Natsu: Try writing something happy?

Me: Yes, this is a result of that. My endings are always happy you know.

Natsu: What? You included a poem in this. You can write them.

Me: No, Lucy wrote it for me.

Natsu: I can't believe that. She didn't write it for me but she wrote for you.

Me: Natsu, stop whining. Writing poems is my style. I don't know the rules though. I write whatever I feel like. I've written more poems than story before being introduced to Fanfiction. This story does contain one which I wrote especially for Lucy and Natsu, yesterday. I hope you like it.

Natsu: Beatress doesn't own Fairytail. All she owns is the plot and the poem enclosed.

Me: Go ahead and enjoy!

A sweet confession

"Mommy!" a little pink haired girl of about five years old called out to her mother who just got changed into her pajamas.

"Yes, sweetie," she said, placing her hands on her waist as she saw the little girl approach her.

It was almost bedtime for the little girl but there was no sign of sleep on her face. Indeed she was quite restless, just like her father. Untying her blonde hair, she picked up the girl in her arms, giving her a hug. The girl returned the hug. The little girl hugged her back. Now, pulling her head away from her mother, she looked into her mother's face.

"Mommy, please tell me a story today which doesn't involve any battles. Something about love… I'm just fed up with all the fighting," the little girl said.

She inherited this trait from her mother indeed. She never liked it if anyone was involved in fights. However, if she did had to fight, she was uncontrollable, another trait of her father in her.

Lucy thought for a while but she couldn't recall any story that doesn't involve a fight. So, she decided she'd come up with a story of her own.

"I don't know any story that doesn't involve a fight, sweetie," she replied, causing the girl to pout at once.

"But" The girls spirits rose at once.

"I'd tell you a story that does have a small fight,"

"A small fight? Never mind. Tell me, mommy, what is it about?" the girl asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. A small fight didn't matter her.

"It's about a princess and how she confessed her love to her prince charming," the blonde replied as she walked to her bed. She placed the girl gently on her bed and pulled up the covers.

"Wow!" the girl beamed with happiness, "Tell me fast mommy, I really want to hear it"

"Well, long time ago, there lived a princess named Lucy. She lived with her mother and her father in the kingdom of Heartphilia. Though she felt at times like she was in jail, deprived of any friends, she was happy that she had her mother. Her father was completely engrossed in the administration, so he never cared about her. However, one day, the little girl lost her mother. She cried and cried but there was no one to wipe away her tears." Lucy said.

Tears surfaced the little girl's eyes and she snuggled close to her mother.

"Her father didn't care about her. She was deprived of love and happiness in the castle. Though she had all other amenities, she needed a friend. She wanted a family that would take care of her. So, one fine day, she ran away from her home, to find herself a true home. She wandered alone through the continents and kingdoms but found no place that she could call home. Wandering, she fainted due to weakness one day," Lucy said.

"Then, what happened? Did she die mommy? Don't say that? Did someone rescue her? Was it her prince charming?" the girl questioned. Lucy smiled.

"Well, yes. The next time she opened her eyes she saw a pink haired guy sitting next to her. She looked around and found that she was in some sort of a castle.

"Are you alright, young lady?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Where am I, respected Sir?" she replied.

"Well, you're in my castle. Let me introduce myself. I'm Natsu Dragneel, the prince of Dragneel kingdom and you?" he asked.

"I'm.. I'm…" she stammered. She didn't know what to say. She feared he would take her back to her father. Her father had been searching for her lately. She just didn't want to go back. She saddened at the very thought of going back.

"Don't you have a family? I'm really sorry…" the young prince said.

"You don't have to be sorry, my prince. My family is as good as having none. I'm Lucy," she replied, prepared for the worst.

"Don't tell me you're Princess Lucy of the Heartphilia kingdom who ran away from the castle?" he asked, worried.

"Please, young prince, don't tell my father about me. I just don't want to go back to that place. I was never cared for there. I just don't-" she was cut off in between by Natsu who hugged her tight. She clenched onto his shirt, tears threatening to fall down from chocolate brown eyes.

"Go ahead Princess. We share a similar kind of pain. Even I did lose someone close to my heart. My father he left me with the kingdom in a very small age and ever since then, my grandpa has been helping me out with the kingdom. I dearly loved my father but he left me. I've been searching for him the whole time but never seem to find him," he said. She could now feel tears upon her shoulders too. She cried and he accompanied her. After a long time for which nothing but only sobs echoed in the room, they let go. Tears dried in theirs eyes. They pulled back themselves away to look at each other. Their eyes were locked with the others'. A slight blush formed on their face. He got up.

"Don't worry, princess, Trust me. I'll always protect you. I'll never let anyone take you away. That's a promise," he swore.

"My prince… I'm really glad to hear that" she replied. He left her alone in the room so that she could rest" Lucy sighed, giving the little girl a break so that she could digest the story a bit.

"Why did you stop mommy? Did he love her? If so, how did they confess? Did her father take her away? Continue mommy! I want to know what happened next," the girl said. Lucy was happy that at least she liked it. She couldn't come up with a better story for the time being.

"Well, a few days passed and both of them developed a liking for each other. She always felt lonely if he wasn't around and he always was worried if he couldn't see her. Days passed like this until one day, when the prince went out on a mission to meet the king of a nearby kingdom. She felt very lonely… so much that she felt she couldn't live without him. It was then that she realized she loved him more than anything did. Now she had to confess in order to know how he felt about her. How would she do that? She had no idea. Surely, she couldn't face him straight and tell him in face that she loved him. She was too shy for that. She even didn't want to stay calm, lest she might lose him. Therefore, she decided she'd a write a poem that would convey her feelings to him and place it somewhere so that he could read it when she was not around. She took a piece of paper and thought. She noted down the very first idea that popped into her mind : It's like a Fairy tale, Then she continued writing until it happened to be a complete poem. Well, she didn't have an adequate knowledge of the rules to be followed if any but she wrote whatever she felt like writing for him. It was too late so she slept at the desk itself. Little did she know that the confession came straight after a few minutes.

After a few minutes that she passed out, the prince returned. He reached her room and saw that the light was still on. It was strange so he went in, seeing that the door was also open. He smiled as he saw the blonde haired princess sleep on the desk. She was so cute. He went near the desk and saw that she was in deep sleep. However, soon his attention diverted to a piece of paper that fluttered due to the wind on the table. Carefully removing the paper weight on it, he took the paper to read. His eyes shot wide when he began reading. It was a poem. Was it for him? Did she write it? With these questions on his mind, he read the poem:

Life is like Fairytale

Indeed it's true.

In this vast world of life,

I've found you.

Life is like Fairytale,

It's something new

Surprises I've got

Are only 'cause of you.

It wasn't anything like this before

All losses are redeemed for sure.

Diving in the sea of happiness am I

What can I ask for more?

I know how it feels when you lose,

some one close to your heart

Since I've lost the person

I've loved the most

Ever since then I lost the love and happiness in my life

That is what for all life long I have strived

So I ran away from that place that I once called my home.

In search of a home did I roam, the continents all alone…

I wandered and wandered for such a place

I wandered around at my pace.

In snow, in sun, in rain,

My efforts were, however, in vain.

It was then that I met you

And you made my dream come true

My dream of having a family

You made it come true

Of all, only some in life are special

And you are one of the few

You were like the sun that drove away the darkness in my life.

You were an umbrella to me, protecting me from the rain of fights.

Sometimes, when I look back into my memories,

I find you in each of them.

My life is tree which

From a seed you sowed, it stemmed.

If you say, it's Heaven,

I will say it's with you.

If you say, it's Hell,

I'll say it's my life without you.

Be a tree that protects me from sun and rain

Let me also share some of the drops of pain

Whatever be the condition, whatever be the time,

I know that you will always be on my side.

Life is like Fairy tale

It is something new.

What it is now, will be nothing

If it's without you.

I love you, Natsu.

By the time he finished reading it, tears rolled in his eyes. They dripped down his face to fall on her blonde hair. Something wet her hair, which woke the princess up. She was horrified to see that the prince had already read that poem of hers. She wanted him to but not that early.

"I… I…" she bit her lip.

The next moment she knew he hugged her tight, squeezing her tight.

"I love you too," was what she heard him say. Hearing this, she hugged him back. Tears fell from her eyes. How she missed such a love? How she longed to hear that from someone? Everything was just perfect.

However, the moment didn't last for long. The door opened and the soldier reported to the prince. The prince pulled away from his princess.

"Your highness, the Heartphilia kingdom is going to attack us for the princess," the soldier said.

"Good, We'll settle the matter here then. Get ready for the battle. I don't want to hand over the princess," he ordered. The soldier went right away to carry out his orders.

Natsu urged to go but Lucy refused to let him go.

"But Lucy, I'll finish this matter here, once and for all. You're mine now and I can't let anyone take you away, just because you're his daughter," he said.

"But I can't bear to see you get hurt…" she said, as she cried.

"Listen, Lucy, I promise I'll be back with a victory. I promise I won't let them take you away. Cheer up. I'll return back…" he said as he left for the battle field," Lucy stopped to see if she liked it or not. She closed her face with her palms, not wanting to hear of any blood shed.

"Mom! No battle! Please skip this part…" the girl whined. Lucy let out a giggle.

"As you wish sweetie, They had a very fierce battle. Princess Lucy saw the battle from the castle. Every time her prince got hurt, she cursed herself for not being of any help to him. So she finally entered the battle field, unarmed," she said.

"What? Unarmed? She wouldn't stand a chance. How can be she so foolish?" the little girl asked.

"Well, she knew that if her father wanted her, she wouldn't be killed. So, she courageously went there and stood in front of her father who was battling her prince, placing herself between them.

"Father, you've never cared for me. Even then, you want me back. I know there must be a reason for you but I don't care. I want to make two things clear for you. First, The Lucy you knew no longer exists. Second thing, I love this guy and I'm not going to leave him at any cost. Don't ever look back at my family. You'll have to fight me to get to it. I hope you don't have any other questions to be answered. If so, you may leave my home now," she said. Both their eyes widened. The prince was equally shocked as the king. He didn't expect that kind of an answer from her. However, he smiled at her as she dragged him into the castle. The king left as soon as he realized his mistake. He only wished his daughter would be happy ever after. That was the least he could do.

Lucy took him in to the infirmary and did first aid, scolding him for all the reckless things he did. He just chuckled at her nagging.

"Why? Why do you laugh?" she asked him sternly.

"Well, the shy girl a moment before has done something brave. I never imagine you could do such a thing," he said, grabbing her wrist. Her hands moved to his chest and she rested her head on his chest.

"Well, I couldn't bear seeing you taking all that blows. That was so killing…. I love you, Natsu," she said.

"And I love you too, my princess," he said." Lucy took a deep breathe, glancing at the door.

"What is it, mommy? Is something wrong? Finish the story!" the girl said.

"Listen sweetheart, here comes the end. Princess Lucy married Prince Natsu and they lived happily ever after… Now it's time for your bed," she said as she looked at the door.

It was late night and Natsu has still not returned home. This worried the blonde a lot. The little girl looked at the worried blonde.

"You rushed a bit in the end, mommy. You worried about something?" the girl asked.

"Nope, it's nothing," she said, still looking at the door.

"You're lying. Your looking for dad, aren't you? Then, you should look at the window. You know he enters via window always," the girl said, "Besides, if your worried about him, let me tell you, if dad's outside you must be more worried about the world than him. He'd be just fine mommy. I'm going to sleep," was all she said before falling into the depths of sleep. She was just like him. Always doing whatever she wanted to.

Lucy pulled up the covers, gave her a good night kiss on her head, and walked back and forth in her room. It was too late and now she was going to yell at him. Suddenly, she heard a snap and found Natsu in the room. Within the wink of an eye, he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to him.

"Natsu,you-" she was cut off when he kissed her on her lips. She closed her eyes and returned him the kiss. A slight shade of pink appeared on her face as he pulled away.

"Well, this was what the prince was supposed to do, don't you think?" he said. She looked away, blushing.

"Come on, Luce, we're married now. You cannot blush because of me. Anyways why didn't you tell her that it was the poem you wrote for me?" he cocked an eyebrow.

"You still remember that?" she asked in surprise.

"How can I forget it if I'm still alive?" he said, going for a second kiss but she stopped him in his track.

"Natsu, there is a kid in this room…" she said. He pouted. She struggled to get free but his grip only got tighter.

"She wanted me to tell her a story without violence. That was all I could do. How did you know about it? Were you listening to it all the time?" her jaw dropped.

"Of course, how could I miss something my sweet wife was telling my dear daughter? It was fun you know? You didn't have the slightest idea that I was outside listening to your discussion and my… my daughter is worried about the world than me. I'm so jealous of the world you see," he said, pouting.

"Well, she loves you a lot too… may be the best of everything in this world," she replied.

"And what do you think about how much my wife loves me?" he said smiling mischievously.

She pulled in close to him, making his eyes go wide. His cheek rubbed against her as she kissed him behind his ear and whispered, "As much as you can never imagine,"

He smiled and kissed her back.

"Now, it's bed time, sweetheart. Our daughter will wake up if don't sleep soon," she said.

He kissed her on her forehead and said, "I love you too, Luce as much as you love me,"

"I know that… I know that very well," she said.

They pulled away lest they wanted to be caught. They slept on the either side of their daughter. He gave his wife and daughter a goodnight kiss each as they slept soon. His most precious things in life, which he wouldn't lose for the world, the dragon slayer slept in peace with his wife and daughter whom he cherished the most. A happy family, isn't it?

Natsu: I never thought you could ever write something happy.

Me: My stories always have a happy ending you idiot!

Natsu: Don't call me that! Anyways, you got a nice poem there. I appreciate it.

Me: Really?

Natsu: Nah! It's cause Lucy wrote it for me!

Me: (smacked him) Well, guys. How was it? Please post your comment in the box below. This is my very first time I'm publishing a poem so all your suggestions will be valuable to me. Don't forget to enclose them.

Natsu: My sis doesn't know any rules as to how to write a poem. She'd be really pleased to get your reviews, tagged along with your advices. You can even pm her if you want. She'd be more than happy to receive them.

Me: Don't forget to tell me how you felt after reading this. Next update, Natsu's Grandson- Chapter-3 My most precious thing

Me & Natsu: Love you all, Arigato and Bye for now!