Happiness. For the first time in a long time, all Bolin felt was pure and utter happiness. Sure, he was happy before, but seeing the way Mako and Korra where together, made him long for a real relationship and not just his infamous hook ups with all those fan girls. However, today he started to feel the way; he was pretty sure Mako and Korra felt.

Here he was on a beautiful day, lying on a blanket in the park with a beautiful girl. Bolin lay on the ground with his hands behind his head as he watched the clouds go by above him. It was Jinora'a idea. "I just love the way the wind shapes and moves them." She once told him. So here they were, lying next to each other in a peaceful silence.

Bolin turned his head to see the girl lying next to him. She also had her hands behind her head and was watching the clouds with a small smile on her lips and her hair sprawled around her head.

"You're kind of beautiful" Bolin whispered in awe as he watched her.

Jinora gasped and quickly turned her head to look at him. Bolin, realizing what he said quickly sat up and stated stuttering "Uh I-I mean- "

But before he could finish Jinora's lips suddenly crashed upon Bolin's, pushing him back down in to the blanket. Shocked at first, Bolin laid there unmoving. Then he finally closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, placing his hands on her hips. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes in pure bliss.

After they finally broke apart, Jinora looked at Bolin beneath her, her hair giving them a curtain from the world around them. Bolin watched her with a small smirk on his face, his hands still holding her.

"So what does this mean for us?" Jinora whispered, smiling.

Bolin sat up keeping Jinora in his lap as she moved her hands to wrap around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"Well..." Bolin whispered, as he put his forehead to hers. "It means you're stuck with me now."

It's so fluffy! Wow I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I like writing fulff and I feel with Bolinora that it totally works.

But let me know what you guys think! Criticisim is welcome! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!

Oh and this chapter takes place a bout a week or so after the last chapter. Oh and sorry this is kind of a short chapter. I don't know what it is but I seem to write a lot of short chapters instead of just a few long ones. Does that bother you guys? Let me know and I will try to fix that.

Also, when I wrote my Makorra storeis, I knew from the begining how long they where going to be. With this one, and my Irosami story, I really have no clue. I just plan on writing till an ending is found.

Oh! And please please please, if you know of any good Bolinora fan art, please let me know. It bothers me how little I can find. And I really wanna changethe picture for this story.

Anyways, Thanks again for reading! I so so so appreciate it.