Disclaimer: I do not own HP, Queen Rowling does...all hail the Queen.

"Just a little bit more come on!"

Talya Marie muttered to the laptop screen. The potion was finishing at an agonisingly slow rate. 'Well that's what happens when you choose the potion with the longest completion time!' she scolded herself.

Ahh Pottermore, the saviour of Potterheads once the end came. That and good old Starkid, which helped with the symptoms of PPD. Talya had been a fan of Harry Potter since the age of 9. When she was sitting in her Year 4 literacy class, and had spied the fourth book in the hands of a fellow classmate and asked, "What's this book about? Is Harry Potter a good author?"

She still chuckled at that memory. Now nearing the age of 21, she was still a fanatic and proud of it too. Posters of her fandom plastered her bedroom walls, and tattoos were inked on her body. Of course that was frowned upon initially, especially by her father.

Talya Marie Raina… brought up in a multicultural family. Her mother was English and her father was of Indian origin. She was always proud of her heritage and this certain 'mix' gave her some amazing features. Dark brown hair that shimmered red in the sun, hazel-green eyes and light caramel skin. She was tall, five foot seven, nearly the height of her dad, but was quite curvaceous (in certain areas) and had grown to accept her figure.

Right now it was nearing 3.30am and she was at her university library. The 24/7 service was perfect during exam periods, if of course you were going to revise. What started as a 10 minute break on Pottermore became an hour of wizard duelling and potion making. Oh what she would give to be in that world… where all this would be real, where she wouldn't need distractions from revision because the subject itself would be so enthralling. She believed it existed somewhere out there. It had to… right?

The caffeine in her system was slowly draining out, her eyes were beginning to droop, all thoughts not on her physics revision like it should have been but on the beautiful world that J.K. Rowling had created. And how badly she needed to be there, to escape this reality, if only for a little while. If only to meet her absolute favourite character – Sirius.

Her face landed on the keyboard, a smile on her lips as she drifted off to sleep. She didn't notice the bright light that was started to surround her… it engulfed her body and her possessions and pulled her through. In a flash she was gone.

"Uhhh", Talya groaned. She opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times due to the bright sunlight streaming through the room and saw what she was leaning on.

'Oh that's not good!' she thought, wiping her mouth, (and the drool she might have transferred to the keyboard, hoping for no liquid damage). She ran a hand through her face and felt the print the keyboard had left on her cheek.

'Great (!). I probably look like a freak, what if someone sees me. Hmmm it is a little quiet in here… how long was I sleeping?'

She turned her head to take a look around and let out a gasp of shock.

Where the hell was she?

Talya was still at a table, her laptop, phone and bag all around her, next to a window but had no idea what this room was. It was circular, large and very cosy. A fireplace was opposite what seemed to be the back of a portrait (the door?), and was surrounded by comfortable looking armchairs. Two sets of stairs could be seen leading upwards and a couple of bookshelves lined the wall next to the table she sat at. The colour of the room was predominantly… red.

No! Could it be? The Gryffindor common room? It certainly looked the part. Very similar to the set she had visited with her friends. The studio tour was truly amazing…she delved into memories of that truly unforgettable day.

'Talya Marie!Snap out of it!' she chastised herself. She glanced above the doorway and saw a red and gold flag… with a lion on it.

'Yup! Definitely in the lion's den! Hang on…am I even awake? This must be a dream, has to be.'

She glanced out the huge window and saw what appeared to be the grounds of a castle. She could even see a forest in the distance. Could this really be Hogwarts? Or was her imagination going into overdrive again.

'No! This is just a very good, seemingly realistic dream! No that pinch didn't hurt at all!'

It did though. And she swore quite loudly and rubbed her forearm that had gone very red.

"Excuse me! That language is not something I want to hear first thing in the morning!" a high pitched voice told her off.

Talya turned around and saw a girl. Standing at the bottom of the stairs with a uniform on and her hands on her hips. This girl looked to be 15 or 16, and was of medium height and had what would have been a kind face if it weren't for the scowl currently adorning it. Her eyes looked brown from this distance, but her hair…probably couldn't be missed for miles. It was brown and unruly and very bushy. This girl could only be one person…

"Hermione?" Talya blurted out.

AN: this is my first fanfic, I have had this idea for ages but never got around to it till now. It starts out all fun and games and then will get a little but serious (hint hint). It's a bit of a mix of everything. Please do continue to read through it… when I update that is. Grammar and spelling might not always be right – haven't done English since Year 11, trust me when I say that's a looong time ago. Please review and give me your opinions and ideas, always looking for a bit of guidance. Thank you! X

P.S. today 25.07.12 saw Rupert Grint at Middlesex uni with the Olympic torch… best 4 seconds ever!