author's post it note: well because i couldn't wait any longer to just upload it, i kinda accidentally clicked no when closing the file, which meant i had to rewrite all of it, again!but well, enough of rambling,:

Naya was sure that this was not something she wanted to do. Lying in a patient gown on a hospital bed with a giant medical tube inside her mouth was not something she was looking forward to do. Sure, she might have been the one to suggest the idea of her being in a hospital, and she was the one who picked the color of her gown, but a massive giant tube in her throat. This was not something she signed up for, yet, she couldn't just quit. Naya Rivera was not a quitter, never had been one, and never would.

"Looking sexy in there bee!" a voice pieced its way to her bandaged ear

"yeah well if your ideal of sexy is getting your hair all bandaged up, having a tube in your mouth, some electro shocking string on your chest and have your legs casted, then yes I'm perfectly sexy." She somehow managed to muffle her words out, with quite much difficulty. There was nothing sexy about her in this case. Her boobs were covered in this massive gown of hers. Her long toned legs, which were what she was really proud of, were covered in big fat white cast. There was no sign or whatsoever of her long wavy raven hair. She wanted to keep them un-bandaged, but the crew said it was pretty unconvincing that a patient who was dying, and unconscious would have perfect hair flowing by her side. These people clearly didn't have any clues in fashion or whatsoever. Naya was thought that if you were gonna die, why not die prettier? It'd be wise to go and meet god or whoever up there in good form, first impression mattered!

Kevin snickered and didn't snap at Naya's teasing. Either he didn't understand, or he pretended to not understand. "You sound like hemo when she's eating." He said, knowing all too well this is just the thing that would turn the subject and Naya's mood, effectively.

"Haa haa! Speaking of hemo! Where is she now?"

"She's still at her apartment. Nobody has informed her yet." A hoarse voice blurted out of the mini microchip headphone in her left ear.

"Well don't you think this is the time to call her? I mean, she's like 1 hour away from this hospital!" she said back, to no one in particular, but she was sure that they must have heard her, from all the dozens of cameras inside the tiny cramped hospital room.

"We're waiting for some of your friends to arrive." Come to think of it, yeah there were only her and her little bee in this room. Naya was sure that if she had an accident, there would be at least a hundred of people waiting to see her. She was Naya Rivera for Gaga's sake! Climbing from the anonymous background character to the hot shot of glee, maxim's hottest girl, and she was on her way to her own album. Not to boast or anything, but Naya had made quite a name for herself in the past three years. The cracking of the white plastic door snapped her back to reality; Naya slowly glanced up to the door. Not that she could do it quickly anyways. The weight of the bandage, plus the tube in her throat, and the thing around her neck were enough to make her a living mummy.

"Oh my god! You look like you're really dying!" Ashley exclaimed, walking passed Kevin with a wave and made her way through to the side of Naya's bed.

"Well thanks and you look good too!" Naya said sarcastically. The makeup crew really did a good job on making her look like a piece of meat, and not a very pretty one.

"I am sure heather is going to fall for this one! I mean, she's never even figured Zach's trick. And his trick was a piece of cat shit comparing to this massive con you are gonna pull, literally!" Naya couldn't help but smile; she knew all too well what that cat of heather's was capable of. If that cat was a human, he'd be the biggest prank mastermind of the century, Naya was sure of that.

"I can't wait to see the look of her face when we yell you are punked!" Ashely said, rather loudly. Yeah she loved heather, but she couldn't resist the urge to prank people. And this? Pranking people on punked national TV? This thing was too good to pass.

"Ladies! Just wanted you to know that Di is on her way." Kevin blurted out, breaking Ashley's guilty pleasure.

"hey! Why don't we test it on Di first? See how she reacts?" ash suggested, this girl is a genius, super upper genius when it came to these things.

"Yeah why not?" Naya replied, okay, time to rehearse. She forced her eyes shut, pressed the button on the fake medical machine beside her, causing it to produce some kind of clicking noise, beep beep, just to make things more real. The room went silent as the three were holding their breath, counting down matching the sound of footsteps on the corridor. Thud-thud-thud. The door swung open, revealing a very mad looking Dianna, this only meant one thing, and either she was eating when she got the news, or she was sleeping. This girl could turn to hulk in a matter of a millisecond when she was disturbed in her diner or her bed room.

"Oh my god!" Dianna's jaw dropped, seeing the sight of her friend, lying there lifeless on the white sheet bed. She rushed toward the small figure; tears began to stream from her eyes.

"Naya! How could you! How dare you lying like this." Dianna hectored, shaking Naya's body as she did so.

"Priceless!" Kevin cried out from the corner of the room. Upon hearing this, she turned around to see the two idiot looking friends of hers standing there, laughing like idiots. Then she turned back, meeting Naya with a huge grin on her bandaged, full of cuts face.

"What in the world…."

"Hahahah you should have seen the look on your face di! Priceless!" ash loosed out a sentence between her laughter.

"Anybody care to explain?"

As Kevin had scooped Dianna into joining Ashley at the side of the window and discuss their plan for tonight, Naya caught herself wandering again. Just by imagining the looks on heather's face when they yell punk had set her face into a lunatic, mad scientist mood.

"OKAY everyone! Heather's been informed! Chop chop! She'll be here 20 minutes." The tiny microchip headphone in her left ear chirped. Naya sent her three friends out, seeing it'd be good for them to study their scene location first, to probably rehearse. Then a group of doctors and nurses came trotting in, well some actors and actress in the doctor gowns. They were huddled together and muttering among themselves, almost like they were a group of aliens came to earth in the first time and held on to each others. For the first time in the whole day that Naya had had the chance to fully observe the room. It was nice to say at least, the bed was located at somehow middle of the room. There was a large sash window on the wall further left to her bed. There were of course some framed pictures to go with the light blue painted walls, there was this one mustache man in particular that caught Naya's eyes. She knew that when they'd air this thing, the mustache man would be in one of those fails websites. What kind of depressing hospital room had a mustached picture on its wall?

By then, she heard some muffled sounds from the other side of the room, definitely some sobbing too. She knew all too well that heather had arrived and everybody out there were acting their parts to the fullest. Okay Naya, this is it. She squeezed her eyes close. But they immediately relaxed after two seconds or so.

Some babble of noise came at once, some footsteps, some cracks, some whispers. Finally silence, she sensed that somebody was by her side. They were definitely in here.

"Nay nay! Come on! You are a tough bee! I know you can pull through this, I know you will." Then she felt a squeeze at her left hand.

After a while or so, there was utter silence in the room except for the constant beeping from that gigantic machine beside her right hand. She could only make out heather's breathing pattern. She was so whipped, and this girls wasn't even hers, but she couldn't help it.

"Hey… nay! Guess who this is? It's hemo! And I know you are still inside that big bandaged head of yours, so quit pretending to not hear me." Kevin let go of her hand and she heard him walking away, not very far though, probably somewhere near the window. She felt another hand made its way to hers. This one was softer and longer, heather's no doubt.

"Naya… listen to me. You can't leave just yet! You can't just go without saying bye bye to us. Even if you did, I wouldn't let you go, not in a million years! Please Naya! There are so many things I need to tell you!" her hand was squeezed, ever so slightly. Heather sounded so broken, so sad. Naya started to doubt herself again, why did she agree to do this in the first place? Nope, there was no place for guilt. Get it over with Naya!

"The doctor said she could hear you, so before she goes, tell her Heather!" perfect Ashley! Just the push heather needed to confess her random mistakes. This was gonna be fun. Little did Naya knew that this was just the push heather needed alright, but not just to confess her random mistakes.

"Naya! Remember you mouse Grace? Well she didn't just runaway, Zach ate her. I swear I only found out after that day when he pooped." Heather's voice sounded so little, so fearful. This only made Naya internally giggle, if the first one was this good, she didn't know how long she'd be able to hold it when the random confession went on. Heather here was like a randomness generated machine; she could go on and on and be random whole day, without making you bore of course.

"And remember when you said that you loved me? Well I lied. I love you too, more than you will ever know."

Naya's eyes shot up, immediately. She was expecting it to be random, but not that random. She looked at heather, who was slumping near her, eyes fixing on their intervened hands. Then she glanced back to the three near the window. Their expression was shocked, to say at least. Kevin and Ashley's jaws were hanging mid air, she caught Ashley mouthed something like kiss her. But that was not possible, not with this tube in her throat. Naya shifted her gaze to the furthest person in the room, Dianna had this smug look on her face, the look that all the mothers around the world share when they find their young daughter doing something their parents said they'd do.

Okay. So heather had feelings for her too. That was good, no that was great! She wanted to say something, anything. But the voice just wouldn't come out! Stupid big tube, throat blocking her! When she finally got the annoying thing out, she accidently pressed the button beside the tube, and then the beeping sound went flat….

Heather snapped her attention to the machine, she was freaked out! Her friend was gone! But when she returned her gaze to the figure lying in front of her, she was even more freaked out, if that was even possible. But Naya just smiled, "I love you too, and by the way, you've been punked babe!"

author's post it note: ;) there goes my imagination.. because i am not a review whore, just by reading and following this story are enough to make my massive heart explode .. but awesome reviews are still appreciated.