Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Chapter 4: Trouble in the Land of Waves, Fighting Zabuza, and More Training

-The Next Morning in the Namikaze Estate-

Naruto awakens due to his alarm going off. He outstretches his arm to turn of the alarm. The time currently was 6:15 A:M. Naruto gets out of bed and summons afew Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clones) to make his bed and fix breakfast. Naruto takes a shower to cleanse his body then gets dressed in his shinobi gear. Naruto ties his Hitai-ate (Forehead Protector to his forehead and heads downstairs. Naruto positions himself at the head of the table and starts eating his food.

After consuming his breakfast, Naruto summons 10 Kage Bunshins and gives them orders. Naruto sends 5 of his clones into the village tasked with collecting and deposit his seal money and buying camping gear. The other 5 were told to pack equipment and clothing. This included food and weaponry. Naruto tells the clones the specific color of the items he wants. One of Naruto clones went to the Nobori Rixyuu (Ascending Dragon).

-At the Nobori Rixyuu-

Naruto's clone entered the shop to see Dan waiting for some customers. Naruto starts off the conversation.

"Hello Dan" said Naruto.

"Hi Naruto, what can I get you to day" asked Dan.

"Can I get my portion of the money from the seals and along with a red and black portable sleeping bag with a king-size mattress" asked Naruto.

"Sure thing" said Dan.

Dan went into the back and gave Naruto 3000 ryō for his seals and also handed him his sleeping bag. Naruto used his spending money to pay for the sleeping bag which cost 2100 ryō. Naruto sealed away the sleeping bag and money then departed. Naruto and the other clones met up at the bank. Naruto's clone with the scroll asked for the other entire clone's money. They handed it over then dispersed. Naruto's clone counted the ryō and found a total of 15,000. The clone soon walked into the bank and got in line. After waiting patiently he reached the teller. Naruto soon asked to deposit his 7500 into the bank account. After that he walked outside the bank and warped home.

-Within the Namikaze Estate-

Naruto was packed and ready to go on the C-rank mission. Naruto would leave his packed up stuff at home and return to get it when his team went to pack. Naruto's clone returned with the requested items. Naruto then tells him seal the money into the regulated spending scroll and disperse. Once he had everything in order, Naruto headed out towards Hokage Office.

-Inside the Hokage's Office-

The squad known as Team 7 was awaiting a certain blond boy's arrival. Almost instantaneous Naruto appears before his fellow teammate. Naruto is the first to ask speak up.

"Father we are here to receive our C-ranked Mission" said Naruto

"Alright let's send in the client" said Minato

Suddenly a tall man tan skin man walked in the room. He was carrying a bottle which contained alcohol much like his breath. He wore a navy blue t-shirt and cocci shorts. He was also wearing a sombrero the back of his head.

"Who are these children? I asked for Ninja not some kids" said the man

"Children" exclaimed Naruto and Sasuke!

"Sir I'll have you know that even though we look young and inexperienced, deception is our greatest tool of the trade" said Naruto.

"Anyway may name is Tazuna and I need to be escorted to the Nami no Kuni (Land of Waves). I'll be waiting at the Konohagakure no Sato (Village Hidden by Tree Leaves) Gate" said Tazuna.

With that said the man walked out of the room and head to the village gates. Kakashi then spoke to his team.

"Looks like it will be a long trip. Get packed for the trip and head for the gate" said Kakashi.

After that the group split up and head in different directions. Naruto heads home to retrieve his already packed items. Naruto had all his shuriken, kunai, and smoke bombs. Naruto also had his sword attached to his back. With all the items he got Naruto headed of towards the village gate. After Naruto arrived soon Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi arrived. Kakashi signaled the group to follow him. The group soon began to move leaving the village put of sight. Eventually the group came across a large puddle.

"Strange it hasn't rained in days yet here is a massive puddle" said Naruto.

Soon two figures emerge from the puddle. Both were wearing metal claw gauntlets. They both attacked and destroyed 'Kakashi'. Naruto then figured they were going after Tazuna. He quickly gave out orders to his teammates.

"Sakura guard Tazuna because he's there target. Sasuke you take the one on the left while I take the one on the right" said Naruto

"Roger" said Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke fought the left one by knocking away his gauntlets. Sasuke uses a kick send the assailant into the air. Sasuke then proceeds to grab his opponent by the ankles and wraps his leg around his waist. "Hayabusa Otoshi" (Peregrine Falcon Drop) said Sasuke. Sasuke drives his opponent head first into the ground. The force of the attack causes his neck to break effectively killing him. Naruto was battling the second assailant. Naruto punches him in the nose causing it to break and him to wail out in pain. Naruto then proceeds to end him. Naruto then jabs him in the vital pressure points. The man then collapse to ground dead not knowing what hit him. Naruto then slits his throat not taking any chances of him being alive.

"Well good job team" said a voice coming out the bush. Naruto and the others turned to face the still alive and kicking Kakashi.

"We have to talk about the mission" said Kakashi eying Tazuna.

"This mission was supposed to be a C-ranked mission. C-rank mission classifies as above average or D-rank mission difficulty. Enemies encountered would be wild animals or bandits. Not two Chūnin level shinobi from Kirigakure. Tazuna please explain why you asked for a C-ranked mission and not a B or A-ranked mission" said Kakashi.

"A C-ranked mission was all I could afford. Nami no Kuni has been driven into poverty and it's all Gatō's fault" said Tazuna.

"You mean Gatō of Gatō Kanpanī (Gatō Company)" said Kakashi

"Yes he is the one he has driven Nami no Kuni into poverty. He uses his business as a front for illegal drug smuggling. He has taken over the shipping in Nami no Kuni he has no intention of letting go. However, I'm threat to his business due to me building a bridge to the mainland. That is why he's trying to kill me. Please help me, I'm the only chance Nami has for survival" said Tazuna whom was begging and on the verge of tears.

Kakashi was weighing the options he had present. He knew with Naruto that the mission success rate would be high. He also took into consideration that Naruto's training had improved his teammate ability.

"Alright will continue the mission" said Kakashi.

With that said the group continued down the road on the way to wave.

-Back in a Hideout-

"Zabuza Momochi" yelled a small man.

"Yes Gatō" asked Zabuza.

"Both Gōzu and Meizu failed to kill that bridge builder" said Gatō.

As Gatō approached Zabuza he was stopped by his sword the "Kubikiribōchō" (Decapitating Carving Knife).

"Alright I'll handle it" said Zabuza who left the hideout in search of his target.

-Back with the Team 7 Group-

The group of Team 7 and Tazuna had arrived in Nami no Kuni. Eventually the group arrived in a clearing with a boat that would take them inland to Nami no Kuni.

"Everyone get down now" exclaimed Kakashi.

Everyone dropped to the ground to avoid being cut in half by massive sword. The sword had embedded itself into a tree.

"Well now this was unexpected. Meeting the famous Kopī Ninja no Kakashi (Copy Ninja Kakashi)" said the mysterious figure.

"You are Zabuza Momochi, Kirigakure no Kijin (Demon of the Hidden Mist) a missing-nin from Kirigakure" said Kakashi and Naruto.

Kakashi then removed his Hitai-ate from his eye to reveal his Sharingan (Copy-Wheel Eye). "Kakashi has Sharingan but how. Only an Uchiha can have it or so I thought" thought Sasuke to himself. Naruto at the same time activates his Sharingan only for it to be concealed by his Genjutsu Stabilizer Seal.

"Move out the way and let me get the bridge builder" said Zabuza.

"No can do you'll have to get through me first" said Kakashi.

Zabuza makes a handseal to activate the "Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Hiding in Mist Technique). A white fog covers the area obscuring Team 7's and Tazuna's view. All members of Team 7 were surrounding Tazuna. Naruto decided to take away Zabuza's advantage. Naruto also memorized the handseals to Zabuza's technique thanks to his Sharingan.

"Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)" said Naruto.

A heavy breeze clears the mist and knocks Zabuza back away from the group. Zabuza recovers his footing only to see Kakashi charge at him. Zabuza swings the sword low in an attempt to cleave Kakashi. Kakashi simply dodges the strike and slits Zabuza's throat. Zabuza then turned into water revealing a Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone). Zabuza then appears behind Kakashi and cuts him in halve. However, water starts leaking from Kakashi's body leaving a puddle on the ground. "Mizu Bunshin. When did he, darn he copied it with his Sharingan" thought Zabuza.

"It's over Zabuza" said Kakashi appearing behind him.

However, from Zabuza's left another clone is formed and grabs Kakashi. The Zabuza in front of Kakashi reverts to a water puddle. The real Zabuza emerges from the water's depths and makes some hand seals.

"Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)" exclaimed Zabuza.

An orb of water was created entrapping Kakashi within it. Zabuza then made another Mizu Bunshin to take over control of the Suirō no Jutsu. Zabuza then started to charge towards Tazuna. However he was intercepted by Naruto who was streaming both Fūton and Raiton through his katana.

"You shall not pass" said Naruto.

"Wow! This Genin engaging me in a Kenjutsu spar is impressive. What's even more impressive is that you're able to block my strike" said Zabuza.

"I will be the one to defeat you and take your sword as my trophy" said a determined Naruto

"Looks like a brat like you needs to learn his place" exclaimed Zabuza.

Zabuza swung a downward strike towards Naruto who simply dodges to the right. Naruto then using his superior speed proceeds to cut Zabuza's leg tendon.

"Darn it! I'll get you for that Gaki" said Zabuza. He darts towards Naruto at an even slower speed now" Naruto was analyzing him while using his Sharingan. Exploiting his weakness of his one good leg Naruto low kicks Zabuza making him lose his balance. Naruto then proceeds to signal Sasuke for an attack on Zabuza's clones.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)" said Sasuke.

"Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)" said Naruto.

A volley of miniature fireballs were launched at Zabuza's clones. The fireballs sizes and strength were increased due to the massive wind gust. Both of Zabuza's clones were destroyed due to being unable to avoid all the fireballs. As a result, Kakashi was now freed.

"Thanks Naruto and Sasuke. I'll take care of the rest" said Kakashi.

Zabuza whom just regained his composure clashes with Kakashi whom was only using a kunai against his Kubikiribōchō. The two ninja begin to clash with jutsu, with Kakashi being faster than Zabuza thanks to his sharingan.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)" exclaimed both Zabuza and Kakashi.

Two water dragons were formed and collided with one another destroying each other. Zabuza and Kakashi were going through the handseals for another jutsu. Kakashi however was able to out speed Zabuza thus beating him.

"Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)" exclaimed Kakashi.

A massive, powerful wave strikes Zabuza sending crashing into a tree. Before Kakashi could even react, a senbon strike to Zabuza's neck caused him to fall to the ground.

"Thank you" said the masked ninja.

"I was tracking him down and traced him here" said the masked ninja

"Farewell" said the masked ninja releasing mist and disappearing with Zabuza's body and sword.

After that Kakashi collapsed, with Naruto catching him. Naruto then summons up some Kage Bunshin to carry him into the boat. Naruto's clones bound his hands and feet before they carried them. They also covered Kakashi's Sharingan with his Hitai-ate. Naruto grabbed Kakashi's luggage with him. Once Team 7 and Tazuna were in the boat he began rowing towards the mainland of Nami no Kuni (Land of Waves). Sakura then asked Naruto a question.

"Naruto, why did you bind Kakashi's hands and feet" asked Sakura.

"To prevent Kakashi from attacking us while he remains unconscious. You forget he's a ninja like us with more combat experience. He knows never to leave his body open for attack especially when sleeping" said Naruto.

"Anyway, I don't think that was the last time we'll see Zabuza" said Naruto

"Why not all the spots the Hunter-Nin hit were in the neck thus killing him right" asked a puzzled Sakura.

"Wrong because the tool the Hunter-Nin used were senbon and not kunai. One must have extreme proficient skill to be able to kill with senbon. Senbon are capable of making some look or appear dead to fool enemies" said Naruto.

"However due to his injuries, I would say it would be a week till he returns" said Naruto.

The group continued sailing till the made landfall in Nami no Kuni. Once there they walked till they reached Tazuna's house. Naruto then asked Tazuna about availably room space.

"Tazuna how many free rooms do you have" asked Naruto.

"Three rooms are free" said Tazuna

Naruto then turned to face his team to rely his decision about room space.

"Ok guys, since there are only three available rooms I'm going to sleep outside. You guys will sleep inside" said Naruto.

No one complained about Naruto's decision. They would each have a room to themselves. Naruto's clones proceed to carry Kakashi into the first room upstairs, where they laid him down on the bed and set his stuff beside it. Sasuke walked upstairs and took the middle room. Sakura then was given the last room available upstairs. Once everyone was settled in the house, the group walked into the kitchen where they introduced themselves to Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter. She informed that she was cooking dinner and it would be ready shortly. Sasuke and Sakura decided to wait on the coach while Naruto go set up his tent.

Naruto went some distance from the house before he set up his 'tent'.

"Mokuton: Shichūka no Jutsu (Wood Release: Four-Pillar House Technique)" said Naruto.

A medium sized two-story house of wood appeared from wood. Naruto summoned some clones to set ups his equipment. Naruto then placed a G.S.S seal on his house. The seal gave the house the illusion of a tent. Naruto didn't have to worry about placing a Sharingan Blocking Seal on the house due to Sasuke not having it and Kakashi trusting him. Naruto also figured that Kakashi won't be able to fight Zabuza due to chakra exhaustion so Naruto would have to fight Zabuza. Naruto was determined to defeat him and take his sword. "The Kubikiribōchō will be mine after I finish Zabuza" thought Naruto.

He made decided to work on his Kenjutsu ability if he was going to fight the swordsmen. Naruto had gone further into the clearing where he then made 400 shadow clones. They were told they had to incorporate the Kenjutsu stance from Tetsu no Kuni (Land of Iron) into Naruto's own Kenjutsu style. They had to do this while also streaming one of each elemental chakra through their katanas. Naruto went back into Tazuna's house to find it was dinner time. Naruto sat down along with the rest of his team and then began to eat. Sometime during the course of dinner a black haired boy wearing a fisherman's hat appeared with a scowl on his face. He began to berate the team. His name was Inari, Tazuna's grandson.

"What's wrong with you all? Why do you even try just give up. You all will be killed by Gatō" said the Inari.

Everyone except Naruto stopped eating to listen to the boy's tirade.

"And you still eat even after knowing you're going to die. Why bother fighting for a lost cause" said Inari.

Naruto ate his last bite of food then he turned to face Inari.

"If we decided to give up you wouldn't have a grandfather anymore. My comrades and I here are risking our lives to save yours. You don't believe in our ability because like you and everyone else in this town have lost Hope. Giving up isn't in my dictionary kid. After all I plan on succeeding in my duty to protect your grandfather even if you lost hope and believe he will die" said Naruto.

Naruto then proceed to get up and place his plate in the sink. Naruto then returned to training while his everyone else resumed eating and Inari dropped down onto the floor. Inari was allowing everything Naruto said to sink in.

-Back to Naruto's training ground and campsite-

Naruto went back inside his tent and got onto his bed. Naruto then began to meditate to prepare himself for the battle that would ensue in a couple of days. Naruto knew one thing for sure; this time Zabuza would fight with full strength.

-Back in the Secret Hideout-

Zabuza was still in pain yet he was recovering thanks to Haku. He swore that in the next fight he would have Naruto's head. To only be a simple Genin and injury him this badly was incredible yet infuriating. Thanks to Zabuza's assistant Haku he was healing in no time. She was applying some herbal ointment to his wounds.

"Zabuza-sama I will have to retrieve some more herbs for you tomorrow" said Haku.

"That's fine as long as in afew days I can get my revenge on that brat" said Zabuza.

Gatō walked into the room and boy was he a displeased costumer. He and his two body guards approached the chair Zabuza was resting in.

"I'm paying you to kill that bridge builder not get beat by his protection" exclaimed an angry Gatō. He was walking up to the chair and was about to strike Zabuza till Haku caught his arm.

"Leave now or I will use force" said Haku who slowly begun to turn his arm in the wrong direction.

Gatō jerks his arm away from Haku's grip and leaves angrily out the door. Zabuza and Haku receive some peace and quiet for now.

-Back to Naruto's Training Ground and Campsite-

Naruto had just received the memories from his clones after they completed their task. Naruto gained their knowledge during his time of meditation. Naruto decided to work out by running laps around his training area. Naruto was on his 20th lap when he felt not winded. So Naruto had to increase the weight of his seals again to get faster. Naruto had increased his weight seals to 95 lbs. and his Gravity seals to x 3. Naruto's body had collapsed to the ground. Naruto was struggling trying to crawl around till he regained walking ability. After about 40 minutes, Naruto regained walking ability. Naruto then decided to do upper body workout. Naruto went through a series of 100 of each activity; 2 sets of 50 each. These exercises included push-ups, pull ups, and bicep curls. Naruto was extremely tired afterwards so he changed clothes to his pajamas and went to sleep.

-The Next Morning-

Naruto awoke to his alarm. It was 7:30 am. Naruto headed for the shower in Tazuna's house. He was one of the first people up this morning. After his shower Naruto got dressed and then returned to his training ground. Once on the training ground Naruto summoned 4 Kage Bunshins to prepare breakfast. Naruto went for his morning laps around the field. It was on his 10th lap when Naruto noticed a person on the field. Closer inspection revealed that person was a girl. Naruto approached her and noticed she was picking herbs. "Hm…So this is that hunter-nin picking herbs for Zabuza" thought Naruto. Naruto went back to his running laps to finish his morning run. As she was leaving Haku thought, "So that's the boy who injured Zabuza-sama. He seems like he is capable of damaging him".

Naruto after his run ate his breakfast and then summoned 400 shadow clones. Each group had 100 clones. Group A was tasked with using the Genjutsu through contact by Sharingan. Group B had to spar using Kenjutsu only blindfolded. Group C was tasked with practicing the "Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Hiding in Mist Technique. Lastly Group D was assigned with modifying or creating new seals. Naruto was working on an extreme chakra control exercise. The user must get in a lake where they must stream chakra around their body to prevent from getting wet. The user must also after every three laps cast a B-A ranked jutsu. Naruto finally climbed out the lake after swimming 145 laps. Naruto successfully remained dry so he had no need for drying off. Naruto however was extremely low on chakra so he went into his tent, climbed in to bed and went to sleep.

-Within his Mindscape-

Naruto walked down the long hallway till he reached his Bijū. The fox was aware of his presence.

"What do you want now" asked the Kyūbi.

"Seeing as you're centuries old being tell me, "What's the next stage of the Sharingan" asked Naruto.

"I won't give you that answer" said Kyūbi

"Why you fear I'll become mad with power and you'll have another Madara Uchiha please don't put me on his level" said Naruto.

"How do I know you won't brainwash me with those accursed eyes" said Kyūbi

"Because you know that I have both Mokuton (Wood Release) and Sharingan. I could have easily restrained and control you" said Naruto.

"Darn he does have a point he hasn't tried to control me" thought the Kyūbi

"Ok the second stage of the Sharingan is called the Mangekyō Sharingan (Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye). To obtain it one most experience extreme trauma" said the Kyūbi.

"Ok thanks and also I would like to add an amendment to our deal" said Naruto.

"What kind of amendment to the agreement" asked the Kyūbi?

"I just want you to enhance my sense of smell. Can you increase my range to 6 mi. (9.66 km.)

"That is an easy request I can accomplish. Now beat so I can rest" said the Kyūbi.

Naruto left the Kyūbi to return to the real world. Naruto was still sleeping which was allowing the fox to enhance his smelling. Naruto woke up to find out the Kyūbi kept his word. Naruto had found that Groups A and C were done with their assigned task. Naruto then dispersed his clones from each group take breaks in between to not gain a headache. Naruto's group B and D clones had dispersed when they had all been destroyed in sparing and ran out of chakra. Naruto decided to do another extreme chakra control exercise. He was about to start when he was called by Kakashi.

Kakashi Hatake was reduced to using a crutch to support himself from chakra exhaustion. He had summoned his squad in the wood so he could train them. Naruto had told him to rest to recover his lost chakra. Well technically train Sasuke and Sakura.

"Alright team meeting. It is inevitable that Zabuza will strike again we need to watch Tazuna. First watch is Sakura followed by Sasuke then Naruto. I don't think I'll be back to 100% in the next fight. So this makes Naruto your team leader. You will follow his instructions since I'm injured" said Kakashi.

"Thanks Kakashi-sensei. Now since we were given our rotations for guarding Tazuna it should be quiet simply. When you're not guarding him, use the free time you have to train. Sasuke you should work on speed training and Sakura you should work on Iryō Ninjutsu along with your Taijutsu style. Alright meeting adjourned" said Naruto.

Everyone understood the reasoning. Sasuke although he didn't want to admit it Naruto is superior to him. He felt like no matter how much he trained Naruto was light years ahead of him. Sakura went off with Tazuna to build the bridge. Along with here went 100 Naruto clones. They were tasked with helping Tazuna build the bridge. Sasuke immediately went to upping his weights and then started running around the training ground. Naruto decided to watch Sasuke train. After 25 laps of running, Sasuke collapse to the ground from exhaustion. Naruto had summoned a Kage Bunshin to carry Sasuke to his bed. He would wake him up within an hour to rotate shifts with Sakura.

Naruto decided to return back to sleep till it was his time to watch over Tazuna. Naruto made another clone to wake him up in 2 hours' time.

-2 Hours Later-

Naruto was heading out for the bridge where Tazuna was working. Naruto arrived there on the bridge. Sasuke left as soon as Naruto showed up. Naruto the stood away from his clones constructing then bridge. Tazuna turned to talk to Naruto.

'Thanks to you the bridge will be finished in no time" said Tazuna.

"No problem and your welcome" said Naruto.

Tazuna then went back to ordering Naruto's clones around. Within another two hours Tazuna and Naruto returned home for dinner. Naruto thanked Tsunami for the meal and immediately dug into his food. After completing his meal Naruto put his plate in the sink and returned to his training ground.

-At Naruto's Training Ground-

Naruto first went inside his tent and retrieved a scroll. Naruto then summoned 100 Kage Bunshins. He tasked them with mastering the jutsu on the scroll. The jutsu was called the "Chi Bunshin no Jutsu" (Blood Clone Technique). The jutsu was another clone technique similar to the Kage Bunshin. However they are more durable than a Moku Bunshin (Wood Clone). Naruto hoped to add this technique to his arsenal of Ninjutsu. The Chi Bunshin however as the name implies requires 25% of the user's blood in order to create a Bunshin.

Naruto gave his the Group A clones a jar containing some blood to practice and master the Chi Bunshin Jutsu. Naruto then returned to his lake extreme chakra control exercise. He was trying to build his chakra control to efficiently use chakra. Naruto after he dropped his reserves down to 50% got out the lake. Naruto then proceed to use the Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone Technique) to make another 100 clones. Naruto then tied a blindfold to his eyes. He instructed his clones to attack him with everything they got. They oblige from jumping into the air with swords ready to defeat him. Naruto jumps after them and slash two clones dispersing them. Naruto then lands on the ground and starts running while clones where after him. Naruto starts throwing his "Hiraishin" (Flying Thunder-God Technique) kunai all over the place. Some land in the trees while most were on the ground. Naruto stops running away allowing his clones to gather around him in a circle. The clones charge towards him falling into his trap launching an attack.

(A) "Doragon no mugen no surasshu (Infinite Slashes of the Dragon)" said Naruto.

Naruto using Hiraishin warps around the training field dispersing clones left and right. Soon no more remained from the spar allowing Naruto to take off his blindfold. Naruto discovers that his Group A clones finished learning the Chi Bunshin Jutsu. Naruto dispersed the clones to obtain the knowledge they held. Naruto then proceed to make 50 Kage Bunshins to assist Tazuna with bridge building. Naruto also made a Moku Bunshin instructed with taking over his shift of watching Tazuna today. Once Naruto's clones had left Naruto then decided cook dinner. Naruto prepared himself a dinner designed to give him energy for tomorrow. Naruto after dinner changed into his pajamas and went to sleep.

-The Next Morning-

Naruto awoke to his Moku Bunshin waking him. Naruto thanked him and told him to prepare breakfast for him. Naruto headed off towards the shower in Tazuna's house. After his shower, Naruto got dressed in his shinobi armor. Naruto then ate his clone's breakfast. Naruto then had his clone collect all his thrown kunai from yesterday. Naruto with his collected kunai then prepared for a battle. It has been a week since Zabuza has last appeared. Naruto attached his katana to his back. Naruto then put on his equipment pouches. Naruto instructed his Moku Bunshin to watch the house while he was gone. Naruto headed into Tazuna's house where his team finished eating. Tazuna informed them of him planning to head out to the bridge this morning. Naruto told his teams to all come with him since there could be a possible attack. Tazuna and Team 7 left the house and headed towards the bridge.

-On the Bridge-

Within a few minutes of landing on the bridge a heavy mist appeared. It soon dissipated revealing Zabuza and the masked hunter-nin.

"Well since Kakashi isn't here I have no worries. Haku you take that black haired boy the blonde is mine" said Zabuza charging towards Naruto.

Naruto drew his sword with little effort on his part blocking the downward slash. Naruto and Zabuza clashed moving at high speeds which only a Jōnin-level shinobi could see. Sounds of clashing steel with occasional sparks flying were seen as their battle raged on.

-Back at Tazuna's House-

Both of Gatō's bodyguards Zōri and Waraji came into the house. They were instructed by Gatō to kidnap Tsunami. Tsunami was in the kitchen we then approached her.

"You're coming with us" said Zōri.

"Yeah" added Waraji.

"Help me" screamed Tsunami at the top of her lungs.

She was grabbed and lifted into the air by Waraji. Inari heard his mother's scream from upstairs. He then rushes downstairs to help her out.

"Let her go" yelled Inari rushing at both men. He is kicked away by Zōri only to be caught by Naruto's Moku Bunshin.

"Let the woman go or you will get hurt" said Naruto.

"Yeah right" said Zōri charging at Naruto with his sword drawn. Naruto moving at high speed disappears before Zōri. Naruto then appears behind him and spin kicks him to the back of the head. The attack renders the Zōri unconscious.

"No not my partner, you'll pay for what you did" said Waraji who releases Tsunami and charges at Naruto with his sword drawn.

Naruto throws a kunai behind him and warps behind him. Sooner than Waraji can react, Naruto grabs his head and slams it into his knee twice. Waraji was also rendered unconscious. Naruto then takes the two men outside and uses the "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)" to incinerate them into ashes. Inari soon runs upstairs to grab a crossbow and rally the town's people.

-With Sasuke-

Thanks to Naruto's speed training, he was able to dodge the masked-nin's weapon of choice; senbon. Haku started to talk to the lone Uchiha.

"Your good but I shall toy with you no longer" said Haku who was making handseals for a technique.

"Makyō Hyōshō" (Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals) said Haku.

An enormous dome of ice was created circumscribing both Haku and Sasuke within in it. Within the dome of Ice, there were mirrors of ice surrounding all sides of the structure. Sasuke was on his guard so he removed a kunai and prepared for Haku's next assault.

"In this dome of ice, you shall die. I must protect Zabuza-sama at all cost" said Haku who stepped inside a mirror.

Soon Haku's image appeared on all of the mirrors in the dome. Sasuke started to dodge the assault of senbon the Hakus were throwing at him. "If this keeps up then I'm finished. No, I must win to surpass Naruto and defeat Itachi" thought Sasuke. The severity of the situation combined with unbridle rage allowed Sasuke to unlock his Kekkei Genkai; the Sharingan (Copy Wheel Eye). "So he's a member of the Uchiha clan. This will make things interesting" thought Haku. They resumed the fight with Sasuke having renewed vigor, determined to beat Haku. Sasuke throws multiple kunai and shuriken the mirrors. The kunai and shuriken had ninja wire attached. He quickly made went through a furious series of handseals for more multiple jutsu Katon jutsu; the specialty of the Uchiha clan.

"Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique) Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique) Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)" exclaimed Sasuke.

Sasuke use the first technique to spread a fire along ninja wire. Sasuke then proceeds to jump into the air and launched a multitude of fireballs at the ice dome. Lastly Sasuke creates a continuous flamethrower to try to melt the dome. After all the attack and to no avail the dome won't melt.

"Foolish one my ice dome is resistance to your fire attacks. Now accept your fate and die" announced Haku.

-Back with Naruto and Zabuza-

The two swordsmen had made progress in their fight to the death. Naruto had littered Zabuza's body with a multitude of slashes and cuts. He had deep cuts and slashes on his chest and back. Every body movement hurt in many ways than one.

"Zabuza, I thinks it time to end this spar. I want my trophy" said Naruto.

"Whatever brat I'll be the one winning this battle" said Zabuza launching himself towards Naruto. Naruto simply threw a Hiraishin kunai past him. "Ha that Gaki missed meaning I win" thought Zabuza whom attempted a downward strike to Naruto's head. Only to find the blonde warped away. "Where did he go" thought Zabuza. Naruto then warped behind him and severs his spinal cord. Any chance of walking had left Zabuza was now gone replaced by a roar of pain from him. Naruto then summons 2 Kage Bunshins to hold Zabuza in place. Naruto then grabbed his left hand to start his attack.

"You underestimated me Zabuza and that was your downfall. For insulting me and my sensei your punishment is death. Fitting seeing how you're going to die by his own jutsu" said Naruto with a concealed sharingan active as lightning chakra covered his left hand. Eat this "Raikiri (Lightning Cutter)" said Naruto.

He rams his lightning covered hand into Zabuza's heart killing him quickly. Naruto removes his blood stained hand from the man's chest. Naruto then picks up the Kubikiribōchō and beheads the former owner with it. Naruto then has his clones use chidori to create a hole in ice dome. Naruto then reattached his katana to his hip while attaching the Kubikiribōchō to his back. Naruto carries the head of Zabuza with him while entering the dome.

-Within the dome-

Sasuke kneeling on the ground that did look like a human pin-cushion was about to be defeated until a hole is created the ice dome from the outside. Naruto emerges with that massive sword on his back in his right hand he was carrying the head of Zabuza Momochi.
"Haku stop Zabuza is dead" said Naruto raising his head.

"You're a skilled individual who could become an even greater ninja in Konohagakure no Sato (Village Hidden by Tree Leaves). So do you accept my offer" said Naruto

Haku stopped to think about what he had offered her. She was strong which was undoubtable but she knew she could become strong in a village of ninja. She looked at Naruto, the man who killed Zabuza-sama. He was only a Genin yet was capable of killing a missing-nin known for his prominence in Kenjutsu. She had decided to come back with them to Konoha.

"I accept your offer" said Haku who released her ice dome.

"Well then since you're coming back to Konoha with us you should get your stuff from the hideout and meet me back in the forest" said Naruto.

"Hai" said Haku who shunshined to hideout to gather her belongings.

She would meet Naruto in the forest again. Naruto then sealed Zabuza's headed into a blank scrolled labeled Zabuza.

"Naruto help me" said Sasuke who collapsed.

Naruto carried the Uchiha to Sakura. He told her he wasn't dead he's just exhausted. Sakura immediately began using the "Shōsen Jutsu" (Mystical Palm Technique) to treat his injuries. As the group were about to leave the bridge they were stopped by a small man appearing along with an army. Behind him were his band of bandits, goons, and various other low-lives. The man that had appeared was Gatō.

"Well look what we have here. Zabuza couldn't finish his job. Luckily I was going to cancel the contract anyway. Now it's time to finish the bridge builder" said Gatō as his goon army backing him up.

"Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" said Naruto.

A horde of 300 Naruto's appeared and surrounded Gatō and his goon. Gatō's army ran away like scared little children due to the sheer number of Naruto's clones. Naruto then walked up to the small man who was slowly backing away from him. Naruto had activated his Sharingan. His faced show clear anger and frustration towards Gatō.

"Get back stay away from me. I can give you what you want. Money, clothes, women, power, anything" said Gatō.

"Oh no I won't do that, but I will teach you a lesson that is to die for" said Naruto with a demonic smirk on his face.

Naruto grabs Gatō and lifts him into the air using one hand. He then summons a Kage Bunshin and gave him a blank scroll and pen. He told the clone to write down the information Gatō would reveal. Naruto uses his Sharingan to place a Genjutsu on Gatō making him reveal all his banking information and write when instructed too. Naruto once his clone had gather all of Gatō's banking information; he had him sign at the bottom of the scroll. This allowed Naruto to copy his writing style and signature. Once finished with Gatō Naruto threw him off the bridge into the sea.

Next Naruto hands his clone yet another blank scroll. Naruto then commands his clone to use the "Henge no Jutsu" (Transformation Technique) and change into Gatō. Once he was Gatō he would go to the bank and withdraw all his money and seal it into the blank scroll. Naruto's clone Henged into Gatō and set out to complete his mission. Team 7 and Tazuna returned to Tazuna's house. Once they arrived Naruto immediately head towards his training ground.

-At the training ground-

Haku was patiently waiting for Naruto to appear. Right on cue our blonde hero appeared in front of the girl.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" said Naruto.

"Its fine Naruto-sama" said Haku.

"Say Haku do you know where Gatō's base is" asked Naruto.

"Yes it is three miles east from this location" said Naruto.

Naruto then proceed to summon 50 Kage Bunshins. They were tasked with raiding his compound. They were to freeing any prisoners, loot any goods, and obtain Gatō's deed to Gatō Shipping. His clones set out to complete their assigned task. Naruto then turns to Haku to continue their conversation.

"So Haku, what was that ice dome I saw you use. I've never seen or read about any ice using clan" said Naruto.

"My full name is Haku Yuki. I'm the heiress to the Yuki Clan of Kirigakure. I'm the lone survivor of my clan. Our Kekkei Genkai is Hyōton (Ice Release). It is created by combining Suiton (Water) and Fūton (Wind) together. My mother had this ability before she died" said Haku.

"Her death I'm assuming was related to the Bloodline Purge going on in Kirigakure" said Naruto.

"Yes. When I discovered that I had the ability to control water. I showed my mother who got angry with me at first but later apologized. My father was secretly watching us and then got a mob of villagers in an attempt to kill us. He killed my mother then went towards me. I got scared and created several large ice spikes killing the mob and my father" said Haku who was sad rethinking the day.

Naruto remained silent through her whole story; Naruto then leans forwards and gives her hug.

"There there don't worry. That was the pass but now is the future. You're not alone because you have me" said Naruto.

Haku felt better knowing Naruto was there for her. Haku then decided to ask a question.

"So I can tell you're very skilled. More or less than your black haired teammate" said Haku.

"Yeah that's because I've been training as a ninja since 2 years old" said Naruto.

"That's interesting since most don't discover their chakra till later" said Haku.

"Well when you're the son of the Hokage who has various enemies in different villages. You tend to train earlier to defend yourself" said Naruto.

"So you're the son of Minato Namikaze" said Hake remembering his name from Zabuza's bingo book.

"Yes I am" said Naruto.

Haku faced was overcome with shock. "It's no wonder he was able to defeat Zabuza-sama easily with little effort. He is the son of a Kage" thought Haku.

"Haku you do have a sleeping bag right" asked Naruto.

"Yeah" replied Haku.

"Great follow me" said Naruto instructing Haku to follow him into his tent. Haku was surprised to find out that Naruto's tent was actually a wooden house. Seeing the confusion on her face, Naruto decided to tell her about his abilities.

"Alright Haku I'm about to explain why my tent is actually a wooden house and how it looks like a tent on the outside. This is an S-ranked secret and is punishable by death till I reveal my abilities" said Naruto.

"Ok I won't tell a soul" said Haku nodding for him to continue.

"One of my bloodlines is called Mokuton (Wood Release). It is created from combining Suiton and Doton (Earth) release together. Through use of Mokuton, I'm able to control nature by using my chakra. I'm also a master of Fūinjutsu so I'm able to create seals. On the outside of the tent is a Genjutsu Stabilizer Seal. It uses so chakra to create an illusion that so subtle to be detected" said Naruto.

Haku just nods understanding what Naruto had told her. Naruto leads her upstairs and showed her the room she was staying in. Haku thanked him and then began to get settled in. Naruto then walked out the room and onto the training field. Once on the field, Naruto meet up with his Group A clones whom from Gatō's hideout got the deed to Gatō Kanpanī (Gatō Company). They also took some valuables and sealed them into a scroll. Naruto smiled upon their success full mission and dispersed them.

Naruto's Henged clone of Gatō appeared and handed him a scroll of all of Gatō's money. Gatō's total value amount of money was at 1.5 million ryō. Naruto smiled at this bit of information before dispersing the clone. Naruto had been able to amass a vast amount of money. He was planning on amassing an even larger amount by completing more missions and making seals. Naruto being the owner of Gatō's company deed decided to change the company's name Kami no fenikkusuekusupuresu (Divine Phoenix Express).

Naruto would have the company's name changed once he returned to Konoha. Naruto enters into Tazuna's house who was celebrating the liberation of wave. He informed Naruto that by tomorrow after noon the bridge will be complete. Naruto took note of the information. He also noticed that Kakashi is well enough to walk on his own now. Naruto exits the house and returns to his tent. Naruto then begins to prepare dinner.

Once dinner is ready he walks up stairs and gets Haku to come down. They eat then Naruto changes clothes and goes to bed. Before bed Naruto writes his mission report and to hand into his father tomorrow. Haku after washing up then proceeds to sleep.

-The Next Morning-

Naruto wakes up and turns off his alarm. Naruto then heads towards Tazuna's house to take a shower. After his shower he gets dressed and then prepares breakfast. Naruto then summons afew Kage Bunshin to awaken Haku. The remaining clones are instructed to pack up. They immediately begin to reseal everything into their corresponding scrolls. Haku proceeds to come down stairs and eat breakfast. Afterwards, she heads off towards the shower in Tazuna's house. Naruto then stays packing up and preparing for leaving. Haku returns fully dressed and then begins to pack up her gear. Within a few minutes time, she cleared her room of all her stuff. Naruto then instructs her to stand outside and wait for him. Haku does what he asked and heads outside the tent. With all his gear ready to go and secure, Naruto exits the tent.

"Haku I want you to take a step back from the tent" said Naruto.

Haku did what Naruto asked and backed away from the tent. Naruto then went through a series of handseals for a jutsu.

"Katon: yamakaji no honooo (Fire Release: Wildfire Blaze)" said Naruto.

Naruto streams chakra through his right hand and touches the tent. From the chakra escaping through the pores in his hands, Naruto creates a small fire which quickly becomes a raging fire which engulfs the entire tent. Within seconds only ashes are left of the tent. The duo then head for Tazuna's House to which they see everyone finished breakfast. Tazuna heads off towards the almost completed bridge which Team 7 accompany him to. Naruto once on the bridge summons 150 Kage Bunshins. They immediately help Tazuna and the other works finish the bridge. Tazuna's prediction came true and the bridge was completed by 12: 00 PM.

"Thank you for everything" said Tazuna

"You're welcome" replied Team 7.

"So what are you going to name the bridge" asked Naruto.

"You're right I forgot about" said Tazuna

"How about the Naruto Ōhashi (Great Naruto Bridge)" said Tazuna

"Sounds great" said Naruto

The group left after the bridge was named. Sasuke was still slightly upset he was beaten and needed rescuing from Naruto. "I will surpass you dobe" thought Sasuke. After a relatively long walk the group reached Konoha's gates. They were allowed to pass Haku included thanks to Naruto. Naruto makes a Kage Bunshin and instructs him to go change the Gatō Kanpanī. Naruto immediately grabs Haku and warps to his father's office.

-The Hokage's Office-

Minato was behind his desk waiting for Team 7's return. It had been 2 weeks since their mission began, and he wanted to know their status. Suddenly he sees a yellow flash appear before him. It was Naruto and beside him an unknown person.

"Hello father we're back from our mission. The results were a success even due to minor difficulties. Everything about the mission is in my report" said Naruto.

"Ok but who is this with you. If I remember correctly you started with Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and yourself" asked Minato.

"This is Haku Yuki. We meet her during our mission. She didn't have a home so I decided she could come back to Konoha with us" said Naruto.

"And what made you decide to make such a decision" said Naruto.

"She for one is the sole survivor of her clan. That makes her an heiress and she possesses a unique Kekkei Genkai called Hyōton. It is created by merging Suiton and Fūton together" said Naruto.

Minato was impressed at Naruto's finding of Haku. He thought of her as an asset to the village. He was very proud of Naruto.

"Hey father can she live with us" asked Naruto.

"Yes she can" said Minato who then started to address Haku.

"So Haku, in order to become a Genin of this village you will have to attend academy courses or Naruto can teach you and give me reports on your status" said Minato.

"I would like for Naruto to teach me" said Haku.

"Ok it's decided then" said Minato.

"Two more things father, when are the Chūnin Exams and can you make Haku a member of Team 7" asked Naruto.
"They are in one month and yes she can be an additional member to Team 7" said Minato who was pulling out the paper work to edit Team 7's roaster.

Naruto then grabs Haku and warps to the Namikaze Estate. Once there at the Estate, Naruto shows Haku her room. She immediately started setting up her room. Once finished she then follows Naruto to continue a tour of the house. Naruto lastly takes here to the training ground.

-On the Training Ground-

Naruto had Haku stand in front of him for a few feet away.

"Ok Haku in order to pass the Genin Exam you must know the history of Konoha, Accuracy Test, Taijutsu, and Three Academy Jutsu" said Naruto.

"To make your training easier we will start with chakra control" said Naruto.

Naruto grabs a leaf from the tree above them. Naruto then applied the leaf to his forehead and streamed chakra to it. Within seconds, the leaf floated above Naruto's forehead into the air. Naruto then hands Haku the leaf to allow her to practice the Leaf Concentration Exercise. Half an hour later, Haku was able to elevate the leaf's height via chakra to 4 ft. (). It took an additional hour and a half for Haku to master the Leaf Concentration Exercise. Several more hours Naruto trained Haku in various other Chakra control exercises. These included Water Walking and Weapon Concentration.

After the chakra training, Naruto then decides to buy Haku some new gear. After a trip to the Nobori Rixyuu (Ascending Dragon), Haku had to await the pickup of her new armor. Upon leaving the Nobori Rixyuu, Naruto makes a Kage Bunshin to accomplish some tasks. The clone was tasked with depositing all of Gatō's money into his bank account. Naruto then gives them their required scrolls and they go off to complete the mission. After that they returned home and Naruto cooked dinner.

Naruto ate dinner changed into sleepwear and went to bed. Haku proceeded to do the same thing after Naruto.

-A week and a half later-

Naruto and Haku were on the Namikaze training ground training. After a week and a half, Haku had finally mastered basic chakra control. Naruto even had her do the Waterfall walking exercise. It took her about 2-2 ½ days to complete. However the result was great. Haku's reserves had grown to a Tokubetsu Jōnin. Naruto was now teaching Haku the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. Naruto tells Haku about gaining memories from the clone.

She is able to make 5 clones before feeling exhausted. Naruto had told her to instruct 2 of her clones to study Konoha's history. While another 2 Haku clones would practice the D-ranked scroll Naruto let her borrow. The last clone was then given money and told to buy books on forging weapons for Naruto. Haku relayed the commands to her clones how immediately started working on their assigned task. Naruto then put 8 2lb. weights on her body along with an x1 gravity seal.

Haku drops to the ground due to the amount of pressure weighing down on her body. Naruto then tells her to get use to the weight and try to walk again. Haku grunts through the task and pushes onward. After 35 minutes, Haku is able to stand and walk again. Naruto then makes her do 30 pushups, crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, and pull ups. After 15 minutes, Haku completed her workout. Haku's 5th clone returned and handed Naruto his books then dispersed. Haku noticed that her Group A clones finished studying Konoha History. Haku dispersed them to gain the knowledge. Naruto then made Haku do another set 30 exercises from earlier. After 25 minutes, Haku completed and was tired physically. She felt the sting of every muscle in her body. She then turned to see here Group B clones were done studying D-ranked jutsu.

"Your training for today is complete so you can go rest" said Naruto.

Haku simply gets up and walks towards her bed to gain some very hard-earned and much needed rest. Naruto then starts his own workout. He starts running laps around the training ground. After 25 and still no drag Naruto stops to adjust his seals. Naruto now had on 8 100lb. weights and x5 gravity seal. Naruto collapses immediately to the ground. He soon began working himself against the weight to try and walk again.

An hour later, Naruto was able to walk again. Naruto then summons 4 Kage Bunshin to prepare dinner while he finishes his workout. Naruto then does 150, 2 sets of 75 of all the exercises Haku did. After completion he was left panting heavily on the training ground. Naruto's clones come and inform him dinner's ready. He gets up and starts limping towards the table. They then go upstairs to acquire Haku for dinner. Haku comes downstairs to see Naruto at the table waiting for her.

She takes a seat and the two begin to eat dinner. After dinner Naruto then wash his plate off and sets it in the sink. Naruto then goes upstairs to take a hot shower to relax his sore muscles and then he goes to bed. Haku follows suit and does what Naruto does once she's done.

-1 Week Later-

Another week later, and Haku's training for Genin rank has neared an end. Haku has mastered all academy required techniques, weapon accuracy and Konoha's History. Naruto is now teaching her a useful Taijutsu style. It is designed for speed, flexibility, and stealth. Naruto let Haku name the Taijutsu since it's her style. She calls it the "Aisukuīn· FO ikari" (Wrath of the Ice Queen). Thanks to her knowledge of the Kage Bunshin, Haku had quickly grasped the flow of the style. Using her natural speed and agility combined with lethal accuracy, Haku is able to effectively kill or disable her opponent.

Naruto had taught her the last stances of the style today. Once she mastered it, he sent in his status report of Haku. Naruto then by Anbu was told to come to his father's office.

-In the Hokage's Office-

Naruto warped into the office and appeared in front of his father.

"You wanted to see me dad" said Naruto.

"Yes I've read your last report concerning Haku and approve of her becoming a Genin" said Minato who handed Naruto Haku's Hitai-ate.

Naruto simply thanks his father and leaves his office. Naruto then warps the Nobori Rixyuu and buys Haku and buys Haku an artic wolf mask. Naruto then warps back home onto the Namikaze Estate. Once inside the estate Naruto walks outside onto the training ground.

"Haku please come here for a moment" said Naruto.

"What is it Naruto-sensei" asked Haku.

"Well you've been training hard and I believed you were ready to become a Genin" said Naruto.

"My father also agreed and decided to give you this" said Naruto handing Haku her Hitai-ate.

"Wow…I don't know what to say. Thank you Naruto" said Haku.

"Well your welcome and thank him next time you see him. Also I got this for you" said Naruto handing Haku a wolf mask.

"Thank you again Naruto" said Haku.

"You're welcome" said Naruto.

Haku decided to tie her Hitai-ate around her left arm's bicep. Haku then decides to wear the mask at the start of the Chūnin Exams. It was to conceal her identity. Naruto decided to go back to his original training spot on Training Ground 34. Once there he decided to try and unlock the second stage of Sharingan. Naruto summoned some clones to attempt to use or create a Genjutsu that was capable of making him believe it. The clones decided to create a multiple layered Genjutsu. They immediate went to work on technique required to help Naruto achieve his goal. Naruto decided to create some barrier seals for his training ground. He immediately went to work while his clones created an effective Genjutsu. After an hour of collaborative thinking, Naruto's clones invented a Genjutsu. They called Naruto and immediately cast him into it.

-Within the Genjutsu-

Naruto's world was spinning. As a natural reflex now, Naruto activates his sharingan in an attempt to break the Genjutsu. Once broken the second portion activates creating a reality with actual scenarios. Naruto attempts to break this Genjutsu by using his sharingan. However it isn't broken so he attempts using chakra but that doesn't work. Little did he know that the chakra was used to increase the Genjutsu's power.

Naruto had fallen victim to scenes of everyone he cared about dying right before his vary eyes. He was helpless and could only watch as his father, Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and then Haku die. The fear created from the Genjutsu was jutsu what Naruto needed to accomplish his goal. His three-tomoe Sharingan morphed into Bio-hazard symbol like one. Naruto immediately with his new Sharingan broke his clones Genjutsu.

-Back on Training Ground 34-

Naruto dispersed his Genjutsu clone group and proceed to summon 300 shadow clones. Each group contained 100 clones with them. Group A clones were tasked with practicing Fūton chakra manipulation exercises. Naruto handed them scrolls and the immediately began their instructed task. Group B was to finish Naruto's Barrier seal and Barrier removal seal. They went to work where Naruto had left off. Group C clones were instructed to wait till Naruto returned. Naruto used the "Shunshin no Jutsu" (Body Flicker Technique) to reach the Naka no Jinja (Nakano Shrine) of the Uchiha Clan.

Once at the shrine, Naruto unsealed a blank scroll and walked to the stone monument. Naruto used his Mangekyō Sharingan to translate and copy the information about his Mangekyō Sharingan from the monument to the blank scroll. Naruto had learned that with his Mangekyō Sharingan he gained some new abilities. These included; "Amaterasu" (Heavenly Illumination)," Tsukuyomi" (Moon Reader) and" Susanoo" (Tempestuous God of Valour (Yūbu no Aragami)). Naruto then returned to Training Ground 34 and handed his Group C clones the scroll. Naruto instructed the clones to use their Mangekyō Sharingan and learn and master the techniques on the scroll. The clones immediately went to work on their assigned task.

Naruto decided to read his books on forging to learn how to create armor and weapons. He would latter ask Dan to teach him more on the subject. 3 hours later, Naruto's clones had completed their respective training task. Naruto dispersed the clones of each group one at a time to not overload his brain. He then proceeds to head home to prepare dinner. Once he arrived at home, his nose picked up the strong scent of food. Naruto's discovery was that it was Haku cooking in the kitchen.

"Hello Naruto, are you hungry. If so dinner is prepared" said Haku.

"I didn't know you were capable of cooking especially at this level. The food smells heavenly" said Naruto.

"Well yeah I can cook because I did it for Zabuza-sama and thanks for the compliment" said Haku.

"You're welcome" said Naruto who was seating at the dinner table devouring his dinner with gusto.

After the enjoyable meal, Naruto washes and turns in for the night. Naruto before slumber made plans on asking Dan to train him in the art of blacksmithing. Maybe if he became good enough he could even take over the Nobori Rixyuu.

A/N: Het guys sorry for the long wait. Had a ton of writer's block writing this chapter especially trying to figure out what additional training to put Naruto through. I'm trying to save some of the more interesting ideas for the Shippuden re-telling. As you can see, He is amassing himself a fortune through manipulation and calculation. This goes to show you that a hero can make decisions that people may not agree with.

Now it's time for the new skill guide featuring Haku.

Later- Kishingami20

-Techniques and Skills Guide-

(A) "Doragon no mugen no surasshu (Infinite Slashes of the Dragon) - A variant of the "Doragon no sen surasshu (Thousand Slashes of the Dragon)" covering a more widespread area than the original. It has the potential to defeat an army given the right conditions. Combined with the "Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Hiding in Mist Technique) makes this attack extremely lethal and devastating.

-Character Skill Guide-


Ninjutsu: 8.5

Taijutsu: 7.5

Kenjutsu: 9

Genjutsu: 7.5

Fūinjutsu: 10

Intelligence: 7.5

Strength: 8

Speed: 8.5

Handseals: 12

Total: 78.5


Ninjutsu: 3

Genjutsu: 2

Taijutsu: 4

Intelligence: 3.5

Speed: 5

Strength: 4

Handseals: 4



Ninjutsu: 1.5

Genjutsu: 2.5

Taijutsu: 4.5

Intelligence: 5

Iryō Ninjutsu: 4.5

Speed: 3

Strength: 3.5

Handseals: 4

Total: 28.5


Ninjutsu: 3.5

Genjutsu: 1

Taijutsu: 4.5

Intelligence: 4

Strength: 2.5

Speed: 4.5

Handseals: 4

Total: 24