Chapter six "Maeve and Natsu?"

Natsu sat up, grabbing Maeave's hand, and pulling her up.

"C'mon. Let's get back to the guild." He said, smiling at her. She didn't really know how to respond, but she got up and began to walk back with him.

They didn't talk as they walked back to the guild, though Natsu's expression read like he couldn't at all feel the awkwardness of the atmosphere whatsoever. "Why do I feel like this?" Maeve thought to herself. "My stomach feels all warm and fuzzy. And he smiled at me after he kissed me. After he freackin' kissed me!" She thought. "It's not like I'm not blaming myself for what just happened, I smiled back. But how could he do that?! After what JUST happened with Lucy. And give me no explanation at all!" She thought, utterly confused. "I, myself, don't even know what I think about this." She thought. "But I do know… it doesn't feel…right." She thought to herself.

"Natsu… stop." She said, stopping in mid walk.

"What is it?" Natsu asked, stopping only a little bit in front of Maeve.

"I don't think…this…is right." She said, staring at her feet.

"what do you mean?" Natsu said. Giving his full attention to the Iron dragon slayer.

"I mean…this." She said. "I like you, Natsu. Believe me, I do. But, this, what's happening, doesn't feel right. Only moments ago did you break up with Lucy, and now you want to be with me? Natsu, I think there is someone for everyone, but I'm not for you. I know Lucy is sorry for what she did, and maybe if you'd have given her more time to explain herself, you would have realized that." Maeve said, not looking Natsu in the eyes. "I think you should talk to Lucy, and give yourself, and her, some time to cool off, and for all of this to die down. But, even if then, you still want to be with me. come talk to me." Maeve said, she smiled, and then lightly kissed Natsu on the cheek, and walked.

Natsu stood there. Dazed from what had just happened. "What…just happened?" Natsu asked himself.

"Dude, you just got rejected." Gray said.

"What? How long have you been standing there?!" Natsu asked, as he turned around to look Gray in the eyes.

"Long enough." Gray said, taking a step forward.

"And I did not just get rejected. She was completely nice about it. This means, it's not a reject." Natsu said in defense.

"It was a reject." Gray said, walking past him and towards the guild.

"Gray!" Natsu said, running after him.

The two wizards approached the guild to see Lucy sitting in front of the guild, holding her knees to her chest.

"I think I'll leave you two alone." Gray said, walking into the guild.

"Um…Lucy…I-" Natsu began, but was cut off by Lucy standing up, and slapping him across the face.

"How could you say that to me?! I know what I did was wrong, and I am so sorry for it, but you still can't say that to me?" Lucy yelled in outrage.

"I know, I know!" Natsu retorted. "I'm sorry for it. That's what I came to say… I'm sorry." Natsu said, not being able to find himself look Lucy in the eyes.

"What?" Lucy asked, bringing her hand back to herself. "You're…sorry?" Lucy questioned.

"Yes. I really, really am." Natsu said.

"This is really not like him to apologize. It's kind of, really nice that he did. But, then again, he would be a jerk if he didn't." Lucy thought to herself.

"Thank you." Lucy said, with a faint smile. "And…I'm sorry…for what I did." Lucy said, now with a complete smile.

"I… do, wish I met you. And I really, really, really, like you. I want you to know that." Natsu said. "You're the best thing in my life, Lucy. And I hope you can forgive me for overreacting about what happened." Natsu said.

"That was really sweet." Lucy said, but strangely, not smiling much. "And I feel the same way, but, after what happened. After everything that happened, I don't think we can be together right now. I can't really be with anyone right now. I need a little time." Lucy said, trying to give a sympathetic smile. "Ok?" She asked.

"Ok… I..I understand. It makes complete sense." Natsu said, trying to understand. But in reality, he had no idea what girls meant when they said that. And right now, that really wasn't what he was thinking of.

"Thank you." Lucy said. "For…understanding."

"I think I should back to my apartment." Natsu said, not wanting Lucy to see him sad.

"oh, yeah, ok." Lucy replied. "Um…bye." She said as Natsu walked away.

Happy was watching the scenario unfold through a crack in the doorway, and since Natsu was Happy's partner, Happy thought of Lucy as the worst person in the world at the time.

"ugh…" Happy scoffed "Bitch." He murmured to himself, and then clamped him paw over his mouth for saying a bad word.

"They didn't make up, didn't they?" Gray asked, sitting from the bar. Happy shook his head, sadly.

"Do you think they ever will?" Mira Jane asked, from behind the counter.

"They might, or they might not. I don't really see why we should care for their love lives." Erza said, looking away from the two wizard and winged cat.

"I just want Natsu to be Happy." Happy said, looking even sadder.

"All I want is for things not to get weird here all the time." Gray said, looking over at the guild front door.

Hey guys! Sorry for this REALLY LATE chapter update, but, I started this story in Brazil, and now I'm in U.S.A, and I couldn't write during that whole fiasco, and I kind of forgot about it for a while, so, SORRY. But I saw that a lot of people DID NOT like Maeve and Natsu as a couple (and I don't really either) so I ENDED that (or did I? :P) But I couldn't have Lucy and Natsu get back together so fast, Sorry.

I would LOVE IT, if you reviewed. Want to hear ALL you ideas and opinions.

