Disclaimer: All the characters you recognize from the Stephanie Plum books belong to Janet Evanovich. The Inferna Angelus' on the other hand are solely mine as is the tiny terror tiger that rules them.

A/N: This is it. I'm sitting here at candle light with a steaming cup of hot cocoa next to me and can't believe it's really done. Silent Cry is complete!

My utmost thanks, my love and my admiration goes to Suzq515, my beta, my sister. Angelwing, you kept me going when I wanted to give up, dried my tears when I was frustrated and helped me through my anxieties. I may be the one with the ideas; but you polished them to perfection. This is as much your baby as it is mine. Ya da bestest and I love ya like shit!

I started to write this story May 17th 2012. Over a year I worked for your reading pleasure and just got little back in means of reviews. Thanks to those few who kept them coming. Anyway, I have a wish. A single little wish. This story has 100+ readers. If each one of you could leave a little review at the end - even if it is just a 'good job' or so - you'd make me very, very happy. Thank you so much...

Last not least my next story is already in the making. It will be the sequel to A Life Worth Living and will be a tart love story with Hal and Steph finding their HEA. I'm in need of a beta for this adventure and would be happy about a pm when you're interested. I'm a really nice dudette, right sista?

But enough. Now, be my guest for the final chapter of Like A Silent Cry In Dark Night. It was my pleasure and I bow to you as my audience.

Chapter 59 – Celebrations

Great Falls, Virginia, the early hours of the next morning, Esme's POV

I was forcibly ripped from a deep, tranquil sleep when a fist collided with my sternum. In a split second, I went from blissfully dreaming to full attack mode as another blow crashed into my abdomen and jerked me upright. My face caught the next strike before I could shield myself or counterattack. I could see Ángel's eyes were shut tight as punch after punched rained down upon me. His sheer force overwhelmed me and I did my best to thwart the onslaught by sending stabbing pains into him; but that only served to further push his rage. Unable to stop him, his hands clamped around my neck and I started to suffocate. I saw Bobby locked onto Ángel's back, holding his head in a choke-hold, trying to peel him off me; but to no avail. Ángel's strength was brutal and darkness started to close in on me. In a last ditch effort I pushed my thoughts into his mind, Baby, stop. It's me, Esme. I'm no danger; but it didn't seem to reach his mind. Helpless, I watched Bobby's frantic efforts to rip Ángel off me as I slowly drifted into peaceful nothingness.

When I came awake, Ángel was nowhere to be seen. Bobby sat next to me on the bed holding cool packs over my bruises and looking grim.

What happened? I cautiously tried to swallow and felt the swelling along my throat.

"I'm not sure," Bobby pressed his lips together. "I think he must have been dreaming because when he became aware of what he'd done, he yelped and scrambled backward off the bed. He was beside himself wailing in pain and staring at his hands. I sent him off to cool down while taking care of you."

Quickly I scanned the house not detecting him anywhere. Anxiously, I reached out over the grounds breathing a sigh of relief when I found him.

He's in the gym, punishing himself.

"Your brothers won't like this," Bobby made a face while he gently palpated my skin. "Your split lip looks like a billboard advertisement for a battered woman's hotline and the bruises on your face and around your neck are already starting to bloom. Luckily, there are no broken ribs."

I sat up and winced at the pain in my upper body. Maybe there wasn't anything broken; but from the feel of it I would definitely look like a checkerboard.

I'll deal with them, I pushed to Bobby, climbing into his lap and putting my forehead against his. How are you?

He knew I wasn't asking about his physical well-being.

"Two months ago I would have killed him; but now I'm worried. He never said anything about having nightmares. Did he mention it to you?"

I could just shake my head.

Let's go find him before he hurts himself. He needs to tell us what caused him to physically lash out in his sleep.

At three in the morning the otherwise chipper mansion was dark and silent. All its occupants still fast asleep in their beds. I felt my brothers' peaceful dreams as Bobby and I put on some clothes and shoes and quietly descended the stairs. The night frost caused the grass to crunch under our sneakers as we quickly made our way over the frozen grounds to the cottage that housed our gym. I could feel Bobby's hurt mirrored in me when we stepped into the cold, sparsely lit house. A lone, bare-footed figure, clad only in a pair of boxer briefs, stood angrily punching away on a bag. Ángel hadn't bothered wrapping his hands before beginning his assault causing his knuckles to smear blood across the white punching bag.

Ángel, you need to stop, I stepped behind the bag and held it firmly in place to offer him more resistance.

"Go away, Esme. I nearly killed you," his fists relentlessly pounded the sacked sand, each hit building force, becoming more brutal and deadly by the minute.


"I said GO AWAY," he roared, staggering backward a few steps. "Don't you see?" He shouted at me with a haunted look in his eyes. "Bobby was right all along, I'm a monster! I attacked and nearly killed you. Lock me back in that hospital, put me away. I hate me."

"That's bullshit," Bobby's voice remained soothing, calm and clear. "You had a nightmare, the same reality every soldier who's been in combat faces; Esme and I included. You were in a dream state, Ángel, unaware of your physical surroundings; but when you woke up and the shock of what you'd done registered, you immediately scrambled away. No monster would have reacted with such responsibility and you definitely don't need to be locked away. Ángel, we love you and want to help you. When something is off or overwhelming for you, talk it through with us so we can prepare ourselves and be there for you."

Ángel, look at me, I made a step toward him. I'm alright. No harm done.

"Fuck, I'm not blind, Esme. I can see the bruises all over your face. I nearly choked you to death. You were unconscious," he was no longer shouting; but pain and regret echoed in his voice.

True; but you didn't. You woke up in time. Whether it was Bobby's actions or my thoughts in your head, you realized it was a dream. You are no monster, Baby. You are human and we love you, good and bad. I stayed put where I was to give him the room he needed to get himself back under control.

"What happened, bro? What's haunting you?" Bobby stepped next to me.

Ángel closed his eyes and grimaced with undiluted pain.

Ángel, you're naked aside from those boxer briefs and must be cold. How about we go back to the house, get a fire going in the kitchen and make us some hot chocolate? I asked.

When we returned to the mansion, Bobby had gone about gathering clothes and medical supplies for Ángel ensuring our shivering, wounded man was appropriately nurtured. A half hour later, the blazing embers in the stove illuminated the kitchen and radiated a cozy warmth while a steaming pot of hot cocoa rested between us on the table. I normally resisted the urge to delve into the minds of my two lovers honoring their privacy; but at this moment the probing seemed essential, almost warranted. Oblivious of the anguish peppered throughout Angel's thoughts, I wish I'd been more vigilant as a deep pain seized my heart while I explored the suffering he'd locked away in the deepest recesses of his mind.

Talk to us, Baby. We are here to listen and support you, not to pass judgment. I squeezed his hands before wrapping mine back around my mug of hot cocoa. His aversion against anything touchy-feely had much improved over the last two months; but the fact remained, he required physical and emotional space to work through something in his mind.

Ángel clasped his hands with such force, his knuckles turned white. Bobby witnessed the action and I could feel the bitter taste of his worry saturating the air.

"I remember," Ángel finally forced through clenched teeth. "I fucking remember EVERYTHING."

"Everything about what?" Bobby prompted him gently.

Ángel grimaced with agony and his huge body shuttered. "My… our abduction, captivity and torture. All of it. I… we…," he took an unsteady breath and continued, "Rubén and I, we saw the scars on our body, we knew the records from the hospitals; but they were like shadows of the past, echoes of what we'd endured. We never consciously remembered anything as though several years were simply missing, like a black hole in our memory. Now, I remember every fucking gruesome detail, every single hit, cut, stab and lash of a whip. I remember how they burned us, how they pulled out our nails and teeth, how…," he took another quivering breath. "How they raped us. Back then, when our assignment started, Rubén had put himself into the background and let me take over and deal with the mission. When they came at me and chained me face first to the wall or over the table I tried to relax my body, to make it less painful; but…," and with a shaking that consumed his whole body, Bobby and I watched in shock as the frame of the most hardened man we knew sagged and he began to cry.

A quick glance at Bobby told me he felt helpless. He yearned to take Ángel in his arms and comfort him; but he feared doing so would be overwhelming and endanger the level of bonding they'd achieved. Pushing our mugs out of the way I climbed onto Ángel's lap and held him tight. The moment our bodies touched, he let loose and his heartbreaking sobs mixed with the crackling of the fire. Truth be told, I was just as lost as Bobby; but I did the one thing that came to mind. I rocked him just as Grief and Pain had rocked and comforted me when I was devastated or haunted by bad dreams. Ángel's tears soon subsided and I started to slide off his lap to give him room.

"Don't go, don't leave me alone," his arms tightened around me.

No Angel, never. We'll never leave you alone, Baby. You belong to us.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bobby's hand reaching up and soothingly rub Ángel's back. "She's right. You'll never be alone," he said quietly, gently running his hand through Ángel's hair. "I'm sorry that after all those years you've started to remember. I had truly hoped this fate would pass you by and you'd never have to face those demons. Ángel, I know Esme understands better about what's going on in you, more than I ever will; but I'm here for you. Let me be your rock the same as I am for Esme. Lean on me, too."

To our surprise Ángel lifted his head and allowed Bobby to gently wipe away the flood of tears streaking his face. Their eyes communicated an understanding far beyond either could speak in words. I sat unmoving while the two had their bonding moment. I loved to watch how from day to day they grew closer and trusted each other more. When they both looked away I once again tried to remove myself from Ángel's lap; but he held me close, who was I to deny him cuddles. His free hand reached out for our mugs and he carefully watched me and Bobby each taking a sip before lifting his own mug to his lips. He was back in control, the alpha male and pack leader we all knew and loved.

"When did these nightmares begin?" Bobby asked after a minute of comfortable silence.

"They started a week back," Ángel pressed his lips together and frowned. "At first, they were just quick blips. Then the blips became pictures, which then evolved into sequences. Tonight, all the pieces were suddenly there, every single detail like a never ending movie," he took a long cleansing breath. Ordinarily, talking wasn't his thing; but apparently he needed or wanted to tell us. "I don't want Rubén, Marco or Che to know or even have to confront such misery and horror. Rubén and Marco are too soft and Che… is Che. Over the last week I could control the memories and keep them to myself; but now I'm not sure. It's becoming increasingly difficult for me to keep them in the dark and I need to protect them from this."

Bobby placed his hand gently on the back of Ángel's neck and squeezed.

"Your intentions are honorable, Amigo; but for one, I'm not sure this will work and secondly, shouldering that responsibility will be a burden on your conscience. What do you say about calling Dr. Garvey later and talking to him? I may be thinking selfishly here; but we are just beginning to open up and gaining trust in each other. The constant self-control necessary to keep such a secret to yourself will directly effect the comfort we feel in making this relationship work."

He's right, Baby. We will support you in whatever decision you make; but talk to your doc first. Our relationship is developing so wonderfully. I don't want to risk a set-back. The other guys might be stronger than you think.

Ángel didn't look convinced; but he pressed a quick kiss on my lips and put his hand on Bobby's arm. The brief caress of his thumb was neither lost on me nor on Bobby, who smiled brightly.

How about we go back to bed. It's four thirty and we can't decide anything right now. Besides, I'd love some premium snuggle time with my two men, I pushed winking at them.

"No! Look what happened tonight. No way, I don't want to hurt you again," Ángel turned his head away from me, his body tensing.

Listen to me, I cupped his face and forced him to look at me. I. AM. NOT. AFRAID. OF. YOU. I understand, you were dreaming and I know you would never intentionally hurt me. After all that has happened tonight, I need to feel your body beside me. I need to know that everything is okay between us. Please Baby, I am not afraid of you. With that said, I leaned in holding his gaze and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

We cleaned up, made sure the fire in the stove was safe and were on our way to the stairs when I saw the library door ajar. A quick scan revealed Pain's troubled mind in the room.

Guys? Bobby and Ángel expectantly turned to me. Pain's in the library, I nodded toward the open door. Go ahead and lay down; I'll meet you soon, I first kissed Bobby and then repeated the tender kiss on Ángel's soft lips.

"You sure?" He hesitated. "When he sees you he'll get angry. I better come with you and take the heat I deserve."

No, I shook my head and stretched my arm up to cup his cheek. Please go with Bobby. I need to deal with this on my own.

I saw the doubt on Ángel's face; but Bobby firmly took his hand and tugged him toward the bedroom.

Pain? I stepped into the dimly lit room and looked over at the man in the recliner. What are you doing here this early in the morning?

"I could ask you the same question," he watched me warily before opening his arms and inviting me to sit on his lap.

I couldn't bring myself to step into his embrace. Something was off about him. I read his thoughts and instantly slammed down my inner walls. He'd seen Ángel rushing off through the night toward the gym and Bobby and I following him shortly after. He knew something must have happened. His eyes darkened and his frail body let out a menacing growl the moment he became aware of the split lip and bruises blooming on my face and throat.

"He did that to you." It wasn't necessary to specify whom he meant.

Yes. It was an accident; he had a horrible nightmare.

Thoughts were racing through Pain's head like fighter jets maneuvering across the skies. He fought to keep an open mind against his deepest fears coming to light. I'd always been the daughter he never had and his worry was spurred by his love for me; but I couldn't thwart the defensive emotions building inside me.

Don't go there, Pain. You wanted me to find love and now that I have you don't like my choice? My mind was calm; but my eyes mirrored all the hurt and anger I possessed. This isn't about your preferences. This is about my heart. Bobby, Rubén and Ángel all love me unconditionally as I do them. Marco and Che are our best friends. Yes, there are struggles and tiffs as in every healthy relationship; but they all treat me with a respect and tenderness seldom offered in this world. I. Love. Them. Each one of them. They are precious to me and nothing you say will change the way I feel.

We all had perfected our blank faces; but we agreed not to use them in our home. So in an instant I saw anger, then pain, frustration and lastly guilt flashing over Pain's face as he watched me standing in front of him, hands on my hips.

"Angel, I just worry about you. That," he pointed at my face, "is domestic violence. I can't stand by and ignore what is plainly on display."

Bullshit! I was beside myself. He had a nightmare. How often has your past caught up with you in your dreams and caused you to scream and lash out unaware? Don't even think about playing it down. I was there, Pain. Have you forgotten where your name comes from? Colombia, the kids blown up in front of your eyes and their body parts all strewn around you. Or Kosovo and the mass graves of men and boys all slaughtered because of their beliefs. The FUBAR'ed mission in Somalia where you lost all your men because of a traitor within your team. How about your captivity in Bolivia? Remember that night when your fist accidentally landed in my face as you were fighting off your demons?

We stared at each other, neither of us backing down. It was cruel of me to bring up his past, reviving his inner hell; but he had to understand. The moment I reminded him of the one time he hit me himself, the fight in him crumbled and he looked devastated.

I'm sorry, Pain. I love you. Since Grief's death you've been like a father to me. You wanted me to fly and to become independent from you all. I am now. I have three wonderful men in my life who lasso me the moon and lay the world at my feet. I am incredibly happy. Please share this happiness with me instead of doubting it. Can you do that for me? I had crouched in front of him and now climbed onto his lap. His arms closed around me and he pressed me tightly against his body.

"Of course I can. I'm just an old worn out man who worries about the only sister or rather daughter he's ever had. Forgive me."

We hugged each other close and enjoyed the moment of togetherness in the silence of the early morning hours. The bond between Pain and me had always been special. He and Rage were there when Grief found and rescued me. Rage killed my rapist and Pain carried me all the way into safety. I had missed him these past months more than words could say.

"How about some good news after this tension between us?" I heard Pain in my mind as he pressed a soft kiss on my cheek.

I'm always game for good news, I sat up and looked at him curiously.

His gaze was warm and deep as he let me look directly into his soul.

"You know that I listened to my doctors here and accepted my faith, ready to die. The thing is, I couldn't do it. I tried to relax and enjoy my remaining time; but I couldn't just simply give up. Two months ago I decided to fight my odds and try a chemo and radiation therapy at the Dana Faber Cancer Research Center in Boston, Massachusetts. They are the best in the US and the specialists there gave me new hope. I just finished the first round and the doctors were pleased with the results. The tumor partly shrank and therefore the pressure in my brain subsided. I have now at least two months convalescence time before the next round of treatment. The tumor won't go away; but as things look it can buy me a few more years."

I stared at him speechless, frozen at my perch on his lap.

"Don't cry Angel," Pain wiped at the tears that were streaming down my face. "It seems there's a happy future lying ahead for you and I will have a chance to share that with you. Maybe I'll even get the chance to become grandpa?" A small smile tugged at his lips.

I could no longer resist. With a thud I lounged myself against his chest and sobbed. Back, when he decided against any treatment, I supported him though I felt my heart breaking into thousand pieces. Now, I couldn't believe his words. This was the Pain I adored; the fierce warrior, never backing down no matter how hopeless the outlook. Squeezing him a last time, I sat back smiling and wiped the tears from my face.

You just stick around and you'll have the mansion full of kids to spoil like shit, I sniffed grinning. Bobby worries that I can't get pregnant because of the rapes in the past; but there'll definitely be kids. There are enough out there without parents or living in an abusive home that deserve a loving family.

"On that note…," Pain turned his head and looked at the grandfather clock in the corner. "It's nearing 0530. How about you go back to bed and get some sleep? We don't need to add black circles under your eyes to that already colorful face. Your first guests will arrive in a few hours and there's a huge party to celebrate tonight."

I nodded and got up from his lap. In the doorway I stopped and turned back to find him watching me.

I love you, Pain… so much.

"Right back at ya, Angel. Don't worry about the guys. I'll talk to them before you come back downstairs; Agony especially."

With a last smile at him, I nodded, turned and found my way upstairs. Bobby was fast asleep; but Ángel's eyes zeroed in on me the moment I stepped into the room.

Everything okay? He thought with worry written across his hard angled face.

Yeah, I'm fine and don't worry about Pain. We talked and cleared the air.

I shucked off my sneakers, pulled Rubén's huge hoody over my head and took off the sweats I was wearing. Clad only in panties and a t-shirt, I slowly stepped toward the side of the bed where Ángel was lying.

Ángel Rodríguez, I love you. I'd like to cuddle and fall asleep in your arms. Is that okay? I watched his face closely for any signs of resistance.

Bobby and he must have had a talk after I left them because Ángel willingly lifted the covers and let me crawl over his body. Once snuggled against his side, my upper leg resting between his, I started to draw small circles on his naked chest.

I love you, I pushed toward him and pressed a soft kiss between his pecs.

Instantly I felt a purr vibrating though his chest. We shared a few tender kisses, relishing the slow dance of our tongues; but sleep claimed us quickly and held us in his tight embrace until late in the morning.

Several hours later nearing lunch time, narrator's POV…

The '70s yellow Corvette Stingray slowly rolled to a halt in front of the mansion; it's glossy varnish glistening in the warm autumn sun. The resounding roar of the motor was any man's wet dream. One would expect some well-groomed playboy to unfold himself from behind the wheel ready to paint the town red; but the driver was far from upbeat.

Unhappy, Lester rested his head against the steering wheel tentatively taking some deep breaths. The incisions from the several surgeries to his abdomen still hurt when expanded. For the last two weeks he'd been back at Rangeman; but although he was management, part owner of the company and he called several of the men there his friends, he no longer felt comfortable or at home in the building. He wasn't sure what to do about his future. All he knew was that he couldn't continue living the way his life was now. He hoped to at least hunker down in Great Falls long enough to figure things out. Just as he lifted his head and opened his eyes, the front door sprung open and the IAs welled out of the house and toward him and his 'vette.

"Lester, man," Rage pulled him out of the front seat and into his arms. "So you are back to crawling, eh?"

Stepping away from his friend and throwing is arms up to flex his muscles, Lester shot him an incredulous look, "Crawling? Hells to the NO! Dude, I'm at the top of my game."

Rage grinned and gently poked at Les' stomach causing him to grimace and fold into the pain. "Yeah, sure, ol' man. 'Top of your game' my ass."

Rev and Agony were next to greet him, followed by V and Furor. The way he was welcomed and received by these men was balm on Lester's soul. Fuck the badass image. Maybe the aftermaths of the mission had made him kind of a pussy; but he longed to be part of a family with such a strong bond. To be part of a family that gave him a sense of security. Furor was just telling him how happy they were to have him with them, when the voice he knew best in the world sounded behind him.

"Aw shit, Dude. Come on ya gettin' a little too touchy-feely over there, don'tcha think?"

With a huge grin Lester turned toward Bobby, who tried to hold on to his blank face.

"Wanna get a taste of the new me, honeybell?" Les retorted, opening his arms and making kissy noises. The two of them stared at each other, their eyes sparkling and their bodies locked down in the effort not to leap for the other in joy.

"Oh geez. Come on, guys. Just get the smooching over with already. You're making me sick," V playfully whined exasperated.

Laughing, Lester and Bobby embraced with the tightest hug allowed between best friends. As happy as he was with Esme and Rubén and the rest of the guys, Bobby missed talking and hanging out with his best friend. After all, he couldn't very well talk about what's going on in his relationships with Esme's brothers. Nope, not a smart move.

"God, I'm so happy to see you," Les whispered into Bobby's ear, earning him a squeeze. "Me, too, bro. Me, too. Wait till Esme comes back. She and Ángel are out getting the meat and drinks for tonight."

For the next half hour the guys mingled around the open hood of Lester's Stingray before slowly filtering back into the mansion. There were news to catch up on and Rage and V were the worst gossipmongers of the group.

When Esme and Ángel returned home and saw the yellow Corvette, Ángel took a deep breath and parked their Navigator as close to the entrance as possible. The tension in him was acutely rising and he knew this day would be hell on him.

Hey, Esme took his hand and entwined their fingers. Play it by me one more time, she squeezed his hand. Humor me.

Ángel sighed and closed his eyes. "There is no danger. Period. Everybody coming today is a friend and not out to hurt you so I don't need to worry. Especially not about Lester; he's family. I will stick to Bobby like Velcro. Should things become too much for me, I'll let you two know and either go up to Furor's room to watch a DVD or retreat to the fourth floor for some music and reading. As soon as the guests arrive I'll divest my guns and my knives and I won't be allowed alone in the kitchen cuz there are lethal objects and you don't want me to make a mess of your friends," he grinned sardonically. "You and Bobby are always there for me; all I have to do is send you a text and you'll be at my side," he opened his eyes and looked over at the women who held his heart.

That's it, Baby, Esme smiled, cupped his cheek and loved how Ángel's eyes closed again, trusting her. Bobby and I are just a text away and no party in this world is more important than you and your well-being.

She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. Instantly his eyes reopened and locked onto her mouth. A soft growl could be heard as he pulled her over onto his lap and passionately ravished her mouth.


Yes Baby, Yours.

They climbed out of the car and together entered the house, following the noise toward the kitchen. Her brothers, Bobby and Lester sat around the huge table and were deeply immersed in a heated discussion about the pros and cons of the different Corvette models over the past 60 years. In the background Sean was working on the tons of salad they'd need for the party, scowling every now and then toward the men disturbing his peace. Nobody acknowledged them as they entered the room and Esme narrowed her eyes at the men. She gave Ángel a last peck on his lips before sneaking up behind Lester who was sitting on her chair at the head of the table. Without warning she clamped her hands down on his shoulders and squeezed tight, making him squeal like a girl. Bobby, Rage, V, Agony and Rev could barely breathe they laughed so hard.

"Damn, Beautiful," Les grinned good-heartedly as he rubbed his neck.

Lester, she smirked back at him

The hug they shared was tight and intimate and Esme felt Ángel clench his teeth; but he sat down next to Bobby and remained silent.

It's so good to have you here. I've missed you like crazy, Esme thought as she snuggled into Lester's embrace and felt the tension in her go. Just so you know, you aren't allowed to leave anytime soon.

Lester's heart jumped in his chest.

"That's good cuz I plan to stick around for a while," he smirked and blew a raspberry onto her cheek.

Brethren mine, Esme addressed her brothers with a smile never turning away from Lester's sparkling eyes. Would you be so kind and leave us alone. There's a Navigator to unload and a party to prepare. Bobby, Che, Les and I have business to discuss. Chop, chop off ya go.

"Daaaamn, just when it's getting interesting you send us away," Rage and V grumbled like whiny kids. "Hey man, when she starts buttering you up, and I'm betting she will," V clapped Les on his back, "stay strong. Don't sell yourself under worth."

"What's that about, Beautiful?" Les asked, curiously watching the guys

pushing and shoving each other as they made their way toward the exit.

Without answering Esme turned to Ángel and cupped his face. Can Che come out while I talk to Les about my business idea?

Ángel closed his eyes, concentrated and a minute later Che's cool and neutral aura filled the kitchen. Lester watched the process with fascination. After the diagnosis for his friend was determined, Les had read any information he could find about DID; but seeing an identity switch in person was something extraordinary. The whole demeanor altered. The eye color became a very dark brown, the hard angles of the face surely stayed the same; but the whole expression calmed, lost any aggression. Though theoretically the same body was sitting in front of him, Les could tell a different person materialized. Bobby had warned him about Ángel's aggression and Che's lack of emotion and he was determined to become friends with all four identities no matter how long it would take.

Lester, please meet Che. Che, this is Lester, Esme introduced them and the men nodded at each other.

Les, the reason I asked the guys to leave is because I want to run something by you and see what you think, she paused and watched him closely. Shit, she thought to herself, he could say no. Anxiety began to bubble up. Would he not become as hooked as she had anticipated? She pushed the worry to the back of her mind and began. I have a business idea and I want you to be my partner, she beamed, clapped her hands and positively bounced on her seat. She needed to convince him. Period.

Bobby's face lit up with a blinding smile watching his love so full of joy, especially after such a stressful night. He had a feeling Lester was at a turning point in his life and would seriously entertain Esme's proposition. How fantastic would it be to have his best friend working with his woman? In his happiness, Bobby grabbed Che's hand and gently squeezed, gaining him a raised eyebrow in return. Yep, definitely the wrong guy to share this emotional moment.

Alright, the fact is my team and I have terminated our commitment toward the Inferna Angelus Syndicate. The whole organization is highly unstable at the moment and with the deception that went down we can no longer trust the powers in control. Furor, Agony and Rev want to take an extended vacation then join in my, rather our, business endeavor. Rage and V fancy employment with Rangeman and since Bobby will not be returning, Trenton is short a medic. So, V would fit that position perfectly and should you decide to jump ship, Rage would be a worthy successor for your jokester and ladies' man reputation.

Lester nodded that he understood and motioned for Esme to continue.

Anyway, I have this idea in my mind that I can't shake. What do you think about a company that specializes in the protection, search, rescue and return of children and adolescents? I'm talking about an independent company, an LLC, that can decide whom they are contracting with: parents, police, welfare, charities, government or private contractors like Rangeman. No liabilities, all our decision and lots of charity work.

As for the employees, I'm not sure whether to insist upon a military background or rather open the positions to any with a law enforcement background. I do want mandatory academic studies. I'd like to work out a special yearlong program specific to our needs including aspects of child, trauma and criminal psychology as well as social pedagogy and forensic science. Then we'd need to see whether any of the residing universities are willing to cooperate with us. Next there's the subject of physical abilities which makes me think of former military. Either that or we'd also need to take care of a mandatory physical training including general fitness, MMA and shooting skills. Defensive driving is a must. Perhaps there'd be a chance for cooperating with Rangeman? After all you and Bobby are still partners.

I imagine splitting our employees in three groups. Those who do protection would need additional specialized bodyguard training involving children, those who are searching for missing children would need the least physical requirements and those who are going on search and rescue missions are the high profile specialists. I see us starting out with the protection work while we are studying since we presently can offer that service without additionally hiring personnel, especially where we're so close to DC, we could generate lots of work for government officials with families or even the private schools in the area. Then with time and increasing fame we could probably work together not just with private clients and police; but also with any alphabet soup organization for as long as our expertise regarding children and adolescents is required. What do you think?

Esme eagerly watched Lester, her eyes sparkling with fire and positively glowing with enthusiasm. Now that she'd actually put it all out there in words for him, she loved the idea even more. Yes, this was her future, not only helping to keep children safe; but finding and bringing the lost ones home. Across from her Lester couldn't believe his ears. Was she seriously asking his opinion and proposing an offer too perfect to be true? He liked both the idea of working with children and youngsters as well as giving back to the community by doing charity work and no longer wading through the bog of crime in Trenton was a huge bonus.

"Sounds as though you have it all planned out. Why do you want me as your partner?"

Because I love you, because I want you close, because I want to soar and do this outside of my family, because I never visited a school and need a smartie next to me and whether you believe it or not you are smart as hell, because I'm not sure what my future holds and whether I'll be available full time and this company will need a full time leader and lastly because you'd make an incredible front man and I think that Santorres, LLC has a great ring to it, Esme beamed at him.

Lester looked at her dumbstruck as he tried to process everything she had said. She offered him not just any job; but the leading position in THEIR start-up business. She trusted him unconditionally and thought he, Lester Santos, Playboy and Jokester, was knowledgeable enough to handle the massive responsibilities required for this undertaking. No longer would he be third in rank behind his cousin and Tank, fading into the shadows cast by their commanding presence. Esme and he would build this company together nurturing and developing her brainchild into a beneficial diamond. Best of all, he'd become part of the Torres family. All these thoughts had cruise missiles chasing through his stomach and his heart bumping at an erratic speed.

"Yes. Yes!" Les beamed as he jumped up and pulled Esme into his arms. "That sounds great, Beautiful. Amazing. I'd love to be your partner on this adventure! We'll build the greatest, most worthwhile company the philanthropic world has ever seen," he hugged her tight, lifting her a foot from the floor. The whole way from Trenton to Great Falls he agonized over how he'd broach the subject of staying at the mansion for a while just to clear his head and now this falls onto his lap. A once in a lifetime chance to prove himself and show the world that he was more than a jokester and bon vivant.

For the next two hours Esme, Les, Bobby and Che discussed business plans, the best approach for gathering clientele and other matters necessary to earn Santorres, LLC wings to fly. Furor, Agony and Rev joined them and were absolutely thrilled Lester accepted the offer. They were looking forward to this new challenge and the chance to hit the books again, joking about how they'd be the 'League of Elder Gentlemen' strolling the campus. Esme laughed at their banter; but internally she worried about how much her brothers had aged over the last seven months. There were some stray gray hairs plus the newly formed lines of strain and disillusion contouring their eyes, all signs of the cost they paid for what had gone down. Time to put an end to the whole nightmare and get the party started.

As though orchestrated, the bell at the front door chimed and the energetic minds of every Rangeman mission member, plus those who rescued them, took Esme on a ride of excitement. She would squeal in delight had her voice box worked. At the sound of the doorbell Ángel popped up growling sending Che away instantly. Making sure that he was fine and Bobby had an eye on him, Esme ran to the door and launched herself at a totally surprised Ram.

You are here. Finally. I missed you so much.

"Angel," Ram murmured on a shuddering breath, tugging her head in the crook of his neck as he lifted her up and her legs came around his waist. "I'm so happy to see you. It's been too long for comfort."

After she had saved his life, Ram had taken it upon himself to stay in close contact and adamantly learn ASL. She'd taken a bullet for him and nearly died as a result. In his book, she earned an inherent berth in his life and a piece of his heart. Hugging each other tightly they stood in the entrance while the rest of the guys and Rangemen greeted each other with manly hugs and claps on the back. Esme could see Bobby calmly talking to Ángel in the hallway of the kitchen; but a quick check told her the situation was under control. She had missed Ram and the rest of the men and once he let her down, she was swooped away into Cal's arms, followed by Woody and everybody else; it was a Merry Men-Go-Round of hugs and kisses.

When Esme was back in front of Ram, he held up his phone before signing to her, "that was Tank. He sends a giant Papa Bear hug to his Little Tigress and apologizes for not being here in person; but "someone had to run Rangeman". He also wants you to know Ranger is doing a little better every day; but there's a long road ahead for him. He's expressed to Tank that he hopes to one day meet with you and your men to come clean and perhaps mend the bridge."

Esme nodded her understanding and to be honest, she hadn't thought about Ranger in a while. Her life with Bobby, Rubén and Ángel plus the handling of the whole NISE affair simply had taken priority. She listened into herself and couldn't find regret; but for Bobby, Lester and Rubén she hoped there'd be conciliation in future. The happiness of her men and friend was all that counted in this case.

Half an hour later outside the mansion…

"Gentlemen," Furor hollered over the noise and immediately the talking stilled. The IAs had taken a V-formation on the steps to the entrance with Furor and Esme making the spearhead; while the Rangemen mingled on the ground. "It is Esme's and my utmost pleasure to welcome you at Great Falls mansion for the fucking best party of your life."

A thunderous rush of cheers and whoops made Esme and her brothers smile.

"These past months some dense, megalomaniac, polyester suits thought they could bring us down, thought they were smarter than us and those morons actually thought we wouldn't see through their less than impressive deception. Pathetic, little wanna-be men. WE," Furor hollered, "are the real thing. Testosterone-laden alpha males and one very lethal Terror Tigress who shit on suits and everything rounding them. We fucked them good and now the pussies are trying to scurry away like spiders, wrapping themselves in a cocoon of cowardly lies and taking their lives before the law can bring them down."

The Rangemen feverishly clapped their hands and several of them hollered their own opinions to the IAs on the stairs.

"Gentlemen," Furor held his hands up to calm the pack. "The price we had and still have to pay for the events of the past seven months is immense and none of us," he motioned to Rage, V, Agony and Rev, "are the same people we were before that shit went down; but we didn't just survive – WE WON (!) That my brothers and sister proves we are the fucking best in the world. Think back to where you came from, then look at where you are standing right now. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. We hope your families and friends are proud of you cuz you rock and we feel honored to have been given the chance to serve with you."

Each one of the IAs clapped and whooped down to the Rangemen.

"Today we want to wipe the slate clean and celebrate US and OUR lives for no other reason than we fucking deserve it. We have basketball, football and softball to offer and once it gets dark there'll be a huge bonfire with barbeque, salads and of course lots to drink. We welcome you as family, so relax, have fun and let's get this fucking party started!"

The applause and jubilation filling the air made Bobby and Ángel proud of their woman and everything she had achieved since March. The journey began seven months ago when she helped Muerte off his path of destruction and wound up taking his and Rubén's hearts by storm. For a short time he, Bobby and Esme were inseparable until one day their worlds shattered leaving Esme to pick up the shards of their lives and valiantly piece them back together. All this while she prepared a group of hardened mercenaries for a suicide mission. Her efforts were only minimally interrupted by a bullet and poisoning; but never once did she back down from the challenge. She helped Bobby through his struggles and sacrificed every free minute of her thoughts on Rubén and his future. She uncovered one of the biggest scandals in the United State's history and nearly gave her life saving a friend. As Bobby fantasized about a polyamorous relationship with himself, Esme and Rubén, she, with her tyrannized past, dismissed the awkwardness and assimilated to the idea as though it was the most natural form of a relationship. With every day that passed Bobby, Rubén and Ángel loved her more and they couldn't wait to start their shared future. Marriage wasn't possible thus the first step would be a name change. They would share the name Torres with their love and next there was the topic of children… many, many children. Bobby and Àngel watched another round of hugs and banter between the Rangemen, Esme and her brothers. Their hands unconsciously entwined and held tight. Yeah, this was the happy ending they had dreamed about and beginning tomorrow they'd start their future.


~ The End ~
