Knock Knock Knock!

"Come on bro, open up." Bolin said impatiently as he leaned against the door of Korra and Mako's apartment.

Suddenly the door opened and Bolin fell in the doorway face first. Then he heard giggling. Bolin looked up to see Jinora standing over him, trying to suppress her laughter.

"Oh hey Jinora." Bolin said as he rose off the ground and dusted himself off. "What are you doing here?"

"I came by to drop off some hand-me-downs for Mya. Then I offered to baby sit so Mako and Korra could have some alone time." Jinora replied as she led him to the kitchen table. "Want some leechee juice?"

"Sure." Bolin replied as he sat down. "So where are they?"

"I think they went to that dragon tea restaurant. They'll be back in about an hour so. Mya is in her crib sleeping." Jinora said as she handed Bolin his juice

"Well that was nice of you to baby sit. They've been working really hard lately. Especially with Mako taking over the Gym." Bolin replied as Jinora sat down across from him.

"Speaking of the gym, what are you doing now that there is no more Fire Ferrets?" Jinora asked.

"Well, I've been practicing my metal bending. Lin wants me to join the police academy. She says it'll help me improve and that she sees me being a great officer someday."

"That's wonderful Bolin!" Jinora said as she reached across the table and gave Bolin's hand a little squeeze. Bolin stared at their joined hands. Jinora blushed and pulled her hand back. As soon as her hand left Bolin's, a part of him wanted it back.

"Uh… yeah." He stuttered. Jinora just continued to blush. "S- so what have you been up to?" Bolin continued.

"Well, I'm pretty much finished with my Air Bending training. I've been helping my dad with training but I'm not really sure what I wanna do next." Jinora answered.

"You'll think of something." Bolin replied.

Suddenly, crying from the nursery could be heard.

"Oh excuse me a minuet." Jinora said as she jumped out of her seat and went to the nursery. Bolin quietly followed behind her. He stood in the doorway of the nursery and watched her lift Mya out of the crib.

"Everything's ok Mya. Mommy and Daddy will be back in a little bit." She cooed as she rocked the baby in her arms for a couple of minutes. Bolin stayed silent as he watched her take care of Mya. He took this time to notice how much Jinora had grown since he first met her.

Her hair was longer and stopped just past her shoulders. She still had that side ponytail but it was looser and allowed a few strands to fall at the sides of her face while her side bangs allowed her tattoo to show. Her tattoos really brought out the color in her eyes. She no longer had the frame of a child but that of a young lady. She had a small waist and long slender legs.

After a few minutes, Mya calmed down and fell back asleep. Jinora laid her back in the crib and turned around to see Bolin watching her.

"Oh! You startled me." She said as she placed a hand to her chest.

"Sorry." Bolin said blushing. They walked out of the room and sat back down at the kitchen table. "You're really great with Mya." Bolin said. Jinora blushed and looked down at her glass of juice.

"She's such a sweet baby." Jinora replied. "I can't wait to have one of my own."

Bolin smiled. "You're only 16. You have plenty of time to worry about those kinds of things."

Jinora didn't know why, but this comment bothered her. She frowned as she stared into her cup. Suddenly she looked up at Bolin and said, "I'm not a kid you know. I've practically mastered Air Bending. Do you not see my tattoos? I'm quite grown up. I'm more than ready to settle down."

Bolin sat across from her just staring. He was shocked. He'd never seen Jinora have an outburst like that before. It was kind of attractive.

"Wow." Was all he could say.

"Wow? That's all you have to say to me?" Jinora asked.

"Uh.. n-no... I just..." Bolin stuttered. Suddenly Jinora started to giggle.

"What?" Bolin asked.

"Your face! You looked so scared!" She kept giggling. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act like that."

Bolin smiled. "It's ok. You definitely aren't a kid anymore."

Jinora looked at him and smiled. They both could tell that this was the beginning of a long friendship.

So I decided to put this chapter from Together part 2 up before I start my next chapters. If you haven't read that story, then you might be a little confused in this one, however, it isn't necessary to read it for this story.

The picture I used is really of Jinoochy because I couldn't find any decent Bolinora pictures.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and let me know what you guys think.

I will most likely delete this chapter. I don't know yet.