"We find the Defendant Loborian Charlie Triton... Not guilty of all charges," The Foreman called smiling towards me.

I felt as if my whole world had stopped as everyone that had helped me cheered with joy, even winston was cheering.

"Lobo!" Lilly screamed as she ran and jumped into my arms kissing me again.

I heard a camera click catching me and Lilly's moment on film. We slowly walked out of the courthouse. I stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at all the reporters.

"Mr Triton! Mr Triton!" They all called trying to get me to answer questions.

I just kept walking with lilly by my side. Today was a day made good by a lot of things. The main thing being my kiss with lilly, our first kiss.

(^U^)Time Skip 4 days (^U^)

"So Kate talk to me... What happened with Humphrey?" I asked as me her and Lilly were sitting at the park.

"Well... after you got arrested Humphrey kinda became a bit of an ass. He started hanging out with garth and from what i've heard he was hanging out with him before the fight as well. I assume he helped Garth bait you into that fight. Hes dating Garths sister now...Amber Delroy" she sniffled.

I knew amber, she was the most ungettable girl in our entire school. 'so thats how garth got humphrey to switch sides...'

"Then Humphrey joined the football team and now hes...hes not humphrey anymore...they call him H-Dawg. Some stupid nickname garth gave him," Lilly finished for her sister.

"Thats bullshit..im gonna go beat some sense into him," I growled standing up.

"No lobo dont.. hes not worth it...besides the Humphrey i love is long gone... this one doesn't care what others think he does what he wants he even told the ENTIRE school some of my secrets... h-he uploaded a video of me that i made special for him to the internet and sent it to every student on campus," She cried burying her face in her knees.

"That son of a fucking bitch! im gonna kill him," I snarled, my anger reaching its peak just as i felt a soothing hand on my shoulder.

"I cant lose you again lobo, please...let me and kate deal with it.." Lilly pleaded.

"Alright fine..the punk is ya'lls," i sighed resting my head on top of hers.

"Oh yeah kate, can you believe its been three years?" Lilly questioned.

"no i cant, i kinda miss her we are did an announcement awhile back before me and Humphrey broke up talking about her," Kate retorted.

"Who? what? when? and why?" I asked curiosity overflowing.

"oh thats right you weren't here for her death...Sophia Jameson died three years ago," Lilly explained.

"Oh wow i knew her, she always hung out with one of my old buddies Cole Tyler, Wonder what hes up to now adays.." I pondered.

"Humphrey threatened him when me and him were still together, it was kinda funny...he also fought some students it made news." She chuckled "oh eyah when are you gonna admit to wanting to plow my sister? brian told me he heard you saying it in your sleep,"

"Guilty as charged but im not going to," I smirked.

"Aww really?" lilly whined placing a hand close to my cock.

"Lilly...dont you dare finish that move unless you want to do something right here," i warned, my control already on the verge.

"Well what if i wanted it Lo? what if im just as horny as you normally are? you think i couldn't tell? i knew as soon as we got to my house and you had to 'relieve' yourself it was to fix an erection that was blatantly obvious. So what do you say we take this elsewhere?" she said whispering those last words in my ear.

She was making all the right moves..showing all the right signs.. She was fucking horny as hell and she wanted me, and boy do i want her.

"Lilly, are you sure?" I whined softly trying to keep control of my libido.

"Yes lobo...Im ready for you..." she smiled softly.

"He-hem" Kate cleared her throat.

I chuckled a bit as Lilly blushed having forgotten her sister was right there.

"If you two plan on being active then you might wanna go someplace more private, and not our house lilly, Moms home." She stated.

"Definitely not your house...mine if you are serious?"" I smiled softly.

"Yes and i am completely serious..." She said.

"You two have fun, i uh...got some plans to take care of," Kate giggled walking away.

"Let me just make sure Brian and Anthony arent home.." I stated grabbing my phone and calling brians cell.

There was the telltale buzzing as the call rang then the click as it connected.

"This is brian, you're hot" Brian answered as he always did.

"Yo Bri you home?" I asked.

"Yeah me and anthony are playing some games on the...you son a bitch give me my tags motherfucker!" brian raged.

"Well i need you two to clear out and...light some candles in my room," i commanded.

"Lobo are you planning on fucking some slut because lilly ain't gonna give it up?" he growled.

"Hell no, Lilly is coming over and i want you two gone," I snarled, angered that they would think i'd cheat on lilly.

"Holy shit dude...you and lilly are gonna? theres noway in hell we are leaving! Ant Lobo is finally going to make a move on lilly!" Brian jeered.

"Thank god! i thought Lobo had become a eunuch!" Anthony said in the background.

"Get the fuck outa my house before i get home," I growled hanging up.

"What did they say?" She asked.

"Brians there but hes leaving with anthony, anthony called me a Eunuch, brian accused me of bringing a slut home because you wanted to save yourself, the usual," I chuckled.

"Wow those of little faith," she giggled.

"I gotta ask again are you sure lilly?" i whispered locking eyes with her.

"Ive never been more sure Lobo, everyday is a gift and...what if one of us doesn't make it to tomorrow? id rather be with you now then regret not being with you before one of us.." she explained her voice turning into a soft whisper.

"Lilly im not gonna die anytime soon alright? it would take more than a couple punks to take me out, and i wont let anyone hurt you. How about you go home for a bit, get something sexy and ill be back to pick you up alright? if you're still sure about giving it up then we will," I replied with a nuzzle.

"Alright Lobo," She smiled as she got up and walked towards my bike.

I got up and climbed onto the bike first. She hesitated for a second before setting her sweet ass in front of me purposely grinding against the bulge in my trousers causing a low groan to escape my maw.

"you alright?" she smirked knowing full well what she had done.

"Just fine.. lets go," I smiled driving off.

I could hear low moans escaping over the sound of the engine and i looked towards lilly to find her eyes shut and her teeth on her bottom lip. I chuckled slightly and pulled into her driveway a little while later.

"Ill be back in an hour alright lils?" I asked as the moon began to come out in full swing.

"Alright see ya then Lo," She replied kissing me.

I sped off eager to get home and prepare for her to come over, i had a lot to do...my room needed cleaning the kitchen needed cleaning...fuck the whole house needs cleaning. I arrived at home and began the tedious task of cleaning everything then lighting candles in my bedroom as well as setting up a stereo for some romantic music, i layed down some of those fake rose petals all over the bed. I looked towards the closet where my cases of howling moon lay unperturbed. I grabbed them and moved them to Anthony's room. dont need these anymore really, guess i gotta call dave and return that beer...Once everything was set and looking and smelling good i went to the garage and pulled out the camaro, this would be a safer option to ride with lilly. I drove off excited for tonight. I Floored the engine to try and make this light and right as i was under the light something rammed into the side of my car and forced me into a roll as the roof flattened against me trapping me inside the now upside down camaro. I laid there pinned and upside down. I tried to push the door open but it was against a railing and my seatbelt was stuck. The distinct smell of burning gas reached my nostrils. 'So this is it? pinned like a sardine...and burnt..' i looked out the front windshield and saw a red chevy leaving the scene. 'son of a bitch...'

Lilly POV

I was flipping through my drawers trying to find anything sexy but to no avail.

"How about this lils? Kate asked standing at my doorway with a sexy piece of lingerie.

"Sexy, ill gladly borrow it," I stated lightly taking it from her hands.

"Eve Speaking? yes? oh no...alright ill be right in," My mom said downstairs, "Girls i gotta go into work apparently one of the nurses is out sick and they need me,"

"Alright momma!" we both called.

"So you excited lilly?" Kate asked.

"Very, its my first time with a real guy other than the toys you bought me," I winked.

"remember..No glove no love," Kate giggled handing me a square object with foil and the indent of a ring on it.

I got dressed in the lingerie then throwing my skirt and shirt on over top of them. I walked outside to wait for him to show up, boy was his blood gonna boil when he sees me in this outfit. I waited for what felt like centuries for him to show up but..nothing. When i started to go inside i saw Lobo's bike finally pull up but the driver didn't look like him..

"Lilly!" the driver, who i now recognized as brian called.

"Brian? why are you driving his bike?" i asked slightly worried.

"Theres no time come on! theres been an accident..." he whimpered as i quickly got on the back of the bike with brian as he drove off.

We arrived at the hospital just as i saw my mom standing at the nurses station doing some paperwork.

"Momma!" I cried as i ran to her.

She looked up with a shocked face before running around the counter to hold me in her arms.

"lilly? sweetie? why are you here? whats wrong? are you hurt?" she asked examining every inch of my body with her eyes.

"N-No...i-is Lobo alright?" i whimpered.

"Lobo? he isnt here..."she started.

"Make a hole! Make a hole!" the paramedics cried as a doctor ran over, "20 year old grey furred male, lost alot of blood was not conscious upon arrival, hes still breathing but his heart rate is falling,"

"lobo!" i screamed as i saw him on the strecher with someone squeezing a bag into his mouth.

"Miss stay back! are you family?" The doctor asked.

"I-" I started.

"Im his brother and shes his fiance," brian lied, making my moms eyes widen then soften realizing what he was doing.

"Alright stay in the waiting room we will get back to you as soon as we can," the doctor said hauling Lobo off to surgery.

"please dont die lobo..." i whispered.

"Doctor ramirez im scrubbing in," My mother said.

"We will be glad to have your Nurse Jackson," the doc smiled.

Me and brian sat there for what felt like decades, Anthony and my sister joined after a little while. i felt like my whole world was falling apart, the possibility of losing him at the forefront of my mind.

"Its will be alright Lilly, Lobos a tough guy if anyone can survive this its him," Anthony said comfortingly.

After a while longer my mother came out with blood on her scrubs and removed her mouth mask.

"Lilly... hes...hes..."

A/N Dont you hate me? i keep doing these cliffhangers its as if im trying to get you to hate me :P sorry this ones kinda short its just a filler, the next chapter will be published next tuesday, im gonna start being consitent if i can