he asked.
"As you wish, Sir," the old lady said…
The lacrima ball was now focused on the matter written in the letter. It was in her own hand writing.
His eyes widened as he read the little poem she has written again for him. I think it went like this:
I never thought
I'd be stuck
It seems as time stopped
And Life sucks…
Nothing makes me smile,
Lonely I feel for a while,
Just without you around…..
I do feel like crying,
Holding onto you tight.
But I can't seem to do it now….
'Cause you were not around,
'Cause I couldn't see you now,
'Cause I couldn't be myself
Without you…..
While I miss you, I'm missing myself too.
While I miss you, I'm missing my world too….
While I miss you,
I cannot tell you….
I feel like I'm in a place
Where there's no life or space
I can't live a life, it's lie.
I dearly want to cry….
It's just I cannot be smiling
Without you around me whining….
Because I cannot just be myself…
While I miss you, I'm missing myself too.
While I miss you, I'm missing my world too.
While I miss you,
I feel like dying,
More to crying….
I feel like in a grave,
Without you, I'm not brave….
I wish upon a star
To just end this war
And send you to me
I'd be blessed then, you see…
While I miss you, I'm missing myself too.
While I miss you, I'm missing my world too.
While I miss you….
I cannot think of anything than you…..
The prince's eyes were filled with tears as he thought even more about her. He wanted to go back to her as soon as possible. How he wished the war would have ended the next day? Without saying a word, he just left the shop, giving the old lady a pay for her job." Natsu sighed. He glanced at the door for a second before being snapped out of his thoughts.
"It's so sad, daddy but still take it to the end," the girl said, her eyes sad.
He didn't know what to say. But he had to continue….
"The princess was sitting ideally thinking of the prince, worried that the prince was safe or not. That was the only thing she could…
Then suddenly, something snapped her out of her thoughts. It was just a feeling though but she knew it was him. She just ran to open the doors of their room, only to find the prince at the door. She immediately jumped into his arms, crying. He held her as if he had never held her before or cannot hold her after that time.
"I missed you so much" the princess said.
"Me too…". The prince said.
"What took you so long? It's been 12 days since you left," his wife scolded.
"Well, it took ten days for the battle to finish. I hope that'll explain" he replied.
"Don't you ever leave me like that? I prefer to be in the battle field with you than in the castle without you," she said. He chuckled.
"As my princess wishes," he said and both of them broke into laughter." Natsu said, thus ending the story, "This is the end…"
He saw that there was no reply. He looked to his daughter only to find her already in deep sleep. He kissed her forehead as he carried her to the bed and laid her on the bed. Pulling over the comforters so that she could sleep properly, he left to the hall.
"What's taking Lucy so long? I swear I'm going to fry Levy tomorrow for keeping Lucy for too long. She does know that I cannot handle kids for too long. Even then…." He muttered to himself.
"Whoa, someone's talking about roasting my best friend. I'd better tell her to be careful," A sweet voice broke his building rage at once.
"Lucy!" he cried. Even before letting her say something, he pulled her to him and hugged her tight as if not wanting to let her go. He dug into her hair, inhaling her scent for long. Lucy knew what he was doing. He just… missed her so much that he wouldn't let her go now. This was the usual thing that happened every time he came back from a mission. But this time he was just choking her to death.
"Na-a-atsu-u-u, I cannot breathe," she struggled to say.
He loosened his grip but didn't let her go yet. She wondered what the matter was. She pulled back from him to look him in the eyes. His eyes were teary.
"What's the matter, Natsu? I'm back, aren't I?" she said, trying to cheer him up.
"Emi asked me tell a story," he said in a low voice.
"Did you tell?" she was now more than excited. How could she miss such a wonderful thing?
"Yes," he replied.
"That's great!" she said with a smile on her face. She was beaming with happiness. She missed Natsu telling a story.
"It's not funny you see," he said as more tears emerged in his eyes. Now she became serious.
She placed her hand on his cheeks and asked, "What did you tell her, sweetheart?"
"I told her about the war that happened five years ago between the kingdom of Fiore and the neighbouring land. You remember that time when I was called for the war," he said. It was enough for Lucy to be reduced to tears but she held them back in her eyes. She gently placed her head on his chest.
"How did you manage it till the end without crying?" she asked him.
"I just thought of the poem that you wrote for me then and then, I only thought about you. I missed you too much…. Every moment of the story, I missed you Luce…. And I realised then how much I missed myself when you were not around. It's because I cannot be myself without you. May be we both are now one. So, when the other is not around, we feel so incomplete," he said, hiding his face in her blonde hair.
"May be that's the truth, Natsu… Wait! How did you know about the poem?" she asked as she blushed ten shades of red.
"Well, with the help of an old lady and her magic. Now, now, you're doing the same old thing again. You're still blushing because of me," he pointed to her red face.
"Natsu!" she whined but he just kissed her in return.
"Why you-" he didn't let her continue, kissing her once more.
He would have kissed her a third time, but she immediately ran into the bedroom, to check on her daughter. She was sleeping as if an angel.
"Did she like it?" Lucy asked as she saw the satisfied look on their daughter's face.
"I don't even know if she has heard it completely. By the time I finished it she was asleep," Natsu replied.
"Did you tell her the complete story?"
"Yeah, I did. I told her till what happened until I came back. But-"
"No, idiot, I mean. Did you tell her about the best part of the story?" Lucy asked as she sat beside their daughter on the bed, holding their daughter's hand. Natsu put on a baffled expression.
" Didn't you tell her that after that, Princess Lucy and Prince Natsu had a cute, adorable, pretty little angel in their life that always kept them together, always bounded to each other. Prince Natsu never left the princess until it was very much needed And they all lived happily ever after," Lucy said as she kissed her daughter's forehead, giving her a good night kiss, "I'm so tired Natsu. Shall we sleep?"
"Yeah, sure," he said as he stepped into the bed as Lucy and he slept on the either side of their daughter's bed, saying good nights in their own fashion, the same way.
Next day:-
"Luce, I'm hungry. Bring the breakfast soon," he yelled.
"Mommy is working hard daddy. Don't yell!" his daughter scolded.
"I know but I'm hungry," he whined. The blonde just giggled inside.
"Hey dad, I want you to promise me. You'll never leave mommy again ever after like that prince in the story. I don't want to see Mommy crying. I hate it when she does, you know," the girl asked her daddy, putting out her pinky finger for him to lock with.
"You bet I won't" he said, ruffling his daughter's hair as he locked his pinky finger with hers.
"I'm done," Lucy showed up and both started eating as if there was an eating competition between the daughter and father. Lucy smiled to herself as she saw them finish the food in no time.
"No wonder I miss my family. And while I do that, I miss myself too. May be, as Natsu said, because we are one and without even a single part of it, we feel incomplete" the blonde thought as she smiled at them, bringing them more food to eat….
This is the way their family is but uh… sweet ne?
So, how was it? Do review! Want to know if it was good or bad? Don't forget to review!
Trivia: The idea went like this:
I was listening to Avril Lavigne's song "When you're gone"(if you didn't listen to it, you must. It's a pretty good one) when I misinterpreted one of the line to be "While I miss you, I'm missing myself too". However, when I checked the lyrics, there was no such line. Then I thought I'd write a song with that line and then, after striving for a week or so, here is the song I've written. That resulted in this story. I really hope you all liked it!
Let me know how you felt. Don't forget to tell me!