"Be carful with that." A human said as his coworkers were moving the silo of nuclear waste onto a truck. "Don't touch any of that!"

"What do you think they'll do with it?" Kate asked Aaron as they both watched the humans.

"I don't know. But far from here."

"I'm just glad they're getting rid of what Sharon left."

"Yeah, me too." Aaron then looked at Kate with a smile. "You know what's funny?"


"We never spend that much time alone. There are always others with us." Kate thought for a second.

"You're right. That is weird."

"I think this will help us get to know each other."

"I don't see why that's bad. So, how are things with Hutch?"

"Oh, we just broke up. We're still friends though, but it's kind of weird. But I'm still putting myself out there. I'm not afraid to expose myself."

"Do you think before you talk?" She asked.

"No, I just whip it out there." Aaron smirked.

"Uh-huh. Well, I'm glad you're okay after all that and maybe…" She stopped and saw a brown, green eyed female wolf walking. "Oh, look. Maybe you can chat up a woman for a chance."

"Nice eye, Kate. Oh, I think I see someone that you might be interested in." He pointed to another female with a bow in her hair. Kate looked at him in a 'really?' face.

"That's a girl."

"Oh, my mistake… or is it?" Aaron smile smugly. Kate giggled.

"Let's just focus on your target." Aaron pretended to spray a freshener in his mouth and started to walk over. But Kate stopped him.

"I got this for you." She walked over to the wolf and started to talk to her. "Oh my God! That's lovely fur!" The female looked at her in annoyance.

"Okay, are you a lesbian? Because that wolf with the bow in her hair…"

"Oh, no! I'm with someone. But I think you might be happy with that sexy, Eastern pack wolf over there with the green eyes." She pointed to Aaron who waved at them.

"He does look like a good sacrifice." She muttered.

"What?" Kate asked.

"I said he looks good." She quickly replied.

"Okay, why don't you talk to him?"

"Sure, why not." She then walked over to him. All the while, she was mentally chuckling to herself. "This is easier than I thought."