AN: Well the epilogue turned out to be as long as a chapter. But anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoyed the story, thank you for reading.


In the control room on Malcassairo, the Doctor and Martha lay on the hard floor. They had been there for four days. The Doctor had succeeded too well in locking the door against the Futurekind. The mechanism had jammed solid, and, even when the vicious cannibals had left, he and Martha had been trapped inside the room. There was no food or water.

The Doctor was in despair. He cursed the Master for stealing the TARDIS, and abandoning them to die. He knew that he could last for a quite a long time without sustenance, but Martha was another matter. She was fading fast, the lack of water taking a dreadful toll. Her lips were horribly cracked, and she was only semi conscious at best. Within a day she would be dead.

If only they could get out of this room! There was water in the complex, and possibly food as well. Getting to it would give them time to figure out a way to get off Malcassairo. The complex was full of scientific equipment that had been left behind when the humans headed for Utopia. With that, the Doctor was sure that he could eventually find a way to get them to a more civilised time and place.

The sonic screwdriver had failed to open the door, so the Doctor had resorted to more primitive methods. In desperation, he lifted the crowbar he had made from a table leg once again, and put all his strength into trying to force the door open. As he applied the maximum force, the crowbar slipped and hit him hard on the arm. He cried out in pain. The door stayed stubbornly closed.


An hour later, the sound of the TARDIS materialising filled the room. The Doctor stared in amazement as he saw it return. Leaping up he cried, "Yes! Thank you Master!"

The TARDIS door opened and the Master emerged. He was pointing a gun at the Doctor. "Back up," he ordered.

The Doctor did as he was told. His jaw dropped in shock as Jack followed the Master out of the TARDIS. Remembering, in excruciating detail, his last encounter with Jack, even though it had been decades in the past, the Doctor backed up as far as he could, fear in his eyes. "Jack!" The confusing aspects of their conversation in London suddenly fell into place. The Master was the one Jack had talked about. The Master was Jack's lover.

Jack looked him over coldly, taking in the Doctor's new appearance. He had not got a good look at the regenerated Doctor, after he had killed him in London. This Doctor was skinny, with a prominent jaw; not nearly as good looking as the previous one. And the bow tie was certainly an unusual fashion statement. He looked over to the Doctor's companion, who had not moved. His expression changed from cold contempt to compassion. He moved over to her and gently turned her over.

The Doctor started to move towards them, but was forced back by the Master's gun.

"She's dying," Jack told Koschei.

"OK, bring her in to the TARDIS," Koschei instructed.

"What are you going to do with her?" the Doctor cried in alarm, as Jack lifted Martha and carried her into the TARDIS.

"Save her life," the Master informed him. "Can you believe it?" he asked, gesturing to himself. "Me, part of the bleeding heart brigade. We're here to rescue a damsel in distress."

The Doctor looked unconvinced.

"Your ex-companion is a very bad influence," the Master continued. "Do you know that I haven't killed anyone since I met him twenty years ago."

The Doctor looked pointedly at the gun the Master was currently aiming at him.

"What, this?" the Master asked. "It's a stun gun. To make sure that you don't do anything; like try to steal the TARDIS back, and leave us stranded here."

"I don't trust you," declared the Doctor. "You are evil, and that will never change. And Jack would do anything to hurt me. And, if you are genuine, why did it take twenty years to get around to a rescue?"

"Oh, I'm not an angel," the Master agreed, "and neither is Jack. We have had a fun couple of decades since you saw him last. The TARDIS now has many new art exhibits; very rare and precious." He smiled as he remembered the fun they had had acquiring the items.

"But you're wrong about Jack. Yes, he wants to hurt you, and that will never change, but he wouldn't hurt someone else to do that. When he realised that I'd abandoned both of you at the end of the Universe, he got worried. For some reason he thought that you might be about to let another companion die. He insisted that we come back here to get her, and take her home. And, as for the twenty years; I never told him the details of how I acquired the TARDIS before that. We were busy," he added with a laugh.

At that moment, Jack emerged from the TARDIS. "I've put her in the medical bay, with an IV to get fluids into her," he told Koschei. "Time to go."

Jack's actions mollified the Doctor. He finally believed that Jack and the Master meant Martha no harm. Heartfelt relief flooded him. She would live. He wouldn't be responsible for yet another companion's death.

The Master gave Jack a smile. The Doctor was stunned at the look that passed between them. He knew the Master, intimately, and that look spoke volumes. Jack was not just a convenient shag, the Master actually loved him. And, judging by the way Jack had returned the look, he felt the same. He could remember a time when Jack had directed that look at him. Shame filled him. After what he did, he could hardly blame Jack for hating him now.

As the Master and Jack turned to go back into the TARDIS, the Doctor started to follow. He was brought up short as the Master raised the gun once more, saying, "Ah, ah. Not you."

Jack looked contemptuously at the Doctor. "Do you really think that I would rescue you, Doctor?" he said, voice dripping scorn. "You stay here."

"But you can't leave me here!" the Doctor protested. "I can't even get out of this room. I'll die here, permanently, if you leave me here."

Jack smirked. "You make that sound like a bad thing," he pointed out callously. "But, you and I have a few more appointments. I wouldn't want you to waste your deaths on this." He went back into the TARDIS, and came out a few minutes later with a vicious looking gun. He aimed at the door to the room, and pressed the trigger. The door vanished. "There you are," Jack said. "Now you can get out of the room. It's up to you to get yourself off Malcassairo."

"Jack," the Doctor called, as the Master and Jack turned to go back into the TARDIS. "I would have gone back for you. I would have, if our time lines hadn't crossed." After Jack showed him their daughter, and stabbed him, the Doctor had spent many hours analysing his intentions when he abandoned Jack. He had admitted to himself that, when Jack had gatecrashed the Christmas party, he had not had the slightest intention of ever going back. But that would have changed, he was sure. Once the trauma of regeneration, and the crisis had passed, and things had returned to normal, he would have reconsidered. Wouldn't he?

Jack gave him a look of utter hatred. "I don't believe you," he snarled. "Remember, we can see all the time lines. I don't cross your time line in many of them." With that, Jack strode to the TARDIS, fuming. The Master followed him, giving the Doctor a cheery wave. "Watch out for the Futurekind," he shouted, just before the TARDIS door closed behind him and dematerialisation began.


Martha was asleep when they checked on her. But it was a healthy sleep, rather than unconsciousness. It was likely that she would sleep for several hours. Jack set an alarm to alert them if she woke, and checked that the IV would last for a few hours. Then, he and Koschei retired to bed. Sleep was not immediately on their agenda, however. Even after twenty years together, their physical relationship was as dynamic as ever.

As they lay together afterwards, Koschei asked, "Any regrets?"

"What about?" Jack queried.

"Saving Martha, and not rescuing the Doctor," Koschei clarified.

"None at all," Jack responded, leaning in for a kiss. "Have you?"

"No. He's very resourceful. He'll get away from Malcassairo. I'm sure we'll cross paths again."

"I'm amazed that he couldn't get out of that room," Jack commented with a laugh. "It was stuffed full of equipment."

"Sometimes it's the trivial details that cause the problems," Koschei noted with amusement.

"Maybe in a century or so we can hunt him down again," Jack mused.

"And what shall we do in the meantime?" Koschei asked.

"Well, we'll take Martha home first. And after that the Universe is waiting. I'm sure we'll think of something," Jack replied with a delighted grin.
